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Thesis Proposal:


Proposed Thesis (The overall argument that you will prove throughout your essay) Use the exact thesis statement that has been given to you.

Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence (what you will prove in this paragraph ; connect this to the thesis):

Body Paragraph #! Topic Sentence (what you will prove in this paragraph ; connect this to the thesis):

Point (first way you will prove your paragraph argument)

Point (first way you will prove your paragraph argument)

Proo ( uotation from text that supports your point):

Proo ( uotation from text that supports your point):

Point (secon! way you will prove your paragraph argument)

Point (secon! way you will prove your paragraph argument)

Proo ( uotation from text that supports your point):

Proo ( uotation from text that supports your point):

"onclusion (sum up paragraph and ma#e a connection between this paragraph an! your thesis)

"onclusion (sum up paragraph and ma#e a connection between this paragraph an! your thesis)

Formal Essay Evaluation

Level 4 98 95 93 88 85 83 Reader is immediately engaged by an intriguing attention grabber (hook) that suggests overall topic !ntro$u%tory &ara'ra() hook thesis blueprint Introduces texts and authors (with summary of texts that matches topic) rovides direction for discussion (blueprint) !ses thesis provided
"opic sentence is clear and connected to thesis

Name: ______________________________
Level 3 78 75 "he attention grabber (hook) engages reader# suggests overall topic $ostly clear introduction to texts and authors (with summary that matches topic) %irection provided (blueprint) !ses thesis provided
"opic sentence is clear and suggests a connection to thesis -upporting points are given (point# proof# comment' explanation) and sometimes build upon one another to build overall argument .uotations are contextuali/ed# integrated smoothly and cited properly 0oncluded with connections made between paragraph topic and overall argument "opic sentence is clear and suggests a connection to thesis -upporting points are given (point# proof# comment' explanation) and sometimes build upon one another to build overall argument .uotations are contextuali/ed# integrated smoothly and cited properly 0oncluded with connections made between paragraph topic and overall argument


Level 2 68 65 "he attention grabber (hook) gets reader moderately interested& suggests topic Introduction needs more focus or clarification (especially of texts'authors and direction of discussion) (aries from the thesis provided


Level 1 58 55 52 "he attention grabber (hook) is of limited relevance or is not effective Introduction is weak (texts'authors either not ade)uately introduced and'or no direction for discussion) %id not use thesis provided*
"opic sentence is unclear or unrelated to thesis -upporting points do not build argument (irrelevant or insufficient or re,tell plot) very little to no comment'explanation thus no overall argument development .uotations not contextuali/ed# some problems with integration& problems with citations 2eak paragraph conclusion# unrelated to overall argument "opic sentence is unclear or unrelated to thesis -upporting points do not build argument (irrelevant or insufficient or re,tell plot) very little to no comment'explanation thus no overall argument development .uotations not contextuali/ed# some problems with integration& problems with citations 2eak paragraph conclusion# unrelated to overall argument

Below Level 45 40 35 !N"# +o attention grabber (hook) or unrelated opening Introduction is unclear (topic and'or opinion not introduced# no direction for discussion)

%id not use thesis provided*

2eak or absent topic sentence 3ittle to no support for paragraph topic 1R re,tell plot rather than build argument +o )uotations provided to support points& 1R not contextuali/ed# very poor integration& no citations 2eak conclusion that does not relate paragraph to overall argument& 1R no paragraph conclusion 2eak or absent topic sentence 3ittle to no support for paragraph topic 1R re,tell plot rather than build argument +o )uotations provided to support points& 1R not contextuali/ed# very poor integration& no citations 2eak conclusion that does not relate paragraph to overall argument& 1R no paragraph conclusion

"opic sentence needs to be clearer and show connection to thesis -ome use of supporting points (point'proof) but comment' explanation not always fully developed& explanations are too brief& overall argument not developed .uotations sometimes contextuali/ed# integrated somewhat effectively& perhaps problems with citations 0oncluding sentence needs to be related to paragraph topic 1R needs to relate paragraph to overall argument "opic sentence needs to be clearer and show connection to thesis -ome use of supporting points (point'proof) but comment' explanation not always fully developed& explanations are too brief& overall argument not developed .uotations sometimes contextuali/ed# integrated somewhat effectively& perhaps problems with citations 0oncluding sentence needs to be related to paragraph topic 1R needs to relate paragraph to overall argument

Bo$y &ara'ra() *1 topic sentence point,proof )uotation integration comment'explanation overall argument development

-olid supporting points are given (point# proof# comment'explanation) and build upon one another to create depth within overall argument .uotations are contextuali/ed# integrated effectively and cited properly 0oncluded with connections made between paragraph topic and overall argument "opic sentence is clear and connected to thesis -olid supporting points are given (point# proof# comment'explanation) and build upon one another to create depth within overall argument .uotations are contextuali/ed# integrated effectively and cited properly 0oncluded with connections made between paragraph topic and overall argument

Bo$y &ara'ra() *2 topic sentence point,proof )uotation integration comment'explanation overall argument development

"on%lu$in' &ara'ra() restate thesis leaves reader with big idea

2raps up thesis and main points very clearly& leaves reader with big idea connected to theme -ophisticated sentence structure and formal academic tone carried throughout %iction is sophisticated and creative for level

2raps up thesis and main points& leaves reader with big idea connected to theme 6ood sentence structure and formal academic tone maintained throughout %iction is clear and precise for level 7ffective transitions are used& points connected and build upon one another& essay is unified -ome spelling# grammar# punctuation errors 5ollowed all steps of writing process& no prompting needed to progress through assignment stages 9ttempted creative title& essay is properly formatted including separate work(s) cited page& font'margins'double,spacing are ade)uate for evaluation no prompting needed to progress through assignment stages

0onclusion is ordinary 4 may wrap up thesis and main points& attempts to leave reader with big idea connected to theme $inor problems in sentence structure& inconsistent tone# level of language %iction is standard for level# no risks -ome effective transitions are used& points sometimes connected and build upon one another but sometimes disconnected +umerous spelling# grammar# punctuation errors 7ngaged in writing process with some success& did not revise and edit to enhance meaning& Reasonable title& some problems in formatting of essay and'or work(s) cited page& font'margins'double,spacing have some problems that hinder evaluation some prompting necessary to make student responsible for skills being developed in this assignment

0onclusion does not ade)uately wrap up thesis and'or main points& does not leave reader with big idea connected to theme $a8or problems in sentence'paragraph structure& inconsistent or improper tone# level of language %iction is simplistic# no risks 3imited use of transitions& points often disconnected and dis8ointed (ery many spelling# grammar# or punctuation errors

0onclusion is very weak& does not wrap up thesis and'or main points& no attempt at big idea connected to theme (ery poor sentence'paragraph structure& improper tone throughout& below level language %iction is incorrect for level (ery limited use of transitions& points are disconnected and dis8ointed# essay does not flow (ery many spelling# grammar# or punctuation errors& not proofread %id not follow the writing process as outlined& little to no difference between drafts and final copy& 1R process work not handed in& -tudent does not appear to have proofread the polished copy for the I cares (title# work(s) cited page# font' margins'double,spacing) did not utili/e class work time to proceed through writing process

+tyle an$ ,e%)ani%s

2ide variety of effective transitions& points connected and build upon one another& entire essay is unified* 5ew to no spelling# grammar# punctuation errors 5ollowed all steps of pre,writing# writing# revising# and editing to produce final polished copy 7specially creative title& essay is properly formatted including separate work(s) cited page& font'margins'double,spacing are helpful for evaluation no prompting needed to progress through assignment stages

-ritin' &ro%ess &resentation o. .inal (olis)e$ %o(y t)e /! %ares0# Learnin' +1ills Evaluation

%id not engage in the writing process beyond superficial editing& !ncreative title& a few problems in formatting of essay and'or work(s) cited page& font' margins'double,spacing have some ma8or problems that hinder evaluation needed to be prompted to stay on task and meet daily assignments for segments of work

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