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Twist Means Change of Lo ation of T!"th On#$

O Lea!ne% an% De&ote% Se!&ants of Go%' [December 17, 2013 Shri Anil asked: You say that Shankara ga e a t!ist to make the atheists become the theists" #ut, the same con ersion could ha e been done !ith the hel$ o% true kno!ledge !ithout any t!ist"& Swa(i Re)#ie%* A Scholar is al!ays like a guest s$eaker, !ho deli ers the entire true kno!ledge !ithout bothering about the le el o% the students" #ut, the class teacher is not so" 'he class teacher deli ers the true kno!ledge in di%%erent stages obser ing the assimilation o% the kno!ledge gi en" (% necessary the t!ists are introduced, !hich are the di%%erent models set u$ in order to in)ect the total true kno!ledge in di%%erent $hases" 'he guest s$eaker does not bother about the assimilation and side reactions o% di%%erent as$ects" Such a s$eaker is like the o!ner o% a medical sho$ selling the re*uired medicines and does not bother about the study o% side reaction in the case o% an allergic $atient" 'he doctor is not like that" 'he doctor studies the constitution o% the $atient and gi es the necessary medicine to cure the allergy be%ore introducing the actual antibiotic in)ection" +uru is like the guest s$eaker or like the o!ner o% the medical sho$" Satguru is like the class teacher or like the doctor" +uru is interested in e,$ressing the true kno!ledge in se*uential ste$s" Satguru gives the same true knowledge in a different style of sequence introducing some twists required as per the ignorance. +uru is not bothered about the $rogress o% the student" -e %eels that he has %inished the )ob on com$leting the e,$ression o% total true kno!ledge" 'he )ob o% Satguru is not mere com$letion o% the e,$ression o% the true kno!ledge" -is )ob is to test the assimilation $o!er o% the student and gi e the true kno!ledge $artially gi ing ga$ %or assimilation" A%ter sometime only, the other $art o% kno!ledge is introduced" .et us assume that there is darkness in a closed room ha ing no o$ening at all" You ha e brought the torch light and go on %ocusing the light on that room" (t is true that the light !ill destroy the darkness" #ut, there is no o$ening through !hich the light can $ass into the room" 'here is no use in %ocusing the torch light any number o% times" You must drill the !all to create an o$ening and then only %ocus the torch light" Similarly, there is no use in $reaching the true kno!ledge to an ignorant $erson !ithout breaking the ignorance" (gnorance in general is the darkness" 'he solidi%ied ignorance is like the !alls o% the closed room" 'he torch light cannot send the light into the room" -ence, %irst, you ha e to use drilling

machine and then only use the torch light" 'he +uru sim$ly thro!s the light on the room and goes a!ay !ithout bothering about the result" 'he Satguru uses a di%%erent drilling machine to create o$ening and then only uses the torch light" The true knowledge is the torch light and the drilling machine is the twist. Twist is Diffe!ent f!o( Lie A $erson, !ho is ery rigid in his ignorance, de elo$ed really a little headache due to change in the atmos$here" #ut, he thinks that a s*uirrel entered the head through the ear and the headache is due to the s*uirrel in his head" 'his tension increased the headache to such e,tent that he is unable to understand any logical argument" Se eral doctors said that the si/e o% the s*uirrel is much larger than the hole o% the ear" #ut, he is unable to digest this logic due to the strenuous headache" 0irst, the $sychological headache added to the original headache must be remo ed" 1 en i% the original headache is subsided by the use o% some medicine, the %alse $sychological headache continues" 'he %alse headache must be remo ed by a %alse trick and then the small original headache can be remo ed by a$$lying medicine on the %orehead" 'he %alse trick is like the drilling machine and the true kno!ledge is like the torch light" The torch light cannot be used to drill the wall and the drilling machine cannot be used to throw the darkness from the room. 'here%ore, a !ise doctor thre! a s*uirrel !ith the hand ke$t near his ear and success%ully made an im$ression that the s*uirrel came out %rom the head through the ear" #y this t!ist, ninety $ercent 2$sychological3 o% headache !as remo ed" 'he remaining ten $ercent original headache !as remo ed by a$$lying some mild ointment" -ere, you must note that the false psychological headache was removed by false trick and the true original headache was removed by true medicine" (% you take the case o% Shankara, -e ne er used a lie but the truth is )ust t!isted" 'he %inal conce$t o% the true kno!ledge !as brought do!n in the beginning to break the outer shell o% rigid ignorance" -ence, He made only a twist but not created any lie" 'he atheist in the time o% Shankara stated that +od does not e,ist" 'hen, Shankara told that the atheist himsel% is +od and hence, +od e,ists since the atheist e,ists" Shankara told that he is already +od and no e%%ort need be done to become +od" 4nly the ignorance that he is not +od must be remo ed, !hich is the minimum most e%%ort" 'he atheist acce$ted this due to attraction to e%%ortless gi%t and conse*uently agreed to the e,istence o% +od" Here, there is no lie because any human being has the golden chance of becoming God. +od can enter any human being and such human being is +od like the electri%ied !ire" (n %act, Shankara, the human

incarnation, is a standing ali e e,am$le o% this conce$t" -ence, nothing is %alse since the con ersion o% the human being into +od is totally $ossible" 'he $lace o% this conce$t is in the end o% the s$iritual )ourney" Shankara brought down this top most result to the beginning itself and hence, this is called as twist but not lie. (n the e,am$le o% s*uirrel, thro!ing out the s*uirrel is totally a lie" 5hen a lie could be used to u$li%t a $atient, !hy not truth can be brought do!n to u$li%t a $erson6 'his t!ist made the atheist to become theist and to do dee$ analysis about the +od" A%ter sometime, the atheist asked Shankara that the soul is not 4mni$otent !here as +od is 4mni$otent" Shankara re$lied that the $o!er has no meaning since the !hole creation is not true" Again, here, Shankara made a t!ist and did not tell a lie" 'his !hole creation is not true !ith res$ect to the angle o% +od" #ut, this is true !ith res$ect to the angle o% soul" Since soul is +od, the creation cannot be true to the soul also" (n course o% time, the atheist con erted into theist and reali/ed that the creation is true %or the soul" Shankara could $ass though the bolted door but this %ello! could not do so" 7o!, Shankara o$ened the %inal truth that +od entered -im and not e ery human being but e ery human being has this chance" 'hen, this %ello! asked %or the $rocedure to become +od" 'he $rocedure is re ealed and no! this %ello! %ollo!ed the $rocedure, becoming a strong de otee eligible to become human incarnation" (n this !ay, a $erson de elo$ed and reached the goal !ith the hel$ o% these t!ists" Shankara is Satguru and hence, cared %or the s$iritual $rogress o% the student using t!ists" Twist means only the displacement of a true concept from one place to the other, which helps the practical progress of a spiritual aspirant. Such tremendous $lan could be done by +od only and Shankara !as +od in human %orm" 7o human being can $lan like this"

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