Progressive Policies For Growth and Employment: Seminar

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Arbe[derbevgelsens Lrhversvsrd (AL - LCLM uenmark) and Lhe
loundaLlon for Luropean rogresslve SLudles (lLS)

LC, LandsorganlsaLlonen l uanmark (uenmark)

Lo, lslands 8rygge 32u, 2300 kbenhavn S, (Copenhagen - uenmark)

1he Luropean Lconomy remalns ln crlsls. 1hls crlsls produces sLagnanL economles, growlng soclal
lnequallLles and lncreaslng dlvergence among Lhe Lu sLaLes. ln 2013 seven Lu counLrles were sLlll ln
recesslon, and none had recovered Lhelr pre-crlsls average growLh raLe. lorecasLs say LhaL Lhe
recesslon wlll end ln 2014, buL only Cermany wlll be able Lo recover Lhe modesL growLh raLe lL had
before 2007.
A recenL reporL from Lhe lLC sLaLes LhaL perslsLenL recesslonary condlLlons ln Lurope have
slgnlflcanLly reduced [ob creaLlon and Lhe opporLunlLles for [ob seekers Lo reLurn Lo employmenL
qulckly. lor Lhe perlod 2014-2016 unemploymenL raLe ls forecasLed Lo remaln beLween 8 and 9
whlle Lhe pre-crlsls level ln Lhe early 2000s ln was on average 6.7 ln Lurope.
ln llghL of Lhe Luropean LlecLlons of 2014 lL ls of fundamenLal lmporLance for Lhe Luropean lefL Lo
clearly deflne and promoLe a seL of alLernaLlve economlc pollcles LhaL can address Lhe log-Lerm
sLrucLural problems ln Lurope and Lhelr lmpacL on growLh, equallLy and employmenL.
1o Lhls end, Lhe loundaLlon for Luropean rogresslve SLudles (lLS) LogeLher wlLh
Arbe[derbevgelsens Lrhvervsrd (AL) organlses a one-day conference Lo presenL and dlscuss ldeas
for pollcy measures LhaL can puL Lurope on a dlfferenL developmenLal Lra[ecLory where [ob creaLlon
and equlLable growLh Lakes cenLer sLage.


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08.43 - 09.00 'C>ABJ=?JAH@

09.00 - 09.13 *NC@A@>
-?=B &@DC=BC@5 ulrecLor, Arbe[derbevgelsens Lrhvervsrd (AL - LCLM)

09.13 - 10.30 6CF@HJC !NCCGL
)C= 6H@>BLOP #?DBC@, rofessor ln labour markeL research, CenLre for
Labour MarkeL 8esearch (CA8MA), Aalborg unlverslLy, uenmark

10.30 - 12.00 !CBBAH@ ; 7 -?EHQ= R?=SCJ GH@DAJAH@B A@ "Q=HNC
WhaL are Lhe effecLs of labour markeL flexlblllzaLlon on equlLy and growLh ln
Lurope? WhaL are Lhe effecLs of ausLerlLy pollcles and recovery on men and
women ln Lhe labour markeL? WhaL could be an alLernaLlve and progresslve
soluLlon LhaL promoLes quallLy employmenL and equlLy as Lhe prlmary focus
of recovery?

&@D=CK 0?JJ, Pead of Lhe deparLmenL Macroeconomlc ollcy lnsLlLuLe (lMk
- lnsLlLuL fur Makrokonomle und kon[unkLurforschung) ln Lhe Pans-8ckler
TC=HRC DC 2C@?Q, LecLurer ln Lconomlcs, 1he Cpen unlverslLy
T?@ 6U=??, Chlef economlsL, LC LandsorganlsaLlonen l uanmark.

Chalr and openlng
!A>@C 2?@BC@, Senlor LconomlsL, Arbe[derbevgelsens Lrhvervsrd (AL-

12.00 - 13.00 -Q@GL

13.00 - 14.00 6CF@HJC BNCCGL
!JCNL?@F +=AVVAJLWTH@CB, llnanclal MarkeLs rogramme ulrecLor, lnlLlaLlve
for ollcy ulalogue

14.00 - 14.30 'CVVICGJAH@B EF
TCBNC= )CJC=BC@, spokesman on flnance pollcy for Lhe Soclal uemocraLs,

14.30 - 13.30 !CBBAH@ 9 7 $@XCBJRC@J VH= +=HKJL
WhaL ls Lhe lmpacL of ausLerlLy and recovery on publlc and prlvaLe
lnvesLmenL ln Lurope? WhaL ls Lhe role of Lhe sLaLe vls-a-vls Lhe markeL ln
promoLlng lnnovaLlon, lndusLrlal developmenL and Lechnologlcal
LransformaLlon? WhaL economlc pollcles and lnsLlLuLlonal changes have
been lmplemenLed aL Lu and naLlonal level Lo make sure LhaL flnance
supporLs and fosLers lnvesLmenL for lnnovaLlon and growLh ln Lurope?

!JCNL?@AC YI?@SC@EQ=>, Senlor LecLurer ln Lconomlcs, School of CrlenLal
and Afrlcan SLudles (SCAS), unlverslLy of London
/=?@GCBGH +?=AE?IDH, ulrecLor of Lhe lsLlLuLo per Lavoro (lL)

Chalr and openlng
"=AS YPO=BJCD, Chlef AnalysL, Arbe[derbevgelsens Lrhvervsrd (AL-LCLM)
13.30 - 13.43 .IHBA@>
"=@BJ !JCJJC=, SecreLary Ceneral, loundaLlon for Luropean rogresslve

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