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Pollution from Construction Sites

Construction and Demolition activities, by their very nature are noisy and dirty. Although the work may not last long, it can cause significant disruption to local communities. When a planning application is made which may, in the opinion of an Environmental Health Officer, involve substantial construction and demolition work we will often write to the developer before permission is even granted to provide advise and guidance. The following problems are most commonly reported in relation to construction sites:

Noise From Construction Activities

For more information on noise from construction activities use the links to our pages on noise nuisance and our pages on construction and DIY noise.

Dust From Construction Sites

Dust from construction activities can usually be dealt with as a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act. In this respect it must be causing a "material interference with the use and enjoyment of a neighbouring property". More information on how we investigate statutory nuisances is contained in the noise nuisance page, Follow this link for information on "What a noise nuisance is" When investigating complaints about dust from construction sites officers will often take account of relevant advisory documents such as The Building Research Establishment Pollution Control Guidance 'Controlling Particles, Vapour and Noise Pollution from Construction Sites'

Bonfire Smoke
Following this link to more information on Bonfires & Smoke Nuisance

Land Contamination
New developments are being increasingly encouraged to reuse sites that have previously been developed, so called 'brownfield' sites. Sometimes the previous use may have led to some pollution which may put the future use of the site at risk. Often we will have asked the developers to undertake a full land quality survey as part of the planning application for site. This will normally have identified any pollution on the site and addressed how the pollution will be dealt with. It is usual for a planning condition to be attached which requires that written confirmation of the survey and the proposed clean-up methods are agreed with the local authority. Follow this link for more information on contaminated land

Construction Waste Management

Waste law and enforcement of waste produced from construction sites is enforced by the Environment Agency.

Environment Agency & Waste Management

Water Pollution
Incidents of water pollution are investigated and enforced by the Environment Agency

Environment Agency & Water Quality

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