AMIGA - Advanced Tactical Fighter II Manual

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Advanced Tactical Fighter II

1990 Digital Integration

Introduction: ATF II is an action strategy game based upon the Advanced Tactical Fighter, a new generation of high technology aircraft being designed for the 21st century. Your objective is simple - fly your ATF aircraft through a series of dangerous attack missions, supporting your allied ground and sea forces with their ultimate goal of defeating the advancing enemy. The challenge is formidable - to reach your target despite enemy interceptors and ground defences - and then get home in one piece! . . . . . . Unique blend of fast 3D arcade and mind bending strategy 8 World maps with full relief terrain, continents, islands, rivers Strategic targets include airfields, factories, communications Mobile targets include tanks, submarines & artillery Selectable crew members Load & save hi-score table

Security Room: After loading sequence and the title screen, you will arrive in the security room where you will be prompted to enter a security code. Using the security table at the back of this manual. Type in the number corresponding to the number given and press enter. You may now select any of the following options using either the mouse pointer or the function keys: F1 - `About ATF` - This is the credits screen for the team involved in the design of ATF. F2 - `Sound/Controls` - Various options are presented here for for selecting title tune and game sound effects, plus flight controls option if available for your computer. F3 - `Skill` - The crew member that you select to fly your ATF will determine the difficulty level of your game. Click on the head of the required crew member with mouse. F4 - `Demo` - Select this option to the run the demonstration. F5 - `Hi-score` - A top 10 high score hall of fame is available for each difficulty level. This option allows the high score table to be saved to disc and reloaded as required. If you have previously saved a high score then make sure that you load the high score tables before your first game. F6 - `Options` -(a) Selection the map, either random or fixed (b) game speed (PC only) on computers with high speed processors the game may be easier at `slow` speed. F7 - `Take-off` - Select this option to exit this screen and begin your preparations for take-off. Balance of power: . . . . Bases Tanks Ships Commuications . . . . Factories Fuel dumps Submarines Artillery

Changes in enemy and allied strengths are displayed at the end of each bar graph, with gains and losses shown as positive and negative values. Changes will be zero before your first mission and subsequently the combined effect of: . . . . Targets Targets Targets Targets destroyed by by your aircraft destroyed by allied & enemy forces captured by allied & enemy forces regenerated by factories

If all allied mobile forces are exterminated then the allies will be forced

to surrender, the overall balance of power is summarised by the scales symbol. Use the next box or space bar to move onto the next display. Mission Briefing: Planning your flight route begins at the mission briefing. Shown on the global are all positions of allied and enemy installations and mobile forces. The small TV screens provide a key for allied, enemy, ATF and land symbols the locations of each target will vary from game to game, even on the same map. At the beginning of your own game, the exact nature of each enemy installation is unknown. Intelligense reports will identify two targets and store range and bearing information in the on-board computer database. Additional enemy threats will be analysed and identified during your mission sa you fly within range of each target. Your current `ATF` position is highlighted on this display. Depending upon the range to your chosen targets, you may decide to return to this allied base or terminate your mission at a different location. It is always useful to check for nearby allied bases en route just in case you need to divert and land in an emergency. It is also worth noting that the map `wraps around`, ie fly off an edge of the map and you will appear at the opposite edge. Weapon Selection: The only remaining task before take-off is to refuel and rearm your aircraft. Missiles are loaded or unloaded in pairs and the cannon rounds are belt fed into the aircraft. Weapons and fuel are loaded and unloaded by using the mouse pointer on the relevant TV screen (left mb to load, right mb to unload) or by using the function keys (F1 to load cannon, F2 to unload cannon). Prior to take off you will also need to check your fuel state. As you load up with weapons and fuel you will notice the `free weight` decreasing. This figure is the maximum additional weight that you can load aboard your aircraft. The ATF will be at its maximum weight when the free weight is zero. Choose a combination of weapon and fuel appropriate to your mission. After your first flight, your aircraft will already be re-armed and re-fueled with the same combination in order to minimise time to take-off. Instrument Panel: The instrument panel is configured around 3 multifunction displays (MFD). On the ST and Amiga versions all panel functions can be controlled using the mouse. The display on each MFD is user selectable from the following functions. (1) Moving Map

A large scale plan view of nearby terrain and targets. Additional indicators at the left and Lower edges show the appropriate global position. (II) Global Map

A `World` map highlighting location of the ATF aircraft and designated target. (III) . . . . . . Primary Flight Information

Speed................Aircraft speed Heading..............Direction of flight Altitude.............Height above sea level Radio altitude.......Height above the ground Power................Engine thrust setting Fuel.................Remaining fuel Database


A computer datbase containing information on allied and enemy targets. The information is organised into categories; . Allied or enemy

. Target category ie, tank, factory ect . Known targets within category Select an enemy target by switching to the enemy half of the datbase, then select the required ships, and then step through all known ship locations. At the beginning of a game, the locations of only 2 enemy installations or mobile forces will be known. Details of all allied locations will be available at all times. As you fly within range of a new enemy target, range and bearing information will be entered into the database thus increasing the number of targets selectable. It is possible to use the mouse pointer on the datbase `MFD` to select a target (on ST and Amiga only): . . . . (V) Near - Nearest target Com - Most recently announced target on message panel a/e - Allied or enemy base +/- - Step forward or reverse through category ATF system status

This display highlights system damage detected in the following areas: . . . . Airframe.............Aircraft handling Weapons..............Weapon accuracy Avionics.............Hud, mfds...ect Engine...............Reduced engine thrust Weapons Display


Shows weapon type selected (cannon, amraam or maverick), number of type available, function (air-to-air or air-to-ground). This displays also comfirms when a missile is locked onto its target and ready to launch. (VII) Other On the left of the panel you will find the throtle lever which controls engine thrust. Do not attempt to fly to slowly or else the aircraft will stall and lose altitude. Below the left mfd is the missile alert indicator. This will flash when an incoming missile is detected. Respond by pressing the jam key (or click on the flashing light with the mouse on ST or Amiga) either side of the centre mfd are the following status/selector lights; . . . . . . vt rl w uc Al tf Vectored thrust. Used to slow down during combat Barrel roll (ST and Amiga only) Weapon select(ST and Amiga only) Under carriage Automatic landing Terrain following radar

Head Up Display: The left hand vertical scale shows thrust setting (solid triangle) and speed (pointer) the right hand vertical scale shows ATF altitude (pointer) and ground level (solid triangle). As you fly over hills you will see the solide pointer rise and fall. The horizontal scale shows the compass heading of your aircraft (solid triangle) and the bearing (pointer) of the selected target. When your heading matches the target bearing the symbols will be superimposed and you will be flying towards the target. If the bearing is off the scale then the pointer will show you which direction to turn. At the bottom right hand corner of the hud you will see range and bearing information for the selected target. This information will be replaced by `dashes` if no data is available. Mission: (a) Take-off To take off, open the throttle and pull back on the joystick. As soon as you are airborne, raise the undercarriage or else your maximum speed will be severly reduced. (b) Target Selection Targets are selected by displaying the computer database on one of the MFD

screens, select the `enemy` database and then the required target eg tanks, bases, ships, communications, factories, fuel dumps, submarines or artillery. Not all categories will contain information due to lack of data or targets having been destroyed. Categories may contain more than one target if information is available. You may select a particular target or simply select the nearest. Messages will appear during your flight announcing detection of a New enemy target within range of your aircraft. Pressing the Enter key will automatically select this target in the database. (c) Weapon Operation There are 3 types of weapon available - cannon, amraam and maverick. All weapons are fired using the same `fire` button, so it is important to select your required weapon before use. (1) Cannon: For use against enemy interceptor aircraft at close in a dog fight. Selection confirmed on hud by `cannon` legend plus cannon sight. Note that the cannon sight will move when the ATF is turning. (2) Amraam Also for use against enemy interceptors, with the advantages of long range and automatic target tracking. Selection confirmed on hud by amraam legend plus tracking box. The lock-on diamond will appear within the tracking box as soon as the target is within range. Accuracy will deterorate after weapon system damage. (3) Maverick Air to ground missiles for use against enemy installations and mobile ground and sea forces. Selection confirmed on hud by maverick legend plus tracking box. The lock on diamond will appear within the tracking box as soon as target is within range. Effectiveness increases as you get closer to your target. (4) Interceptors Enemy interceptor aircraft will appear frequently with the single objective of preventing you from completing your mission. Attacks will occur from both head-on and from the rear and you are advised to take defensive action as quickly as possible. Using either cannon or amraam missiles, interceptors will appear on your moving map, giving you prior warning of their approach. (5) Incoming Missile Alert The enemy will launch surface to air missiles (sams) as you approach installations so be prepared to take evasive action by using your jammer. Interceptors are also capable of launching air to air missiles (aams) and you are advised to use the jammer as an electronic counter measure. (6) Tactics At the beginning of the game you will only know the precise location of two enemy targets. Having armed and re-fuelled your aircraft, take-off and proceed to the nearest target. Throughout your flight you will receive messages confirming new data on the location of enemy targets. Use Function key 5 or the Enter key to lock onto the most recently announced target. Strategically, each type of installation has a specific role to play. For example, factories are responsible for repair and manufacture of tanks, ships ect...fuel depots will govern the maximum range of mobile units and communication bases control the intelligence and deployment of mobile forces. By launching an air-to-ground missile at maximum range it is likely that you will only damage the target. This may enable allied forces to capture the installation and use it for allied to capture an enemy airbase to use for landing. Using the terrain following system will reduce the frequency of enemy interceptors and air-to-air missile attacks.use the vectored thrust and barrel roll to manoeuvre into firing position when attacked from the rear by an interceptor (to barrel roll, your speed must be over 400kts). (7) Landing All landings are performed using the automatic landing system. Whenever you are within guidance range of an allied airbase you will see the automatic landing

indicator flash (Al). If you wish to land then select `automatic landing` and the ATF autopilot will takeover control. Lower your undercarriage before touchdown and keep a look out for interceptors during the landing sequence. Debrief; After your flight you will see the debrief screen which summarises the following: . . . . . Performance - fair, good ect... ATF condition - damage sustained during mission Targets destroyed in each category Current score - top left hand corner of screen Number of lifes left - top right hand corner.

Upon leaving the debrief screen you will return to the display for balance of power. Game Over; Game over is reached if (a) you abort the game (b) you have No ATF aircraft left. (c) the allies surrender or (d) you reach a stalemate. If you achieve your objective of getting the enemy to surrender you will pass through the congratulations screen. High Score Tables; A high score table is used for each difficulty level. Achieving a new high score will qualify you for entry of your name or initials into the high score table for the difficulty level just played. The high score table may be saved on hard disc or floppy. Make sure you have a formatted disc to hand if necessary. If you have previously saved a high score then make sure that you load the high score tables before your first game. --Typed by Scooter. Edited by Parasite. For more Amiga documents, visit

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