Divine Discourse On 151213 II

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Create Appetite in Majority by Gi in! Me"i#ine

O Learne" an" De ote" Ser ant$ o% Go"& [December 15, 2013 2nd Message Shri Phani asked: Many people do not ha e appetite !or kno"ledge# $nly one in millions has the real appetite !or spirit%al kno"ledge# &n s%ch case, the 'ob o! the Preacher becomes ery easy to preach those only ha ing appetite(#) S'a(i Rep)ie"* The job of the Preacher is not only to give spiritual knowledge to those having appetite but also to give medicines to create the appetite. *he e!!ort sho%ld be not only to gi e !ood to those ha ing appetite, b%t also to gi e the medicine to others to generate appetite# +ood is di!!erent !rom medicine# +ood is meant !or h%ngry people and the medicine is !or those not ha ing h%nger# There is no use of speaking about God to those, who are not interested in God. This is the tendency of majority of human beings. *he general p%blic is not interested in any topic, "hich is not %se!%l to it# ,eal de otion is that p%re lo e to -od "itho%t aspiring anything in ret%rn# .%t, -od lo es those only, "ho are not interested in any ret%rn !rom /im# Spirit%al kno"ledge preaches s%ch real lo e by "hich yo% can lo e -od e0pecting no ret%rn !rom /im and th%s, -od can lo e them# S%ch real de otion is not possible "ith the ma'ority o! h%manity# /ence, the pict%re is altered so that i! yo% can lo e -od, -od can become %se!%l to yo%# Nobody wants the love of God when there is no practical use. *heir lo e sho%ld bring some practical %se and not simply lo e o! -od in ret%rn# /ence, the ne" pict%re "ill be that -od helps yo% practically i! yo% lo e -od# *his is not the !ood b%t the medicine# People de elop de otion in order to get practical help !rom -od# &n co%rse o! time, the aspect o! practical %tility grad%ally "eakens and the concept o! en1%iry abo%t -od de elops# 2at%rally, any person likes to kno" abo%t -od, "ho is helping him !or a long time# 3t that stage, the real spirit%al kno"ledge can be dealt "ith# *he 4eda !ollo"ed this techni1%e# +irst, the rit%als, "hich are res%lt oriented, are recommended so that a!ter a long time, the %tility based de otion can be con erted into real de otion# *he "hole 4eda preaches the %tility based de otion only to the ma'ority in the !orm o! rit%als, "hich are categori5ed as 6amya 7a'na# 3!ter a long time, the person looses interest in s%ch de otion and starts de eloping the p%re de otion 8Sa gurumevabhigachchet9# *his p%re de otion is preached in the minor portion o! the :panishads# *h%s, 6amya 7a'na is medicine to create the appetite#

; en the <yothisha Shastram 83strology9 is s%ch medicine to create the appetite# *he "ord =<yothi> means -od as per the .rahma S%tras 8Jyotiradhikaranam9 and th%s, 3strology is a medicine to create the appetite# Spirit%al kno"ledge is the !ood that sho%ld be gi en a!ter generating the appetite# ?hen the planets are to be paci!ied to get good res%lts, di!!erent !orms o! -od are to be "orshipped as said in the <aimini S%tras# &n co%rse o! time, this "orship leads to the 1%est !or the spirit%al kno"ledge# 3theist is the "orst case o! the disease, "hich is lack o! h%nger# +or the 3theism also, there is a strong treatment# ?e %se the concept o! 50 @ 50 probability in the case o! atheist by telling that & am %nable to sho" yo% the e0istence o! hell, b%t yo% are also %nable to sho" Me the absence o! hell in this in!inite space# *his leads to 50 @ 50 probability in the case o! e0istence o! hell# &! "e !ollo" theism, "e may escape the hell, "hich may e0ist based on the 50 percent probability# &n s%ch case, nothing is lost i! the hell is absent based on the other hal! o! the probability# &t is "ise to take the side in ol ing least risk and there!ore, it is "ise to !ollo" theism# *his theory "ill "ork o%t in the minds o! atheists# &n co%rse o! time, the atheist may also become a tr%e theist con inced by the logical concepts o! the ad anced spirit%al kno"ledge# *here!ore, the responsibility o! a preacher in propagating the spirit%al kno"ledge is not only to ser e the kno"ledge to the people ha ing the 1%est !or it b%t also to gi e medicinal concepts to create h%nger in the case o! the rest ma'ority o! h%man beings# *he !ood and the medicines are already prepared in the !orm o! this ast spirit%al kno"ledge, "hich can be %sed by the Di ine Preachers interested to do the ser ice o! -od# *hey can %se the !ood packets and the strips o! medical tablets as per the re1%irement# This is a hotel associated with a medical shop!

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