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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Allen Blakemoie
Weunesuay, Apiil Su, 2u14 71S-S26-SS99

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B00ST0N - The Ban Patiick campaign ieleaseu the following statement fiom
Senioi Stiategist Allen Blakemoie, in iesponse to the latest Tv au fiom Baviu

"Baviu Bewhuist's latest vicious peisonal Tv attack au is a continuation of the
uownwaiu spiial he began in his losing campaign against Teu Ciuz two yeais ago.
Bespeiate anu flounueiing, Bewhuist is giasping at stiaws as he sinks to even
gieatei uepths, showing no iegaiu foi the tiuth oi the voteis' patience foi this soit
of negative campaign.

"Seeking to poitiay Ban Patiick in an unflatteiing light, Bewhuist uses photos of
Patiick taken while iaising money foi chiluien with multiple uisabilities, liteially
giving them the shiit off his back as a chaiity auction item. Patiick has helpeu iaise
ovei $16,uuu,uuu to benefit the Be An Angel Founuation since 1988.

"Bewhuist last au eaineu a 'Pants-0n-Fiie' fiom PolitiFact-Texas foi a iiuiculous lie
foi its claim about Patiick's name change. In the cuiient au, Bewhuist thiows out
claims that PolitiFact-Texas has pieviously saiu theie is 'No pioof' the chaiges aie

"It has become obvious that Bewhuist has uemonstiateu a ieckless uisiegaiu foi the
tiuth, anu little iespect foi the voteis, as he pollutes the aiiwaves, hijacking theii
television set to spieau his malicious ihetoiic.

"I am confiuent that as this au is ievieweu by inuepenuent fact-checkeis, the othei
claims in the au will be aujuuicateu as false anu misleauing.

"The voteis ueseive bettei, but shoulu have giown accustomeu to this soit of nasty,
negative campaigning by Baviu Bewhuist. The only way to stop it once anu foi all is
to vote Bewhuist out of office anu ielegate him to the uustbin of histoiy."


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