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This is where you use three specific elements to "tempt" a woman... These 3 things are the elements women have the hardest time saying "no" to... They are: 1. Fun 2. Emotional Connection 3. Sexual Arousal In today's lesson I wanted to focus on #2: "Emotional Connection". Getting a woman to feel an emotional connection to you is important because it goes beyond a "superficial level." It's what creates a "bond" that compels her to want to see you again. Its also a vital ingredient to "chemistry." The good news is that creating this connection is not nearly as hard as you think. It requires two things: First, you must get the woman opening up emotionally to you. Second, you must relate her emotions back to her to show that you understand her and are "connecting" to what she's saying. There is one caveat. You must connect with her over positive emotions. (There is a time and a place for other emotions like surprise, jealousy, anticipation, anger, and horniness- but during the connection phase we want to connect over more positive emotions) So how do you do this? The easiest way to get a woman opening up to you emotionally is by asking the right questions... Now I'm NOT giving you permission to go into "interview mode" where you drill her with question after question. However, asking the RIGHT sort of "emotional question" can be extremely powerful for creating connection.

The problem with the questions most guys ask is that they are "fact based questions." These sort of questions require "logical" answers and don't create any sort of connection. An example of of "fact based question" is "where did you grow up?" or "What do you study in school." These type of questions hurt a conversation more than they help it. So what are the RIGHT kind of questions to ask? Questions that require her search her memory for emotions (not facts). Here are seven examples of these types of questions: 1. What did you imagine as your dream job when you were a kid? 2. When was the last time you really did something adventurous? 3. What has been your favorite vacation spot so far? 4. Where in the world would you like to travel to that you haven't been yet? 5. What would your ideal day look like? 6. What was your most memorable summer? 7. What was the most spontaneous, thrill of the moment thing you've ever done? Can you see how in order to answer these seven questions she will have to dig into an "emotional state?" Like I said earlier you're not going to rapid-fire these questions at her. The Triangle of Temptation is ALWAYS about mixing in all three elements; fun, connection, and sexual response. This means that while playfully flirting and teasing her, you are also occasionally mixing in these sort of questions into the conversation. You must also remember that every time she responds with an "emotional answer" to any of these type of questions you must relate the emotion back to her to show that you understand and are connecting with her. Now you have 7 questions that you can begin mixing into your conversations next time you're talking to a girl.

How To Flirt With Women

In the movie A Beautiful Mind the mathematical genius John Nash walks up to a woman, plops his tush on a barstool next to hers and says, "I don't exactly know what I am required to say in order for you to have intercourse with me. But could we just assume I said all that? I mean, essentially what we are talking about here is fluid exchange, right? We could just skip straight to the sex. Her eyes open wide, each one bulging almost out of its socket and simmering with anger. From behind her red painted lips she gushes a wry, Oh, that was sweet. He smiles ear-to-ear and nods his head in a way that could only mean that went well. Then she wallops him across the face with the palm of her hand and fires a harsh, Have a nice night, asshole. If you want to try Nashs charming pick up line on a woman, go ahead. Be my guest. But invest in some headgear to take the brunt of the fist shell swing at your skull. Too bad. If this gambit made women waft their eyes at your crotch and demand, Bend me over and drill your notorious B.I.G into my pink taco, youd have a permanent smile plastered to your face. Alas, only master woodsmen like Ron Jeremy and Lexington Steele live out postpubescent fantasies of this ilk (and only while filming porn.) If you want to get back inside the same warm hole you spent nine months struggling to escape, youll have to venture into the murky underworld of illogical mating games collectively called flirting. All of us can tell when two people are flirting: you can almost feel the spark of electricity between them. But few men know the essential features of flirting and even fewer can flirt with women at their whim. Its just something that spontaneously happens between them and a woman once in a great while. Its not our fault. Most parents, teachers, books, and movies instill in us the belief that to get the girl of our dreams, we need to woo her over with expensive dinners, bankrupting jewelry, and lavish vacations. (As a side note, I remember the first time I squandered my money away on a fancy dinner for a woman. Instead of making her panties wet, it churned and bloated her belly.) This belief not only cripples our chances with women but also blinds us from seeing these essential features. But if you could somehow dredge up these essential features you could flirt with women at your will.

Well, youre in luck. After years of studying social dynamics and purging every last morsel of this cancerous belief from my brain, Ive unearthed these essential features. In this letter, Im going to share them with you and teach you how to use them on women. Essential Feature # 1: The Uncertain Possibility What Is Flirting? One might say that it is a behavior leading another to believe that sexual intimacy is possible, while preventing that possibility from becoming a certainty. In other words, flirting is a promise of sexual intercourse without a guarantee. -- Milan Kundera Unbearable Lightness Of Being To demonstrate Kunderas lesson, lets take an example from the MTV show Jersey Shore. Aspiring Lotharios Pauly and Vinny want to go on a double date with girls they met the night before at a nightclub. Vinny calls up his girl and says, Hey, its Vinny. What are you doing tonight? She says, Tonight I have no plans. He says, I dunno if you met my friend Pauly with the spiky hair but we might go to this little restaurant and then maybe out afterwards. He might call um some girl. I need a sympathy date. You know what I mean? I dont want to be left out. She gives him a sympathy, Aw! He asks, Do you want to do me that favor? She cedes him a hesitant, Alright. He feels confident that she is coming. Unfortunately, to his chagrin, she flakes. Pauly takes a different approach. He calls up his girl and says, I want to take out the girl Im in love with. She says, Aw! He follows up with, But then I figured you could come too. She starts laughing like a hyena seconds before feasting on its prey and says, Not funny. Thats so not funny. As you could probably guess, she shows up. Why did Paulys girl show up and Vinnys flake? Vinnys Casanova skills were as smooth as a grandmothers butt strewn with grey stubble, dimpled with cellulite, and pocked with assne. His phone conversation was

fraught with problems: from stuttering to beating around the bush and beseeching her for a sympathy date. But the real culprit was that he didnt spark sexual tension. He failed to flirt with her. Pauly did the opposite. His flirtatious approach sparked sexual tension by leading her to believe that sexual intimacy with him was possible yet not certain. If your interactions with women lack sexual tension, do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of my book Real World Seduction 2.0. Essential Feature # 2: Temptation Without Satisfaction The word tantalize is a close cousin to flirting and means temptation without satisfaction. Tantalize comes from the Greek god Tantalus whom Zeus condemned for eternity to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree. Whenever he reached for fruit, the branches rose, preventing him from satisfying his appetite. Whenever he bent down to drink, the water receded, thwarting him from quenching his thirst. Each failed attempt at attaining fruit or water increased his desire. The story of Tantalus resonated with the ancient Greeks because it revealed something endemic to human beings: temptation without satisfaction rouses desire in all of us. To demonstrate this, I want you to try a little experiment: Lightly brush your fingers against your arm for a split second. Im willing to bet you felt a slight urge to itch your arm. Heres an example of how you can use temptation without satisfaction to stir up sexual arousal in women When its time kiss a girl, instead of going for the gold and thrusting your tongue down her throat, graze your lips against hers for a few seconds. Then pull back and give her a knowing smile. Shell return your smile with the same pouty face children make when their parents refuse to buy them the toy theyve been drooling over for months. Do this to her a few more times and she will grab you tightly and kiss you hard. Is it cruel and unusual punishment to torture a poor damsel in distress like this? No no. Far from it.

This is flirting at its finest and the kind of torture women love. Thats because temptation without satisfaction puts their sexual desire on steroids. Moreover, it demonstrates to women that you know what youre doing in the bedroom. Masterful lovers use temptation without satisfaction from the moment they meet a woman til sex (and during) to stoke the sexual fire in her loins and precipitate orgasm. If you want to master the ins-and-outs of creating temptation without satisfaction, giving you the power to whet a womans sexual appetite at the snap of your finger, pick up a copy of my book Real World Seduction 2.0. Essential Feature # 3: Creating Obstacles I find myself in the torturous contradictory situation that I need an obstacle between my will and my goal. The more effective the obstacle is, the more overwhelming my desire becomes provided the goal is in sight. -- Maria Marcus A Taste For Pain When you put up a barrier between a woman and something she wants, her desire for it increases a hundredfold. When done in a flirtatious context it sexualizes her desire. To give you an example, a while back I chatted up this 22-year-old brunette. She was obviously into me: each joke I made even the ones that should make only retarded children laugh hurled her into a paroxysm of giggles and compelled her to fondle me like a crystal ball. So I told her, The Aquarium of the Pacific has a new sea otter exhibit and Im going next week. (Later I learned that BP funded the exhibit. But thats a story for another time.) She exclaimed, I love sea otters, and then begged, I wanna go. I wanna go. Take me. Take me. Please!! I teased, I was gonna take you but you had to act all needy about going. So thats just not happening anymore. She socked me on the arm and whined, Thats no fair. Youre such a meany. I wanna go so bad. Lets break down what I did She obviously wanted to go to the aquarium and hang out with me. So I created a false barrier. The result: her desire to go to the aquarium and hang out with me burgeoned like a malignant tumor on a mission to take over a hapless persons body.

But theres a more subtle and powerful aspect to creating false barriers I discovered it at age six while driving to Palm Springs with my grandparents. From the backseat vantage point I witnessed my gluttonous grandma reach her hand into a box of Sees Candy, grab ahold of a piece of chocolate, stuff it into her mouth, and move her jaw around and around like a cow chewing on its cud. After repeating the process ad nauseum, she asked me if Id like a piece and I said, No thank you. (Chocolate has never been my thing.) She responded with, Good because I wasnt gonna give you any. All of the sudden I wanted a piece of chocolate. Her taking that option of having a piece away from me made the chocolate desirable. The moral of the story: you can start with something a person has no interest in, create a barrier from her getting it, and viola shell desire it. The most powerful application of this principle is when you use a barrier to turn yourself into the object of a womans desire. More times than I can count, Ive used this to transform myself in a matter of seconds from the bane of a womans nightclub experience into her knight and shining armor. Heres why Women like to think of themselves as attractive and desirable. For most women to maintain this self-image they need validation from men. In other words, even if they arent attracted to you, they want you to want them. Thats why droves of happily married women go out on the town with their girlfriends and revel in men hitting on them it validates that theyre still desirable. I remember the first time I used this. A friend and I were at a small pub on Saint Patricks Day. As we were chatting with a girl, I noticed two ice-princesses roll their eyes at us. Then the blonde one said to the other, Why is Suzy talking to those ugly losers? (No ifs, ands, or buts about it, she was referring to us.) Next, the blonde marched over to us and gave her friend the directive, Let's go. We need to leave. I looked her directly in the eyes and delivered a cool and collected, Youre very pretty. She hissed, Youre a real charmer, and tried to frown. But her frown was struggling against the pull of her rising cheeks and narrowing eyes. Her forced Im-a-bitch faade was giving way to a genuine smile that said loud and clear, Im so happy you think Im desirable.

Then I continued with, But too bad youre a bottle blonde. Bottle blondes arent my type. I like my girls natural. Her genuine smile gave way to a genuine frown. Then she started grinding against me and said, You know Im hot. You know I turn you on. I leaned back against the bar and said, You are hot. You just dont sexually do anything for me. She quarreled, No guy in his right mind would turn me down. You must be gay. So I gave her a sarcastic, If that would make you feel better about yourself, you can think Im gay. She protested, No youre not and you want me, and then planted her lippers on mine. To spare you the needless details, we played tonsil hockey for the rest of the night. Although she found me less appealing than the whiff of ass and foot combined, I became the object of her sexual desire by creating a barrier. The bedrock for applying the three essential features of flirting is using a powerful seduction technology called Push-Pull. Push-Pull is the art of emotionally Pushing a woman away from you and then emotionally Pulling her back in. Each Push creates an emotional space for each Pull. To get a sense of where I'm going with all this, think, for example, of your favorite junk food. Imagine going on a strict diet for several weeks that prohibits you from eating your favorite food. What would it feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge after weeks of dieting? I'm willing to bet it would taste a thousand times yummier after dieting than before. Push-Pull is the fastest way to spark sexual tension. Each time you push her away, it sparks tension... ... and each time you pull her in, it releases that tension. The process of sparking and then releasing tension in a woman creates attraction. Inside my book Real World Seduction 2.0 youll master the ins-and-outs of push-pull giving you the power to flirt with and generate attraction in the women of your dreams at will. But thats just part of what youll learn inside my book. Youll get an A-Z black belt education on succeeding with women taking you from the approach to the bedroom and beyond.

Just like many others have been doing, you too can catapult your current lifestyle with women by getting your hands on a copy of my course right now. You deserve it. I'm so confident that my ebook is going to drastically increase your success with women I'm going to let you test-drive it for a single dollar for 7 days. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I think you owe it to yourself to start succeeding with the women you really want.

Giovanni, If you open women fine but they tune out when you begin talking, you need to look at your delivery. If you're a bad storyteller, your game is at a serious disadvantage because women are attracted to a man who can both command attention with his voice and take her on an emotional roller coaster with his words. Storytelling is yet another part of showing a woman that you are... The Most Interesting Guy in the Room. Maybe your stories need a little spice to be intriguing. Here's a few points to remember when telling a story to attract a woman: 1. Use Your Body: boom your voice deep and loud. Make eye contact with each listener by holding a listener's gaze for a few seconds, then scanning to the next listener's eyes, hold for a few seconds and repeat. Get your arms and hands animated in rhythm with the excitement of your story. 2. Evoke With Your Words: buy a thesaurus, play scrabble, look up words in the dictionary you don't know, build up your vocabulary and use it! Appeal to the FIVE senses with your words whenever possible. Use this sample paragraph as a learning example: "As I pushed through the brush I could taste the sweaty salt on my lips (taste). The cool air tickled my skin (touch) and the sound of the rushing water was deafening (sound). When I finally broke through the jungle I saw a massive waterfall, pouring into a pitch black pool (sight) surrounded by perfumed orchids (smell)." 3. Be Specific : flesh out the players in your story with vivid details. Don't just say, "Then my friend Justin punched the lead singer." Instead say, "Then my punk rock loving friend Justin who always wore an Ramones T-shirt punched the lead singer." 4. Use Interaction Points: Make sure your story's not a monologue. Use questions that allow her to participate - "he wore a T-shirt, with, what was

the name of that band that was in the Spiderman movie?" 5. Employ a Story Arc: have a beginning, middle and end of your story. Don't waste time on setting the story up, just start from an active place as Style did in "The Game" with - "The house was a disaster." Have a plot in the middle with a conflict (man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. machine, etc). End strong with the conflict resolving. Close with a lesson, for example - "And that's why I'll never own another robotic toaster again." -Ghost

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