Soil Unit Test APES

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1 (45). Of the following, which constitutes the greatest percent of domestic use of water in the United States?

A) Flushing toilets B) Drinking C) Cooking D) Washing dishes E) Washing Clothes 2 (46). Which of the following best describes soils in many tropical rain forests? A) They lack soil horizons. B) They are quickly depleted of nutrients when the forest is removed. C) They are similar to soils in grasslands. D) They are well suited for growing a wide variety of crops. E) They are deep and well drained. 3 (70). Which of the following is most likely to be the direct result of lack of genetic diversity in a food crop such as corn? A) decreased kernel size B) Decreased potential yield C) Decreased dependence on chemical fertilizers D) Increased susceptibility to plant disease E) Increased resistance to pests 4 (86). The land on a 100-acre farm is equally suited for grazing cattle and growing corn. Of the following ways of distributing land use,

which would produce the greatest number of calories for human consumption?
Acres for Grazing Cattle Acres for Growing Corn

A) 100 B) 80 C) 50 D) 20 E) 0

0 20 50 80 100

5 (100). Which of the following procedures would be best for remediating the effects of soil salinization? A) Applications of broad spectrum biocides to kill microorganisms B) application of superphosphate to increase soil fertility C) Addition of clay to increase soil water holding capacity D) Addition of large amounts of water to leach out salts E) Addition of lime to raise soil pH 6 (34). Which of the following statements about genetic diversity is true? A) Genetic uniformity of a crop increases the crops overall resistance to pests and disease. B) Genetic restistance to pests and disease can be increased by crossing a crop plant with ancestral varieties. C) Genetic diversity within populations of common crop species such as corn is typically high.

E) Genetically diversity is usually high in endangered species. 7 (40). Which of the following describes a fundamental characteristic of the green revolution in food resources? A) The application of higher levels of organic fertilizers to increase rice production B) Deforestation to provide field crops with increased sunlight for photosynthesis C) The addition of calorie, fat, and fiber percentages to the information provided on food package labels D) The development of new strains of crop with higher yields E) The discovery that chlorophyll adds nutritional value to wheat, rice, and sorghum 8(42). The water holding capacity of soil is least likely to be affected by the addition of which of the following? A) Clay B) Humus C) Manure D) Pesticide E) Sand 9(44). Which of the following is likely to minimize soil erosion? A) High-yield crops B) Deforestation C) Herbicide use D) Annual plowing

E) No-till agriculture 10 (51). Which of the following methods of agricultural irrigation results in the loss of the least amount of water by evaporation? A) Conventional center-pivot irrigation B) Drip irrigation C) Laser-level irrigation D) Flood irrigation E) Gravity flow irrigation 11 (42). The use of nitrogen-based fertilizers in the Midwestern United States is a major contributing factor to which of the following? A) Spread of the West Nile virus B) Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico C) Water shortages in communities near the great lakes D) Soil erosion in Texas E) The increase in severe storms in the Southwestern United States

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