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Q 1) The term ------------------- refers to a general programming environment which is less notified by a common user. (a) Application software (b) System software

Q 2) An operating system has ---------- main responsibility. (a) Two (b) three (c) four (d) none of these

Q ) !emory management means allocation of main memory and secondary storage area to the system programs. (a) True (b) false

Q ") #pooling decreases the performance of the system by allowing both a faster $%& and slower '() devices. (a) True (b) fa se

Q *) The concept of spooling introduced an important data structure called--------------------------. (a) I!O "oo (b) +ob pool (c) stac, (d) -ueue Q .) /ob scheduling brings in the ability of ------------------------. (a) !ulti processing (c) Mu t# "ro$ramm#%$ (b) !ulti-threading (d) none of these

Q 0) A +ob pool on the dis, consists of a number of +obs that are ready to be e1ecuted. (a) True (b) false

Q 2) 3hen power is turned on --------------- ta,es control. (a) $%& (b) &IOS(c) memory (d) all of these

Q 4). ------------------- allows e1ecution of a +ob that may not be completely in a memory. (a) $ache memory (c) !ain memory (b) '#rtua memory (d) secondary memory

Q 15) A process can be divided into subtas,s and each subtas,s can e1ecuted as a separate streams of e1ecution called 6threads7. (a) True (b) false

Q 11) A process is e1ecuted se-uentially one instruction at a time. (a) True (b) false

Q 12) A process in ------------------ state cannot e1ecuted even if the $%& is available since such processes would be waiting for an event to occur. (a) 8eady (b) waiting (c) ( o)*e+ (d) none of these

Q 1 ) The %$9 contains information that ma,es the process a(an----------------------. (a) A)t#,e e%t#ty (c) :aster (b) passive entity (d) none of these

Q 1") The operating system scheduler schedules processes from the ready -ueue for e1ecution by the $%&. (a) True (b) false

Q 1*) $onte1t switch time does not varies from machine to machine. (a) True (b) fa se

Q 1.) A particular tas, may be bro,en into separate processes to facilitate division of system functions into different unit. (a) True (b) false

Q 10) A process which cannot affect or be affected by another process in the system is called-----------------. (a) %arent process (c)I%+e"e%+e%t "ro)ess (b) child process (d) none of these

Q 12) $o-operating process that directly share a logical address space can be implemented as (a) ;irect process (c) ;ata process (b) #%+#re)t "ro)ess (d) none of these

Q 14) A process at any point of time may be in <---------(a) =ew (b) ready (c) running (d) a of these

Q 25) >ernel is re-uired to manage both threads and processes. (a) True (b) false

Q 25) A process may create a new process by e1ecuting system call-------------------- in &='?. (a) -or* (b) @1ec (c) 3ait (d) none of these

Q 21) A process is created and terminated and it follows some or all of the states of process transition. (a) True (b) false

Q 22) A process is said to be -------------------- if it currently has the $%&A which is actually using the $%& at that particular instant. (a) $reate (b) 8eady (c) Ru%%#%$ (d) 3aiting

Q 2 ) A conte1t switch is sometimes described as the ,ernel suspending e1ecution of one process on the $%& and resuming e1ecution of some other process that had previously been suspended. (a) True (b) false

Q 2") %reemption can only occur when a process is about to move from ,ernel mode to user mode. (a) True (b) false

Q 2*) 9ecause threads can share common dateA they need to use inter -process communication. (a) True (b) :alse

Q 2.) 3hich is the part of %$9B (a) %rocess identification (b) processor state information (d) a of these

(c) %rocessor control information

Q 20) To give each process on a multi -programmed machine a fair share of the $%&A a hardware cloc, generates interrupts periodically. (a) True (b) false

Q 22) A conte1t is the contents of a ---------------- registers and program counter at any point in time. (a) $ache (c) CP. (b) Cirtual memory (d) none of these

Q 24) A conte1t switch occurs due to<------(a) 'nterrupts (b) trap

(c) #ystem call

(d) a of these

Q 5) %reemption can only occur when a process is about to move from ,ernel mode to user mode. (a) True (b) false

Q 1) Threads are popular way to improve application through-----------------. (a) #eriallism (c) 9oth a and b (b) "ara e #sm (d) none of these

Q 2) A process is created and terminated and it follows some or all of the states of process transition. (a) True (b) false

Q ) The idea of cache memories is similar to -------------- memory in that some active portion of a low speed memory is stored in duplicate in a higher-speed cache memory. (a) 8A! (b) 8)! (c) ,#rtua (d) #econdary

Q ") ---------------- !ust ,eep trac, of which processes are running in which memory locations. (a) %rocessor (c) Memory ma%a$er (b) dispatcher (d) none of these

Q *) Cirtual memory refers to the technology in which some space in hard dis, is used as an e1tension of main memory. (a) True (b) false

Q .) A ---------------- may be used to speedup paging and avoid fre-uent access to main memory. (a) T/& (c) Cirtual memory (b) %$9 (d) all of these

Q 0) ------------------- allows different pieces of a program to be compiled independently. (a) :ragmentation (c) %aging (b) Se$me%tat#o% (d) none of these

Q 2) The policy ---------------- determines when a page should be brought into main memory. (a) -et)h (b) paging

(c) %age replacement

(d) all of these

Q 4) The placement policy determines where in real memory a process piece is to reside. (a) True (b) false

Q "5) The replacement policy deals with the selection of a page in memory to be replaced after a page fault occurs and a new page must be brought in. (a) True (b) false

Q "1) 9est-fit algorithm searches for the largest contiguous section of memory space that is big enough to hold the segments. (a) True (b) fa se

Q "2) The ---------------- policy treats the page frames allocated to a process as a circular bufferA and pages are removed in round Drobin style. (a) -I-O (b) E':) (c) E8& (d) All of these

Q " ) E8& stands for<(a) East recently used (c) Eatest recently used (b) /east re)e%t y use+ (d) none of these

Q "") The :':) replacement algorithm removes the bloc, that has been in the cache for the longest time. (a) True (b) false

0 "*) FFFFFFFFF#elect a process from among the ready process to e1ecute on the $%&. (a1)S)he+u er (c.) !aster processor ( b.) ;ispatcher (d.) =one of these

01".) The time ta,en by the dispatcher to stop one process and start another running is ,nown asFFFFFFFFFFF. (a.)'nterrupt (c.) $onte1t switch ((1) 2#s"at)h /ate%)y (d.) All of the above

01"0) The interval of time between submission and completion of a process is calledFFFFFFFFF (a.) 3aiting time (c.) 'deal time ((1) Tur% arou%+ t#me ( d.) =one of these

Q "2) A solution to starvation isFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (a) A$#%$ G #egmentation (b) %aging (d) :ragmentation

Q "4) FFFFFFFFF #ystem are re-uired to complete a critical tas, within a guaranteed amount of time. (a)3ar+ Rea T#me (c) 3aiting time (b) #oft 8eal Time (d) =one of these

Q *5) 3henever the $%& becomes idleA t is the +ob of $%& scheduler to select another process from the ready -ueue to run ne1t. (a) True (b) :alse

0141<when a process switches from running state to waiting or terminate stateA the process is said to be cooperative. (a) True (() -a se

Q *2)The dispatcher is the module that gives control of the $%& to the process selected by the scheduler. (a) True (b) :alse

Q * ) %reemption can also be a problem if the >ernel is busy implementing a system call when the pre-emption occurs. (a) True (b) :alse

Q *") :$:# can bloc, the system in a busy dynamic system in another wayA ,nown as the convey effect. (a) True (b) :alse

Q **) 8ound robin scheduling is similar to :$:# schedulingA e1cept that $%& bursts are assign with limits calledFFFFFFFFF. (a) Turn around time 5 T#me 6ua%tum (b) 3aiting time (d) =one of these

Q *.) FFFFFFFFFFFFresolves around balancing the load between multiple processors. (a) =ode balance (c) #ynchroniHation (() /oa+ shar#%$ (d) All of the above

Q *0) 9alancing can be achieved through either push migration orFFFFFFFFFFF (a) %ut migration (c) 9oth a and b (() Pu m#$rat#o% (d) =one

Q *2) FFFFFFFFFFF can be described by a resource allocation graph. (a) ;irect communication (c) 'ndirect communication (() 2ea+ o)* (d) =one of these

Q *4) A system is said to be in a safe state if it can allocate resources up to the ma1imum available and is not in a safe state ofIIIIII. (a) 2ea+ o)* (c) Jold K3ait (b) $ircular wait (d) =one of these

0147<3hen resources have multiple used to for deadloc, avoidance. (a) &a%*er8s a $or#thm G %rimLs algorithm (b) ;i+,straLs algorithm (d) All of the above

Q .5) A wait for graph is not applicable for detecting deadloc,s where there e1ists IIIII (a) #ingle instance of resource 5 Mu t#" e #%sta%)e of resour)e (b) =o resource (d) =one of these

Q .1) FFFFFFFF algorithm re-uires each process to ma,e in advance the ma1imum number of resources of each type that it may need. (a) ;eadloc, prevention (c) 9oth a and b (() 2ea+ o)* a,o#+a%)e (d) =one of these

Q .2) ;eadloc, is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resourceA resulting in both programs ceasing to function. (a) True (b) :alse

Q . ) ;eadloc, avoidance refers to a strategy where whenever a resource is re-uestedA it is only granted if it can not result in deadloc,. (a) True ( b) :alse

Q .") Eiveloc, is situation in which two or more process continuously change their state without doing any useful wor,. (a) True (b) :alse

Q .*) A FFFFFFFF is a connection between to processes in which one process writes data to the pipe and the other reads from the pipe. (a) #witch ()) P#"e (b) 9uffer (d) =one of these

Q..0) AFFFFFFFFF occurs when multiple processes or threads read and write data items so that final result depends on the order of e1ecution of instructions in the multiple processes. (a) !utual @1ecution (() Ra)e Co%+#t#o% (c) $ircular 3ait (d) =o %reemption

Q..2) FFFFFFF is a collection of proceduresA variables and data structures grouped together. (a) =ode (b) !ail 9o1 ()) Mo%#tor (d) =one of these

Q..2) AFFFFFFF is a part of program that access a shared resource that must not be concurrently accessed by more than one process of e1ecution. (a) 8eady (b) 3aiting ()) Cr#t#)a se)t#o% (d) 9loc,ed

Q..4) FFFFFFFF is away of ma,ing sure that if one process using a shared modifiable dataA the other processes will be e1ecuted from doing the some thing. (a) $ircular 3ait (() !utual E9) us#o% (c) =o-%reemption (d) Jold and 3ait

Q 05) !utual @1clusion needs to be enforced only when processes access shared modifiable data. (a) True (b) :alse

Q 01) 3hen no process is in a critical sectionA any process that re-uests entry to its critical section must be permitted to enter without delay. (a) True (b) :alse

Q 02) A process can remains inside its critical section for an infinite time. (a) True (() -a se

Q 0 ) An entry to the critical sectionA the process can disable all interrupts and an e1it from it can enable them again. (a) True (b) :alse

Q 0") 9ecause the critical section can not be interruptedA mutual e1clusion can not be guaranteed. a) True () -a se

Q 0*) 't must not be possible for a process re-uire access to a critical section to be delayed indefinitely.

a) True

b) :alse

Q0.) A FFFFFFFFFFFF is a mechanism that prevents two or more processes from accessing a shared resource simultaneously. a) $ritical #ection c) 8ace $ondition () Sema"hore d) =one of these

Q 00) #emaphores can be thought of a flags they are either on or off. a) True b) :alse

Q 02) A process entering into its critical sectionA performs wait (!ute1) operators and after coming out of critical section A signal (!ute1) operation. a) True b) :alse

Q 04) A file is a collection of related information on the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. a) Se)o%+ary stora$e +e,#)e c) Cirtual !emory b) %rimary storage device

d) $ache !emory

Q 25) FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is best suited access method where most of the records in a file are o be processed. a) 8andom access () Se6ue%t#a a))ess c) 'nde1 se-uential access d) =one of these Q 21) FFFFFFFFFF re-uires a file to occupy continuous bloc, on the dis,. a) =on linear allocation

() Co%t#$uous a o)at#o% c) 9oth a and b d) =one of these Q 22) 'n a lin,ed allocation FFFFFFFFFFF is not possible. a) #e-uential access of files () Ra%+om a))ess of f# es c) 9oth a and b d) =one of these

Q 2 ) %roblems of e1ternal fragmentation and siHe declaration present in contiguous allocation are overcome in FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

a) /#%*e+ a o)at#o% b) $ontiguous allocation c) 9oth a and b d) =one of these

Q 2") A directory is simply a table mapping character-string human-readable names to information about files.

a) True

b) :alse

Q 2*) As dis, get cheaper and $%&Ls get fasterA wasted space is less of a problem and the speed mismatch between the $%& and the dis, gets worse. a) True b) :alse

Q 2*) A variable-siHe bloc, is called FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. a) Trac, b) #ector )) E9te%t

d) =one of these Q 2.) The software can also help avoid bad bloc,s by simply leaving them out of the free list. a) True b) :alse

Q 20) ;umps are usually done much more fre-uently than FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. a) 8ollbac, () Restore c) 9ac,up d) =one of these Q 22) A better recovery is to add an entry to a special lossMfound directory pointing to the FFFFFFFFFFF inode. a) Or"ha% b) 8oot c) $hild d) =one of these

Q 24) The main tric, to improve file system performance is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. a) Trac,ing () Ca)h#%$ c) 8ecovery d) =one of these Q 45) :ile system and space management is an integral part of the operating system. a) True b) :alse

Q 41) 'nput output operations and the $%& are not generally synchroniHed with each other. a) True b) :alse

Q 42) The device accepting the data may or may not indicate that it has accepted the data. a) True b) :alse

Q 4 ) The cache memory has a direct connection to the processor but not to the system bus. a) True () -a se

Q 4") The FFFFFFFFFF informs the ;!A controller that data is available a bloc, of memory location starting at certain address in memory. a) Pro)essor b) #cheduler c) ;ispatcher d) All of the above Q 4*) FFFFFFFFFFF is a sensible approach for devices which have the capability of transferring bloc, of data at very high data rateA in short bursts. a) $ache () 2MA c) 8A! d) =one of these Q 4.) 'n priority encoded arbitration each device has a re-uest line connected to a centraliHed arbiter that determines which device will be granted access to the bus. a) True b) :alse

Q 40) @ach device has a FFFFFFFFF line or lines on which it places a code identifying itself. a) 9usFgrant () &us:re6uest c) 9usFresponse d) =one of these Q 42) A ;!A controller allows devices to transfer data to or from the systemLs memory without the intervention of the processor.

a) True

b) :alse

Q 98) Distributed processing and parallel processing have a common goal of ___________. a) High throughput using single processor. b) High throughput using multiple processors. c) Reliable services. d) None of these Q 99) Distributed processing systems are also called _____________________. a) Loosely coupled system. b) ightly coupled system.

c) !ooperative system d) "ll f the above Q #$$) %n remote procedure call __________ is very difficult because it is difficult to let processors on different machines to share a common address apace. a) &nly client b) &nly server c) Both a and b d) None of these Q #$#) " virtual circuit analogous to a telephone service is an e'ample of __________________. a) Distributed service b) !ooperative service c) Reliable service d) None of these Q #$() Distributed processing is divided among different processors depending on the type of processing done.

a) True

b) )alse

Q #$*) !entrali+ed processing implies a number of computers connected together to form a net,or-. a) rue b) False

Q #$.) " system call generated by an application program not related to any %/& function is handled by the local operating system running on the client. a) True b) )alse

Q #$0) ____________is an interconnection of a number of ,or-station to form a net,or-. a) LAN b) 1"N c) 2"N d) None of these Q #$3) he main function of N&4 can be56 a) Redirection b) !ommunication management c) Net,or- management d) All of the above Q #$7) he functions of 8&4 are 56 a) 9ser interface b) %nformation management c) 1emory management d) All of the above Q #$8) __________ are necessary for optimal use of available resources. a) igrations

b) 1ining

c) 1onitoring d) "ll of the above Q #$9) __________ can be considered as a special case of a generali+ed remote message6passing scheme. a) N&4 b) 8&4 c) R!" d) None of these

Q ##$) he 8&4 maintains a global list of all resources and allocates them to processes. a) True b) )alse

Q ###) R:! can be vie,ed as an enhancement of a reliable loc-ing message6passing scheme to e'ecute a remote procedure on another node. a) True b) )alse

Q ##() 9nauthori+ed use of service ;tapping) and unauthori+ed discloser of information are __________. a) b) hreads hreats

c) !assive threats d) "ll of the above Q ##*) _________ is verification of access to system resources. a) Authentication b) "uthori+ation c) 8rant d) None of these

Q ##.) one of the fastest ,ay to prevent virus attac-s to us ______________. a) "nti6virus b) Legal copies of soft#are c) 2or- after format d) None of these Q ##0) ______________ play an important role in the effectiveness of the pass,ord. a) Length of a pass#ord. b) "uthentication c) "uthori+ation d) None of these Q ##3) %n transposition ciphers the contents of the data are not changed but ____________. a) he se<uence is changed

b) The order is changed c) =oth a and b d) Neither a nor b

Q ##7) _________ can be improved by e'ecuting a number of unrelated user processes on different processors in parallel. a) Throughput b) Data pac-et c) 9ser re<uest d) None of these
Q ##8) 1%1D stands for56 a) ultiple $nstruction stream ultiple %ata stream

b) 1ultiple %nstructions 1ultiple Data stream

c) 1ultiple %nstructions 1ultiple Documents d) None of these Q ##9) ___________ occurs ,hen more than one processors attempts to access the same memory at the same time. a) "ontention b) !oncurrent c) Deadlocd) "ll of the above Q #($) :rocessors and memory in multi6processor system can be interconnection by use of ___________. a) 1ulti6stage connection b) ulti&stage s#itch

c) 1ultiple s,itch d) "ll of the above Q #(#) %n a uniprocessor system an illusion of multiprocessing is created by multiple'ing the processor among. a) 'irtual processes b) :arallel processes c) 4e<uential processes d) None of these Q #(() hroughput can be improved by e'ecuting a number of unrelated user processes on different processors in parallel. a) True b) )alse

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