Midterm 1 Cheat Sheet OMd

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Bottleneck = slowest resource Utilization rate = Throughput Rate (capacity used) / capacity o Ex. apacity o!

cashier = "# custo$ers per shi!t o ashier%s throughput rate = &' custo$ers per shi!t o apacity utilization = &'/"# = .&( ()usy &(* o! the ti$e) o Utilization rate cannot )e greater than + o ,s utilization increases (-)waiting ti$e will rise exponentially !aster Ex. Utilization increases !ro$ .#. to .&( and waiting ti$e has increased )y +.( $inutes and i! utilization now increases !ro$ .&( to ."./ the a0erage total ti$e will increase )y $ore than +.( $inute 123 in0entory4 5 o! units in a syste$ at a point in ti$e stored/ waiting/ or )eing processed Throughput Ti$e4 ,0erage ti$e a unit stays in the syste$ 62TT6E7 6,14 a rule that links 0arious per!or$ance $easures o Throughput Ti$e = 123/Throughput rate o 8eeping 123 !ixed/ reducing throughput ti$e results in a higher throughput rate o Roller coaster 9uiz exa$ple (. people in !ront o! you how long do you expect to wait: (The Throuput ti$e o! the ride was ;../hr) (./;.. = +/# hr = +. $inutes 123 = Throughput Rate x Throughput Ti$e 2nter<arri0al ti$e4 a0erage ti$e o! any two su)se9uent people waiting in line 79uare = acti0ity o Upsidedown Triangle = storage o =ia$ond = decision
1aiting line ollect in!or$ation

1aiting line


Easy call:


1aiting line

Easy call ser0ice =i!!icult call ser0ice 1aiting line 7ur0ey

Probability 3ro)a)ility that , doesn%t occur = 3(not ,) = + @ 3(,) oe!!icient o! Aariation = 7tandard =e0iation / Bean Queuing ,s the utilization increases/ the waiting ti$e and the nu$)er o! orders in the 9ueue increases exponentially 3ooling the de$and (custo$ers) in the one co$$on line i$pro0es the per!or$ance o! the syste$ Cueuing syste$s are not linear. , s$all change in the arri0al process (ser0ice) $ay result in a 0ery large in waiting ti$e and nu$)er o! custo$ers that are waiting. =e!ine a 9ueuing syste$ )y -,rri0al pattern/7er0ice 3attern/5 o! ser0ers/Cueue capacity D B4 Exponential D E4 Eeneral (,ny distri)ution) D B/B/' < Exponential interarri0al ti$es/ exponential ser0ice ti$es/ ' se0ers D B/E/F @ Exponential interarri0al ti$es/ general ser0ice ti$es/ F ser0ers D 3oisson and exponential 5 o! custo$ers co$ing !ollowing a 3oisson distri)ution with $ean G/ interarri0al ti$e is exponentially distri)uted with $ean +/ G.

?otation4 ,rri0al rate4 ,0erage interarri0al ti$e4 7er0ice rate4 ,0erage ser0ice ti$e4

G (+. cust. per hour) ma = +/ (+/+. hr = # $in) (+' cust. per hour) +/ (+/+' hr = ( $in) Sa (( $in) Ca = Sa /ma ms = +/ Ss (+ $in) Cs = Ss /ms S = G / 7

7tandard de0iation o! interarri0al ti$e4 oe!!icient o! 0ariation !or arri0als 4 ,0erage ser0ice ti$e4 7tandard de0iation o! ser0ice ti$e4 oe!!icient o! 0ariation !or ser0ices4 ?u$)er o! ser0ers4 Utilization rate

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