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The Four Sublime States The Four Sublime StatesThe Four Sublime States The Four Sublime StatesThe

Four Sublime States eBUDDHANET'S BOOK LIBRARY E-mail b!ea"bu!!ha#et$#et %eb site &&&$bu!!ha#et$#et Bu!!ha Dharma E!u'atio# Asso'iatio# I#'$

$$e (ublisher a$$#o&le!)es &ith tha#*s the Bu!!hist +ubli'atio# So'iet, -B+S./ Ka#!,/ Sri La#*a/ 0or the (ermissio# to re(ri#t this boo*let$ $$e (ublisher a$$#o&le!)es &ith tha#*s the Bu!!hist +ubli'atio# So'iet, -B+S./ Ka#!,/ Sri La#*a/ 0or the (ermissio# to re(ri#t this boo*let$ be to the &el0are a#! ha((i#ess o0 all bei#)s$ THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES A# I#&ar! 2our#e, Boo* +ublishe! b, I#&ar! +ath +$O$ Bo3 4567/ 45865 +e#a#)/ 1ala,sia Tel9Fa3 :57 8;5 ::;: Email I#&ar!+ath"hotmail$'om %ebsite htt( 99&&&$bu!!ha#et$#et9i(($htm First (ublishe! b, Bu!!hist +ubli'atio# So'iet, -B+S. Ka#!,/ Sri La#*a -4;<8. as %heel +ubli'atio# No$ :$ $$is e!itio# -4;;;. is (ublishe! b, IN%ARD +ATH/ +ENAN= FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION %ITH KIND +ER1ISSION FRO1 B+S/ SRI LANKA$ >o(,ri)ht ? 4;;; Bu!!hist +ubli'atio# So'iet, +$O$ Bo3 :4 <7 Sa#)hara@a 1a&atha Ka#!,/ Sri La#*a Boo* La,out a#! Desi)# b, Su#a#!a Lim Ho$$ E#)

* $5659;;


THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES $$e Lor! Bu!!ha si#)les out 0our me#tal Dualities as im(orta#t 0or 'ultiEatio#$ He !es'ribes them as #oble/ lo$$,/ a#! sublime a#! stro#)l, e#'oura)es their !eEelo(me#t$ $$e, 'a# tra#s0orm our liEes a#! the &orl! )iEi#) beaut,/ @o,/ a#! mea#i#)$ %hat are these 0our me#tal 0a'torsF $$e, are loEe/ 'om(assio#/ s,m(atheti' @o, a#! eDua#imit,$ Yes/ to loEe all bei#)s eDuall, &ithout !is'rimi#atio#G to be 'om(assio#ate to allG to re@oi'e at the ha((i#ess a#! su''ess o0 othersG a#! to be eEe#-mi#!e!/ stea!,/ or eDua#imous i# 0a'i#) the Ei'issitu!es o0 li0e$ Oh/ ho& &o#!er0ul i0 &e but 'a# liEe i# this ma##er/ a#! ho& mu$$ be$$er a#! ha((ier the &orl! &ill beH I# this boo*let/ Ae#erable N,a#a(o#i*a $$era e3(lores &ith his shar( a#! i#'isiEe mi#! the Earious as(e'ts o0 the 0our me#tal 0a'tors a#! sho&s us ho& the, 'a# be a((lie! a#! (ra'tise! i# our !ail, li0e$ $ N,a#a(o#i*a $$era -4;54-4;;7./ a =erma# 2e&/ &as o#e o0 the most hi)hl, res(e'te! Bu!!hist s$$olar mo#*s i# mo!er# times$ O#e o0 the 0ou#!i#) members o0 the Bu!!hist +ubli'atio# So'iet, -B+S./ Ka#!,/ Sri La#*a/ he &as re#o&#e! 0or his ma#, im(orta#t Bu!!hist &riti#)s the #o& 'lassi' I$$e Heart o0 Bu!!hist 1e!itatio#$J <

>ONTENTS THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ < INTRODU>TION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ K THE BASI> +ASSA=E ON THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 46 I$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 46 II$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 46 III$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 46 IA$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 47 >ONTE1+LATION ON THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 47 I$ loEe -me$$a. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 47 II$ 'om(assio# -*aru$a. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 4: III$ s,m(atheti' @o, -mu!ita. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 48 IA$ eDua#imit, -u(e**ha. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ L5 THE INTER-RELATIONS OF THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ L7 THE SI1ILE OF THE SA% M $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 65 :

INTRODU>TION F F our sublime states o0 mi#! haEe bee# tau)ht b, the Bu!!ha LoEe or LoEi#)-*i#!#ess -me$$a. >om(assio# -*aru$a. S,m(atheti' 2o, -mu!ita. EDua#imit, -u(e**ha. I# +ali/ the la#)ua)e o0 the Bu!!hist s'ri(tures/ these 0our are *#o&# u#!er the #ame o0 Brahma-Eihara/ a term &hi$$ ma, be re#!ere! as e3'elle#t/ lo$$,/ or sublime states o0 mi#!G or alter#atiEel,/ as Brahma-li*e/ )o!-li*e or !iEi#e abo!es$ $$ese 0our a$$itu!es are sai! to be e3'elle#t or sublime be'ause the, are the ri)ht or i!eal &a, o0 'o#!u't to&ar!s liEi#) bei#)s -sa$$esu samma (a$i(a$$i.$ $$e, (roEi!e/ i# 0a't/ the a#s&er to all situatio#s arisi#) 0rom so'ial 'o#ta't$ $$e, are the )reat remoEers o0 te#sio#/ the )reat (ea'ema*ers i# so'ial 'o#0li't/ a#! the )reat healers o0 &ou#!s su00ere! i# the stru))le o0 e3iste#'e$ $$e, leEel so'ial barriers/ buil! harmo#ious 'ommu#ities/ a&a*e# slumberi#) ma)#a#imit, lo#) 0or)o$$e#/ reEiEe @o, a#! ho(e lo#) aba#!o#e!/ a#! (romote huma# brotherhoo! a)ai#st the 0or'es o0 e)otism$ $$e Brahma-Eiharas are i#'om(atible &ith a hati#) state o0 mi#!/ a#! i# that the, are a*i# to Brahma N the !iEi#e but tra#sie#t ruler o0 the hi)her heaEe#s i# the tra!itio#al Bu!!hist (i'ture o0 the u#iEerse$ I# 'o#trast to K

ma#, other/ 'o#'e(tio#s o0 !eities/ East a#! %est/ &ho b, their o&# !eEotees are sai! to sho& a#)er/ &rath/ @ealous, a#! Iri)hteous i#!i)#atio#/J Brahma is 0ree 0rom hateG a#! o#e &ho assi!uousl, !eEelo(s these 0our sublime states/ b, 'o#!u't a#! me!itatio#/ is sai! to be'ome a# eDual o0 Brahma -brahma-samo.$ I0 the, be'ome the !omi#a#t i#0lue#'e i# his mi#!/ he &ill be rebor# i# 'o#)e#ial &orl!s/ the realms o0 Brahma$ $$ere0ore/ these states o0 mi#! are 'alle! )o!-li*e/ Brahma-li*e$ $$e, are 'alle! abo!es -Eihara. be'ause the, shoul! be'ome the mi#!Os 'o#sta#t !&elli#)-(la'es &here &e 0eel Iat homeJG the, shoul! #ot remai# merel, (la'es o0 rare a#! short Eisits/ soo# 0or)o$$e#$ I# other &or!s/ our mi#!s shoul! be'ome thorou)hl, saturate! b, them$ $$e, shoul! be'ome our i#se(arable 'om(a#io#s/ a#! &e shoul! be mi#!0ul o0 them i# all our 'ommo# a'tiEities$ As the 1e$$a Su$$a/ the So#) o0 LoEi#)-*i#!#ess/ sa,s %he# sta#!i#)/ &al*i#)/ si$$i#)/ l,i#) !o&#/ %he#eEer he 0eels 0ree o0 tire!#ess/ Let him establish &ell this mi#!0ul#ess N $$is/ it is sai!/ is the DiEi#e Abo!e$ $$ese 0our N loEe/ 'om(assio#/ s,m(atheti' @o, a#! eDua#imit, N are also *#o&# as the bou#!less states -a((amaPPa./ be'ause/ i# their (er0e'tio# a#! their true #ature/ the, shoul! #ot be #arro&e! b, a#, limitatio# as to the ra#)e o0 bei#)s to&ar!s &hom the, are e3te#!e!$ $$e, shoul! be #o#e3'lusiEe a#! im(artial/ #ot bou#! b, sele'tiEe (re0ere#'es or (re@u!i'es$ A mi#! that has a$$ai#e! to that bou#!less#ess 8

o0 the Brahma-Eiharas &ill #ot harbour a#, #atio#al/ ra'ial/ reli)ious or 'lass hatre!$ o0 the Brahma-Eiharas &ill #ot harbour a#, #atio#al/ ra'ial/ reli)ious or 'lass hatre!$ $$at me!itatio# is 'alle! Brahma-Eihara-bhaEa#a/ the me!itatiEe !eEelo(me#t o0 the sublime states$ $$e (ra'ti'al aim is to a$$ieEe/ &ith the hel( o0 these sublime states/ those hi)h sta)es o0 me#tal 'o#'e#tratio# 'alle! @ha#a/ Ime!itatiEe absor(tio#J$ $$e me!itatio#s o# loEe/ 'om(assio# a#! s,m(atheti' @o, ma, ea$$ (ro!u'e the a$$ai#me#t o0 the 0irst three absor(tio#s/ &hile the me!itatio# o# eDua#imit, &ill lea! to the 0ourth @ha#a o#l,/ i# &hi$$ eDua#imit, is the most si)#i0i'a#t 0a'tor$ =e#erall, s(ea*i#)/ (ersiste#t me!itatiEe (ra'ti'e &ill haEe t&o 'ro&#i#) e00e'ts 0irst/ it &ill ma*e these 0our Dualities si#* !ee( i#to the heart so that the, be'ome s(o#ta#eous a$$itu!es #ot easil, oEerthro&#G se'o#!/ it &ill bri#) out a#! se'ure their bou#!less e3te#sio#/ the u#0ol!i#) o0 their all-embra'i#) ra#)e$ I# 0a't/ the !etaile! i#stru'tio#s )iEe# i# the Bu!!hist s'ri(tures 0or the (ra'ti'e o0 these 0our me!itatio#s are 'learl, i#te#!e! to )ra!uall, u#0ol! the bou#!less#ess o0 the sublime states$ $$e, s,stemati'all, brea* !o&# all barriers restri'ti#) their a((li'atio# to (arti'ular i#!iEi!uals or (la'es$ I# me!itatiEe e3er'ises/ the sele'tio# 0or (eo(le to &hom ;

thou)hts o0 loEe/ 'om(assio# or s,m(atheti' @o, are !ire'te!/ (ro'ee!s 0rom the easier to the more !i00i'ult$ For i#sta#'e/ &he# me!itati#) o# loEi#)-*i#!#ess/ o#e starts &ith a# as(iratio# 0or o#eOs o&# &ell-bei#)/ usi#) it as a (oi#t o0 re0ere#'e 0or )ra!ual e3te#sio# I2ust as I &ish to be ha((, a#! 0ree 0rom su00eri#)/ so ma, that bei#)Q ma, all bei#)s be ha((, a#! 0ree 0rom su00eri#)HJ $$e# o#e e3te#!s the thou)ht o0 loEi#)-*i#!#ess to a (erso# 0or &hom o#e has a loEi#) res(e't/ as/ 0or i#sta#'e/ a tea$$erG the# to !earl, beloEe! (eo(le/ to i#!i00ere#t o#es/ a#! 0i#all, to e#emies/ i0 a#,/ or those !isli*e!$ Si#'e this me!itatio# is 'o#'er#e! &ith the &el0are o0 the liEi#)/ o#e shoul! #ot $$oose (eo(le &ho haEe !ie!G o#e shoul! also aEoi! $$oosi#) (eo(le to&ar!s &hom o#e ma, haEe 0eeli#)s o0 se3ual a$$ra'tio#$ A$$er o#e has bee# able to 'o(e &ith the har!est tas*/ to !ire't o#eOs thou)hts o0 loEi#)-*i#!#ess to !isa)reeable (eo(le/ o#e shoul! #o& Ibrea* !o&# the barriersJ -simasambhe!a.$ %ithout ma*i#) a#, !is'rimi#atio# bet&ee# those 0our t,(es o0 (eo(le/ o#e shoul! e3te#! o#eOs loEi#)*i#!#ess to them eDuall,$ At that (oi#t o0 the (ra'ti'e o#e &ill haEe 'ome to the hi)her sta)es o0 'o#'e#tratio# &ith the a((eara#'e o0 the me#tal re0le3-ima)e -(a$ibha)a#imi$$a./ Ia''ess 'o#'e#tratio#J -u(a'ara sama!hi. &ill haEe bee# rea$$e!/ a#! 0urther (ro)ress &ill lea! to the 0ull 'o#'e# tratio# -a((a#a. o0 the 0irst @ha#a/ the# the hi)her @ha#as$ For s(atial e3(a#sio#/ the (ra'ti'e starts &ith those i# o#eOs imme!iate e#Eiro#me#t su$$ as o#eOs 0amil,/ the# e3te#!s to the #ei)hbouri#) houses/ to those o# the &hole street/ the to&#/ 'ou#tr,/ other 'ou#tries a#! the e#tire &orl!$ I# I(erEasio# o0 the !ire'tio#sJ/ o#eOs thou)ht o0 45

loEi#)-*i#!#ess is !ire'te! 0irst to the east/ the# to the &est/ #orth/ south/ the i#terme!iate !ire'tio#s/ the Re#ith a#! #a!ir$ loEi#)-*i#!#ess is !ire'te! 0irst to the east/ the# to the &est/ #orth/ south/ the i#terme!iate !ire'tio#s/ the Re#ith a#! #a!ir$ same (ri#'i(les o0 (ra'ti'e a((l, to the me!itatiEe !eEelo(me#t o0 'om(assio#/ s,m(atheti' @o, a#! eDua#imit,/ &ith !ue Eariatio#s i# the sele'tio# o0 (eo(le$ Details o0 the (ra'ti'e &ill be 0ou#! i# the te3ts -see Aisu!!hima))a/ >ha(ter IS.$ $$e ultimate aim o0 a$$ai#i#) the @ha#as o# the BrahmaEiharas is to (ro!u'e a state o0 mi#! that 'a# serEe as a 0irm basis 0or the liberati#) i#si)ht i#to the true #ature o0 all (he#ome#a/ as bei#) im(erma#e#t/ liable to su00eri#) a#! u#substa#tial$ A mi#! that has a$$ieEe! me!itatiEe absor(tio# i#!u'e! b, the sublime states &ill be (ure/ tra#Duil/ 0irm/ 'olle'te! a#! 0ree o0 'oarse sel0ish#ess$ It &ill thus be &ell (re(are! 0or the 0i#al &or* o0 !eliEera#'e &hi$$ 'a# be 'om(lete! o#l, b, i#si)ht$ $$e (re'e!i#) remar*s sho& that there are t&o &a,s o0 !eEelo(i#) the sublime states 0irst b, (ra'ti'al 'o#!u't a#! a# a((ro(riate !ire'tio# o0 thou)htsG a#! se'o#! b, metho!i'al me!itatio# aimi#) at the absor(tio#s$ Ea$$ &ill (roEe hel(0ul to the other$ 1etho!i'al me!itatiEe (ra'ti'e &ill hel( loEe/ 'om(assio#/ @o, a#! eDua#imit, to be'ome s(o#ta#eous$ It &ill hel( ma*e the mi#! 0irmer a#! 'almer i# &ithsta#!i#) the #umerous irritatio#s i# li0e that $$alle#)e us to mai#tai# these 0our Dualities i# thou)hts/ &or!s a#! !ee!s$ O# the other ha#!/ i0 o#eOs (ra'ti'al 'o#!u't is i#'reasi#)l, )oEer#e! b, these sublime states/ the mi#! &ill harbour less rese#tme#t/ te#sio# a#! irritabilit,/ the reEer 44

beratio#s o0 &hi$$ o$$e# subtl, i#tru!e i#to the hours o0 me!itatio#/ 0ormi#) there the Ihi#!ra#'e o0 restless#essJ$ Our eEer,!a, li0e a#! thou)ht has a stro#) i#0lue#'e o# the me!itatiEe mi#!G o#l, i0 the )a( bet&ee# them is (ersiste#tl, #arro&e! &ill there be a $$a#'e 0or stea!, me!itatiEe (ro)ress a#! 0or a$$ieEi#) the hi)hest aim o0 our (ra'ti'e$ 1e!itatiEe !eEelo(me#t o0 the sublime states &ill be ai!e! b, re(eate! re0le'tio# u(o# their Dualities/ the be#e0its the, besto& a#! the !a#)ers 0rom their o((osites$ As the Bu!!ha sa,s/ I%hat a (erso# 'o#si!ers a#! re0le'ts u(o# 0or a lo#) time/ to that his mi#! &ill be#! a#! i#'li#e$J 4L

THE BASI> +ASSA=E ON THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES 0rom the !is'ourses o0 the Bu!!ha I$ Here/ mo#*s/ a !is'i(le !&ells (erEa!i#) o#e !ire'tio# &ith his heart 0ille! &ith loEi#)-*i#!#ess/ li*e&ise the se'o#!/ the thir!/ a#! the 0ourth !ire'tio#sG so aboEe/ belo& a#! arou#!G he !&ells (erEa!i#) the e#tire &orl! eEer,&here a#! eDuall, &ith his heart 0ille! &ith loEi#)*i#!#ess/ abu#!a#t/ )ro&# )reat/ measureless/ 0ree 0rom e#mit,/ a#! 0ree 0rom !istress$ II$ Here/ mo#*s/ a !is'i(le !&ells (erEa!i#) o#e !ire'tio# &ith his heart 0ille! &ith 'om(assio#/ li*e&ise the se'o#!/ the thir!/ a#! the 0ourth !ire'tio#sG so aboEe/ belo& a#! arou#!G he !&ells (erEa!i#) the e#tire &orl! eEer,&here a#! eDuall, &ith his heart 0ille! &ith 'om(assio#/ abu#!a#t/ )ro&# )reat/ measureless/ 0ree 0rom e#mit,/ a#! 0ree 0rom !istress$ III$ Here/ mo#*s/ a !is'i(le !&ells (erEa!i#) o#e !ire'tio# &ith his heart 0ille! &ith s,m(atheti' @o,/ li*e&ise the se'o#!/ the thir!/ a#! the 0ourth !ire'tio#sG so aboEe/ belo& a#! arou#!G he !&ells (erEa!i#) the e#tire &orl! eEer,&here a#! eDuall, &ith his heart 0ille! &ith s,m(atheti' @o,/ abu#!a#t/ )ro&# )reat/ measureless/ 0ree 0rom e#mit, a#! 0ree 0rom !istress$ 46

IA$ Here/ mo#*s/ a !is'i(le !&ells (erEa!i#) o#e !ire'tio# &ith his heart 0ille! &ith eDua#imit,/ li*e&ise the se'o#!/ the thir!/ a#! the 0ourth !ire'tio#sG so aboEe/ belo& a#! arou#!G he !&ells (erEa!i#) the e#tire &orl! eEer,&here a#! eDuall, &ith his heart 0ille! &ith eDua#imit,/ abu#!a#t/ )ro&# )reat/ measureless/ 0ree 0rom e#mit, a#! 0ree 0rom !istress$ T Di=HA NIKAYA 46 T >ONTE1+LATION ON THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES I loEe -me$$a. L L oEe/ &ithout !esire to (ossess/ *#o&i#) &ell that i# the ultimate se#se there is #o (ossessio# a#! #o (ossessor this is the hi)hest loEe$ LoEe/ &ithout s(ea*i#) a#! thi#*i#) o0 IIJ/ *#o&i#) &ell that this so-'alle! IIJ is a mere !elusio#$ LoEe/ &ithout sele'ti#) a#! e3'lu!i#)/ *#o&i#) &ell that to !o so mea#s to 'reate loEeOs o&# 'o#trasts !isli*e/ aEersio# a#! hatre!$ LoEe/ embra'i#) all bei#)s small a#! )reat/ 0ar a#! #ear/ be it o# earth/ i# the &ater/ or i# the air$ 47

LoEe/ embra'i#) im(artiall, all se#tie#t bei#)s/ a#! LoEe/ embra'i#) im(artiall, all se#tie#t bei#)s/ a#! LoEe/ embra'i#) all bei#)s/ be the, #oble-mi#!e! or lo&-mi#!e!/ )oo! or eEil$ $$e #oble a#! the )oo! are embra'e! be'ause loEe is 0lo&i#) to them s(o#ta#eousl,$ $$e lo&-mi#!e! a#! eEil-mi#!e! are i#'lu!e! be'ause the, are those &ho are most i# #ee! o0 loEe$ I# ma#, o0 them the see! o0 )oo!#ess ma, haEe !ie! merel, be'ause &armth &as la$$i#) 0or its )ro&th/ be'ause it (erishe! 0rom 'ol! i# a loEeless &orl!$ LoEe/ embra'i#) all bei#)s/ *#o&i#) &ell that &e all are 0ello& &a,0arers throu)h this rou#! o0 e3iste#'e N that &e all are oEer'ome b, the same la& o0 su00eri#)$ LoEe/ but #ot the se#suous 0ire that bur#s/ s'or$$es a#! tortures/ that i#0li'ts more &ou#!s tha# it 'ures N 0lari#) u( #o&/ at the #e3t mome#t bei#) e3ti#)uishe!/ leaEi#) behi#! more 'ol!#ess a#! lo#eli#ess tha# &as 0elt be0ore$ Rather/ loEe/ that lies li*e a so$$ but 0irm ha#! o# the aili#) bei#)s/ eEer u#$$a#)e! i# its s,m(ath,/ &ithout &aEeri#)/ u#'o#'er#e! &ith a#, res(o#se it meets$ LoEe that is 'om0orti#) 'ool#ess to those &ho bur# &ith the 0ire o0 su00eri#) a#! (assio#G that is li0e-)iEi#) &armth to those aba#!o#e! i# the 'ol! !esert o0 lo#eli#ess/ to those &ho are shiEeri#) i# the 0rost o0 a loEeless &orl!G to those &hose

hearts haEe be'ome as i0 em(t, a#! !r, b, the re(eate! 'alls 0or hel(/ b, !ee(est !es(air$ LoEe/ that is a sublime #obilit, o0 heart a#! i#telle't &hi$$ *#o&s/ u#!ersta#!s a#! is rea!, to hel($ LoEe/ that is stre#)th a#! )iEes stre#)th this is the hi)hest loEe$ 4<

LoEe/ &hi$$ b, the E#li)hte#e! O#e &as #ame! Ithe LoEe/ &hi$$ b, the E#li)hte#e! O#e &as #ame! Ithe s the hi)hest loEe$ A#! &hat is the hi)hest ma#i0estatio# o0 loEeF To sho& to the &orl! the (ath lea!i#) to the e#! o0 su00eri#)/ the (ath (oi#te! out/ tro!!e#/ a#! realiRe! to (er0e'tio# b, Him/ the E3alte! O#e/ the Bu!!ha$ II 'om(assio# -*aru$a. T T he &orl! su00ers$ But most me# haEe their e,es a#! ears 'lose!$ $$e, !o #ot see the u#bro*e# stream o0 tears 0lo&i#) throu)h li0eG the, !o #ot hear the 'r, o0 !istress 'o#ti#uall, (erEa!i#) the &orl!$ $$eir o&# li$$le )rie0 or @o, bars their si)ht/ !ea0e#s their ears$ Bou#! b, sel0ish#ess/ their hearts tur# sti00 a#! #arro&$ Bei#) sti00 a#! #arro&/ ho& shoul! the, be able to striEe 0or a#, hi)her )oal/ to realiRe that o#l, release 0rom sel0ish 'raE

i#) &ill e00e't their o&# 0ree!om 0rom su00eri#)F It is 'om(assio# that remoEes the heaE, bar/ o(e#s the !oor to 0ree!om/ ma*es the #arro& heart as &i!e as the &orl!$ >om(assio# ta*es a&a, 0rom the heart the i#ert &ei)ht/ the (aral,si#) heaEi#essG it )iEes &i#)s to those &ho 'li#) to the lo&la#!s o0 sel0$ $$rou)h 'om(assio# the 0a't o0 su00eri#) remai#s EiEi!l, (rese#t to our mi#!/ eEe# at times &he# &e (erso#all, are 0ree 0rom it$ It )iEes us the ri$$ e3(erie#'e o0 su00eri#)/ 4:

thus stre#)the#i#) us to meet it (re(are!/ &he# it !oes be0all us$ >om(assio# re'o#'iles us to our o&# !esti#, b, sho&i#) us the li0e o0 others/ o$$e# mu$$ har!er tha# ours$ Behol! the e#!less 'araEa# o0 bei#)s/ me# a#! beasts/ bur!e#e! &ith sorro& a#! (ai#H $$e bur!e# o0 eEer, o#e o0 them/ &e also haEe 'arrie! i# b,)o#e times !uri#) the u#0athomable seDue#'e o0 re(eate! births$ Behol! this/ a#! o(e# ,our heart to 'om(assio#H A#! this miser, ma, &ell be our o&# !esti#, a)ai#H He &ho is &ithout 'om(assio# #o&/ &ill o#e !a, 'r, 0or it$ I0 s,m(ath, &ith others is la$$i#)/ it &ill haEe to be a'Duire! throu)h o#eOs o&# lo#) a#! (ai#0ul e3(erie#'e$ $$is is the )reat la& o0 li0e$ K#o&i#) this/ *ee( )uar! oEer ,oursel0H Bei#)s/ su#* i# i)#ora#'e/ lost i# !elusio#/ haste# 0rom o#e state o0 su00eri#) to a#other/ #ot *#o&i#) the real 'ause/ #ot *#o&i#) the es'a(e 0rom it$ $$is i#si)ht i#to the )e#eral la& o0 su00eri#) is the real 0ou#!atio# o0 our 'om(assio#/ #ot a#, isolate! 0a't o0 su00eri#)$ He#'e our 'om(assio# &ill also i#'lu!e those &ho at the mome#t ma, be ha((,/ but a't &ith a# eEil a#! !elu!e! mi#!$ I# their (rese#t !ee!s &e shall 0oresee their 0uture state o0 !istress/ a#! 'om(assio# &ill arise$ $$e 'om(assio# o0 the &ise ma# !oes #ot re#!er him a Ei'tim o0 su00eri#)$ His thou)hts/ &or!s a#! !ee!s are 0ull o0 (it,$ But his heart !oes #ot &aEerG u#$$a#)e! it remai#s/ sere#e a#! 'alm$ Ho& else shoul! he be able to hel(F 1a, su$$ 'om(assio# arise i# our heartsH >om(assio# that is sublime #obilit, o0 heart a#! i#telle't &hi$$ *#o&s/ u#!ersta#!s a#! is rea!, to hel($ 4K

>om(assio# that is stre#)th a#! )iEes stre#)th this is the hi)hest 'om(assio#$ >om(assio# that is stre#)th a#! )iEes stre#)th this is the hi)hest 'om(assio#$ sio#F To sho& to the &orl! the (ath lea!i#) to the e#! o0 su00eri#)/ the (ath (oi#te! out/ tro!!e# a#! realiRe! to (er0e'tio# b, Him/ the E3alte! O#e/ the Bu!!ha$ III s,m(atheti' @o, -mu!ita. N N ot o#l, to 'om(assio#/ but also to @o, &ith others o(e# ,our heartH Small/ i#!ee!/ is the share o0 ha((i#ess a#! @o, allo$$e! to bei#)sH %hereEer a li$$le ha((i#ess 'omes to them/ the# ,ou ma, re@oi'e that at least o#e ra, o0 @o, has (ier'e! throu)h the !ar*#ess o0 their liEes/ a#! !is(elle! the )re, a#! )loom, mist that e#&ra(s their hearts$ Your li0e &ill )ai# i# @o, b, shari#) the ha((i#ess o0 others as i0 it &ere ,ours$ Di! ,ou #eEer obserEe ho& i# mome#ts o0 ha((i#ess me#Os 0eatures $$a#)e a#! be'ome bri)ht &ith @o,F Di! ,ou #eEer #oti'e ho& @o, rouses me# to #oble as(iratio#s a#! !ee!s/ e3'ee!i#) their #ormal 'a(a'it,F Di! #ot su$$ e3(erie#'e 0ill ,our o&# heart &ith @o,0ul blissF It is i# ,our (o&er to i#'rease su$$ e3(erie#'e o0 s,m(atheti' @o,/ b, (ro!u'i#) ha((i#ess i# others/ b, bri#)i#) them @o, a#! sola'e$ Let us tea$$ real @o, to me#H 1a#, haEe u#lear#e! it$ 48

Li0e/ thou)h 0ull o0 &oe/ hol!s also sour'es o0 ha((i#ess a#! @o,/ u#*#o&# to most$ Let us tea$$ (eo(le to see* a#! to 0i#! real @o, &ithi# themselEes a#! to re@oi'e &ith the @o, to othersH Let us tea$$ them to u#0ol! their @o, to eEer sublimer hei)htsH Li0e/ thou)h 0ull o0 &oe/ hol!s also sour'es o0 ha((i#ess a#! @o,/ u#*#o&# to most$ Let us tea$$ (eo(le to see* a#! to 0i#! real @o, &ithi# themselEes a#! to re@oi'e &ith the @o, to othersH Let us tea$$ them to u#0ol! their @o, to eEer sublimer hei)htsH Noble a#! sublime @o, is a hel(er o# the (ath to the e3ti#'tio# o0 su00eri#)$ Not he &ho is !e(resse! b, )rie0/ but o#e (ossesse! o0 @o, 0i#!s that sere#e 'alm#ess lea!i#) to a 'o#tem(latiEe state o0 mi#!$ A#! o#l, a mi#! sere#e a#! 'olle'te! is able to )ai# the liberati#) &is!om$ $$e more sublime a#! #oble the @o, o0 others is/ the more @usti0ie! &ill be our o&# s,m(atheti' @o,$ A 'ause 0or our @o, &ith others is their #oble li0e se'uri#) them ha((i#ess here a#! i# liEes herea$$er$ A still #obler 'ause 0or our @o, &ith others is their 0aith i# the Dhamma/ their u#!ersta#!i#) o0 the Dhamma/ their 0ollo&i#) the Dhamma$ Let us )iEe them the hel( o0 the DhammaH Let us striEe to be'ome more a#! more able ourselEes to re#!er su$$ hel(H S,m(atheti' @o, that is stre#)th a#! )iEes stre#)th this is the hi)hest @o,$ A#! &hat is the hi)hest ma#i0estatio# o0 s,m(atheti' @o,F To sho& to the &orl! the (ath lea!i#) to the e#! o0 su00eri#)/ the (ath (oi#te! out/ tro!!e#/ a#! realiRe! to (er0e'tio# b, Him/ the E3alte! O#e/ the Bu!!ha$ 4;

IA eDua#imit, -u(e**ha. E E Dua#imit, is a (er0e't/ u#sha*able bala#'e o0 mi#!/ roote! i# i#si)ht$ Loo*i#) at the &orl! arou#! us/ a#! loo*i#) i#to our o&# heart/ &e see 'learl, ho& !i00i'ult it is to a$$ai# a#! mai#tai# bala#'e o0 mi#!$ Loo*i#) i#to li0e &e #oti'e ho& it 'o#ti#uall, moEes bet&ee# 'o#trasts rise a#! 0all/ su''ess a#! 0ailure/ loss a#! )ai#/ ho#our a#! blame$ %e 0eel ho& our heart res(o#!s to all this ha((i#ess a#! sorro&/ !eli)ht a#! !es(air/ !isa((oi#tme#t a#! satis0a'tio#/ ho(e a#! 0ear$ $$ese &aEes o0 emotio# 'arr, us u( a#! 0li#) us !o&#G a#! #o soo#er !o &e 0i#! rest/ tha# &e are i# the (o&er o0 a #e& &aEe a)ai#$ Ho& 'a# &e e3(e't to )et a 0ooti#) o# the 'rest o0 the &aEesF Ho& shall &e ere't the buil!i#) o0 our liEes i# the mi!st o0 this eEer restless o'ea# o0 e3iste#'e/ i0 #ot o# the Isla#! o0 EDua#imit,$ A &orl! &here that li$$le share o0 ha((i#ess allote! to bei#)s is mostl, se'ure! a$$er ma#, !isa((oi#tme#ts/ 0ailures a#! !e0eatsG a &orl! &here o#l, the 'oura)e to start a#e&/ a)ai# a#! a)ai#/ (romises su''essG a &orl! &here s'a#t, @o, )ro&s ami!st si$$#ess/ se(aratio# a#! !eathG a &orl! &here bei#)s &ho &ere a short &hile a)o 'o##e'te! &ith us b, s,m(atheti' @o,/ are at the #e3t mome#t i# &a#t o0 our 'om(assio# N su$$ a &orl! #ee!s eDua#imit,$ But the *i#! o0 eDua#imit, reDuire! has to be base! L5

o# Ei)ila#t (rese#'e o0 mi#!/ #ot o# i#!i00ere#t !ull#ess$ It has to be the result o0 har!/ !eliberate trai#i#)/ #ot the 'asual out'ome o0 a (assi#) moo!$ But eDua#imit, &oul! #ot !eserEe its #ame i0 it ha! to be (ro!u'e! b, e3ertio# a)ai# a#! a)ai#$ I# su$$ a 'ase it &oul! surel, be &ea*e#e! a#! 0i#all, !e0eate! b, the Ei'issitu!es o0 li0e$ True eDua#imit,/ ho&eEer/ shoul! be able to meet all these seEere tests a#! to re)e#erate its stre#)th 0rom sour'es &ithi#$ It &ill (ossess this (o&er o0 resista#'e a#! sel0-re#e&al o#l, i0 it is roote! i# i#si)ht$ %hat/ #o&/ is the #ature o0 that i#si)htF It is the 'lear u#!ersta#!i#) o0 ho& all these Ei'issitu!es o0 li0e ori)i#ate/ a#! o0 our o&# true #ature$ %e haEe to u#!ersta#! that the Earious e3(erie#'es &e u#!er)o result 0rom our *amma N our a'tio#s i# thou)ht/ &or! a#! !ee! N (er0orme! i# this li0e a#! i# earlier liEes$ Kamma is the &omb 0rom &hi$$ &e s(ri#) -*amma-,o#i./ a#! &hether &e li*e it or #ot/ &e are the i#alie#able Io&#ersJ o0 our !ee!s -*amma-sa*a.$ But as soo# as &e haEe (er0orme! a#, a'tio#/ our 'o#trol oEer it is lost it 0oreEer remai#s &ith us a#! i#eEitabl, retur#s to us as our !ue herita)e -*amma-!a,a!a.$ Nothi#) that ha((e#s to us 'omes 0rom a# IouterJ hostile &orl! 0orei)# to ourselEesG eEer,thi#) is the out'ome or our o&# mi#! a#! !ee!s$ Be'ause this *#o&le!)e 0rees us 0rom 0ear/ it is the 0irst basis o0 eDua#imit,$ %he#/ i# eEer,thi#) that be0alls us &e o#l, meet ourselEes/ &h, shoul! &e 0earF I0/ ho&eEer/ 0ear a#! u#'ertai#t, shoul! arise/ &e *#o& the re0u)e &here it 'a# be alla,e! our )oo! !ee!s -*amma-(a$isara$a.$ B, ta*i#) this re0u)e/ 'o#0i!e#'e a#! L4

'oura)e &ill )ro& &ithi# us N 'o#0i!e#'e i# the (rote'ti#) (o&er o0 our )oo! !ee!s !o#e i# the (astG 'oura)e to (er0orm more )oo! !ee!s ri)ht #o&/ !es(ite the !is'oura)i#) har!shi(s o0 our (rese#t li0e$ For &e *#o& that #oble a#! sel0less !ee!s (roEi!e the best !e0e#'e a)ai#st the har! blo&s o0 !esti#,/ that it is #eEer too late but al&a,s the ri)ht time 0or )oo! a'tio#s$ I0 that re0u)e/ i# !oi#) )oo! a#! aEoi!i#) eEil/ be'omes 0irml, establishe! &ithi# us/ o#e !a, &e shall 0eel assure! I1ore a#! more 'eases the miser, a#! eEil roote! i# the (ast$ A#! this (rese#t li0e N I tr, to ma*e it s(otless a#! (ure$ %hat else 'a# the 0uture bri#) tha# i#'rease o0 the )oo!FJ A#! 0rom that 'ertai#t, our mi#!s &ill be'ome sere#e/ a#! &e shall )ai# the stre#)th o0 (atie#'e o0 eDua#imit, to bear &ith all our (rese#t a!Eersities$ $$e# our !ee!s &ill be our 0rie#!s -*amma-ba#!hu.$ Li*e&ise/ all the Earious eEe#ts o0 our liEes/ bei#) the result o0 our !ee!s/ &ill also be our 0rie#!s/ eEe# i0 the, bri#) us sorro& a#! (ai#$ Our !ee!s retur# to us i# a )uise that o$$e# ma*es them u#re'o)#iRable$ Sometimes our a'tio#s retur# to us i# the &a, that others treat us/ sometimes as a thorou)h u(heaEal i# our liEesG o$$e# the results are a)ai#st our e3(e'tatio#s or 'o#trar, to our &ills$ Su$$ e3(erie#'es (oi#t out to us 'o#seDue#'es o0 our !ee!s &e !i! #ot 0oreseeG the, re#!er Eisible hal0-'o#s'ious motiEes o0 our 0ormer a'tio#s &hi$$ &e trie! to hi!e eEe# 0rom ourselEes/ 'oEeri#) them u( &ith Earious (rete3ts$ I0 &e lear# to see thi#)s 0rom this a#)le/ a#! to rea! the messa)es 'o#Ee,e! b, our o&# e3(erie#'e/ the# su00eri#)/ too/ &ill be our 0rie#!$ It &ill be a ster# 0rie#!/ but a truth0ul LL

a#! &ell-mea#i#) o#e &ho tea$$es us the most !i00i'ult sub@e't/ *#o&le!)e about ourselEes/ a#! &ar#s us a)ai#st ab,sses to&ar!s &hi$$ &e are moEi#) bli#!l,$ B, loo*i#) at su00eri#) as our tea$$er a#! 0rie#!/ &e shall be$$er su' 'ee! i# e#!uri#) it &ith eDua#imit,$ >o#seDue#tl,/ the tea$$i#) o0 *amma &ill )iEe us a (o&er0ul im(ulse 0or 0reei#) ourselEes 0rom *amma/ 0rom those !ee!s &hi$$ a)ai# a#! a)ai# thro& us i#to the su00eri#) o0 re(eate! births$ Dis)ust &ill arise at our o&# 'raEi#)/ at our o&# !elusio#/ at our o&# (ro(e#sit, to 'reate situatio#s &hi$$ tr, our stre#)th/ our resista#'e/ a#! our eDua#imit,$ $$e se'o#! i#si)ht o# &hi$$ eDua#imit, shoul! be base! is the Bu!!haOs tea$$i#) o0 #o-sel0 -a#a$$a.$ $$is !o'tri#e sho&s that i# the ultimate se#se !ee!s are #ot (er0orme! b, a#, sel0/ #or !o their results a00e't a#, sel0$ Further/ it sho&s that i0 there is #o sel0/ &e 'a##ot s(ea* o0 Im, o&#J$ It is the !elusio# o0 a sel0 that 'reates su00eri#) a#! hi#!ers or !isturbs eDua#imit,$ I0 this or that Dualit, o0 ours is blame!/ o#e thi#*s II am blame!J a#! eDua

#imit, is sha*e#$ I0 this or that &or* !oes #ot su''ee!/ o#e thi#*s I1, &or* has 0aile! a#! eDua#imit, is sha*e#$ I0 &ealth or loEe! o#es are lost/ o#e thi#*s I%hat is mi#e has )o#eJ a#! eDua#imit, is sha*e#$ To establish eDua#imit, as a# u#sha*able state o0 mi#!/ o#e has to )iEe u( all (ossessiEe thou)hts o0 Imi#eJ/ be)i##i#) &ith li$$le thi#)s 0rom &hi$$ it is eas, to !eta$$ o#esel0/ a#! )ra!uall, &or*i#) u( to (ossessio#s a#! aims to &hi$$ o#eOs &hole heart 'li#)s$ O#e also has to )iEe u( the 'ou#ter(art to su$$ thou)hts/ all e)oisti' thou)hts o0 Isel0J/ L6

be)i##i#) &ith a small se'tio# o0 o#eOs (erso#alit,/ &ith Dualities o0 mi#or im(orta#'e/ &ith small &ea*#esses o#e 'learl, sees/ a#! )ra!uall, &or*i#) u( to those emotio#s a#! aEersio#s &hi$$ o#e re)ar!s as the 'e#tre o0 o#eOs bei#)$ $$us !eta$$me#t shoul! be (ra'tise!$ To the !e)ree &e 0orsa*e thou)hts o0 Imi#eJ or Isel0J eDua#imit, &ill e#ter our hearts$ For ho& 'a# a#,thi#) &e realiRe to be 0orei)# a#! Eoi! o0 a sel0 'ause us a)itatio# !ue to lust/ hatre! or )rie0F $$us the tea$$i#) o0 #o#sel0 &ill be our )ui!e o# the (ath to !eliEera#'e/ to (er0e't eDua#imit,$ EDua#imit, is the 'ro&# a#! 'ulmi#atio# o0 the 0our sublime states$ But this shoul! #ot be u#!erstoo! to mea# that eDua#imit, is the #e)atio# o0 loEe/ 'om(assio#/ a#! s,m(atheti' @o,/ or that it leaEes them behi#! as i#0erior$ Far 0rom that/ eDua#imit, i#'lu!es a#! (erEa!es them 0ull,/ @ust as the, 0ull, (erEa!e (er0e't eDua#imit,$ THE INTER-RELATIONS OF THE FOUR SUBLI1E STATES H H o& the#/ !o these 0our sublime states (erEa!e a#! su00use ea$$ otherF U#bou#!e! loEe )uar!s 'om(assio# a)ai#st tur#i#) i#to (artialit,/ (reEe#ts it 0rom ma*i#) !is'rimi#atio#s b, sele'ti#) a#! e3'lu!i#) a#! thus (rote'ts it 0rom 0alli#) i#to (artialit, or aEersio# a)ai#st the e3'lu!e! si!e$ LoEe im(arts to eDua#imit, its sel0less#ess/ its bou#! L7

less #ature a#! eEe# its 0erEour$ For 0erEour/ too/ tra#s0orme! a#! 'o#trolle!/ is (art o0 (er0e't eDua#imit,/ stre#)the#i#) its (o&er o0 *ee# (e#etratio# a#! &ise restrai#t$ >om(assio# (reEe#ts loEe a#! s,m(atheti' @o, 0rom 0or)e$$i#) that/ &hile both are e#@o,i#) or )iEi#) tem(orar, a#! limite! ha((i#ess/ there still e3ist at that time most !rea!0ul states o0 su00eri#) i# the &orl!$ It remi#!s them that their ha((i#ess 'oe3ists &ith measureless miser,/ (erha(s at the #e3t !oorste($ It is a remi#!er to loEe a#! s,m(atheti' @o, that there is more su00eri#) i# the &orl! tha# the, are able to miti)ateG that/ a$$er the e00e't o0 su$$ miti)atio# has Ea#ishe!/ sorro& a#! (ai# are sure to arise a#e& u#til su00eri#) is u(roote! e#tirel, at the a$$ai#me#t o0 Nibba#a$ >om(assio# !oes #ot allo& that loEe a#! s,m(atheti' @o, to shut themselEes u( a)ai#st the &i!e &orl! b, 'o#0i#i#) themselEes to a #arro& se'tor o0 it$ >om(assio# (reEe#ts loEe a#! s,m(atheti' @o, 0rom tur#i#) i#to states o0 sel0-satis0ie! 'om(la'e#', &ithi# a @ealousl, )uar!e! (e$$, ha((i#ess$ >om(assio# stirs a#! ur)es loEe to &i!e# its s(hereG it stirs a#! ur)es s,m(atheti' @o, to sear$$ 0or 0resh #ourishme#t$ $$us it hel(s both o0 them to )ro& i#to trul, bou#!less states -a((amaPPa.$ >om(assio# )uar!s eDua#imit, 0rom 0alli#) i#to a 'ol! i#!i00ere#'e/ a#! *ee(s it 0rom i#!ole#t or sel0ish isolatio#$ U#til eDua#imit, has rea$$e! (er0e'tio#/ 'om(assio# ur)es it to e#ter a)ai# a#! a)ai# the ba$$le0iel! o0 the &orl!/ i# or!er to be able to sta#! the test/ b, har!e#i#) a#! stre#)the#i#) itsel0$ S,m(atheti' @o, hol!s 'om(assio# ba$$ 0rom be'om L<

i#) oEer&helme! b, the si)ht o0 the &orl!Os su00eri#)/ 0rom bei#) absorbe! b, it to the e3'lusio# o0 eEer,thi#) else$ S,m(atheti' @o, relieEes the te#sio# o0 mi#!/ soothes the (ai#0ul bur#i#) o0 the 'om(assio#ate heart$ It *ee(s 'om(assio# a&a, 0rom mela#$$oli' broo!i#) &ithout (ur(ose/ 0rom a 0utile se#time#talit, that merel, &ea*e#s a#! 'o#sumes the stre#)th o0 mi#! a#! heart$ S,m(atheti' @o, !eEelo(s 'om(assio# i#to a'tiEe s,m(ath,$ S,m(atheti' @o, )iEes eDua#imit, the mil! sere#it, that so$$e#s its ster# a((eara#'e$ It is the !iEi#e smile o# the 0a'e o0 the E#li)hte#e! O#e/ a smile that (ersists i# s(ite o0 his !ee( *#o&le!)e o0 the &orl!Os su00eri#)/ a smile that )iEes sola'e a#! ho(e/ 0earless#ess a#! 'o#0i!e#'e I%i!e o(e# are the !oors to !eliEera#'eJ/ thus it s(ea*s$ EDua#imit, roote! i# i#si)ht is the )ui!i#) a#! restrai#i#) (o&er 0or the other three sublime states$ It (oi#ts out to them the !ire'tio# the, haEe to ta*e/ a#! sees to it that this !ire'tio# is 0ollo&e!$ EDua#imit, )uar!s loEe a#! 'om(assio# 0rom bei#) !issi(ate! i# Eai# Duests a#! 0rom )oi#) astra, i# the lab,ri#ths o0 u#'o#trolle! emotio#$ EDua#imit,/ bei#) a Ei)ila#t sel0-'o#trol 0or the sa*e o0 the 0i#al )oal/ !oes #ot allo& s,m(atheti' @o, to rest 'o#te#t &ith humble results/ 0or)e$$i#) the real aims &e haEe to striEe 0or$ EDua#imit,/ &hi$$ mea#s IeEe#-mi#!e!#essJ/ )iEes to loEe a# eEe#/ u#$$a#)i#) 0irm#ess a#! lo,alt,$ It e#!o&s it &ith the )reat Eirtue o0 (atie#'e$ EDua#imit, 0ur#ishes 'om(assio# &ith a# eEe#/ u#&aEeri#) 'oura)e a#! 0earless#ess/ e#abli#) it to 0a'e the a&esome ab,ss o0 miser, a#! !es(air &hi$$ 'o#0ro#t bou#!less 'om(assio# a)ai# L:

a#! a)ai#$ To the a'tiEe si!e o0 'om(assio#/ eDua#imit, is the 'alm a#! 0irm ha#! le! b, &is!om N i#!is(e#sable to those &ho &a#t to (ra'ti'e the !i00i'ult art o0 hel(i#) others$ A#! here a)ai# eDua#imit, mea#s (atie#'e/ the (atie#t !eEotio# to the &or* o0 'om(assio#$ I# these a#! other &a,s eDua#imit, ma, be sai! to be the 'ro&# a#! 'ulmi#atio# o0 the other three sublime states$ $$e 0irst three/ i0 u#'o##e'te! &ith eDua#imit, a#! i#si)ht/ ma, !&i#!le a&a, !ue to the la$$ o0 a stabiliRi#) 0a'tor$ Isolate! Eirtues/ i0 u#su((orte! b, other Dualities &hi$$ )iEe them either the #ee!e! 0irm#ess or (lia#',/ o$$e# !eteriorate i#to their o&# $$ara'teristi' !e0e'ts$ For i#sta#'e/ loEi#)-*i#!#ess/ &ithout e#er), a#! i#si)ht/ ma, easil, !e'li#e to a mere se#time#tal )oo!#ess o0 &ea* a#! u#reliable #ature$ 1oreoEer/ su$$ isolate! Eirtues ma, o$$e# 'arr, us i# a !ire'tio# 'o#trar, to our ori)i#al aims a#! 'o#trar, to the &el0are o0 others/ too$ It is the 0irm a#! bala#'e! $$ara'ter o0 a (erso# that *#its isolate! Eirtues i#to a# or)a#i' a#! harmo#ious &hole/ &ithi# &hi$$ the si#)le Dualities e3hibit their best ma#i0estatio#s a#! aEoi! the (it0alls o0 their res(e'tiEe &ea*#esses$ A#! this is the Eer, 0u#'tio# o0 eDua#imit,/ the &a, it 'o#tributes to a# i!eal relatio#shi( bet&ee# all 0our sublime states$ EDua#imit, is a (er0e't/ u#sha*able bala#'e o0 mi#!/ roote! i# i#si)ht$ But i# its (er0e'tio# a#! u#sha*able #ature eDua#imit, is #ot !ull/ heartless a#! 0ri)i!$ Its (er0e'tio# is #ot !ue to a# emotio#al Iem(ti#essJ/ but to a I0ull#essJ o0 u#!ersta#!i#)/ to its bei#) 'om(lete i# itsel0$ Its u#sha*able #ature is #ot the immoEabilit, o0 a !ea!/ 'ol! sto#e/ but the ma#i0estatio# o0 the hi)hest stre#)th$ LK

I# &hat &a,/ #o&/ is eDua#imit, (er0e't a#! u#sha*ableF %hateEer 'auses sta)#atio# is here !estro,e!/ &hat !ams u( is remoEe!/ &hat obstru'ts is !estro,e!$ Aa#ishe! are the &hirls o0 emotio# a#! the mea#!eri#)s o0 i#telle't$ U#hi#!ere! )oes the 'alm a#! ma@esti' stream o0 'o#s'ious#ess/ (ure a#! ra!ia#t$ %at$$0ul mi#!0ul#ess -sati. has harmo#iRe! the &armth o0 0aith -sa!!ha. &ith the (e#etratiEe *ee##ess o0 &is!om -(aPPa.G it has bala#'e! stre#)th o0 &ill -Eiri,a. &ith 'alm#ess o0 mi#! -sama!hi.G a#! these 0iEe i##er 0a'ulties -i#!ri,a. haEe )ro&# i#to i##er 0or'es -bala. that 'a##ot be lost a)ai#$ $$e, 'a##ot be lost be'ause the, !o #ot lose themselEes a#, more i# the lab,ri#ths o0 the &orl! -sa$sara./ i# the e#!less !i00use#ess o0 li0e -(a(aP'a.$ $$ese i##er 0or'es ema#ate 0rom the mi#! a#! a't u(o# the &orl!/ but bei#) )uar!e! b, mi#!0ul#ess/ the, #o&here bi#! themselEes/ a#! the, retur# u#$$a#)e!$ LoEe/ 'om(assio# a#! s,m(atheti' @o, 'o#ti#ue to ema#ate 0rom the mi#! a#! a't u(o# the &orl!/ but bei#) )uar!e! b, eDua#imit,/ the, 'li#) #o&here/ a#! retur# u#&ea*e#e! a#! u#sullie!$ $$us &ithi# the Arahat/ the Liberate! O#e/ #othi#) is lesse#e! b, )iEi#)/ a#! he !oes #ot be'ome (oorer b, besto&i#) u(o# others the ri$$es o0 his heart a#! mi#!$ $$e Arahat is li*e the 'lear/ &ell-'ut 'r,stal &hi$$/ bei#) &ithout stai#s/ 0ull, absorbs all the ra,s o0 li)ht a#! se#!s them out a)ai#/ i#te#si0ie! b, its 'o#'e#tratiEe (o&er$ $$e ra,s 'a##ot stai# the 'r,stal &ith their Earious 'olours$ $$e, 'a##ot (ier'e its har!#ess/ #or !isturb its harmo#ious stru'ture$ I# its )e#ui#e (urit, a#! stre#)th/ the 'r,stal remai#s u#$$a#)e!$ I2ust as all the streams o0 the &orl! e#ter the L8

)reat o'ea#/ a#! all the &aters o0 the s*, rai# i#to it/ but #o i#'rease or !e'rease o0 the )reat o'ea# is to be see#J N eEe# so is the #ature o0 hol, eDua#imit,$ )reat o'ea#/ a#! all the &aters o0 the s*, rai# i#to it/ but #o i#'rease or !e'rease o0 the )reat o'ea# is to be see#J N eEe# so is the #ature o0 hol, eDua#imit,$ Sa,s the 1aster IFor o#e &ho 'li#)s/ motio# e3istsG but 0or o#e &ho 'li#)s #ot/ there is #o motio#$ %here #o motio# is/ there is still#ess$ %here still#ess is/ there is #o 'raEi#)$ %here #o 'raEi#) is/ there is #either 'omi#) #or )oi#)$ %here #o 'omi#) #or )oi#) is/ there is #either arisi#) #or (assi#) a&a,$ %here #either arisi#) #or (assi#) a&a, is/ there is #either this &orl! #or a &orl! be,o#!/ #or a state bet&ee#$ This/ Eeril,/ is the e#! o0 su00eri#)$J T UDANA 8 7 L;

THE SI1ILE OF THE SA% M 1 1 o#*s/ there are 0iEe mo!es o0 s(ee$$ that others ma, use &he# the, a!!ress ,ou$ $$eir s(ee$$ ma, be timel, or u#timel,/ true or u#true/ )e#tle or harsh/ 0or )oo! or harm/ a#! ma, be a''om(a#ie! b, thou)hts o0 loEi#)-*i#!#ess or i##er hate$ No& this is ho& ,ou shoul! trai# ,ourselEes IOur mi#!s &ill remai# u#a00e'te!/ &e shall u$$er #o ba! &or!s/ &e shall abi!e 0rie#!l, a#! 'om(assio#ate/ &ith thou)hts o0 loEi#)*i#!#ess a#! #o i##er hate$ %e shall abi!e &ith loEi#)-*i#!#ess i# our hearts e3te#!i#) to that (erso#/ a#! &e shall !&ell e3te#!i#) it to the e#tire &orl! as our ob@e't/ &ith our hearts abu#!a#t/ e3alte!/ measureless i# loEi#)-*i#!#ess/ &ithout hostilit, or ill-&ill$J $$at is ho& ,ou shoul! trai# ,ourselEes$ EEe# &ere ba#!its saEa)el, to seEer ,ou limb 0rom limb &ith a t&o-ha#!le! sa&/ he &ho o# that a''ou#t e#tertai#e! hate i# his heart &oul! be #ot be o#e &ho 'arrie! out m, tea$$i#)$ 1o#*s/ ,ou shoul! *ee( this i#stru'tio# o# the USimile o0 the Sa&O 'o#sta#tl, i# mi#!$ T BUDDHA/ 1A22HI1A NIKAYA SUTTA L4 M As there is a# em(t, (a)e here/ the (ublisher -IN%ARD +ATH. has i#serte! this ISimile o0 the Sa&J 0or rea!ersO e!i0i'atio#$ 65

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