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Loyal to the Game: Chapter Summaries 1. The Hurricane Called Ash Ash finally becomes a pokemon trainer at 16.

She gets Pikachu as her starter, meets Team Rocket, gains a traveling partner named isty, and makes friends !ith "iovanni #!ho has a mock battle !ith her and becomes impressed. $n the meantime, she has to crossdress on the road, and pretend to be a guy in order to keep perverts a!ay and give her mother a peace of mind. 2. When Brock et Ash "iovanni gives Ash an %speon and an e&pensive suit. 'rock becomes smitten !ith Ash and travels !ith her, after his father comes back and says he(ll take over the gym and take care of the kids. Ash also receives a letter from "iovanni, reassuring her of her ne! poke)mon and that she needs to bond !ith %speon. Ash and %speon bond and share a mind link, allo!ing %speon to see into her trainer(s mind and conclude Ash is a !orthy trainer for her. !. Colonel Bastard Professor *ak and +elia talk about Ash, !orrying about her and if she(ll be alright on her o!n. They also think back to Ash(s father, and +elia(s hope that Ash !on(t make the same mistakes she did. ,eague operatives start collecting match recordings, starting !ith Pe!ter gym and befuddling -lint. Ash figures she !ants to program her pokede& to Roy ustang.s voice. She catches a Seviper, after it chases her and Pikachu do!n and %speon stops it /and !as an escaped poke)mon from Team Rocket0, and a ilotic that is released her !ay because of Team Rocket on orders from "iovanni, !ith some suspicion from everyone /but mostly isty0 about the oddness of the poke)mon from other regions popping up there. isty temporarily leaves the group due to her uneasiness of the ne&t city, of !here she lived and her sisters !ere, and Ash is left alone !ith 'rock, !ho is ecstatic about the development until ustang reminds him of its presence still there. "iovanni thinks of the help he(d managed to send Ash(s !ay, and !onders about the odd special treatment he gives her, almost admitting to caring about the strange girl. +eciding to not think on it anymore, he(d interrupted by his phone getting a message and revealing a picture of Ash and Pikachu as a selfie, brightening his day. ". Water in an #cean Ash ponders if it(s alright sending a message to "iovanni like that, but she !as happy that he(d given her his number, !hich !as a first for her. She(s reassured !hen he actually sends a picture message back. She bonds !ith her poke)mon !hile she gets ready for the 1erulean gym, !hile 'rock takes advtange of isty(s absence to spend close 2uality time !ith Ash. *nce in 1erulean, they head to the gym !here a performance is being held, and isty is revealed to not only be there but to be a sister of the gym leaders. Ash battles isty for the 1ascade 'adge, !inning but getting hurt. $. Whirl%ind o& 'lectricity isty is at Ash(s bedside in the hospital, in!ardly berating herself from failing to act to save Ash. -riction bet!een isty and 'rock !orsens, and Ash !akes up. Ash has reached 3ermillion 1ity to challenge the gym leader. 'ut he.s set up special stakes that has Ash spending time !ith him either !ay, after feeling challenged by isty(s silent threat against him for checking out Ash and because of the immediate attraction to!ards his challenger. After an ama4ing battle bet!een

Raichu and Pikachu, ,t. Surge still !ins !hen loses, because he gets to take Ash out to the city, and ends up spending the day !ith her any!ay. After offering her tickets to the St. Anne, it starts raining and ,t. Surge suggests they head to his house to avoid and spend time out of the rain, since the Poke)mon 1enter is too far a!ay. They drink coffee and hot chocolate at his place, and !atch 5ames 'ond. $n the meantime, ,t. Surge further becomes attracted and subtly makes the first move. 'y the time she(s asleep, he(s conflicted and confused, bringing her up to his room so she can sleep comfortably and he broods for a moment. (. The )nsinka*le Ship Ash !akes up in the morning and feels off about sleeping over a man(s house and in his bed, despite nothing happening. She still remembers her mom, and !onders if +elia !ould be upset. ,t. Surge retrieves her for breakfast, Raichu and Pikachu get along, and after!ards ,t. Surge hugs her and gives her his number, before they continue on to the Poke)center. Ash boards the supposedly ne! Titanic, St. Anne, and sends off selfies of herself to ,t. Surge and "iovanni. The group splits up and Ash runs into 5ames, !ho makes up an alias and 5ames gets to kno! Ash as 5ameson, and the t!o spend time together around the ship and goofing off. She meets back up !ith isty and 'rock, unfortunately, its fate is no different from the Titanic and it sinks. Team Rocket and Ash truly meet for the first time, but someho! isty and Ash are the only ones sunk !ith the ship. As everyone !orries, Ash panics and passes out. The %lite -our catch up on proceedings, only to find out the girl they 6ust started to get attached to is probably dead. "iovanni finds out and cries for once, !hile 'rock holds out hope and ,t. Surge gets drunk. 5ames is left alone by the others as he grieves. +. The Bi,,est -ish %speon comes to the rescue, coming out and teleporting them to some!here safe. They all !ash up on Aupuolco, and end up in the hospital once again. Ash !akes up first, and hesitantly calls up "iovanni, !ho is relieved she is alive and rushes over to her bedside. *nce there, "iovanni fusses over Ash and isty ends up commenting on their financial situation. 7ithout any money, they all decide to enter the 'eauty 1ontest, despite "iovanni offering his money to Ash, !ho feels that she should be earning her o!n money instead of relying on him. They rela&ed at the beach, but a mishap ends up !ith a destroyed boat and dock, and them !orking in a restaurant for a man named oe. $n the long run, "iovanni manages to get Ash to accept his money, after giving a check to oe to fi& everything and clear his debt, and telling him to accept Ash(s pri4e money as !ell. The 'eauty 1ontest starts and Ash is a total hit !ith everyone, and ends up !inning. The conflict !ith 'rutella is resolved anticlimactically, and the %lite -our start a fanclub about Ash. .. Land Bound and Water /o%n "ary *ak thinks about the talk he had !ith his grandpa before he left Pallet, and feels sorry about leaving Ash behind so 2uickly !hen he(d promised not to abandon her and travel !ith her. 'ut he kno!s ho! he feels and that, though co!ardly, it !ould be better for him to be a!ay from her. ean!hile, the group gets stuck in another mess !hen Tentacool start causing problems and 8astina tries to recruit them. Though everyone refuses, "iovanni sees a business opportunity. $n no time at all, !ith Ash(s help, he manages to convince Tentacruel to let him go ahead !ith the hotel pro6ect !ith concessions to the poke)mon. Professor *ak thinks about Ash

and ho! she(s doing, remembering !hen they met 9: years in the past and ho!(d they become friends then. 0. The Trills o& Thrills Then they(re off to Poke)mon ,and, !here Ash e&citedly gets on all the rides and sees the giant poke)mon, !hile "iovanni goes off to take care of some Team Rocket business. ,t. Surge is there and they reunite, going on the rollercoaster together. After, he tells her ho! sorry he is for giving her those tickets, and she says it(s not his fault and he remembers that he(d handed his gym over to one of his subordinates to come there and even come !ith her on her travels. The !hole group gets together at an outdoor restaurant, !here things are slightly tense and Ash is oblivious. The poke)mon have their o!n little stand and discuss !ho(s a better fit for Ash. All the !hile, the %lite -our are there and playing tourists as they take on disguises and subtly meet Ash. "iovanni makes preparations to have his organi4ation run smoothly, !hile he decides to travel !ith Ash. 11. Backtrack Backpackin, Professor *ak gets a desperate call from 'ill, and he tries to contact Ash. ,etting her kno! the situation, he has her teleport over to 'ill(s place, reuniting !ith an old friend. 'ill basically terrori4es "iovanni and ,t. Surge, and sho!s a meaner, overprotective side to him, concerning Ash. ;e lets them kno! about Ash(s father and Ash(s o!n issues, !arning them off. They don(t back do!n either, even if they !on(t admit to ho! they feel or !hat he(s accusing them of feeling. At the same time, an e&periment in Professor *ak(s lab causes an accident that reverts the Professor(s age back!ards and he(s no! <=. Panicking, he decides he needs help and goes to the Poke)mon Seminar for advice from an old colleague. 7hen that doesn(t !ork out, he calls Ash again and asks that she meet him there, !here he decides he needs to lie lo! and 6oins her group. Ash battles "iselle and teaches students there a thing or t!o. 11. Haunted emory +eciding to go to the point !here they !ould have been had they continued their 6ourney !ithout going back!ards, "iovanni has them flo!n to aiden(s Peak, !here a festival is going on. ;o!ever, as Ash is dressed up as a guy, "hastly chooses her and decides she must be the aiden(s ghost(s true love, especially after the aiden remarks ho! alike Ash is to her love. >idnapping Ash, !ho(s hypnoti4ed, it(s up to the others to save her before "hastly has her go 6oin the aiden in death. 12. Genius 2s. 3sychic They come to Saffron 1ity, !here Sabrina senses a po!erful Aura user. $ntrigued, she approaches Ash and helps her out !hen Team Rocket captures them. They head to the gym and come face to face !ith Sabrina, !ho !ishes for them to ?play@ !ith her. Ash.s brilliancy calms to a halt /yes, that.s the !ord0 !hen she goes up against Sabrina, and they become dolls and Ash is made a companionAhuman doll. 'eing saved by a mysterious man, Ash becomes absolutely terrified and she finally can.t !in. Ash keeps stalling the rematch until %speon convinces her to use it, and they began practicing having a mental bond. At the rematch, Ash and %speon try to match their bonds to Sabrina and >adabra(s, and actually !in. *nly Sabrina isn(t !illing to let go and tries to keep them there, only for Ash to overpo!er her telekinesis and reach her, accidentally forging a mental link. Sabrina finally relents and the t!o of them spend some time together before Ash gets ready to leave.

1!. asks and 3hantoms They(re all set to leave, !hen Ash catches !ind of a Team Rocket plot going on in Silph 1o. building. +ebating !ith herself, she decides to storm the building and try to help. "iovanni, having promised to meet them on the road, !as finishing up business at the Silph 1o. building, only to learn that Ash !as steadily moving through the building. ,t. Surge and the others cluelessly stay in the hotel, playing rummy !hile the t!o head to!ards an inevitable clash. +esperate, "iovanni decides on a last minute disguise, finding a mask and putting it on to hide his features. 'lessing !hoever that Ash !as an oblivious girl, and unobservant to!ards a lot of things, "iovanni manages to fool Ash and hesitantly decides to test her and they have a poke)mon battle. 1". The Sad Shade o& 3urple They travel to ,avender To!n, and find out about the infestation of ghosts. "iovanni, !ho.s looking for a Silph 1o. device that a Team Rocket grunt lost in the Poke)mon To!er, tentatively recruits Ash to help him find it. Ash receives a 8inetails as payment from him, as !ell as him promising to buy her a ton of poke)balls, though she !ouldn(t mind helping him 6ust because. Ash ends up going into the To!er to help "iovanni look for the device, !hen she falls into a coma. The ghosts !ant to keep her. 1$. 3oke4mon Banan5a Professor *ak reminds her she hasn(t caught poke)mon in a long !hile, and she goes on a mad spree, capturing poke)mon left and right. "iovanni in!ardly pouts and sulks, !ishing she !as a Team Rocket agent. ;e !ould have a higher success rate, though he did ackno!ledge that he had a pretty good business going on already, despite certain failures that kept costing him. 'ut if Ash 6oined himBThey take a break and eat some onigiri, !hen a Primeape comes up to them. Ash feeds the poke)mon an onigiri and s!eets him up into being captured. They finally make it to 1eladon 1ity and get to the Poke)center, !here they find a !eak and in6ured 1harmander they learned !as abandoned by its o!ner and became sick, and had to be transferred to 1eladon(s Poke)center. Ash helps to take care of him and he gro!s attached to her and !ants to stay !ith her. 1(. -lo%ery A&ter Taste Ash is allergic to perfumes. So ho! the hell is she going to battle %rikaC She freaks out !hen she finds out the gym is one huge death trap to her, and runs a!ay in a panic. She sulks around the city and ,t. Surge, "iovanni, and Professor *ak try to cheer her up, !hile 'rock and isty stick around the gym and try to find out !hat they can and if they can help Ash out. Ash runs into a diner !here a man is bemoaning his loss after losing so much at the "ame 1orner. ;e gives her his coin case and leaves, and since she(s thirsty she ends up drinking the rest of his drink, not reali4ing it !as sake). +runk and depressed, Ash heads to the "ame 1orner, finds some coins, and ,t. Surge and Professor *ak find her. "iovanni is again in the middle of Team Rocket business, and is incredulous to find that someho! Ash is once again fighting off his Rockets and heading his !ay. %&cept she(s drunk and not battling !ith poke)mon, and apparent kicking everyone(s ass the regular !ay. After!ards, they and "iovanni head back to the hotel and take care of the drunk Ash, trying to sober her up and make her feel better. %rika finds out about her allergies and airs out the gym, and has her led to a clean room for her to battle Ash in. Team

Rocket makes a mess of things again and a fire is started, and Ash saves %rika and her "loom. 7hen that(s all over, Ash finds herself back at the "ame 1orner, and "iovanni retrieves her this time, unnerved, upset, and uncomfortable at ho! dra!n she is to the gambling games and starting to feel guilty. 1+. rreo%6 /ou*le # Ash They hang around some more in 1eladon 1ity, !here they find out children are going missing. Ash decides she !ants to help and starts to look for clues, and manages to figure something out before she ends up becoming a victim and starts to imitate a Persian. That leaves the others to figure out !hat she did, and try to get her back to normal. isty decides to play a prank on the guys, and puts kitty ears and a tail on Ash /remarkably like Persian(s ears0 and teases them about her, especially "iovanni. ore so !hen his o!n Persian actually 6oins in on the teasing, and he gets easily embarrassed about the 6eers of petting Ash like he pets his Persian all the time. 1.. Salon Care 'rock herds them to!ards a nondescript poke)mon salon in 1eladon 1ity, e&plaining it has the best poke)mon breeder in the !orld there and he !ants to learn from her. The others agree and are treated to Susie, !hom Ash also kno!s from the poke)mon !orld ne!s. Ash agrees to help by being a model in a tutorial, !hile isty decides to go off to try that Salon Ro2ue)t they passed by earlier /and !hich "iovanni e&asperatedly suspects is 5essie, 5ames, and eo!th(s latest plot0. 7hile Susie sets up and teaches 'rock some things, !hich 'rock promises to pass on to Ash, Ash and the others head out and "iovanni offers to treat her to a human salon pampering. %&cited, Ash agrees and they all go !ith her, !ith ,t. Surge agreeing to highlight his hair !ith her, and "iovanni passing on that but not !anting to be one upped by the other man, agrees to getting a manicure and pedicure !ith her. Salon Ro2ue)t is eventually found out, defeated, and run out !ith people asking for their money. Ash surprisingly comes to their defense. "iovanni gets an idea and asks her to start a fashion trend that he could fund. 10. Street -i,hters They run across a ;itmonchan that Pikachu gets into a fight !ith. Persian cheers it on, !hile Raichu frets. Ash is all gungho about it until, and Pikachu is actually !inning until ;itmochan(s o!ner comes. ;e tells her she should enter the "rand Pri&, and she gets e&cited and decides to enter in Primeape. 7hile training, one of the others ask Ash ho! she kno!s so much about fighting /especially having gone all 7inter Soldier on those Rocket members that one time0. Ash reveals that she kno!s street fighting, making everyone face fault. +eciding she needs to learn more fighting, she starts marathoning bo&ing and D-1 matches, and starts to teach Primeape. 21. uck 7t )p They enter "ringy 1ity, and Ash feels ill alongside Pikachu. The guys hover over her, !hile Raichu does the same for Pikachu !ith Persian helping. They rush to the Poke)center, !here 8urse 5oy tiredly gets Ash set up !hile declaring Pikachu probably has a cold. ,t. Surge vehemently denies that, kno!ing that Pikachu probably had too much electricity built up. The po!er in the building runs out then, and they reali4e there(s a po!er failure in the po!er plant. Ash !ants to help, but is too sick. $t(s decided that "iovanni and Professor *ak !ill stay behind, !hile isty, 'rock follo! ,t. Surge(s lead to fi& the problem. Pikachu comes !ith the group,

since ,t. Surge suggest it(ll help if Pikachu tried to dispense the electricity he(s built up in his body. 21. /i, 8oursel& 7nto a Hole "ary is back into the picture as the group reaches a construction site that is having problems. 'et!een the "ary annoyance and the +iglett problem, they have their hands full trying to fi& things. "ary acts like a prick and pisses off "iovanni even more than he had the first time the t!o met. Professor *ak has a talk !ith "ary, and the t!o end up hashing it out and getting into an argument. "ary storms out of there, after the poke)mon seem to refuse to fight the +iglett. ;e completely ignores Ash, hurting her feelings. After they figure out !hat the problem is, Ash gives "iovanni the idea to use +iglett to do landscaping and earn legal profit. 22. The 9in:a Code They find a mansion that they later learn is the -uschia gym. Ash someho! splits off from the others and ends up meeting >oga, and he decides he.ll teach her some nin6a arts. >oga then chases after Ash through the dangerous gym, and Ash manages to fall through a trap and sprain her ankle. $t takes hours to find her, by !hich the others are brought a!are and start panicking. ,t. Surge and "iovanni, fello! gym leaders, start berating >oga and then end up 6ust harassing him. Professor *ak, mean!hile, has been going around and looking for her, surprisingly nimble enough and able to avoid the traps. ;e finds her and helps her out, and >oga vehemently apologi4es !hile she gets her ankle bandaged. Ash, ho!ever, ends up deciding it !ouldn(t be too bad to learn ho! to be a nin6a, and !hile her ankle heals up, learns !hat she can outside of moving around. And then she ends up battling him for realB!hile having a nin6a battle. 2!. -ast and -urious They hear about the race over at the 'ig P ranch and head over, and Ash starts s2uealing over all the poke)mon. They run into a "ro!lithe, and they soon meet ,aura, !ho invites them over to the ranch for dinner and then clues them into the race. 2". ini;Tar5ans

2$. The Le,endary /ra,ons Ash learns about the dragon species and legendary dragons. After e&ploring the Safari Eone, Ash saves +ragonair, !ho kno!s ,ance. 2(. 8ankii Ash meets the 'iker "ang and learns Team Rocket used to be a part of them. She.s not impressed and reveals being in a gang once, a real gang. And she.s ridden a motorcycle, not a bike. 2+. Copy Cats 2.. 'rror 'rror 'rror

20. Santa<s Comin, to To%n !1. -ro5en !1. Hello= Good*ye !2. '2olution >e2olution

!!. ?ameson Pikachu eats an apple that gets stuck in his throat. At a hospital, a doctor saves him. The Poke 1enter is too filled, so isty and 'rock !ork to transport Pokemon !hile the doctor and Ash take care of them.The doctor takes a liking to Ash, and decides to help her out !hen she finds out 5ames is engaged to 5essiebell, by being her escort to the celebratory ball. !". A -airytale /ay After settling !ho gets to keep Togepi, !ho.s attached to Ash even though he belongs to isty, it.s Princess -estival +ay. After en6oying shopping sales and discounts, a mean girl comments Ash !ould look horrible in the Fueen of the Princess contest. Angering isty and 5essie, the t!o team up and force Ash into the competition. !$. 3apara55i Cra5ed Todd, a photographer, meets Ash. ;e alternates bet!een taking pictures of Ash and Pikachu. 'rock doesn.t like him and is 6ealous. Ash also tries to take the Pokemon ,eague admissions e&am. She 2ualifies, but she never got the results, seeing as it !as .lost.. $nstead, it !as accidentally taken to the Pokemon ,eague. !(. Lo2esick Butch 8eo Team Rocket 'utch and 1assidy set a 'reeding 1enter up. 'utch glimpses Ash and falls in love, only he thinks Ash is a guy. After Ash uncovers the set up, 'utch finds out Ash is a girl. !+. -ired )p 1innabar $sland.s turned into a resort and Ash helps out an old man. ;e offers her free boarding at his inn for help and she finds out they are staying !ith 'laine. !.. -lop Like a -ish As they head back to 3iridian, Ash gets roped into being the lead for the Dnder!ater 'allet. isty has to teach her ho! to s!im first. !0. 9ot 8et "iovanni is unable to make it back to his gym to fight Ash after having dealt !ith the accident and leaving e!t!o behind. -inding out Ash is visiting in Pallet To!n, he goes there. ;e

decides to stay !ith Ash and invites her to his private beach house at Sea -oam $slands, !here half of Pallet To!n is vacationing. "1. Bruno 'runo finally meets Ash and agrees to train her in e&change for her help in catching a grand *ni& rampaging through the area. Ash is temporarily assigned to be a bodyguard to Agatha. "1. Stars are Shinin, Ash is allo!ed to run the torch, but later has to stop it from being stolen. Ash.s badges get stolen and Ash can.t continue on. Ash meets the 1hampion ,ance, unkno!ingly, and he suggests he.d travel !ith her through *range and 5ohto until the ne&t Pokemon ,eague tournament.

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