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DIVINE MESSAGE OF SHRI DATTA SWAMI ON January 3, 2014 [January 3, 2014 2nd Message] Shri Anil a !

"#$ You told that the enjoyment of the results of the deeds is finished in the upper worlds and the soul is orn in this world along with some remains of the psy!hologi!al a!"ground of the deeds !alled as #$ams"ara%& 'en!e, the fruits enjoyed in this world are only the results of the deeds done in this world ased on the remains of (ualities !alled $ams"ara& )n su!h !ase, a person orn lind has not done any sin in this world as soon as the irth is o*er and hen!e, this !ase !annot e justified& S%a&i R"'li"#$ +he deeds are di*ided into three !ategories as e,plained y Me already& +he first !ategory is #Sanchita%, whi!h is the undle of deeds a!!ompanying the soul on this earth after lea*ing the upper worlds& +his $an!hita is the undle of (ualities related to the remains e,isting in $ams"ara& +his is a undle of the psy!hologi!al attitudes generating and promoting the deeds& +he remains of the attitudes as *ery wea" for!es !onstitute the $ams"ara that a!!ompanies the soul& +his means that the enjoyment of fruits in the upper world does not make the dead end of any quality of any deed& +he di*ine aim of punishment is only transformation y !hanging the (ualities and not any re*enge& +herefore, a major portion of the result of every deed is finished by the enjoyment in the upper world and the minor part of the result of every deed is in the out coming soul& 'en!e, the out !oming soul from the upper worlds is (ualitati*ely one and the same as the soul of the same human eing entering the upper world& +he enjoyment of the results made a (uantitati*e redu!tion in all the attitudes -.unas/& +his means that the in!oming and outgoing souls of the same human eing are (ualitati*ely one and the same and differ only (uantitati*ely& )t is just li"e a thief se*erely punished in the poli!e station is not in*ol*ed in any theft after !oming out for a long time& +he reason is that the attitude of theft is only wea"ened to a large e,tent and is not !ompletely remo*ed& 'en!e, any punishment !annot remo*e the (uality !ompletely& Every child in the period of its childhood is like a weakened thief. +he same !hild after e!oming young repeats all the older a!ti*ities& +hus, $ams"ara is a total representation of #$an!hita% only& Remember that the qualities (Sankalpas) generating the deeds alone are associated with the soul going to the upper world or coming from the upper world. +hese (ualities are the lin"s of the deeds& +hus, the !hart of the (ualities asso!iated with the soul represents the !hart of the deeds& +he results are passed on to the

soul ased on the !hart of these (ualities only& he deed has no address in the soul if it is done without the quality and this point is well e!plained in the "ita (#urvannapi na lipyate). +he results of the deeds will not tou!h su!h a 0i*ine soul& +he se!ond !ategory is #Aagaami%, whi!h is the additional list of (ualities that is added in the present life to a!!ompany the soul in future that rea!hes the upper world& +he results of some of the deeds done in this life gi*e results here itself& 1or e,ample2 )f you put your finger in the fire, the punishment of urning ta"es pla!e immediately here itself& )n this light, this world is !alled as #3arma 4o"a%, whereas the upper world is !alled as #5hoga 4o"a%& )n 3arma 4o"a, oth the a!tion and sometimes the enjoyment of the fruit of a!tion are possi le& )n 5hoga 4o"a, the enjoyment of the result of the deeds done here represented y the related (ualities only ta"es pla!e& $ometimes, some a!tions gi*e results here itself if they are e,!essi*e in nature !alled as #6tyut"ata 3arma%& 4ea*ing these two e,!eptions, the remaining results will e added to the soul in future through the lin"s of the (ualities& #Praarabdha% is the third !ategory, whi!h e,ists etween $an!hita and 6gaami& )t may e the result of a spe!ifi! deed that was not !o*ered in the upper world and happens to e the reason of the present irth y the will of .od& .enerally, 7raara dha happens to e the irth, whi!h represents the a!!umulated a*erage effe!t of the $ams"ara& +he a!!umulated effe!t ta"es pla!e in general and thus, no result a!!ompanies the soul from the upper world !oming to this earth& 5ut, sometimes the result of a spe!ifi! deed may e !hosen y .od to gi*e a spe!ifi! irth, whi!h may help the soul in transformation as e,pe!ted y .od& +his is a spe!ifi! !ase ased on the hope of the transformation& +hough the system of the deeds -3arma 8ha"ra/ is rigid ut it is under the !ontrol of .od e*erywhere sin!e it is di*ine -sin!e the ma"er of it is .od/& 4et us ta"e the !ase of the person, who is orn lind& 6 orn lind !an also !ome under the general !ase of 7raara dha& +he soul might ha*e een a rowdy, who made the !hildren lind to eg for his enjoyment& +his sin may e the o*erall essen!e of the !hart of his (ualities !oming as the $ams"ara with the soul& )f the soul is orn with normal sight in this life, it may !ontinue the same horri le a!tion again& +herefore, the result for this $ams"ara as lindness is rewarded for the sa"e of welfare of this world& he punishment given in the upper world is for the welfare of the soul and the punishment given to the soul at the time of birth in the name of $raarabdha is for the welfare of the world.

$ometimes, the 7raara dha may not e so strong to gi*e the lindness to the soul at the time of the irth& )n su!h !ase, the result of some sin may e sa*ed without punishment in the upper world and may e granted to the soul at the time of irth y .od for its transformation or for some di*ine purpose also& $u!h lindness may not affe!t the world ut may help in the spiritual de*elopment of the soul as in the !ase of the de*otee, $uradaas& 6 lind man got the sight y the gra!e of Jesus and repented for his past sin that was responsi le for his lindness& $u!h sin !ould ha*e een finished in the upper world *ery easily e!ause the e,tent of that sin must ha*e een little sin!e he got the sight after sometime in this life& 'e might ha*e !aused lindness to some ody without intention& 5ut, the 4ord purposefully made the result of su!h a sin to e!ome 7raara dha so that the lind person stands as a proof for the mira!ulous power of the 4ord e,hi ited here& )n fa!t, Jesus told this to the !ured lind man and made him !onsoled to li*e happily in the rest of the life&

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