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Practical 1 Use Case Template AIM: Write a use case template for cash deposit under banking system.

1. Brief Description This Usecase describes that how a customer can deposit cash or credit his/her account. 2. Actors Customer and Bank employee 3. Flow Of Events Ths Use case starts when a customer want to deposit money in his/her account,either in cash or through cheque/DD or any other instrument. First a customer has to fill a cash deposit form by providing his/her details i.e name , account number,phone number ,etc. and also cheque number if depositing cheque. 3.1 Basic Flow Account is credited. 3.2 Alternative Flows Account is not credited if cheque got bounced. 4. Special Requirement Bank must have access to other bank for cheque clearing. 5. Preconditions Must be account holder and must have a valid account number.

6. Postconditions Account is credited.

7. Extension Points None.


Practical 2 Use Case Template AIM: Write a use case template for account opening under banking system.

1. Brief Description This use case describes that how a customer can request to bank for account opening. 2. Actors Customer, Bank employee 3. Flow Of Events The use case starts when a person wants to open a account in the branch by filling account opening form and by providing various documents as requested by bank in the form. Here a customer provides the personal details like name,age,sex ,address,etc,. And must provide which type of account he/she want to open whether current,savings,joint,etc. 3.1 Basic Flow Form accepted 3.2 Alternative Flows Form rejected because of invalid information or lack of proper documents. 4. Special Requirement None 5. Preconditions Must be citizen of country and has avalid proof of residence. 6. Postconditions Account is opened and details provided to customer by giving him passbook.

7. Extension Points Any existing customer can request to change his/her account type, signatures, address, etc.

Practical 3 Use Case Diagram

AIM: Draw a use case for cash deposit under online banking system.

Practical 4 Use Case Diagram

AIM: Draw a use case for opening new account under online banking system.

Practical 5 ER Diagram

AIM: Draw a ER diagram for online banking system.

THEORY: It is a detailed logical representation of data for an organization and uses three main constructs:

Entities Entity Type is the description of all entities to which a common definition and common relationships and attributes apply. Relationships It is an association, dependency or unit between two or more entitites and is represented by a diamond symbol. There are three types of relationships: One to-one relationship One-to-many relationship Many-to-many relationship Attributes Each entity type has a set of attributes associated with it. An attribute is a property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to organization

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