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Today, we are here to debate the long, hard, topic of whether prostitution should be legal or not.

My partner and I will be arguing the affirmative. I believe that in this beautiful country, where oppression is beaten by the mighty fist of freedom, in this beautiful country, where the citizens are not just going to bend over and take the governments, stiff, infectious legislation. In this beautiful country, a man, or woman, should be able to choose what they want to do with the bodies they are given. Our opponents may bring up the sticky argument of the moral wrongness of prostitution, and to that I say that no one should be able to decide the morals of another, especially here in the land of the free. Now, there are some common misconceptions based around prostitution that must be cleared up to understand our point of view. 1.) Despite the views of the general public that most prostitutes are being forced to work by someone, the naked truth is that only 4.3%, or approximately 28 of the 656 prostitutes interviewed report being forced to work by someone. The second fallacy regarding the topic is that has been beaten into the minds of the populace is that many people only resort to prostitution in order to settle questionable debts such as gambling and drugs, in-fact a study conducted by the Center for Sex Offender Management concluded that 82.3% of prostitutes claimed that they practiced the trade in order to earn extra money and to pay for common household expenses. After listening to that stimulating rebuttal of common misconceptions concerning the subject at hand, and being citizens of the United States of America, the land of the free, how can you tell me that prostitution should be illegal?

Prostitution should not be illegal. It is not a violent act (unless youre in to that sort of thing.), it does not rob anyone of their belongings, and it does not disturb the peace. In fact, It has the potential to make people happy. Take Nevada for example, a state in America where prostitution is legalized in regulated establishments. Wade Lieseke, the former Sheriff of Nye County, Nevada, quotes "In my county, I don't have a prostitution problem because it's legalized. Why would anyone go to a street hooker if they can go to a brothel where it's regulated? They would have to be crazy." CRAZY he says. On the streets, where prostitution is unregulated and illegal, the prostitutes have no rights, and NO PROTECTION. Thats right, no protection. If there were more regulated establishments, not only would they be paid a steady income but they would be protected. Theyd have so much protection, that not even the long, hard, knife of injustice could penetrate their legal protection. Furthermore, like the sheriff of Nye County stated, if there were more regulated establishments, not only would it clean up the streets of the larger cities in America by reducing the number of street hookers dramatically, it would also reduce the sex trafficking industry by making it less desirable. If you ask me, the legalization of Prostitution is a win-win situation.

1.) Why do you believe that one should not have a right to do what they want with their body even though it is against constitution to restrict their ability to do so??

2.) Who do you think prostitution is hurting?

3.) what would you do if the day pigs flew was the same day as your birthday in the middle of summer while its raining and the sun is rising in the south and the moss is growing on the dark side of the moon and llamas are going to the fair while the cat ate the olive in southern venice while the high tide pulled over the red car in the middle of the street at night?

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