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Advanced Destroyer Simulator

1991 US Gold

A.D.S. is the first naval simulator using new techniques of animation in filled 3D. The game portrays the main naval engagements of World War II during which the Destroyers of the Royal Navy played a major part. The different missions you will have to carry out will take place in: 1 - The Mediterranean; from the English base at Malta, located in a zone occupied by the enemy (Italians to the north, Germans to the south). 2 - The English Channel; from the English bases, you will help evacuate Allied forces gathered in Dunkirk. 3 - The North Sea; your mission is to sink the enemy vessels which are hiding in the Norwegian Fjords. You will be in overall control - you will have to manoeuvre to perfection to avoid being sunk, take control of attacking the enemy and defending against them when the situation calls for it. There are 18 available missions preset with a date/time and a precise target; and there are DELTA missions, in which you are the one to choose your target in an environment and date which differs each time. The admiralty and Admiral Walkirie are always on your side to report any ship spotted by the R.A.F. You can alter the level of realism of the simulation, so younger players can have as much fun. But we advise older players not to change the preset parameters so they can get more from the simulation. DESTROYER + |' | -{]\---------------/ \ o o o o o o / -----------Category Launched Type Displacement Length Breadth Draught Propulsion Speed Armament : : : : : : : : : : H.M.S. Onslaught 1939 DD 231 2200 Tons, 3200 Tons loaded 110m 12m 4.80m 2 Propellers, Gear Turbines 60,000 HP 35 Knots 3 Turrets each with 2 120mm cannons 2 Torbedo Tubes, with 4 tubes each.

The DD-231 was one of the first Torpedo-Tube Destroyers of World War II, and 176 ships were built to the same pattern. Easy to recognise by the shape of it's funnel, it participated in battles in the North Sea, in the English Channel and in the Mediterranean. THE COMMAND POST From this view you should be able to see the wide open spaces of the ocean. From left to right on the control panel the features are as follows... -----------------------------------------------------------------------I I I I I I I ^ The blue seas ^ I ^ The blue seas ^ I I I I I I I I I I ------------------------------------------------------------------------Radar fuel & speed compass depth gauge (Green circle) (white circles) Transmitter (Big Speaker) RADAR & SONAR O indicators O [-S---E-] === =-= =-= =-= =-= =-=

THE RADIO The radio allows you to receive information from: The admiralty (H.Q.) located in Malta for the Mediterranean and by the Thames

for the English Channel and the North Sea. The engine room, about possible damage. The look-out man, to get information about ships spotted THE BINOCULARS Doubles your range of vision. DAMAGE Your destroyer can suffer damage during a battle. This damage can affect:RADAR screen. SONAR PUMPS CANNONS if you will no longer be able to spot ships on the radar you will no longer be able to spot submarines on the sonar screen. you lose the ability to pump water out of the ship; could lead to the destruction of the ship if a leak occurs at the same time. one or more turrets are no longer operational. Be careful,

the cannons overheat, the turret will explode. RADIO radio messages become broken and garbled. TORPEDO TUBES - one or more tubes are no longer operational. You'll have to wait until you dock at base to have them repaired. RUDDER you lose all steering. Most of the time the crew members can repair this type of damage. ENGINE the ship is without power; a sitting duck until repairs are carried out. NB: All repairs are carried out automatically by the crew members, you do not have to intervene. CANNON FIRE Your destroyer is equipped with 3 turrets, two forward, one aft. Each turret has two 120mm cannons. These turrets can rotate 270 degrees and fire 2 shells simultaneously. 300 shells are in stock. In every turret there is a temperature indicator - do not overheat the cannons or they will explode. TORPEDO FIRE Your destroyer is also equipped with 2 torpedo stations (4 tubes each), one on the port side and one on the starboard side. The tubes can rotate 90 degrees, and each time they fire, 4 torpedoes are launched. 80 torpedoes are in stock. Torpedoes have an impact far more powerful than the cannon shells. One or two torpedoes in the right spot can destroy a ship when otherwise 10 or 20 shells would be required for the same result. ATTACK STRATEGY The tactics you should use to attack an enemy vessel depend on the category of the ship. For example, a FREIGHTER is somewhat easier to sink than a CRUISER, for the simple reason that it cannot shoot back, and therefore you can attack it with much more directness, getting closer and sailing slower. To sink an enemy vessel you must bear in mind differences like speed: 15-20 Knots for a freighter or a tanker 30-35 Knots for a destroyer 32-37 Knots for a cruiser You can carry out a frontal attack on an unarmed Freighter or Tanker and sink it with some successful cannon fire. With a Destroyer or a Cruiser it's better to start by launching a torpedo either to port or starboard and by keeping a course parallel with the enemy ship at a similar speed. Keep your distance the enemy have guns too and are not afraid to use them, and the closer you get, the more accurate they are. Two or three torpedos may be enough to sink a Destroyer whereas you may need four or five to sink a Cruiser. A torpedo launched at the right spot can break the rudder of a ship, or even stop it. Then you can sink it with cannon fire. To rapidly sink an enemy ship you should maintain non-stop firing to keep the enemy crew from repairing any damage you may have caused. But in any case, observe one rule if you want to hit the enemy during your attacks - try to avoid being spotted.

To locate a submarine, use the sonar. It is easiest to hit it with a torpedo when it surfaces to renew its oxygen levels. CONTROL GUIDE At all times: joystick in port #1 or Cursor keys and Space. Left/right for steering. Up/Down for speed. Fire (space) to fire weapons. Command Post Binoculars Cannons Keys 1, 2 and 3 (main keyboard) to change the turret. Numeric pad 4 and 6 to train the turrets. Numeric pad 2 and 8 to elevate/depress the cannons. Space bar or joystick Fire to fire cannons. Torpedo tubes (port side) 2 (main keyboard) for starboard side Numeric pad 4 and 6 to train the tubes. Damage and ammunition/fuel indicators (lit bright red means that station is damaged) Map Z or F7 to zoom in the map. Cursor keys or joystick to move the map. Space bar in zoom mode centres the map on your ship. Esc to exit the map display. Accelerated time Only available in map mode and when more than 1 mile from coast and any other ships. F10 or P R S Pause Selects Radar Selects Sonar

F1 F2 F3 or C

F4 or T

F5 or D F6

F8 the

ENEMY SHIPPING CHARACTERISTICS. TYPE Tanker DESCRIPTION Looks like a tanker Long flat forward decks. Very similar to Tanker but Bridge is set nearer to the mid-ships then flat deck Has 2 funnels and 4 gun turrets. SPECIFICATIONS Max speed :N/A Cruise speed :18 Knots Armament :N/A Max speed Cruise speed Armament Max speed Cruise speed Armament Protection deck & hull,resistant to shell impact. German Torpedo Boat 150 mm each, & 80 torp. tubes on deck. British Destroyer Single funnel, set mid-ships 3 gun turrets, 2 to front and 1 to the rear of vessel. of 120mm each. Italian Destroyer single funnel, with bridge in front, 3 gun turrets, 2 to rear, 1 to front. Max speed Cruise speed Armament :35 Knots :28 Knots :6 cannons 120mm each. Max speed Cruise speed Armament :34 Knots :27 Knots :6 Cannons Single funnel,has guns set to rear of vessel. Max speed Cruise speed Armament :38 Knots :28 Knots :4 cannons :N/A :18 Knots :N/A :N/A :32 Knots :8 cannons 200mm each. :armoured

Freighter Cruiser of

German Destroyer of

Twin funnels set midships, Max speed 2 gun turrets both on the Cruise speed rear of ship, bridge at front. Armament

:35 Knots :28 Knots :6 cannons 150mm each.

Submarine Torpedos. THE MISSIONS

Well look for a conning tower in the water that just could be it.

Max speed(subm) :8 Knots Max speed(surf) :17 Knots Armament :4

MEDITERRANEAN MISSIONS 1: Training mission. This mission is an easy introduction into the battle. At 6:30 am, you leave the base of LA VALETTE on Malta (E3). Your mission is to destroy a freighter cruising off LINOSA ISLAND (D3). You must then return to your base before 8:00 am. 2: You sail from the base of LA VALETTE on Malta (E3). Your mission is to intercept and destroy a convoy of enemy ships spotted at 9:15 am by the R.A.F. to the south of PANTELLERIA ISLANDS (C3) on its way to the enemy base of TRIPOLI. This convoy consists of of 2 freighters and 1 tanker. It has an approximate speed of 10 Knots. Once your mission is over, you must return to your base. 3: You sail from the base of LA VALETTE on Malta. Your mission is to sink an Italian cruiser already heavily damaged by the R.A.F., off SYRACUSE (F3). The last report from the Admiralty states that the vessel was at cruising speed on its way to the italian base of TARANTO. You must intercept it before enemy destroyers arrive to escort it. 4: You are cruising off TUNIS. A reconnaissance aircraft reports 2 Italian cruisers spotted close by PANTELLERIA ISLAND (C3). Alerted to the threat, the cruisers are now sailing in the direction of CAP BON to escape the R.A.F. Your mission is to launch a surprise attack upon them and then to immediately head for MALTA. 5: You sail from the base of LA VALETTE in MALTA (E3). Your mission is to protect a supply convoy coming from GIBRALTAR and now cruising off TUNIS (B3). You must rendezvous with it and destroy any enemy ships heading in its direction. Watch out, the R.A.F. have spotted an enemy destroyer in the sector (C3). DELTA MISSION A surveillance mission. You sail from your base, fully laden with fuel and munitions. You must patrol in the area demarcated by the map. You may stop in Allied ports to repair and resupply. The Admiralty counts on you to inflict heavy losses on the enemy, but make sure that you have identified your target before firing. ENGLISH CHANNEL MISSIONS 1: You are patrolling south of DOVER. Your mission is to identify 2 vessels which our coastal Radar stations have spotted to the North of DUNKIRK (G2). Then head back to your base in the THAMES estuary. Be careful, they are probably enemy vessels, in which case, your mission is to sink them. 2: MONDAY, MAY 27th 1940: You sail from your base in the THAMES estuary. Your mission is to protect the evacuation of the Allied forces gathered in DUNKIRK (G2). You must protect the transport ships sailing between DUNKIRK and the THAMES from the attacks of German destroyers. As soon as you are short of fuel or munitions you must dock at DUNKIRK. 3: You are cruising off PORTSMOUTH (E3) Your mission is to attack an enemy convoy of freighters and tankers which the R.A.F. has spotted close by CHERBOURG (D4) sailing EAST. You must inflict heavy losses on the enemy before heading back to PORTSMOUTH. 4: You sail from the base of PORTSMOUTH (E3). An enemy submarine has been seen off CHERBOURG (D4). Your mission is to find it with the sonar and to shadow it until it surfaces, and then you're to sink it. 5: JUNE 4th, 1940. DUNKIRK (G2) is surrounded by the enemy. Fortunately the evacuation of allied troops is almost complete. Your mission is to protect the last two ships transporting Allied troops about to leave DUNKIRK. DELTA MISSION: A surveillance mission. You sail from your base, fully laden with fuel and munitions. You must patrol in the area demarcated by the map. You may stop in Allied ports to repair and resupply. The Admiralty counts on you to inflict heavy losses on the enemy, but make sure that you have

identified your target before firing. NORTH SEA MISSIONS 1: You are cruising west of STAVANGER (E4); the radio informs you that a light enemy cruiser damaged by our artillery has taken refuge in the fjords close to SAUDA (E3) to repair. You must spot it and, if possible, attack. Be careful, enemy destroyers are probably coming in as reinforcements. 2: You are sailing off NORWAY. You must patrol along the shores, up to BERGEN (D1) to spot and destroy enemy ships which are hiding in the FJORDS zone (E2). 3: You sail from EGERSUND (E5) in NORWAY. You are the only allied ship in the sector with an offensive capability. Your mission is to run the blockade set up by the German destroyers at the fjords' exit. You must sink every enemy ship, to allow our supply convoy to sail in safety. If you are badly damaged, you can head to EGERSUND to be repaired. 4: The enemy is in possession of heavy water, used in the construction of atomic bombs. A freighter transporting the containers and 5 warships escorting it have been spotted south of BERGEN (D1). Your mission is to attack the convoy and to sink the freighter, at all costs. 5: The Luftwaffe have badly damaged your ship. You took refuge in the FJORDS (E2) to repair. The radio informs you that enemy ships are heading for you at full speed. You have no alternative, you must confront them and then sail back to the base at BERGEN (D1). DELTA MISSION: A surveillance mission. You sail from your base, fully laden with fuel and munitions. You must patrol in the area demarcated by the map. You may stop in Allied ports to repair and resupply. The Admiralty counts on you to inflict heavy losses on the enemy, but make sure that you have identified your target before firing. SOME ADVICE FROM ADMIRAL WALKIRIE SAILING WITHIN SIGHT OF LAND: Reduce your speed to half and carefully watch your depth gauge. In these areas of the map, the bottom depth varies a lot and you might run aground. Reducing speed when sailing into port: To promptly reduce speed you must reverse the engines. Go from 1/2 or full forward speed to FLANK in reverse speed, then when the ship speed is at it's lowest go to the stop position. FLANK SPEED: This is attained with full engine power. You can stay at flank speed for only a few minutes. When the engine room crew detect the engines overheating, power is reduced to FULL position. For security reasons, it is better to use the FLANK position during an emergency withdrawal. RUDDER DAMAGE: If your rudder is damaged, reduce speed to minimum, to allow the crew to repair it. SUDDEN CHANGE OF COURSE: Reduce your speed (1/2 position) and change your course. Any type of manouevering is more easily carried out at low speed. ATTACK FROM ENEMY AIRCRAFT: When you are sent on a mission close to an enemy base, the Axis forces may launch STUKAS to sink you. These divebombers are extremely accurate, and very dangerous to Allied forces without air cover. Cannons are the only weapons you have to defend yourself with. --Ported from the ST, edited for the Amiga by SCOOTER and fixed by RYGAR. Typed by LAWZ. Edited by PARASITE. For more Amiga documents, visit

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