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New Zealand Chess Federation Inc.


New Zealand Chess Cha#$ionshi$s % New Zealand &a'or O$en New Zealand Ra$id Cha#$ionshi$s New Zealand Li(htnin( Cha#$ionshi$s

2nd )an*ar+ 2 !" to !2th )an*ar+ 2 !"

Ale,andra -ar. F*nction Centre/ Greenlane Road West/ E$so#/ A*


Or(anised 3+

New Zealand Ra$id Cha#$ionshi$s

2h*rsda+ 2nd )an*ar+ 2 !" to Frida+ 4rd )an*ar+ 2 !" Format: Time Control: Sc edule: A 9 round Swiss tournament open to all players. 25 minutes plus 5 seconds increment per move from move one. Thursday 2nd January 2014 Entries close 8.30am Players meeting 9.30am Round 1 10.00am Round 2 11.15am Lunch break 12.30 m Round 3 1.30 m Round ! 2.!5 m Round 5 !.00 m Friday 3rd January 2014 Round " 10.00am Round # 11.15am Lunch break 12.30 m Round 8 1.30 m Round 9 2.!5 m Sunday 12th January 2014 Pri$e %i&ing #.00 m FI!" #apidplay rules will apply.

New Zealand Li(htnin( Cha#$ionshi$s

Frida+ 4rd )an*ar+ 2 !" Format: Time Control: Sc edule: A 9 round Swiss tournament open to all players. $ minutes plus 2 seconds increment per move from move one. Friday 3rd January 2014 Entries close 5.00 m Players meeting ".00 m 'll rounds (ould start as soon as ossible. E) ected *inish time 8.30 m Sunday 12th January 2014 Pri$e %i&ing #.00 m FI!" %lit& rules will apply

New Zealand Chess Cha#$ionshi$s

Sat*rda+ "th )an*ar+ 2 !" to S*nda+ !2th )an*ar+ 2 !" A 9 round Swiss tournament wit a minimum of '( players) open to all *ew +ealand players wit a current *+CF rating of 2,,, or ig er) or a FI!" rating of at least 2',,. In t e event of fewer t an '( -ualified players entering) sufficient .a/or 0pen entrants will 1e invited) in order of rating) to 1ring t e field up to '(. T e C ampions ip tournament will 1e FI!" rated and overseas players may 1e invited 1y t e *+CF Council. Any *ew +ealand player w o does not fulfill t e rating re-uirements set out a1ove may apply to 1e treated as a special case2 t e player must demonstrate e3ceptional circumstances. Applications must 1e emailed to t e *+CF Secretary 4eong Ang) 1y $,t *ovem1er 2,'$. Ol+#$iad 5*ali6ication T e ig est placed *ew +ealand player in t e *ew +ealand C ampions ip 70utrig t 8inner9 will automatically -ualify for t e *ew +ealand 0pen team for t e 2,': C ess 0lympiad in *orway.

New Zealand &a'or O$en

Sat*rda+ "th )an*ar+ 2 !" to S*nda+ !2th )an*ar+ 2 !" A 9 round Swiss tournament open to players wit a current *+CF standard rating of under 2',,.

New Zealand Chess Cha#$ionshi$s % New Zealand &a'or O$en

Format: Time Control: !efault time: Sc edule: 9 round Swiss tournaments over 9 days. ' round per day. 9, minutes for t e first :, moves followed 1y $, minutes for t e rest of t e game wit an addition of $, seconds per move starting from move one. $, minutes from t e start of play. Late entries close 11.00am 2nd +anuary 201! , ening -eremony 12.00 m !th +anuary 201! Round 1 1.00 m !th +anuary 201! Round 2 1.00 m 5th +anuary 201! Round 3 1.00 m "th +anuary 201! Round ! 1.00 m #th +anuary 201! Round 5 1.00 m 8th +anuary 201! Round " 1.00 m 9th +anuary 201! Round # 1.00 m 10th +anuary 201! Round 8 1.00 m 11th +anuary 201! Round 9 1.00 m 12th +anuary 201! Pri$e %i&ing #.00 m 12th +anuary 201!


-ri7e F*nd
2he !2!st New Zealand Chess Con(ress has a (*aranteed $ri7e 6*nd o6 o8er 9: .

New Zealand Chess Cha#$ionshi$s

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th $1000 $ 800 $ 600 $ 400 $ 200

New Zealand &a'or O$en

1st $ 500 2nd $ 400 3rd $ 200 4th $ 100 -l*s two (rade $ri7es each o6; 1st $ 100 2nd $ 75

New Zealand Ra$id Cha#$ionshi$s

1st $ 350 2nd $ 250 3rd $ 150 -l*s two (rade $ri7es each o6; 1st $ 100 2nd $ 50

New Zealand Li(htnin( Cha#$ionshi$s

1st $ 150 2nd $ 100 3rd $ 50 -l*s Li(htnin( Reser8e; 1st $ 75 2nd $ 50 3rd $ 30
;<"AS" *0T": *o player may claim more t an one pri&e per tournament. *+ C ess Congress consists of : tournaments: *+ C ess C ampions ips) *+ .a/or 0pen) *+ #apid C ampions ips and *+ <ig tning C ampions ips.


"ligi1ility: All entrants) ot er t an specifically invited overseas players) must 1e registered under *+CF rules. Any entrant w o is not already *+CF registered may register w en entering. T e 2,'$ rate for *+CF registration is =2, 7t is event is t e last in t e 2,'$ registration year9. Ar1iters: T e C ief Ar1iter for all Congress will 1e IA 4eong Ang. T e !eputy Ar1iter for all Congress will 1e FA %ruce ;ollard. Information >pdate: An information update service will 1e posted on t e we1site: ttp:?? tml T is site will 1e used to update entries and provide pairing updates during congress. <ive @ames: T ere will 1e live internet 1roadcasting of several c ampions ip games eac day. <in5s via: ttp:?? tml #efres ments: Tea) coffee and refres ments will 1e availa1le onsite. <unc and dinner are also availa1le at t e venue and various locations near1y. Appeals: A player may appeal against t e decision of an ar1iter. An Appeals Committee will 1e formed wit t ree mem1ers selected from participants in t e tournament. An appeal fee of =5, will apply) to 1e refunded if t e appeal is successful. ;laying Aenue: 0wners B Trainers <ounge C <evel ' Ale3andra ;ar5 Function Centre Ale3andra ;ar5 #aceway @reenlane #oad 8est "psom Auc5land Accommodation 0ptions: A1ella Court .otel 7across road from venue9 22: @reenlane #oad "psom Auc5land

; one: DE: 9 E$, F(E: Fa3: DE: 9 E$, EE2,


Entr+ Details
All entries accompanied 1y t e appropriate entry fee s all 1e on t e official entry form) or emailed including all t e details re-uired on t e entry form. "ntry fees can 1e paid to Auc5land C ess CentreGs AS% 1an5 account: !2<4 !!< =!4>2?< ;layerGs name must 1e stated in t e transaction reference i.e. H;layer nameI Congress .a5e c e-ues paya1le to: "ntry fees are as follows: Adult *ew +ealand #apid C ampions ips *ew +ealand C ess C ampions ips *ew +ealand .a/or 0pen *ew +ealand <ig tning C ampions ips =5, ='2, =',, =$5 Junior =:, ='2, =F5 =$5 Adult =5, =':: ='2, =$5 Junior =:, =':: =9, =$5 @+ 2"th Dec 2 !4 %y (.$,am 2nd Jan 2,': %y ''am 2nd Jan 2,':

A* Chess Centre

%y 5pm $rd Jan 2,':

Junior players are under t e age of 2, 1efore 'st January 2,':. T e preliminary closing date for entries to t e *ew +ealand C ampions ips and .a/or 0pen is 2: t !ecem1er 2,'$. "ntries received after t is date will incur a 2,K late entry surc arge. "ntries will 1e accepted up to ''am on t e opening day) 2nd January 2,':. T e deadline for entries to t e *ew +ealand #apid C ampions ips is (.$,am on 2 nd January 2,': t e day of play. T e deadline for entries to t e *ew +ealand <ig tning C ampions ips is 5pm on $ rd January 2,': t e day of play. Any .a/or 0pen entrant promoted to t e *ew +ealand C ampions ip tournament to 1ring t e field up to '( s all pay t e difference 1etween t e relevant fees. As soon as possi1le after 2:t !ecem1er 2,'$ t e list of *ew +ealand C ampions ip entries received up to t at time would 1e updated on t e we1site. ttp:?? tml


2 !" Entr+ For#
*ame: Address: "mail: ; one: *+CF Code: FI!" I!: !ate of %irt : Fees: *ew +ealand C ess C ampions ips *ew +ealand .a/or 0pen *ew +ealand #apid C ampions ips *ew +ealand <ig tning C ampions ips *+CF #egistration 7=2, if not yet paid in 2,'$9 !onation towards organising costs 2O2AL

= = = = = = 9

"ntry fees can 1e paid to Auc5land C ess CentreGs AS% 1an5 account: !2<4 !!< =!4>2?< ;layerGs name must 1e stated in t e transaction reference i.e. H;layer nameI Congress .a5e c e-ues paya1le to:

A* Chess Centre

;ost completed "ntry form to: .i5e Steadman 2?$ #ogan Street Lills1oroug Auc5land "mail "ntry form details to: .i5e Steadman Hsteadmanm6 otmail.comI

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