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Henry DeJong Multi-Genre Reflection For my multi-genre project I had a set audience.

My audience was Christians who believe in evolution or are not sure if they should believe in evolution. I chose this audience as my research pertains to Christianity, and I would like to convince people who are Christian to not believe in evolution. My purpose for these genres was to convince my target audience to chose to not believe in evolution. I used several main sources to fulfill my argument. I used multiple sources for my genres. The two sources I used most for my genre pieces included Dr. Brad Harrus online lecture, Can a Christian believe in Evolution? as well as the realtruth.orgs article, Can Christians Believe in Evolution. One quote I used to help shape my opinion and write my multi genre is found at 8:04 in the video, Can a Christian believe in Evolution. Dr. Brad Harrub states, [Paul] says since the creation of the world the invisible attributes of God have been clearly seen and perceivedThat tells me there had to be someone here doing the seeing and perceiving (Harrub). This quote tells us that evolution is not possible for a Christian to believe in even if they dismiss the Book of Genesis as a story. The article, Can Christians Believe in Evolution also states, There are many passages [in The New Testament] that directly reference Old Testament people and events- even the Creation event. (Schleifer). In Dr. Harrubs video Dr. Harrub points out and states friends the fact of the matter is there is only one day in Gods word where we read about almighty God taking time and stretching it out longer than you and I would call a 24 hour day. That day is the long day of Joshua...[the Bible states] there was never a day like that before or after. This quote formed my opinion that taking into account Gods word

it is impossible to assume that evolution can be accounted for in the Bible if time was only stretched out once in the bible. The time stretched out was also postcreation. For my genres I chose a to-do list and a series of flowcharts. I chose a to-do list as a genre because I thought it would reflect a persons decision-making process when it comes to deciding on believing in creationism or evolution. I believe I effectively communicated to my audiences through the genres because I used Aristotle appeals and presented my information in a fashion that I believe is easy to comprehend. The modes of communication I used most for my genres were linguistic mode, as well as spatial and visual mode. My to-do list as well as flowcharts relied on linguistic mode for communicating the main points; my to-do list solely relied on linguistic mode. The tone I tried to convey through the linguistic mode was informative and thoughtful for both for to-do list and flowchart. The flowchart particularly was supposed to be informative due to the format of the genre. I tried to make the to-do list thoughtful and thought provoking by asking the reader to do make choices and decisions as they read the to-do list. Some of the vocabulary I used in the to-do list was read, decide, and investigate. I think these words were the key verbs and points of the to-do list when it comes to my intention for the reader. The series of flowcharts used visual modes and spatial modes as the points were colorized and spaced purposely to organize the text. For example, I color-coded quotes as different colors to show whether or not they were from the book of genesis. For my second genre I chose a series of flowcharts. I chose this genre

because I thought it would be an effective way to organize the information regarding creationism and evolution. I believe that it can be confusing, and the flowchart displays the information in a way that is easy to navigate through. A personal to-list may exist as a persons personal to-list for evaluating whether they should believe in creationism or evolution. A flowchart could exist in a religious textbook or an online article regarding creationism. When creating my multi-genre project I believe I used all of Aristotles appeals. I used ethos as I referenced the bible in my genres. Nothing is more credible than words from the Bible for a Christian. I believe I also used pathos as I tried to persuade my audience by asking them if they should try to compromise their faith by believing in evolution. Finally, I used logos in my flowchart describing the different types of evolution and if they were proven or not. My multi-genre project contains kairos as there is an ongoing debate and shift in opinions regarding evolution for Christians. Many Christians opinions are becoming that of a belief in evolution. The scientific community currently has the consensus that the theory of evolution is correct, and therefore this is inspiring much doubt for Christians in regards to creationism. In the end I feel the genres would be successful with my audience. I feel I did a particularly good job with ethos and logos in my genres. I however think I could work on working on the emotional appeal of my genres more. I think as I develop my thinking and improve on the drafts I will be able to achieve this. I also believe I need to better incorporate and use sources in my genre pieces. I heavily rely on one

source, the video of the pastor on evolution for my pieces. While the video is an excellent source I wish to diversify my sources for information.

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