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LESSON PLAN IN PHYSICS I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lessons, students will be able to: 1.

Understand and define the concept of inertia and Newtons First Law of motion. 2. Identify situations from daily life that they can explain with the help of this law. 3. Analyze situations and apply the concept of inertia to problems from daily life. 4. Design and demonstrate an activity to demonstrate Newtons First Law of motion SUBJECT MATTER CHAPTER 5 TOPIC: NEWTONS FIRST LAW OF MOTION CONCEPT: Inertia-is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion. Inertia comes from a Latin word, iners meaning idle, or lazy. The concept of First Law of Motion or Inertia clearly explained why a car driver always needs to fasten seat belt all the time while driving. MATERIALS NEEDED Ramp ( Inclined plane) Toy car Toy doll (clay) Playing card Tumbler/Glass Coin Internet connectivity/Smart board and projector

II. A. B.

C. D.

E. REFERENCES I-Physics IV 2006, pg. 103-104, Author: Gil Nonato Santos Science in Todays World Copyright 2005 Series Physics, pg.64-65, Author: Rosario Laurel Sotto III. TEACHING STRATEGY A. Daily routine 1. Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking Attendance B. RECALL 1. State a brief background of the three famous scientists: Aristotle, Galileo and Newton and their ideas about motion: 1.1 Aristotle- Studied motion in the 4th century BC. He believed that an object would keep moving only if force was applied to it. As soon as the force is removed, motion will cease. 1.2 Galileo-Stated that in the absence of a force, moving body will continue to move at a constant speed in a straight line.

1.3 Newton- Did realized the significance of the concept of Galileo and refined the idea of motion; therefore he published Law of Inertia in 1687 in his book Principia Mathematica. C. MOTIVATION 1. Its Nothing New (ton) 5 minutes video presentation. Using projector, show to the class an introduction video clip about First Law of Motion. After the video presentation, ask the students the following questions: a. If you are Isaac Newton, what are the ideas coming out on your mind about the video clip? Based on your idea, write a description of your observation about it. b. What do you understand about Law of Inertia? Note: First 5 students of the class who will get the near possible answer will get a price. D. LESSON PROPER PROCEDURE 1. Introduction 1.1 State a brief introduction of Isaac Newton and his contribution to motion. a. Isaac Newton- was an English Physicist and mathematician born on 4th January 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England and died in the 31st March 1727 in London, England. b. In 1687, Newton published his single greatest work: Mathematical Principles
of Natural Philosophy). This showed how a universal force, gravity, applied to all objects in all parts of the universe.


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