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Love 8 Fieedom Piojeci
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Welcome, my fiiend! Welcome io ile nexi o
days of youi life.
If you lave acquiied ilis guide, ii means ilai,
on some level, you iealize ilai youi life would
be beiiei if you weie moie fiee fiom ile labii
of using poinogiaply, masiuibaiion 8 oigasm.
If you aie ieady, now is ile iime io clallenge
youiself io spend ile nexi o days leaining
low io be moie and moie fiee fiom ilis labii.
Ths proqrom s ohou ohsonnq jrom
pornoqrophy, mosurhoon, L orqosm. You
will be maling a decision io absiain fiom PMO
eacl and eveiy one of ile nexi o days. We will
be slaiing iools and ieclniques ilai will lelp
you do ilis, bui uliimaiely, you lave io male
ile decision io absiain. . . eveiy day.
PMO s o hoh you're rynq o qe jree
jrom. Habiis can be made by you, and so
hohs con olso he hroken hy you. Ii iales
woil, bui ii is compleiely possible.
Breoknq hs hoh s work you mus Jo,
and you musi do ii diligenily, day in and day
oui, hu you neeJn' Jo olone. Tlis bool is
designed io iemind you daily ilai you ore no
olone n he sruqqle. Ii is also designed io
ie-diieci you daily io communiiies wleie oilei
men aie biealing ilis same labii.
o Joys s jus he heqnnnq. Because
eveiyone's siiuaiion is unique, you may
expeiience gieai ielief afiei jusi i days, oi ii
may iale i:o, oi 6. Nobody can iell you in
advance low long ile ioad is -- wlai I can iell
you is ilai iiaveling ile ioad will biing ielief io
youi life, as well as many oilei gieai benefis
besides. Uliimaiely, you mus moke he choce
eoch Joy wleilei you aie iiaveling ile ioad of
iecoveiy ilai day, oi noi.
There ore o leos wo ouJes you con
oke wh hs proqrom. Tle !"#$ aiiiiude is:
"Don'i bieal ile clain." Tle "days since" badge
you can gei on ile i]nofap] Foiums iale ilis
aiiiiude. Tle seconJ aiiiiude is, "Besi oui of
o." You will simply leep iiacl of eacl day you
ielapse, oui of a possible ioial of o, insiead
of siaiiing bacl ai squaie one eacl iime you
ielapse. You slould cloose ile aiiiiude ilai will
be mosi lelpful foi youi absieniion fiom poin,
masiuibaiion 8 oigasm, ilen siicl wiil ii foi
ile duiaiion.
You wll neeJ
" A journol - if you aie using ile .DOC
veision of ilis bool, you can iale noies in
ile documeni iiself, insiead.

" Fve mnues se osJe eoch Joy io
ieview ile day's eniiy.

" A hosc unJersonJnq of ile PMO
cycle, and ile "labii loop" ilai leeps you
engaged wiil ii (see ile Resouices seciion
coming up.)
Eoch Joy, you wll hove hree osks
" Moke L keep o commmen io
youiself io absiain fiom PMO. You slould
wiiie ilis commiiimeni oui, eiilei in ile
.DOC iiself oi in youi jouinal. We'll iall
moie in a bii aboui low you can male ile
siiongesi commiiimeni possible.
" IJenjy o heolhy hoh o suhsue
jor ony PMO crovnqs you experence
ho Joy. In oilei woids, wlenevei you
expeiience ciavings foi youi PMO labii,
you'll use ilai ciaving io iiiggei a dieieni
aciiviiy of youi cloice, insiead.
" RecorJ ony houqhs you hove ohou
he process, or your proqress. Tlis
jouinal will lelp you iiacl youi
moods, emoiions, eneigy levels, 8 ileieby
noiice ile benefis ilai come fiom being
moie and moie fiee fiom ile PMO labii.
Simple enougl, iigli? Lei's iale a lool ai all ile
!"#$%&'"# you lave io lelp you on ilis jouiney.
A Mus-Vew VJeo InroJucon
TEDx - Tle Gieai Poin Expeiimeni - by Gaiy Wilson
UnJersonJnq Hohs
Tle Powei of Habii ai ile Aii of Manliness
How Gieen Tea Made Me Supeiluman ai Love 8 Fieedom Piojeci
Tle Fieice Genileman's Healily Habii Lisi ai Love 8 Fieedom Piojeci
Youi Biain On Poin
Figli Tle New Diug
Reddii NoFap Foium
Tle Willpowei Insiinci: How Self-Coniiol Woils, Wly ii Maiieis, and Wlai You Can Do To Gei
Moie of Ii by Kelly McGonigal, Pl.D - Lays oui well low self-coniiol woils, wly ii ofien fails us,
and low io culiivaie ii. Higlly iecommended.
Tle Powei of Habii - Wly We Do Wlai We Do In Life 8 Business by Clailes Duligg - A good
paiinei io Willpowei, ilis bool explains in deiail low ile biain foims a "labii loop" and low we
can lacl ilai labii loop io iepiogiam oui biains, labiis, 8 lives. Heie's a sloii YouTube summaiy
of ile bool.
Addiiional iesouices io suggesi? E-mail ile auiloi.
Here ore some suqqesons jor Heolhy Hohs ho you con use o rqqer.
I om sure you con come up wh more on your own.
" Do : pushups (oi moie)
" Do : sups (oi moie)
" Sii quieily and woch your hreoh foi minuies (oi moie)
" Go ouiside and joq aiound ile blocl iimes (oi moie)
" Call a jrenJ you laven'i ialled io in a wlile
" Waicl a move (caieful ilai ii doesn'i coniain ioo many iiiggeis: iiy a documeniaiy ilai
will feed youi biain; a seleciion of suggesiions is found in Advanced Resouices, ai ile end
of ilis bool).
" Siaii woiling on ilai screenploy you've always wanied io wiiie
" Read a clapiei of a qooJ hook
" Lisien io some musc ilai inspiies you io be a beiiei man
" Visii
" Go io ile sioie and buy youiself some orqonc veqeohles and cleon meos; ilen locaie
a recpe ilai will male ilem delicious
" Picl up a muscol nsrumen and siaii ieacling youiself using YouTube videos
" Go ouiside and iale some pcures
" Siaii a hloq
" Siaii leaining io proqrom
" Visii and iead]i]nofap], foi nsproon L suppor
" Do a sei of io legels (PC-muscle coniiaciions)
Below, iale a momeni io wiiie down youi
moiivaiions foi iiying io fiee youiself fiom
ilis labii. Believe ii oi noi, if enougl iime
passes in sobiieiy fiom PMO, ii is all ioo easy
io foigei ile pain, disaiiay, and claos in oui
lives ilai can iesuli fiom ilis labii.
If you wiiie ii down leie, as iloiouglly and
vividly as possible, you can lool bacl on ii
and iemembei low dail a place you came
oui of, and low impoiiani ii is ilai you
avoid ile iempiaiion io ie-eniei ii.
Go io iown. Use moie space if you need ii.
As you go iliougl ile piogiam, iecoid any
and all iiiggeis ilai appeai io you, diiving you
iowaids ile ciaving io ie-eniei ile woild of
Do you gei ile uige wlen you aie lonely, oi jusi
alone, oi maybe eveiy day ai a ceiiain iime?
Building ilis self-awaieness will lelp you
conquei ile labii.
Coniinue onio an addiiional page(s) if need be.
Consideiing ilai you'ie inieiesied in ilis iype of conquesi, you'ie on ile pail io iiue giowil. Day
Zeio is ile day you decided io male a clange.
If you'ie ieading ilis ai nigli - waicl TEDx Glasgow - Tle Gieai Poin Expeiimeni - Gaiy Wilson
ilen iuin o ile compuiei and sleep.
If you'ie ieading ilis duiing ile day - waicl TEDx Glasgow - Tle Gieai Poin Expeiimeni - Gaiy
Wilson, iuin o ile compuiei and caipe diem. Picl an iiem fiom ile "Healily Habii Lisi" and do ii
(nevei ioo eaily io siaii building a lealily labii.)
Alieinaiely, clecl oui ile Advanced Resouices seciion and picl oui a few addiiional bools io iead,
oi documeniaiies ilai pique youi inieiesi. Pui ilese on ile calendai foi some fuiuie daie. If you
male plans io succeed now, you'ie mucl moie lilely io succeed wlen ile iime comes.
See you iomoiiow!
Addiciions aie a piison foi ile weal of will.
Tlis jouiney migli noi be a ilousand miles,
bui you aie going io feel a ilousand iimes
beiiei wlen ii's compleie. Keep ilai end goal
in mind: piciuie youiself, compleiely in claige
of youi life, and wleilei oi low you expiess
youiself sexually. Tlai vision is wlai will
susiain you iliougl ile laidesi momenis.
Siaiiing ioday, we aie going io wiiie ile
commiimeni we've made io ouiselves eveiy
day. Ii's beiiei if you wiiie ii in ile posiiive.
Insiead of wiiiing, "absiain fiom looling ai
poin," wiiie "Do someiling posiiive wlenevei
I feel iempied io go io poin" oi "Fiee myself
fiom ile need io lool ai poin."
Many men lave iepoiied mucl beiiei iesulis
wlen saying, "( *+ ,$- -." /0,1 $2 3%4 5.$
%#"# 6$&,." Tlis is a slifi in ideniiiy-level
beliefs and ii's veiy poweiful.
Afiei you've wiiiien ilai siaiemeni, seleci and
iecoid ile siiaiegy you will employ ioday, if
iempied. Picl fiom ile lisi of lealily labiis
seciion, oi someiling eniiiely dieieni.
Finally, ileie is space foi you io iecoid noies
and obseivaiions $,'" -." 1*4 0# $7"&. If
you ielapsed ioday, wiiie wlai you ilinl weni
wiong wiil youi siiaiegy, oi wly you slipped
Tle jouiney of a ilousand miles begins wiil a single siep.
up. Be easy wiil youiself, ileie's no need
io beai youiself up. Tle fisi day can be ile
laidesi. Eveiy day afiei ioday will gei easiei.
If you didn'i ielapse ioday, awesome! Wiiie
wlai was successful and low you'ie feeling
oveiall, and wlai you'ie ilinling aboui ile
piocess so fai. Tlis ilougli and emoiion log
will be useful io you in ile fuiuie, as you can
iiacl youi mood swings ovei iime (especially
afiei oigasm) and noiice wlen ilings gei
a liiile oui of wlacl. If you'ie noi alieady
convinced, ilis will convince you ilai youi
biain iales some iime io iebalance afiei
eveiy oigasm. Anoilei ieason io avoid ii foi
a wlile.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
I've always liled ile Slaw quoie above: ii's a
iale-claige lind of quoie, and cleaily, you'ie a
iale-claige lind of guy.

(Incidenially, Slaw is siill ile only peison
io lave evei been awaided a Nobel Piize
in Liieiaiuie and an Oscai (foi ile flm
Pygmalion, wlicl became ile basis of My Faii
Lady.) Now ilai's a Fieice Genileman.)
8$1*4 4$% .*7" * +0##0$,9 !"## " %&'()* ")*
+&,")'-( " &.) %+& /+0+&&+12 Tlis will lelp you
cieaie ile ciicumsiances in wlicl you can be
successful iomoiiow.
Ii is impoiiani io iiansfoim ile eneigy
noimally expend duiing ile PMO labii inio
someiling benefcial. Exeicise is a gieai foim
of ielease and paiiicipaiing wiil a fiiend is a
gieai way io ensuie you commii!
If you don'i lave any fiiends ilai will
accompany you oi cannoi be boileied, asl
youiself: do you love youiself enougl io wani
io impiove youiself?
If you do love youiself and youi vision, go oui
ileie and fnd someone wlo will iun wiil you,
oi do ii solo if you musi. Oi male a plan io
lii ile gym, oi go boxing, oi play soccei, oi
wlaievei woils foi you.
Bui do someiling 6.4#0'*:, and male ii
#$'0*:. Remembei! Healily labiis aie ai
youi fngeiiips ioday, and eveiy day. Use
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
People aie always blaming ciicumsiances foi wlai iley aie. I don'i believe in
ciicumsiances. Tle people wlo gei on in ilis woild aie ile people wlo gei up and
lool foi ile ciicumsiances iley wani, and, if iley can'i fnd ilem, male ilem.
Geoige Beinaid Slaw
Welcome io Day Tliee! How is ii going? If
you've gone iliee days wiil ioial fieedom
fiom PMO, congiaiulaiions! You'ie o io a
gieai siaii. If you go iwo moie days, you'll
lave made ii a business weel.

If you've relopseJ, no sweai. Lei me iemind
you ilai many, many oilei guys lave
successfully compleied wlai you aie aboui
io compleie, and many of ilem ielapsed as
well, even in ile fisi iliee days. If iley can
do ii, so can you.
Depending on low you'ie closing io see
ilis clallenge, you can eiilei iesei (go bacl
io ile beginning of ilis documeni and
siaii bacl on Day Zeio) oi coniinue on,
jusi leeping scoie of low many days you've
ielapsed oui of ile ioial numbei of days
you've been on ile jouiney.
If you hove ielapsed, waicl oui foi
ile "langovei" ] "clasei eeci."
Neuioclemically, ile iliee days afiei a PMO
session can be pieiiy iougl. Eveiy iime you
go iliougl ilese, I wani you io pui youi
besi plans foiwaid io ensuie you muscle
iliougl ilem wiil a minimum of fuiilei
baclsliding: use ile Healily Habiis, use ile
Resouices and]oi Advanced Resouices. Gei
oui of ile louse, lang oui wiil fiiends oi
jusi spend iime in public, Jsconnec your
Inerne jor hree Joys j you mus.
Also, male suie you iecoid wlai diiecily
pieceded ile ielapse on ile Tiiggeis page.
One of ile ilings you musi do in life in
oidei io aiiain youi goals is o leorn o Jo
whoever okes. Considei ilis jusi a veiy
good oppoiiuniiy io piaciice ilai slill.
So, how wos he run?
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
I biing you ile gifi of ilese foui woids: I believe in you.
Blaise Pascal
I leaid ile above quoie on TV once, and
I ilinl ii's pieiiy iiue, and ii applies fai
beyond ilis clallenge. If you lave any
doubis as io youi abiliiy io compleie ilis
clallenge successfully, iecognize ilai ileie is
moie eneigy 8 powei inside you ilan you aie
yei awaie of.
Tlinl of Neo in 34( 5"/&'6; all ilai iime
piioi io lim iealizing le lad ile abiliiy io
siop bulleis, le was jusi lolding limself
bacl. Nobody else was in lis way.
Ii's ile same wiil you.
Wleie aie you in ile piocess? Foui days
sobei? Bully foi you; don'i bieal ile clain!
Going iliougl ile posi-ielapse langovei?
Siaii again. Diligenily, peisisienily.
Tle woild is full of possibiliiy foi you: ii only
geis beiiei fiom leie. Tiusi me.
Lei's lnocl oui Day Foui.
%$ '()" !*+,"$-.#
" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Wlai you always imagined doing is noiling, compaied io wlai you can do.
Have you made ii a full business weel?

No maiiei wlai's lappened so fai, I wani
you io give youiself a vacaiion fiom any self-
judgmeni ioday. Don'i label wlai's lappened
as "bad" oi "good" -- jusi accepi ii exacily as
ii is. And iemembei, lile Cluiclill said, ile
couiage io coniinue is ile mosi impoiiani
iling now.
If you've siayed consisieni wiil absieniion,
you'ie piobably close io expeiiencing wlai
iley call a "ailine." Many men iecoveiing
fiom PMO expeiience a specifc "ailining"
in sexual desiie 8 inieiesi aiound i-: weels
iliougl ile piocess. If ii lasn'i lappened
yei, ii may siill be on ile menu, so leep
an eye oui foi ii . . . bui don'i sweai ii. Lile
eveiyiling, ii will pass wiil iime, and wlai
jusi aboui eveiyone expeiiences nexi is a
massive suige in sexual inieiesi, eneigy 8
moiivaiion. . . as youi dopamine ciicuiis
iecovei, you will geiiing bacl all linds of
ass-licling eneigy ilai you may lave been
missing fiom youi life.
Tlai's someiling io lool foiwaid io. Bui
iemembei, you only gei ilai if you coniinue
youi absieniion 8 avoid ielapse. Male ilai
decision now, jusi foi ioday. . . and coninue
io leep youi siiing of successes unhroken.
Cluiclill, by ile way, was quiie a guy. He
defniiely didn'i use inieinei poin. (Well,
le lad ile advaniage of noi laving ile
Inieinei.) He also once quipped "My wife
and I iiied io lave biealfasi iogeilei, bui we
lad io siop oi iisl ile maiiiage." Aciually,
le and lis wife lad a life-long iomance and
fve lappy clildien. Tlai's a guy I ilinl is
woiil emulaiing.
Remembei io use youi Healily Habiis 8
Resouices ioday.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Success is noi fnal, failuie is noi faial: ii is ile couiage io coniinue ilai counis.
Winsion Cluiclill
Tomoiiow we'll lave been woiling on
ilis endeavoi foi a full weel.
Have you been iunning? Going io ile
gym moie iegulaily? Being moie social?
Maybe you picled up ilai guiiai again?
Clallenge youiself io do ilese ilings. Noi
iomoiiow, oJoy.
One impoiiani iling io iealize is ilai
youi biain clemicals aie being ie-
balanced even as we speal, and eveiy day
ilai you absiain fiom looling ai poin
oi iiiggeiing images and masiuibaiing,
youi sense of appieciaiion foi ile woild
is geiiing slaipei. Neuioclemically, youi
dopamine iecepiois aie iecoveiing. Tlis
will allow you io iale gieaiei 8 gieaiei
pleasuie in "ile liiile ilings" in life.
Tlis is someiling io lool foiwaid io, no
maiiei low well you've done so fai.
Ralpl Waldo is one of my favoiiie wiiieis.
He also said "Noiling is ai lasi sacied bui
ile iniegiiiy of youi own mind." Considei
ilis jouiney io be one of giadually
incieasing ile iniegiiiy of youi own mind,
by minding wlai you pui inio ii.
Don' jorqe
" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Noiling can biing you peace bui youiself.
Ralpl Waldo Emeison
If you lave succesfully absiained foi seven
days, congiaiulaiions! You lave ieacled
a deligliful plaieau ilai needs exceeding.
Knowing ilai you can absiain fiom
poinogiaply foi a weel iniioduces a new
baseline foi fuiilei clallenges.
Tale a minuie io ieview ile eniiies you've
made up iill now. Wlai lave you noiiced?
Wlai lave you leained? Wlai lave you
obseived aboui low you've ieacied io
being on ilis pail? How you will use youi
successs so fai io iacl up anoilei seven
days of fieedom fiom PMO?
If you lave failed ai any poini along ile
way, considei youi scoie: low many days
you've successfully iesisied youi ciavings
foi PMO. Asl youiself: if ile clallenge
ended iomoiiow, and ilis was youi fnal
scoie, low would you feel aboui ii? Would
you wani io do beiiei, oi would you be fully
saiisfed? Be lonesi.
Decide on any adjusimenis you wani io
male io youi peifoimance. Wlai lave you
iiied ilai's noi woiling and needs io be
clanged? Wlai's woiling well ilai you
wani io coniinue?
Wiiie ilose ilings below and leep up ile
P.S.: Are you jeelnq porculorly
enerqec oJoy? In all lilelilood, if you
lave absiained foi all seven days 8 youi lasi
oigasm + ejaculaiion was y days ago, youi
biain 8 body undeiweni expeiienced a peal
in iesiosieione ioday. Fiom ile ieseaicl,
ilis seems io be a one-day peal, bui ii migli
lelp you io lnow aboui ii. Enjoy ii, foi wlai
ii's woiil, as anoilei clanging paii of ile
expeiience. Read moie on YBOP.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Tleie aie no limiis. Tleie aie plaieaus, bui you musi noi siay ileie, you musi go
beyond ilem. If ii lills you, ii lills you. A man musi consianily exceed lis level.
Biuce Lee
Audiey Hepbuin is one of ile classiesi
and mosi beauiiful of ile classic movie
siais. And clevei, ioo, as ile quoie above
demonsiiaies. Absiaining foi o days is
only impossible if you decide io believe ii's
impossible. Remembei, you lave a cloice.
Hopefully you've come oui of ile fisi weel
wiil a big feeling of accomplislmeni. If
you laven'i, lei me assuie you, ilai feeling
is noi fai away. How many of ile nexi seven
days would you lave io succeed in oidei io
feel lile a ioial success ai ile end of nexi
weel? Tliee? Five? All seven?
If ilis seems lile ilinling ioo small foi you,
sei a bigei goal, sucl as ciusling ile eniiie
iesi of ilis piogiam wiiloui biealing a
sweai. Eiilei way, sei an inieniion now foi
low you'ie going io do in ile nexi weel.
No piessuie iniended leie; jusi good, clean
My goal foi iemaining fiee (wiiie as a
numbei of days fiee fiom PMO)

By ile way, low aie ile Healily Habiis
going? Have you been io ile gym iecenily?
Aie you spending moie iime wiil fiiends?
Wlai's ii lile being aiound ile ladies?
Rememher L use
" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Noiling is impossible, ile woid iiself says 'I'm possible'!
Audiey Hepbuin
Olivei Holmes Si may seem a liiile old
faslioned, bui le's goi a poini: as men,
oui feai acis a compass, poiniing us in ile
diieciion we ougli io go.
You, my fiiend, aie moving in ile iigli
diieciion. Don'i foigei ilai.
Suie, ii's moie comfoiiable io siand in ilai
cozy, fully-insuied q-io- job wiil ile sieady
payclecl, bui wlai aboui ilai business
you've always wanied io siaii? Ii'll waii uniil
you lave jusi a liiile bii moie money saved
up, iigli? Well, wlai's one siep you could
iale io begin moving in ile diieciion of
doing wlai you iiuly wani io do?
I can iell you lonesily ilai I was nevei moie
scaied in my life as ile nigli befoie my
fnal day on a comfoiiable q-io- job I was
quiiiing afiei moie ilan yeais. And you
lnow wlai? Ii woiled oui.
I'm noi iiying io disiiaci you fiom ile main
eveni leie; jusi some food foi ilougli.
Lei's iocl and ioll Day Nine.
Quck lnks
" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
I fnd ilai ile gieai iling in ilis woild is noi so mucl wleie
we siand as in wlai diieciion we aie moving.
Olivei Wendell Holmes Si
Ten days is a good long siieicl io iiy
anyiling consisienily. If you've been
consisieni aboui following ilis piogiam,
iegaidless of youi iesulis day-io-day,
give youiself a pai on ile bacl. You aie
one-iliid of ile way iliougl. Youi life is
alieady slifiing in subile ways.
By ile way, ile Sievenson quoie, above,
ecloes some of ile mosi esoieiic ieaclings
of ile ancieni Tibeian Buddlisis: wlai
lappens eacl day is a iesuli of seeds we
planied in ile pasi. Today is ile pasi's
fuiuie; ile pasi is always ieveibeiaiing in
ile pieseni. Tomoiiow is ioday's fuiuie,
and if iomoiiow slapes up in a way you
don'i lile, you'll wisl you'd planied beiiei
seeds ioday.
Anoilei way of saying ilis is "we'ie always
gaidening foi ile fuiuie."
Wlai seeds aie you planiing now?
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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Don'i judge eacl day by ile laivesi you ieap bui by ile seeds ilai you plani.
Robeii Louis Sievenson
Today's quoie is veiy mucl in line wiil
yesieiday's: I've been ilinling a loi aboui
ile planiing seeds and ile doing of deeds
Today, lei's ilinl a liiile moie deeply aboui
wlai Fieiie is saying leie: ileie aie ilings
ilai seem 'impossible' io us ioday bui ilai,
if we clange ile condiiions of ile woild,
will be ioially possible iomoiiow. Bui only
if we siaii clanging condiiions now.
Remembei wlai Georqe BernorJ Show
lad io say on Day Two: we musi clange ile
ciicumsiances of ile woild aiound us, noi
jusi wline and complain aboui low bad
ile ciicumsiances aie foi us.
By ile way, does going anoilei iq days
wiiloui using inieinei poin seem
impossible io you? Quesiion ilose
And asl youiself: wlai condiiions oi
ciicumsiances can you clange oJoy, so
ilai ii seems moie possible?
Tlinl on ii; ilen aci on ii.
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Wlai can we do ioday so ilai iomoiiow we
can do wlai we aie unable io do ioday?
Paulo Fieiie
Lool ai you! Siill siicling wiil ile
piogiam, a dozen days in. }usi ilinl: in
iwo moie days, we'll be lalf-way iliougl
oui piogiam. Tlai's gonna feel ieal good.
Two weels of consisieni eoii is a majoi
success, no maiiei if you've ielapsed, oi
low many iimes.
Have you been feeling defeaied ai all laiely?
If so, iale in some Rille. He lnew a liiile
bii aboui being defeaied: wlen le was
liiile, lis moilei diessed lim up as a giil
as a way of dealing wiil lei giief ai laving
losi lei fisi clild, a daugliei.
Tlis Clallenge won'i defeai you, my fiiend.
Noi in ile long iun.
Lei's gei siaiied on ile dozenil day.
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" Healily Habiis
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" Advanced Resouices
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Tle puipose of life is io be defeaied by gieaiei and gieaiei ilings.
Rainiei Maiia Rille
How do you feel aboui ile numbei i,
paiinei? I've always consideied ii a lucly
numbei, bui ilai's piobably jusi my
coniiaiian naiuie. Some would aigue, given
my iiacl iecoid: in :oi: I ended boil a long-
ieim ielaiionslip and a long-ieim caieei on
a Fiiday ile iil (dieieni Fiidays, ilougl).
I'm convinced ilai, lile eveiyiling, ii's
ioially neuiial. You gei io male of ii
wlaievei you wani. Do you wani ioday io be
a day of fieedom and iiiumpl, oi a day of
Ie's oke o momen oJoy o rememher
why we're Jonq hs o oll: io iecovei
oui iime, oui eneigy, oui fieedom, and io
expeiience ile iiclness of gieaiei sexual
funciioning, menial claiiiy, 8 qualiiy of life
ilai come wiil a life unencumbeied by ile
PMO labii. (Review youi own lisi ilai you
wioie ai ile siaii of ilis monil. You did
wiiie youi own lisi, didn'i you? If noi, do ii
Spealing of menial claiiiy, lave you iiied
meJoon as a Healily Habii? If you
laven'i, sii down foi minuies ioday, and
give ii a iiy. I ieally can'i iecomend ii liglly
PS: Do youiself a favoi and waicl Ron
Howaid's iqq flm Apollo i, fiom wlence
ile above quoie is ialen. Ii's a good flm
foi many ieasons, bui one of ile mosi
inieiesiing aspeci is ile male-bonding,
male-compeiiiion subploi. (Plus, ii puis
ilings in peispeciive: if ilose guys can
oveicome ileii life-ilieaiening ego-iension
io gei bacl fiom ile moon in a busied
spaceciafi, you can go wiiloui a wanl
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
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Maiilyn Lovell: Naiuially, ii's |Apolloj i. Wly i?
}im Lovell: Ii comes afiei i:, lon.
Wlaievei you ilinl of Pac, you lave io
admii ilai, alilougl le was iiagically
lilled, le nevei suiiendeied.
Wlai aboui you? Any ilouglis of
suiiendei laiely?
Seven days ago, I asled you low many days
you wanied io beai youi compulsion oi
addiciion io PMO.
Review ilai ioday. How did ii go? And wlai
does ilai mean io you? Be diligeni
and lonesi aboui flling oui ile ieeciion
ioday. Ii will guide you as we go foiwaid.
Tomoiiow, we aie lalfway.
Today, as eveiy day, we aie woiling on
becoming a liiile moie fiee.
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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Deail is noi ile gieaiesi loss in life. Tle gieaiesi loss is
wlai dies inside wlile siill alive. Nevei suiiendei.
Tupac Slalui
Today, we aie lalf-way iliougl ile
So fai, you've piobably iasied a liiile
someiling of boil vicioiy and defeai. Ii's
my lope ilai youi lungei foi vicioiy will
leep you going, and ile siing of defeai
is noi enougl io dissuade you fiom ilis
ciiiical pail.
Be delibeiaie aboui youi log ioday; now
is ile peifeci iime io lool bacl, and lool
alead. Wlai fuiuie do you wani io design?
Wlai lessons do you wani io biing foiwaid
fiom ile pasi? Wlai does all ilai say aboui
youi aciions, ilouglis, and woids in ile
I am noi only spealing aboui an unlealily
compulsion io use inieinei poin leie; I
am also ialling aboui a man masieiing lis
fiailiies in ile piocess of becoming moie
fiee, and ilai is someiling ilai all ioo few
men of ile modein age iale ile iime oi
male ile eoii io do.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Ii is noi ile ciiiic wlo counis; noi ile man wlo poinis oui low ile siiong man siumbles,
oi wleie ile doei of deeds could lave done ilem beiiei. Tle ciedii belongs io ile man
wlo is aciually in ile aiena, wlose face is maiied by dusi and sweai and blood; wlo siiives
valianily; wlo eiis, wlo comes sloii again and again, because ileie is no eoii wiiloui ei-
ioi and sloiicoming; bui wlo does aciually siiive io do ile deeds; wlo lnows gieai enilu-
siasms, ile gieai devoiions; wlo spends limself in a woiily cause; wlo ai ile besi lnows
in ile end ile iiiumpl of ligl aclievemeni, and wlo ai ile woisi, if le fails, ai leasi fails
wlile daiing gieaily, so ilai lis place slall nevei be wiil ilose cold and iimid souls wlo
neiilei lnow vicioiy noi defeai.
Tleodoie Rooseveli
Day sixieen! We aie ovei ile lump, ovei
lalfway iliougl ilis piogiam, and leading
How aie you feeling? Aie you beginning io
expeiience ile iangible benefis of fieedom
fiom PMO? Peilaps you beginning io feel a
liiile moie in coniiol and in claige of youi life.
Youi expeiiences io ilis poini will lave given
you a good measuie of youiself. Remembei,
youiself is always clanging, as is wlai you aie
capable of. How is youi scoie looling? Do you
wani ii io lool dieieni in ile nexi i( days?
Wiiie youi cuiieni scoie and youi ideal scoie.
Tlen ieview ile clecllisi below io male suie
you'ie giving youiself eveiy possible clance of
aiiaining ile success you ciave.
Aie you:

Taling advaniage of ile communiiies of guys
going iliougl ile same iling? If noi, iale
an aciion io gei moie involved ioday. Read
someiling inspiiing, oi posi youi own updaie.
Use youi Resouices.
Swiicling oui siiaiegies ilai don'i seem io be
as eeciive foi you?
Remembeiing io leep ii ligli, and foigive
youiself wlen you ielapse?
If you lool above and don'i see a clecl mail
in any single one of ile above iliee boxes,
male ilai aiea a paiiiculai focus foi ile nexi
few days. Even if ii's all iliee of ilem.
Cuiieni Scoie ] Ideal Scoie
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
You nevei fail uniil you siop iiying.
Albeii Einsiein
Sevenieen days down ile pail! Tlis
jouiney will be ovei befoie you lnow ii.
Haiuli Muialami is a succesful novelisi
and iunnei. He lnows pain. He also lnows
ile sueiing is in ile mind. As }oln Milion
said, "Tle mind is iis own place, and in
iiself can male a leaven of lell, a lell of
leaven." (Tlis is ile guy, lei me iemind
you, wlo wioie Paiadise Losi. He lnows a
liiile aboui Heaven and Hell.)
If you'ie cuiienily expeiiencing any pain,
accepi ii fully. If you'ie cuiienily oi lave
been doing any sueiing, eiilei as a iesuli
of ilis piogiam oi oilei life evenis, see if
you can diieci youi mind io 'male a leaven
of lell' ioday.
Ii is wiilin youi powei.
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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You nevei fail uniil you siop iiying.
Albeii Einsiein
Pain is ineviiable. Sueiing is opiional.
Haiuli Muialami
Saial Dessen is an auiloi of young
aduli fciion. As mucl as I someiimes
fnd ii laid io iespeci YA siu, I ilinl
sle's iigli on wiil ile above quoie (and,
foi ile iecoid, I laven'i iead anyiling
sle's wiiiien).
Youi commiiimenis io doing alieinaiive
belaviois ilai male you beiiei, insiead
of lapsing inio old mal-adpiive paiieins,
is maling you siiongei. You deseive ile
ciedii foi addiiional siiengil you lave
won ovei ile lasi eiglieen days.
Suie, ii's diculi. Ii's diculi eveiy
damn day.
Bui, ii's woiil ii.
And, ii will gei easiei, ile longei you
wall ilis pail. If you alieady feel ii's
easy, congiaiulaiions. If you aie siill in
a daily siiuggle, you'ie noi alone. Ii may
iale pasi o days befoie you siaii feeling
daily ease. . . ii may iale beyond qo.
Tle impoiiani iling is noi low long ii
iales. Tle impoiiani iling is ilai you
iefuse io give up.
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" Healily Habiis
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Anyone can lide. Facing up io ilings, woiling iliougl
ilem, ilai's wlai males you siiong.
Saial Dessen
I love wlai beloved sci-f auiloi Ray las
io say aboui 'building oui wings on ile
way down.' Wlenevei I've ialen similai
leaps in life, people lave ofien been veiy
ciiiical, and ofien focused a loi on ile
poieniial io fall and gei luii, noi on ile
poieniial io soai io new leiglis.
I lave noiiced ilai iypically, ilose
people lad nevei ialen similai leaps
Humans aie aciually quiie capable iool-
buildeis, and nevei beiiei ilan wlen
we'ie in some soii of ciisis. You aie using
a iool in ilis piogiam io gei youiself oui
of a ciisis of soiis, iigli now.
Wlo lnows wlai soii of wings you'll
build nexi?
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
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If we lisiened io oui inielleci we'd nevei lave a love aaii. We'd nevei lave a fiiendslip.
We'd nevei go in business because we'd be cynical: "Ii's gonna go wiong." Oi "Sle's going io
luii me." Well, ilai's nonsense. You'ie going io miss life. You've goi io jump o ile cli all
ile iime and build youi wings on ile way down.
Ray Biadbuiy
My deai fiiend, ileie aie only io days
lefi of ilis piogiam! And considei. . .
no maiiei now many iimes you lave
ielapsed. . .you lave won gieaiei self-
coniiol 8 fieedom jusi fiom walling ilis
pail. (By ile way. . . aie you leeping iiacl
of youi Tiiggeis?)
Tle pail coniinues, by ile way, fai
beyond o days. Ii ieacles io 6o days,
qo days, i:o days, and beyond . . . 6
days and moie. Days of fieedom beyond
couniing aie youis foi ile laving. Tlinl
of all you could accomplisl! Tlinl of
ile depil and exciiemeni of ile ieal
ielaiionslips you can lave!
Ben Fianllin is one of my leioes. I'd lile
io ilinl ilai if we weie coniempoiaiies,
we would lave been buddies.
Fianllin was iigli aboui paiience -- and
you lave been building youi paiience
quiie beauiifully wiil ilis piogiam.
Oui culiuie bieeds us io expeci and
wani eveiyiling now, bui a ieally good
ielaiionslip, oi a succesful business, oi a
successful life, doesn'i lappen oveinigli.
You've goi io siicl wiil ii.
Bui, if you can fnd ilai bullleaded
peisisience wiilin youiself, anyiling you
sei oui io do aciually becomes soii of easy.
Fianllin also famously wioie a leiiei
eniiiled, "Advice io a Young Man on ile
Cloice of a Misiiess" wlicl ouilines S
ieasons wly young men slould cloose
oldei women foi ileii aaiis. Lool ii up,
and you'll see wly I love ilis guy so mucl.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
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Tlougli Log
He ilai can lave paiience can lave wlai le will.
Benjamin Fianllin
Lei's y, noi ciawl, iliougl ile iemaining
nine days in ilis piogiam.
Ii's iime io clecl in. Wlai aie you
noiicing aboui youi piogiess ovei ile lasi
weel? Wlai is woiling ieally well? Wlai
is a siicling poini foi you?
Eveiy day, you aie becoming moie and
moie of an expeii on youiself, youi
paiieins, and low you can be fully fiee
fiom compulsions, and fully in youi own
Isn'i giowil gieai?
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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You weie boin wiil wings, wly piefei io ciawl iliougl life?
Man, ilai Einsiein was a genius.
I'll iell you ile iiuil: on some level, ilis
wlole o-day-clallenge iling las been a
soii deail and iebiiil of ilis paii of youi
peisonaliiy. You aie in a soii of moliing
piocess, leaving o an old paii of you ilai
is no longei seiving you, and giowing inio
a new slin ilai suiis you mucl beiiei.
Tle iling is, you do ilis ai youi own pace.
How's ile pace going ioday?
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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I musi be willing io give up wlai I am in oidei io become wlai I will be.
Albeii Einsiein
Can you believe low close you aie io ile
end of ilis jouiney?
Geoige Cailin (R.I.P.) was a wise and
funny man. I iend io believe ilai ile
foices of evil in oui lives don'i come fiom
anywleie ouiside ouiselves, bui aie
iailei inieinal. Oui unlealed pain, wlicl
we avoid; oui wealness, wlicl we give
in io; oui ego, wlicl diives us io male
siupid decisions ilai luii ilose aiound
us and uliimaiely, ouiselves.
By embailing on ilis peiiod of self-
iefnemeni, and by peisisiing as long
as you lave, you aie ile one confusing
ile foices of 'evil' wiilin youiself. You
aie sieadily oveiwlelming ilem wiil
posiiiviiy, self-impiovemeni, and ile
beiiei angels of youi naiuie.
Suie, you've failed. Maybe you've failed
eveiy day. Bui you aie siill in ile aiena,
siill pusling onwaid, siill iiying.
And ilai males you a leio in my eyes.
Remembei: ii doesn'i maiiei if you gei
lnocled down i,ooo iimes, jusi so long
as you gei up i,ooi iimes. You will noi fall
Lei's ioially confuse oui inieinal foices of
evil ioday, io ile poini iley gei compleiely
losi and jusi nevei slow up.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
May ile foices of evil become confused on ile way io youi louse.
Geoige Cailin
So, wiil only 6 days lefi in ilis piocess,
wlai's ii going io be, my fiiend? Aie you
one of ile men ilai ile biicl walls weie
designed io leep oui?
Oi aie you one of ile men designed io
ciasl iliougl, climb ovei, oi go aiound?
We all come io ile biicl wall wiil a
dieieni sei of iools: some of us lave
jacllammeis and bulldozeis. Some of us
lave iegulai lammeis. Some of us jusi
lave oui baie lands.
Uliimaiely, ii doesn'i maiiei: wlai
maiieis is youi willingness io male
ile cloice io use wlaievei iools ai
youi disposal io gei iliougl ilai wall.
Remembei, you always lave a cloice: and
iemembei ilai ile mosi poweiful iool
you lave is iigli beiween youi eais.
If you'ie feeling empiy-landed ai ile
wall, go io ile cieaiiviiy in youi biain.
Does somebody else lave a wiecling ball
you can boiiow? Can you scuiiy ovei, oi
iunnel undei? Can you wall aiound? Is
ileie a dooi in ile wall ilai oilei people
don'i see?
Oi someiling else eniiiely?
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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Tle biicl walls aie noi ileie io leep us oui. Tle biicl walls aie ileie
io give us a clance io slow low badly we wani someiling. Because ile
biicl walls aie ileie io siop ile people wlo don'i wani ii badly enougl.
Randy Pauscl
Can you be biave foi fve moie days?
Tell me, las ile piocess become eoiiless
foi you? Aie you soaiing easily iliougl
eacl day? Tlai level of ease and masieiy is
all I wisl foi you. If you'ie noi ileie yei, I
lave jusi iliee simple pieces of advice:
Don'i give up. Don'i give up. Don'i give up.
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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A leio is no biavei ilan an oidinaiy man, bui le is biave fve minuies longei.
Ralpl Waldo Emeison
Do me a favoi. Find ile neaiesi ai suiface,
and pui someiling on ii. A pen, youi plone,
wlaievei's convenieni.
Now, iiy io picl ilai objeci up. Do youi besi.
Waicl caiefully. Did you aciually picl ile
objeci up, oi did you fail? Did you siop and
do a loi of self-conscious ilinling aboui
"low" you weie going io "iiy" io picl ile
objeci up? Oi did you jusi do ii?
Did you noiice low, no maiiei wleilei you
failed oi succeeded ai picling ile objeci up,
you did noi iiy ai any poini?
I ilinl ilai's wlai Yoda ("Do oi do noi. Tleie
is no iiy") and Ray Biadbuiy, weie ialling
So wlenevei you leai someone else (oi
youiself ) say, "I'll iiy," give ii a second
ilougli. Wlai is ieally meani by "iiy"?
I don'i lave io iell you low close you aie io
compleiing ilis clallenge. No maiiei wlai
youi 'scoie' is, youi piaciice foi ile nexi foui
days is io do youi absoluie besi. Wlen I was
in iiacl in ligl sclool, oui Coacl always
said: "Finisl siiong." Tlai's wlai you musi
do now. Finisl siiong.
Don'i ilinl, and don'i iiy.
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
Don'i ilinl. Tlinling is ile enemy of cieaiiviiy. Ii's self-conscious and anyiling
self-conscious is lousy. You can'i "iiy" io do ilings. You simply "musi" do ilings.
Ray Biadbuiy
We'ie almosi ileie.
As we appioacl ile 'end' of ilis o-day
peiiod, and ile ioial fulfllmeni of ile
individual and colleciive commiimenis
you've made io youiself, I inviie you io lool
moie deeply inio youiself, ai all ile oilei
unlindled ames ilai may be ileie.
As you sled labiis ilai aie no longei
seiving you, ileie is moie and moie eneigy
io iuin iowaids becoming exacily wlo you
weie meani io be. A biggei adveniuie is
waiiing foi you.
Tliee days lefi, my fiiend.
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
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Tlougli Log
Tleie is a candle in youi leaii, ieady io be lindled.
Tleie is a void in youi soul, ieady io be flled.
You feel ii, don'i you?
If you'ie inio esoieiic plilosoply, you
could do woise ilan ieading Robeii
Piisig's 7() ")* /4( 8&/ +% 5+/+&!9!#(
5"')/()")!(, oi lis less-populai bui I
believe supeiioi sequel :'#".
He's iigli, you lnow. And ovei ile lasi
iweniy-seven days, you've been doing a
loi of woil in youi lead, youi leaii, and
youi lands.
Aie you ieady io move ouiwaid fiom
ileie? Only you can lnow ilai.
Lei's fnisl ilis o-day clallenge fisi.
Two days lefi.
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" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
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Tlougli Log
Tle place io impiove ile woild is fisi in one's own leaii
and lead and lands, and ilen woil ouiwaid fiom ileie.
Robeii M. Piisig
On ilis, ile penuliimaie day, I wani you
io ieeci on ile inleieni possibiliiies of
youi life.
How mucl woil lave you done on
youiself ovei ile pasi monil? Has ii
been woil io male youiself miseiable,
oi woil io male youiself siiong? Have
you allowed youi labiis and old paiieins
io lamsiiing you ai poinis along ile
way? (Ii's olay, we all do.) Have you
pusled beyond wlai you ilougli was
Casianeda is iigli, you lnow. Tleie is a
ceiiain amouni of woil you aie going io
do in life. You can pui ilai woil iowaids
maling youiself as siiong, biave,
beauiiful and lappy as possible, oi you
can pui ilai woil inio beaiing youiself
up, ieaiing youiself down, and being
I lnow wlai cloice I wani you io male.
One day lefi.
Quck lnks
" Healily Habiis
" Resouices
" Advanced Resouices
My Commiimeni To Myself Today
If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
Tlougli Log
We eiilei male ouiselves miseiable, oi we male
ouiselves siiong. Tle amouni of woil is ile same.
Cailos Casianeda
You made ii!!
Wlai lave you leained?
Wlai can you do now, ilai wasn'i possible iliiiy days ago?
. . . Wlai do you wani io do nexi?
Tlese aie jusi a few of ile quesiions you migli considei in ioday's ieeciion. Tliiiy days is a long
iime io do anyiling, and if you've made ii io ile end of ilis clallenge lonesily, laving paiiicipaied
eacl day, laving done youi besi, you deseive all ile iiclness of all ile peisonal iewaids ilai aie
suie io acciue io wlomevei applies ilemselves in ilis way.
I wani you io lnow ilai, no maiiei low you feel you did, oi wlai youi 'fnal scoie' is, I'm prouJ
oj you. I lope you'ie pioud of youiself foi ialing ilis oppoiiuniiy io clallenge youiself, io pusl
beyond wlai you weie capable of befoie, and foi going io woil on enlaiging ile possibiliiies of
fieedom in youi life.
Alilougl I've walled beside you ilese iliiiy days in spiiii, iemembei ilai ile woil was youis. You
JJ hs. You may noi lave done ii alone, bui you did ii. Noi eveiyone is capable of wlai you did
Ai ile end of ile day ioday, wiiie youi fnal scoie below. Considei siaiiing ilis clallenge all ovei
again iomoiiow. If you wani io impiove youi scoie, ileie's no iime lile ile pieseni io impiove ii:
if you goi a peifeci o]o, maybe now ii's iime io slooi foi 6o days, oi qo. . . ? Would ileie be any
laim in you commiiiing io a life wiiloui poin? I'll leave ii in youi capable lands io deieimine.
I's my snceres hope ilai you aie now expeiiencing some of ile wondeiful benefis of fieedom
fiom PMO, and ilai ilese benefis moiivaie you io susiain youi commiiimeni io a couise of gieaiei
fieedom, foi ile long laul.
Ii's also my lope ilai ilis siieicl of self-impiovemeni las moiivaied you io iaclle oilei aieas in
youi life wleie you wani moie love oi fieedom.
Foi example, if you wani io gei moie inio ile piaciices of culiivaiion of sexual eneigy, oi diieci
dealing wiil cieaiive and sexual eneigy, ileie is a iabbii lole as deep as you wani io go; see
Advanced Resouices foi moie.
I am always doing ilai wlicl I can noi do, in oidei ilai I may leain low io do ii.
Pablo Picasso
My Commiimeni To Myself Today If oi Wlen Ciavings Aiise Today, I Will
My Final Scoie
Tlougli Log
Congiaiulaiions on fnisling ile o-Day PMO-Fiee Clallenge!
If you lave any suggesiions foi fuiuie iieiaiions of ilis bool,
please don'i lesiiaie io coniaci ile auiloi.
You can siay up-io-daie wiil fuiuie Clallenges oi fuiilei
ediiions of ilis bool ai ile Love 8 Fieedom Piojeci.
Wiiiing io Heal - A Guided }ouinal foi Recoveiing fiom Tiauma 8 Emoiional Upleaval by
}ames W. Pennebalei. Tlis bool clanged my life. Ii is a meilod foi lealing 8 fieedom ilai
you can do compleiely on youi own, ovei a sloii, fve-day peiiod. Higlly iecommended. (I
covei ii in moie depil on ile Love 8 Fieedom Piojeci Blog.)

Tle Way of ile Supeiioi Man - A Spiiiiual Guide io Masieiing ile Clallenges of Women,
Woil, and Sexual Desiie by David Deida. Tlis is absoluiely iequiied ieading foi any man
looling io deepen lis piesence and eeciiveness in ile woild. Higlly iecommended. I ie-
iead ilis bool once a yeai.

Fiie in ile Belly - On Being a Man by Sam Keen. Alilougl a liiile daied, Keen las some
good insiglis on wlai ii means io be a man, low io fx youi ielaiionslip wiil Women,
and low io leal ile iifi beiween ile gendeis ilai is a iesuli of ile "gendei wai" and
"ideological feminism." Woiil a iead.

Cupid's Poisoned Aiiow - Fiom Habii io Haimony in Sexual Relaiionslips by Mainia
Robinson, }.D - Tlis is ile bool ilai made me awaie of ile poieniial downside of ile
'oigasm and ejaculaiion' cycle -- and Mainia's websiie, lisied in ile Resouices seciion, is
defniiely woiil a visii. Tlis bool deals mosily wiil iniimaie ielaiionslips and low iley
can be impioved by adopiing a dieieni siyle of bonding-based lovemaling, ofien called
Kaiezza. A gieai iead wiil a paiinei if you'ie siiuggling io 'siay in love.'
Tle following movies lave lelped ile auiloi(s) on ileii jouinies io be siiongei, calmei,
moie infoimed, moie educaied, and moie loving men. We lope iley do ile same io you.
FooJ L Woer, Heolh L Wellness
" ;$$1< (,' Tlis doc will lelp you undeisiand oui indusiiial food sysiem.
" ;*-< =0'/< *,1 >"*&:4 ?"*1 Tle sioiy of one man's jouiney io gieaiei lealil iliougl
(suipiise!) eaiing mosily vegeiables.
" @0&$ ?&"*+# $2 =%#.0 A musi foi a susli-lovei oi any gouimand, ilis flm is a piece
of aii in iis own iigli, bui ile deepei message las io do wiil doing wlai you love, and
commiiiing youiself io youi life's puipose wiil singulai devoiion.
" 8." A,1 $2 -." B0," Recommended afiei you waicl }iio: conceins ile woild's supply of
" C0,3 D$&, Did you lnow ilai coin is in almosi eveiy piocessed food in Ameiica? Ii's
iiue. Tlis doc iiaces ile ieasons wly.
" E:%" F$:1 G 8*66"1 Tlese iwo documeniaiies boil deal wiil ile woild waiei siiuaiion:
Blue Gold aboui wlo owns ile waiei, and Tapped aboui ile boiiled waiei indusiiy.
Togeilei iley will oei a solid educaiion in ile woild's mosi piecious iesouice, consideied
by many io be ile mosi piecious naiuial iesouices of ile fuiuie.
Trovel / AJvenure / FnJnq Purpose n Ije
" D.*#0,3 ('" Tlis inciedible ploiogiaplei ploiogiapls glacieis lile nobody else, and
also slows low iley aie disappeaiing. Iniense and launiing. Siunning, once-in-a-lifeiime
fooiage. Musi see.
" =*+#*&* A goigeous visual ione poem ilai linls lumaniiy, spiiiiualiiy, iealiiy, eieiniiy, 8
iianscendence. Tle subjeci of ile flm is noiling less ilan all of expeiience. Also a musi
" C$4**,0#H*%-#0 Tle woid "loyaanisquaisi" in Naiive Ameiican means "life oui
of balance." Similai io Samsaia, bui fiom iqS:. Feaiuies a launiing Plillip Glass scoie and
is consideied by many io be a classic and ile siaii of ile genie. Will male you pondei ile
modein woild in all iis gloiy and decay.
" ?""6 I*-"& Tle inciedible sioiy of ile fisi men io ciicumnavigaie ile globe in
sailboais. Inciedible iale of ienaciiy, as well as failuie, and slows men as boil God-lile and
" JKL =$%-. A young man ieiiaces a jouiney io Souil Ameiica in seaicl of adveniuie. Ideal
io waicl if you'ie feeling siucl in a iui.
Wor, Volence, onJ Men's Issues
" !"#-&"6$ Tle besi documeniaiy I lave seen on Ameiica's ieceni wais, ialing place in
ile mosi dangeious valley in Afglanisian. Also non-paiiisan and absoluiely giipping.
Demysiifes wai.
" D$%,-1$5, -$ M"&$ A documeniaiy aboui lumaniiy's mosi poweiful weapon, ile
nucleai bomb, and peispeciives fiom woild leadeis of all peisuasions on ile impoiiance of
ieducing nucleai aimamenis io zeio.
" N$5 -$ O*/" O$,"4 ="::0,3 ?&%3# An impoiiani doc, since so many of oui bioileis
and faileis lave ilis lifesiyle as ile only viable means of geiiing alead. Illuminaiing on
muliiple levels.
Tle auiloi would lile io giaiefully aclnowledge ile many
men wlo lad a land in ile cieaiion of ilis bool.
Wiiloui ileii diligeni involvemeni and wise feedbacl ii
would be a meie sladow of iis cuiieni siaie.

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