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SUMMER PROJECT REPORT Submitted by R.GAYATHRI REGISTER NO: !"#$"%& U'de( t)e *uid+',e -. M(/.R.HEMALATHA0 M1A
F+,u2ty0 De3+(tme't O. M+'+*eme't Studie/

in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of






1ONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project work entitle ! A STUDY ON EFFECTIVENES OF GRIEVANCE HANDLING MECHANISM " is a #onafi e work one #y R.GAYATHRI 5REGISTER NO: !"#$"%&$ in partial f%lfil&ent of the re'%ire&ent for the awar of Master of B%siness A &inistration #y (on icherry Uni)ersity %rin* the aca e&ic year +,,-.+,,/0



S%#&itte for 1i)a.)oce E2a&ination hel on


E6te('+2 E6+mi'e( %. .

AC4NO7LEDGEMENT It *i)es %s *reat ecstasy of pleas%re to con)ey o%r eep an sincere thanks to o%r

P(i',i3+2 D(. V.S.4. Ve'8+t+,)+2+3+t)y0 for his kin s%pport4 which helpe %s to co&plete the project s%ccessf%lly0 5e ha)e *reat pleas%re in e2pressin* o%r sincere *ratit% e an hearty thanks to o%r #elo)e Fac%lty0 M(/.R.Hem+2+t)+4 De3+(tme't -. M+'+*eme't Studie/ for

consentin* to #e o%r *%i e0 She ha #een a *reat so%rce of enco%ra*e&ent an inspire %s thro%*ho%t o%r project0 5e are *reatly thankf%l to her for e)erythin* she has one for %s0 5e wo%l like to e2press o%r eepest *ratit% e to M(.J+y+8um+(4 He+d -. t)e

De3+(tme't0 De3+(tme't -. M+'+*eme't /tudie/ for *i)in* constant enco%ra*e&ent 5e e2press o%r hearty thanks to M(.D.Um+m+)e/9+(+'0 Se'i-( Pe(/-''e2 O..i,e(0 Lu,+/ :TVS Ltd.0 who pro)i e )al%a#le *%i ance thro%*ho%t the project in his #%sy sche %le0 5e thank o%r M+'+*eme't4 De3+(tme't St+../4 an Ou( P+(e't/ for their s%pport an a#o)e all to 6o for showerin* his #lessin* %pon %s0 A special wor of thanks to all those we ha)e faile to acknowle *e0

This st% y foc%ses on Effecti)eness of 6rie)ance 7an lin* Mechanis& at 8%cas.T1S 8i&ite 4(% %cherry0 6rie)ance is any kin of issatisfaction with re*ar to pay4pro&otion4s%spension4workin* con ition etc00 The o#jecti)e of the st% y is to fin the effecti)eness of *rie)ance han lin* &echanis& #ein* followe 0 The sa&ple si9e is :; an the pop%lation si9e is <=,0 The tools %se for the st% y are (ercenta*e &etho an >orrelation0 The st% y infers that &ost of e&ployees are hi*hly satisfie with the &echanis& #ein* followe 0




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T+b2e N-. <0< T+b2e '+me 8ist of pro %cts &an%fact%re P+*e N-: +

<0+ ;0< ;0+ ;0: ;0= ;0; ;0B ;0;0/ ;0A ;0<, ;0<< ;0<+ ;0<: ;0<= ;0<; ;0<B ;0<;0</

>lients Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* te&porary relief Distri#%tion of respon ents #ase on a*e Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s s%per)isors@ le)el of skill Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s awareness of co&&ittees Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s ecision *i)en Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s the infor&al channel Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s real #asis of i entification of their *rie)ance Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s &echanis& followe resol)es *rie)ance or not Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s i&portance *i)en to isc%ssion an conference Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* who& they re ress for *rie)ance Distri#%tion of respon ents #ase on '%alification Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* awareness of )ario%s co&&ittees Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* re*%lar follow %p Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* s%per)isors@ a%thority >orrelation #etween Feel a#o%t ecision an Real #asis i entifie 0 1al%es for correlation >orrelation #etween Disc%ssion an >onference An S%per)isor@s Skill le)el 1al%es for correlation

: <</ <A +, +< ++ +: += +; +B +/ +A :< :+ :: :: := :=


C)+(t N-: ;0< ;0+ ;0: ;0= ;0; ;0B ;0;0/ ;0A ;0<, ;0<< ;0<+ ;0<: ;0<=

C)+(t N+me Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* te&porary relief Distri#%tion of respon ents #ase on a*e Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s s%per)isors@ le)el of skill Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s awareness of co&&ittees Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s ecision *i)en Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s the infor&al channel Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s real #asis of i entification of their *rie)ance Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s &echanis& followe resol)es *rie)ance or not Distri#%tion of respon ents towar s i&portance *i)en to isc%ssion an conference Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* who& they re ress for *rie)ance Distri#%tion of respon ents #ase on '%alification Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* awareness of )ario%s co&&ittees Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* re*%lar follow %p Distri#%tion of respon ents re*ar in* s%per)isors@ a%thority

P+*e N-: <</ <A +, +< ++ +: += +; ++/ :, :< :+


8%cas . T1S was set %p in <AB< as a joint )ent%re of 8%cas In %stries plc04 UC an T 1 S%n ara& Iyen*ar D Sons ET1SF4 In ia4 to &an%fact%re A%to&oti)e Electrical Syste&s0 One of the top ten a%to&oti)e co&ponent s%ppliers in the worl 4 8%cas 1arity was for&e #y the &er*er of the 8%cas In %stries of the UC an the 1arity >orporation of the US in Septe&#er <AAB0 The co&pany esi*ns4 &an%fact%res an s%pplies a )ance technolo*y syste&s4 pro %cts an ser)ices to the worl Gs a%to&oti)e4 after &arket4 iesel en*ine an aerospace in %stries0 The co&#ination of these two well.known *ro%ps has res%lte in the esta#lish&ent of a )i#rant co&pany4 which has ha a s%ccessf%l track recor of s%staine *rowth o)er the last three eca es0T1S is one of In iaGs twenty lar*e in %strial ho%ses with &an%fact%rin* co&panies an a t%rno)er in e2cess of USH <0: #illion0 The t%rno)er of 8%cas.T1S an its i)isions is USH +:: &illion %rin* +,,:.+,,=0 Incorporatin* the stren*ths of 8%cas UC an the T1S 6ro%p4 8%cas T1S has e&er*e as one of the fore&ost lea ers in the a%to&oti)e in %stry to ay0 8%cas T1S reaches o%t to all se*&ents of the a%to&oti)e in %stry s%ch as passen*er cars4 co&&ercial )ehicles4 tractors4 jeeps4 two.wheelers an off.hi*hway )ehicles as well as for stationary an &arine applications0 5ith the a%to&o#ile in %stry in In ia c%rrently %n er*oin* pheno&enal chan*es4 8%cas.T1S4 with its e2cellent facilities4 is f%lly e'%ippe to &eet the challen*es of to&orrow0 PRODUCTS 8%cas.T1S &an%fact%res the &ost co&prehensi)e ran*e of a%to electrical co&ponents in the co%ntry0 A ran*e which contin%es to set stan ar s in the in %stry0 The pro %cts are esi*ne to &eet the e&an s of )ehicle &an%fact%rers #oth in In ia an worl wi e0 5ith the e&ission stan ar s in In ia #eco&in* increasin*ly strin*ent4 8%cas.T1S has ens%re that each of its pro %cts is &an%fact%re to &eet *lo#al stan ar s


Lu,+/@TVS P(-du,t R+'*e .-( I'di+' M+(8et Starter Motor Alternator 7ea la&p

Lu,+/@TVS P(-du,t R+'*e .-( USAEu(-3e+' M+(8et Starter Motor Alternator S&all Motor <=5 5iper Motor 5in Shiel 5iper Motor E6M Ran*eF 8R5 (ro %cts Dyna&o Re*%lator

S&all Motor 5iper Motor Blower Motor Fan Motor Dyna&o Re*%lator Dyna&o I*nition >oil Distri#%tor Diesel f%el injection

Dyna&o A%to Electricals

CLIENTS INTERNATIONAL COLLA1ORATOR C+(/ S%9%ki4 Iapan Is%9%4 Iapan0 Mits%#ishi4 Iapan

CUSTOMER Mar%ti U yo* 7in %stan Motors

TATA En*ineerin* an 8oco&oti)e >o&pany 6eneral Motors4 In ia For In ia Daewoo Motors >o04 In ia In A%to 7y%n ai Motors4 In ia Mahin ra D Mahin ra 6eneral Motors4 USA For 4 UC Daewoo4 Corea Fiat4 Italy 7y%n ai Motors4 Corea T(+,t-(/ International 7ar)estor >orporation4 UC Tractors an Far& E'%ip&ents ETAFEF Escorts 7MT Eicher Tractors (%nja# Tractors 6%jarat Tractors 8DT Tractors 6rea)es Tractors Massey Fer*%son4 UC Urs%s4 (olan 0 For 4 UC Jetor4 >9echoslo)akia 6oo Earth4 6er&any Jetor4 >9echoslo)akia Iohn eer4 USA Sa&e4 Italy

DIVISIONS 8%cas T1S has *rown han in han with the a%to&o#ile in %stry in the co%ntry0 The co&panyGs policies ha)e reco*nise the nee to respon effecti)ely to chan*in* c%sto&er nee s4 helpin* to propel it to a position of lea ership0 The co&pany has raise its stan ar s on '%ality4 pro %cti)ity4 relia#ility an fle2i#ility #y channelin* its interests0 At present4 there are fi)e i)isionsK <0 A%to Electricals 8.T1S +0 F%el Injection E'%ip&ent EFIEF . DT1S :0 Electronic I*nition Syste&s EINE8F =0 A%to&oti)e 8i*htin* EII8F

;0 After Market Operations E8ISF

ACHIEVEMENTS 8%cas.T1S4 a T1S *ro%p co&pany4 has #a**e the presti*io%s De&in* Application Awar for the year +,,=0 This was anno%nce #y the De&in* (ri9e >o&&ittee of Iapanese Union of Scientists an En*ineers EIUSEF0

%. INTRODUCTION FOR THE STUDY <0 The ai& of the st% y is to fin whether the *rie)ance han lin* &echanis& ens%res that e&ployee@s pro#le&s are reco*ni9e an appropriately re)iewe in a pro&pt an ti&ely &anner0 +0 The *rie)ance &echanis& acts as a fo%n ation for a har&onio%s an healthy relationship #etween e&ployee an e&ployer0

:0 The *rie)ance &echanis& ens%res a fair an j%st treat&ent of e&ployee@s concerns an pro&pt resol%tion of *rie)ances witho%t iscri&ination4 coercion4 restraint or reprisal a*ainst any e&ployee who &ay s%#&it or #e in)ol)e in a *rie)ance0

REVIE7 OF LITERATURE GRIEVANCE 6rie)ance is any iscontent or issatisfaction that affects or*ani9ational perfor&ance0 As s%ch it can #e state or %n)oice 4 written or oral4 le*iti&ate or ri ic%lo%s0 If the issatisfaction of e&ployees@ *oes %natten e or the con itions ca%sin* it are not correcte 4 the irritation is likely to increase an lea to %nfa)ora#le attit% e towar s the &ana*e&ent an %nhealthy relations in the or*ani9ation0

The for&al &echanis& for ealin* with s%ch worker@s issatisfaction is calle *rie)ance proce %re0 All co&panies whether %nioni9e or not sho%l ha)e esta#lishe an known *rie)ance &etho s of processin* *rie)ances0 The pri&ary )al%e of *rie)ance proce %re is that it can assist in &ini&i9in* iscontent an issatisfaction that &ay ha)e a )erse effects %pon co.operation an pro %cti)ity0 A *rie)ance proce %re is necessary in lar*e or*ani9ation which has n%&ero%s personnel an &any le)els with the res%lt that the &ana*er is %na#le to keep a check on each in i)i %al4 or #e in)ol)e in e)ery aspect of workin* of the s&all or*ani9ation0 The %s%al steps in grievance procedure are <0 >onference a&on* the a**rie)e e&ployee4 the s%per)isor4 an the %nion stewar 0 +0 >onference #etween &i le &ana*e&ent an &i =0 Ar#itration0 There &ay #e )ariations in the proce %res followe for resol)in* e&ployee *rie)ances0 1ariations &ay res%lt fro& s%ch factors as or*ani9ational or ecision.&akin* str%ct%res or si9e of the plant or co&pany0 8ar*e or*ani9ations o ten to ha)e for&al *rie)ance proce %res in)ol)in* s%ccession of steps0 le %nion lea ership0 :0 >onference #etween top &ana*e&ent an top %nion lea ership0

Ar#itration is a proce %re in which a ne%tral thir party st% ies the #ar*ainin* sit%ation4 listens to #oth the parties an *athers infor&ation4 an then &akes reco&&en ations that are #in in* on the parties0 Ar#itration has achie)e a certain e*ree of s%ccess in resol)in* isp%tes #etween the la#o%r an the &ana*e&ent0 The la#o%r %nion *enerally takes initiati)e to *o for ar#itration0 5hen the %nion so eci es4 it notifies the &ana*e&ent0 At this point4 the %nion an co&pany &%st select an ar#itrator0

When processing grievances, there are several important guidelines to consider:

>heck the *rie)ant@s title an e&ploy&ent stat%s to eter&ine if he L she are incl% e in a %nion eli*i#le classification0 Note the s%per)isor@s respon ent o#li*ation %n er the *rie)ance proce %re0 Re)iew the re'%este sol%tion to the *rie)ance0 Deter&ine if the relief so%*ht is #eyon a s%per)isor@s a%thority to *rant0 Re)iew all policies or other infor&ation relate to the *rie)ance0 >on %ct a thoro%*h in)esti*ation of the alle*ations0 (repare a written response incl% in* the reason for the ecision an pro)i e a copy to the *rie)ant0 6rie)ance &aterials sho%l #e &aintaine in a separate file fro& either personnel files or recor s0

Articles related to grievance Meas%res of s%per)isory #eha)iors an s%per)isor@s knowle *e of the collecti)e

a*ree&ent sho%l 4 int%iti)ely4 #e relate to the occ%rrence of *rie)a#le e)ents4 #%t there has #een no theory a )ance to e2plain *rie)a#le e)ents0 Cliener 4 Ni*kels#%r* an (ilarski i&plicitly ass%&e that s%per)isor &onitorin* of e&ployees will increase the n%&#er of *rie)a#le e)ents4 #%t a theoretical #asis or rationale for this ass%&e relationship is not isc%sse 0 6rie)ants were less satisfie s%per)isors4 ha with their jo#s4 ha poorer attit% es towar their line

*reater feelin*s of pay ine'%ity4 ha

stron*er #eliefs that workers sho%l

participate in ecision.&akin*4 were less satisfie with their %nions4 an &ore acti)e in their %nions0 The lower satisfaction with the %nion a&on* *rie)ant &ay #e %e to issatisfaction with the processin* of *rie)ances0 6rie)ants were &ore yo%n*er an non*rie)ants0 6or on an Miller4 Allen an Cea)ney an Class note the i&portant role that e2pectancy theory co%l play in ifferentiatin* *rie)ants an non*rie)ants0 Altho%*h not a co&plete test of e2pectancy theory4 8ewin an Boroff i incl% e the e&ployees percei)e effecti)eness of the *rie)ance proce %re as an e2planatory )aria#le0 S%rprisin*ly4 this was not si*nificantly relate to *rie)ance filin*0 F%rther research foc%sin* on e2pectancy theory an *rie)ance filin* that &ore f%lly e)elops testa#le hypotheses eri)e fro& e2pectancy theory see&s appropriate0 Be&&els4 Reshef an Stratton.De)ine incl% e the shop stewar s assess&ent of how fre'%ently e&ployees approach the& with co&plaints0 Altho%*h &ost *rie)ances are for&ally file #y e&ployees4 the initiation of a *rie)ance can co&e fro& e&ployees or stewar s0 >o&plainin* to the shop stewar s is the e&ployees@ role in the *rie)ance initiation process0 Both of these st% ies fo%n the work *ro%p with e&ployees who co&plaine to the stewar s &ore fre'%ently ha *rie)ance rates0 E&ployees@ co&plainin* to their stewar s is a prec%rsor to The &eas%re of consi eration an str%ct%re were si*nificantly relate to *rie)ance filin*0 ha less e %cation than

fre'%ency of e&ployee co&plaints in Be&&els an the stewar @s assess&ent of the s%per)isors@ knowle *e of the collecti)e a*ree&ent was ne*ati)ely relate to co&plaints0 8ewin an (eterson fo%n a positi)e relationship with *rie)ance proce %re str%ct%re an *rie)ance rates0 They also fo%n hi*her *rie)ance rates %n er proce %res that incl% e pro)isions for e2pe ite *rie)ance han lin*0 It was fo%n that pro)isions allowin* oral presentation of *rie)ances was relate to lower rates of written *rie)ances4 an screenin* of potential *rie)ances was relate to lower rates of written *rie)ance4 an screenin* of potential *rie)ances #y a co&&ittee or other %nion officials was associate with lower *rie)ance rates0 The n%&#er of steps in the *rie)ance proce %re an the len*th of ti&e allowe for filin* a *rie)ance were not relate to *rie)ance rates0

8ewin an (eterson ar*%e that e)al%ations of *rie)ance proce %re effecti)eness sho%l incl% e s%#jecti)e e)al%ations #y the participants as well as o#jecti)e &eas%res reflectin* the operation of the *rie)ance proce %re0 They ar*%e that s%#jecti)e e)al%ations are the preferre &etho for e)al%atin* *rie)ance proce %re effecti)eness0 Effecti)eness was iffic%lt to interpret fro& &eas%res reflectin* the operation of *rie)ance proce %res s%ch as *rie)ance rates4 settle&ent le)els an ar#itration rates since it was not clear what the opti&al &a*nit% es &i*ht #e for these &eas%res0 F%rther&ore the p%rpose of *rie)ance proce %re is to resol)e isp%tes a#o%t the interpretation an application of collecti)e a*ree&ents0 6rie)ance proce %res e2ist for the #enefit of the e&ployees4 e&ployers an %nions0 If the parties were satisfie with the operation of the *rie)ance proce %re4 it see&s to &ore i&portant than attainin* so&e pre eter&ine opti&al &a*nit% e of *rie)ance filin* or when4 where4 an how *rie)ances are #ein* resol)e 0 6rie)ance proce %res are relate to other attit% inal &eas%res an the #eha)iors of shop stewar s in the *rie)ance proce %re0 6rie)ance proce %re effecti)eness was relate to %nion &e&#ers@ o)erall satisfaction with the %nion0 6rie)ance proce %res ha)e #een fo%n to relate to %nion co&&it&ent4 e&ployer co&&it&ent an %al co&&it&ent0 E&ployer co&&it&ent has fo%n to #e ne*ati)ely relate to a#senteeis& an t%rno)er an %nion co&&it&ent has fo%n to ha)e a positi)e relationship with %nion participation an with shop stewar #eha)ior in the *rie)ance proce %re0 Many st% ies still report e&pirical analysis with no theoretical *ro%n in*4 or only int%iti)e an a hoc hypotheses0 6rie)ance co%l #e classifie into = #asic typesK Discri&ination char*es4 r%les )iolation4 *eneral or %nclassifie co&plaints an iscipline0

Discri&ination was spelle o%t as #ase %pon race4 se24 reli*ion4 color4 national ori*in4 a*e4 )eteran stat%s4 or han icappe 0 6rie)ance correspon in* r%les )iolation was an e&ployees@ interpretation of application of policies an proce %res *o)ernin* personnel policies4 epart&ent work r%les4 %nsafe or %nhealthy workin* con itions4 or other policies or proce %res of a workin* nat%re0

Disciplinary actions are the cate*ory least classifie as a *rie)ance0 8e*alistic approach was %se to han le s%ch cases0 5ith the possi#ility of a )erse le*al action arisin* fro& %nj%st iscipline4 separate syste&s are often esta#lishe in iscipline cases to ens%re the e&ployees@ co&plete %e process ri*hts0 Fi)e types of *rie)ance syste&s were typically note in the literat%re0 They were the open oor policy4 &etho 4 also calle the *rie)ance co&&ittee or ro%n ta#le4 o&#% s&an an hearin* officer0 In the p%#lic sector st% y0 The pre o&inant &etho of *rie)ance a j% ication was the &etho %se either sin*%larly or in co&#ination with a peer. re)iew co&&ittee0 The &etho ar#itration proce %res fo%n in %nion contracts0 The &etho has a preesta#lishe set of steps for re)iewin* e&ployee co&plaints #y s%ccee in* hi*her le)els of a*ency personnel0 ha characteristics si&ilar to the *rie)ance L

1e' -. )+Bi'* G(ieB+',e 3(-,edu(e: The *rie)ance proce %re pro)i es a &eans for i entifyin* practices4 proce %res4 an a &inistrati)e policies that are ca%sin* e&ployee co&plaints so that chan*es can #e consi ere 0 They re %ce costly e&ploy&ent s%its0 A *rie)ance proce %re allows &ana*ers to esta#lish a %nifor& la#o%r policy0

A *rie)ance syste& can #e a relia#le &echanis& to learn of4 an resol)e e&ployee issatisfaction0 It can pro %ce early settle&ents to isp%tes or pro)i e for correction of conteste e&ploy&ent iss%es0


PRIMARY O1JECTIVE To st% y the effecti)eness of *rie)ance han lin* &echanis&0 SECONDARY O1JECTIVE <0 To i entify whether the e&ployees are aware of the *rie)ance han lin* &echanis&0

+0 To i entify whether the *rie)ance han lin* syste& lea s to a fa)ora#le attit% e towar s the &ana*e&ent :0 To i entify that the *rie)ance han lin* syste& lea s to a &%t%al %n erstan in* #etween workers an the &ana*e&ent =0 To know the le)el of satisfaction towar s the *rie)ance han lin* proce %re of the or*ani9ation ;0 To i entify the factors infl%encin* the effecti)eness of the *rie)ance han lin* in the or*ani9ation


Research is a process in which the researcher wishes to fin o%t the en res%lt for a *i)en pro#le& an th%s the sol%tion helps in f%t%re co%rse of action0 The research has #een efine as !A caref%l in)esti*ation or en'%iry especially thro%*h search for new fact in any #ranch of knowle *e"0


The proce %re %sin*4 which researchers *o a#o%t their work of escri#in*4 e2plainin* an pre ictin* pheno&ena4 is calle Metho olo*y0 Metho s co&pro&ise the proce %res %se for *eneratin*4 collectin*4 an e)al%atin* ata0 Metho s are the ways of o#tainin* infor&ation %sef%l for assessin* e2planation0

The type of research %se in this project is escripti)e in nat%re0 Descripti)e research is essentially a fact fin in* relate lar*ely to the present4 a#stractin* *enerations #y cross sectional st% y of the c%rrent sit%ation 0The escripti)e &etho s are e2tensi)ely %se in the physical an nat%ral science4 for instance when physics &eas%res4 #iolo*y classifies4 9oolo*y issects an *eolo*y st% ies the rock0 B%t its %se in social science is &ore co&&on4 as in socio econo&ic s%r)eys an jo# an acti)ity analysis0


To portray the characteristics of a partic%lar in i)i %al sit%ation or *ro%pEwith or witho%t specific initial hypothesis a#o%t the nat%re of this characteristicsF0 To eter&ine the fre'%ency with which so&ethin* occ%rs or with which it is associate with so&ethin* elseE %s%ally 4 #%t not always 4with a specific initial hypothesisF0 The escripti)e &etho has certain li&itationM one is that the research &ay &ake e&an s the isco)ery of facts whether the li&itation is associate escription itself an en itself0 Research is essentially creati)e an on or er to lea a sol%tion of the pro#le&0 A secon

statistical techni'%es o&inate0 The esire to o)er e&phasis central ten encies an to fact in ter&s of A)era*e4 >orrelation4 Means an always e2plain ca%sal relation0 ispersion &ay not always #e either welco&e0 This li&itation arises #eca%se statistics which is partly a escripti)e tool of analysis can ai #%t not


Descripti)e st% ies ai& at portrayin* acc%rately the characteristics of a partic%lar *ro%p or sol%tion0 One &ay %n er take a escripti)e st% y a#o%t the work in the factory4 health an

welfare0 A escripti)e st% y &ay #e concerne with the ri*ht to strike4 capital p%nish&ent4 prohi#ition etcK A escripti)e st% y in)ol)es the followin* stepsK <0 For&%latin* the o#jecti)es of the st% y0 +0 Definin* the pop%lation an selectin* the sa&ple0 :0 Desi*nin* the &etho of ata collection0 =0 Analysis of the ata0 ;0 >oncl%sion an reco&&en ation for f%rther i&pro)e&ent in the practices0

De/,(i3ti-' -. /t+ti/ti,+2 t--2/ u/ed

(ercenta*e &etho >orrelation

Pe(,e't+*e met)-d
In this project percenta*e &etho test an %se 0 The followin* are the for&%la (ercenta*e of Respon ent N No0 of Respon ent Total no0 of Respon ent CORRELATION >orrelation analysis eals with the association #etween two or &ore )aria#les0 It oes not tell anythin* a#o%t ca%se an effect relationship0 >orrelation is escri# or classifie in se)eral ifferent ways0 Three of the &ost i&portant ways of classifyin* correlation are K <0 (ositi)e an Ne*ati)e +0 Si&ple4 M%ltiple an (artial :0 8inear an Non.8inear 2 <,,

Carl (earson@s &etho is pop%larly known as (earson@s coefficient of correlation0 It is enote #y the sy&#ol O(@0 P2y For&%la for Carl (earson@s coefficient r N 33333333333333 QP2+ R Py+ The )al%e of the coefficient of correlation as o#taine #y the a#o)e for&%la shall always lie #etween S< an .<0 5hen r N <4 it &eans there is perfect positi)e correlation #etween )aria#les0 5hen r N .<4 it &eans there is perfect ne*ati)e correlation #etween )aria#les0 5hen r N ,4 it &eans no relationship #etween )aria#les0

D+t+ ,-22e,ti-' met)-d

Data was collecte %sin* T%estionnaire0 This &etho is '%ite pop%lar in case of #i* en'%ires0 (ri)ate in i)i %als4 research workers4 pri)ate an p%#lic or*ani9ations an e)en *o)ern&ent are a optin* it0 A '%estionnaire consists of a n%&#er of '%estion in)ol)es #oth specific an *eneral '%estion relate to 6rie)ance 7an lin*0

S-u(,e/ -. d+t+
The two so%rces of ata collection are na&ely 3(im+(y D /e,-'d+(y.

P(im+(y D+t+:
(ri&ary ata are fresh ata collecte thro%*h s%r)ey fro& the e&ployees %sin* '%estionnaire0

Se,-'d+(y D+t+
Secon ary ata are collecte fro& #ooks an internet0

Re/e+(,) de/i*'
Research esi*n is the specification of the &etho an proce %re for ac'%irin* the infor&ation nee e to sol)e the pro#le&0

The research esi*n followe for this research st% y is escripti)e research esi*n where we fin a sol%tion to an e2istin* pro#le&0 The pro#le& of this st% y is to fin the effecti)eness of 6rie)ance 7an lin* at 8%cas. T1S 8i&ite 0

S+m32e De/i*'
Sa&ple Ele&ent Sa&ple Si9e Sa&ple Test Sa&ple Me ia Sa&plin* Metho K E&ployees at 8%cas. T1S 8i&ite 0 K :; sa&ples K (ercenta*e Metho D >orrelation K T%estionnaire K Si&ple Ran o& Sa&plin*


Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* Tem3-(+(y (e2ie. T+b2e: <.% S2. N-. Tem3-(+(y N-. -. Pe(,e't+*e (e2ie. (e/3-'de't/

< + Total I'.e(e',e:

Ues No :;

<A <B <,,

;=0: =;0-

Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that ;=0:V of respon ents state that they are #ein* pro)i e with te&porary relief an =;0-V statin* they are not #ein* pro)i e relief0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* Tem3-(+(y (e2ie. C)+(t N-: <.%

temporary relief







0 yes no

temporary relief

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ b+/ed -' +*e T+b2e: <.

S2.N-. <

A*e <A.+;

F(eCue',y B

Pe(,e't+*e <-0<

+ Total I'.e(e',e:

+B.:, :;

+A <,,


Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that <-0<V of respon ents are #etween the a*e *ro%p <A.+; an /+0AV are #etween the a*e *ro%p +B.:,0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ b+/ed -' +*e C)+(t N-: <.



Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ /u3e(Bi/-(/D 2eBe2 -. /8i22 Table: 5.3


Su3e(Bi/-( 3-//e// 'e,e//+(y F(eCue',y Pe(,e't+*e /8i22 )ery hi*hly skille &o erately skille Total :+ : :; A<0= /0B <,,

< +

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that A<0=V of respon ents state that their s%per)isor are hi*hly skille an /0BV state that their s%per)isor is &o erately skille 0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ /u3e(Bi/-(/D 2eBe2 -. /8i22 C)+(t N-: <."
supervisor has skill





0 very highly skilled moderately skilled

supervisor has skill

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ +9+(e'e// -. ,-mmittee/ T+b2e: <.#


A9+(e'e// F(eCue',y Pe(,e't+*

-. ,-mmittee/ < Total I'.e(e',e: yes :; :;

e <,,0, <,,

Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that <,,V of respon ents are aware of the )ario%s co&&ittees that are fra&e for re ressin* their *rie)ance0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ +9+(e'e// -. ,-mmittee/ C)+(t N-: <.#

various committee






0 yes

various committee

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ de,i/i-' *iBe' T+b2e: <.< S2.N-. De,i/i-' F(eCue',y *iBe' i/ /+ti/.+,t-(y -( '-t Pe(,e't+*e

< +

7i*hly satisfactory Mo erately satisfactory Total

:< = :;

//0B <<0= <,,

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that //0BV of respon ents are hi*hly satisfie towar s the ecision *i)en #y the &ana*e&ent an <<0=V of respon ents are &o erately satisfie towar s the ecision0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ de,i/i-' *iBe'
C)+(t N-: <.<

feel a!out decision given






0 highly satisfactory moderately satisfact

feel a!out decision given

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ t)e i'.-(m+2 ,)+''e2 T+b2e: <.= S2.NI'.-(m+2 N-. -. (e/3-'de't/ Pe(,e't+*e ,)+''e2

< + Total

co worker peer :;

+: <+ <,,


I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that B;0-V of respon ents co&&%nicate to their co. workers an :=0:V of respon ents co&&%nicate to their peer0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ t)e i'.-(m+2 ,)+''e2
Chart No: 5.6

informal channel
#0 60 50 40 30 20


10 0 co " orker peer

informal channel

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ (e+2 b+/i/ -. ide'ti.i,+ti-' -. t)ei( *(ieB+',e T+b2e: <.!
Sl.No. 1 Real basis Frequency Percentage strongly agree 2# ##$1



Total I'.e(e',e:



Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that --0<V of respon ents stron*ly a*ree that real #asis is i entifie an ++0AV of respon ents a*ree that real #asis is i entifie 0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ (e+2 b+/i/ -. ide'ti.i,+ti-' -. t)ei( *(ieB+',e C)+(t N-: <.!

real !asis identified


strongly agree

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ me,)+'i/m .-22-9ed (e/-2Be/ *(ieB+',e -( '-t T+b2e: <.$


Me,)+'i/m N-. -. Pe(,e't+*e (e/-2Be/ (e/3-'de't/

*(ieB+',e -( '-t < + Total I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that A-0<V of respon ents a*ree that &echanis& resol)es *rie)ance an +0AV of respon ents isa*ree that &echanis& oes not resol)e *rie)ance0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ t-9+(d/ me,)+'i/m .-22-9ed (e/-2Be/ *(ieB+',e -( '-t C)+(t N-: <.$
mechanism resolves grievance

yes no :;

:= < <,,

A-0< +0A


Distribution of res on!ents to"ar!s i# ortance gi$en to !iscussion an! conference

Table: 5.%

1 2

Di/,u//i-' +'d N-. -. Pe(,e't+*e ,-'.e(e',e (e/3-'de't/

strongly agree agree 29 6 2$9 1#$1

Total I'.e(e',e:



Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that /+0AV of respon ents stron*ly a*ree that isc%ssion an conference is facilitate an <-0<V of respon ents a*ree that isc%ssion an conference is facilitate 0
Distribution of res on!ents to"ar!s i# ortance gi$en to !iscussion an! conference

C)+(t N-: <.>

discussion and conference






0 strongly agree agree

discussion and conference

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* 9)-m t)ey (ed(e// .-( *(ieB+',e TA1LE NO: <.%& S2.N-. < 7)-m d- F(eCue',y Pe(,e't+*e y-u (ed(e// office = <<0= #earers

+ :

co&&ittee &e&#ers hr

<B : +

=;0/0B ;0+,0, +0A +0A +0A <,,

= &an*ers ; %nion &e&#ers B co%nselor frien s / co workers Total

< < < :;

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that <<0=V of respon ents co&&%nicate *rie)ances thro%*h office #earers4 =;0-V thro%*h co&&ittee &e&#ers4 /0BV thro%*h 7R4 ;0- thro%*h &ana*ers4 +,V thro%*h %nion &e&#ers4 +0A thro%*h co%nselor4 +0A thro%*h frien s an +0A thro%*h co workers0

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* 9)-m t)ey (ed(e// .-( *(ieB+',e C)+(t N-: <.%&

to "hom to redress
co " orkers friends counsellor offiece !earers

union mem!ers

mangers committee mem!ers hr

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ b+/ed -' Cu+2i.i,+ti-' T+b2e: <.%%

S2.N-. < + : Total

Eu+2i.i,+ti-' F(eCue',y Pe(,e't+*e hi*her secon ary iplo&a %n er *ra %ate :; :< < : <,, //0B +0A /0B

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that //0BV of respon ents are '%alifie %p to hi*her secon ary4 +0AV of respon ents are iplo&a an /0BV are %n er *ra %ate0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ b+/ed -' Cu+2i.i,+ti-' C)+(t N-: <.%%

under graduate diploma

higher secondary

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* +9+(e'e// -. B+(i-u/ ,-mmittee/ T+b2e: <.%

S2.N-. < + : = ; B / A

V+(i-u/ ,-mmittee/ F(eCue',y Pe(,e't+*e canteen4s*a < +0A S*a4tei4 transport transport4welf are4s*a transport4 safety4 canteen safety4transpo rt4s*a canteen4tei4sa fety4transport tei4s*a4cantee n4transport transport4 welfare4 safety tei4s*a4transp ort4welfare Total = B = = : A + + :; <<0= <-0< <<0= <<0= /0B +;0;0;0<,,

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that +0AV of respon ents are aware of canteen.s*a

co&&ittee4<<0=V of respon ents are aware of s*a.tei.transport co&&ittee4<-0<V of respon ents are aware of transport.welfare.s*a4<<0=V t of respon ents are aware transport4 safety4 canteen 4 <<0=V of respon ents are aware safety4transport4s*a 4/0BV of respon ents are aware of canteen4tei4safety4transport4+;0-V of respon ents are aware tei4s*a4canteen4transport4;0-V of respon ents are aware transport4 welfare4 safety an tei4s*a4transport4welfare0 ;0-V of respon ents are aware of

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* +9+(e'e// -. B+(i-u/ ,-mmittee/ C)+(t N-: <.%

availa!le comit
tei&sga&transport&" e transport&" elfare& s canteen&sga sga&tei& transport


transport&" elfare&sg

transport&safety& ca canteen&tei&safety&t safety&transport&sga

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* (e*u2+( .-22-9 u3 T+b2e: <.%"

S2.N-. < Total

Re*u2+( .-22-9@u3 Ues :;

N-. -. (e/3-'de't/ :; <,,

Pe(,e't+*e <,,0,

I'.e(e',e: Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that <,,V of respon ents ha)e a*ree that there is re*%lar follow %p to ens%re ri*ht ecision is *i)en0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* (e*u2+( .-22-9 u3 C)+(t N-: <.%"

regular follo" up






0 yes

regular follo" up

Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* /u3e(Bi/-(/D +ut)-(ity T+b2e: <.%# S2.NSu3e(Bi/-( )+/ *iBe' N-. -. Pe(,e't+*e

+ut)-(ity 1ali 7as *i)en a%thority Total I'.e(e',e: :;

(e/3-'de't/ :; <,, <,,0,

Fro& the a#o)e ta#le it is inferre that <,,V of respon ents ha)e a*ree that s%per)isor is *i)en a%thority0 Di/t(ibuti-' -. (e/3-'de't/ (e*+(di'* /u3e(Bi/-(/D +ut)-(ity C)+(t N-: <.%#

supervisor given authority







0 has given authority

supervisor given authority

ANALYSIS USING CORRELATION T- 8'-9 9)et)e( t)e(e i/ ,-((e2+ti-' bet9ee' .ee2 +b-ut de,i/i-' *iBe' +'d (e+2 b+/i/ ide'ti.i,+ti-' 8et ? #e Feel a#o%t ecision *i)en 8et Y #e Real #asis i entification

T+b2e: <.%<

real !asis identified


(trongly agree )eel a!out highly decision satisfactory given moderately satisfactory 'otal 25

agree 6 31

2 2#

4 35

T+b2e: <.%= V+2ue/ .-( ,-((e2+ti-' P2+ </,0; P2y 33333333333333 Q EP2+ R Py+ F S%#stit%tin* the )al%es of P2+4 Py+4 P2y in the a#o)e e'%ation we *et0 rN< InferenceK Since the )al%e of r is e'%al to one the )aria#les are positi)ely correlate 0 A )ariation in one )aria#le will ca%se )ariation in another ANALYSIS USING CORRELATION T- 8'-9 9)et)e( t)e(e i/ ,-((e2+ti-' bet9ee' di/,u//i-' +'d ,-'.e(e',e +'d /u3e(Bi/-( )+/ /8i22 Py+ :B=0; P2y +;B0;

r N

8et ? #e Disc%ssion an conference0 8et Y #e S%per)isor has skill0 T+b2e: <.%!

'otal supervisor has skill moderately skilled very highly skilled discussion and strongly 2 conference agree agree 4 32 'otal 1 2 3 29 6 35

T+b2e: <.%$ V+2ue/ .-( ,-((e2+ti-' P2+ =+,0; P2y 33333333333333 Q EP2+ R Py+ F S%#stit%tin* the )al%es of P2+4 Py+4 P2y in the a#o)e e'%ation we *et0 (F% InferenceK Since the )al%e of r is e'%al to one the )aria#les are positi)ely correlate 0 A )ariation in one )aria#le will ca%se )ariation in another0 Py+ +B=0; P2y :::0;

r N


=.% FINDINGS OF THE STUDY <0 ;=0:V of respon ent@s state that they are #ein* pro)i e with te&porary relief %ntil final ecision is taken0 +0 /+0AV of the respon ents are #etween the a*e *ro%p +B.:,0 :0 A<0=V of respon ents state that their s%per)isors are hi*hly skille that is the s%per)isors possess necessary h%&an relation skills0 =0 <,,V of respon ents are aware of the )ario%s co&&ittees that are fra&e for re ressin* their *rie)ance0 ;0 //0BV of respon ents are hi*hly satisfie towar s the ecision *i)en #y the &ana*e&ent0 B0 B;0-V of respon ents co&&%nicate to their co.workers0 It is their infor&al channel0 -0 --0<V of respon ents stron*ly a*ree that real #asis of there is i entifie 0 /0 A-0<V of respon ents a*ree that &echanis& #ein* followe resol)es their *rie)ance0 A0 /+0AV of respon ents stron*ly a*ree that isc%ssion an conference is facilitate rather than e2ec%ti)e a%thority0 <,0 =;0-V of respon ents@ i&&e iately re ress their *rie)ance thro%*h co&&ittee &e&#ers0 <<0 //0BV of respon ents are '%alifie %p to hi*her secon ary0 <+0 +;0-V of respon ents are aware of tei4 s*a4 canteen4 transport co&&ittees a)aila#le0

<:0 <,,V of respon ents ha)e a*ree that there is re*%lar follow %p to ens%re ri*ht ecision is *i)en0 <=0 <,,V of respon ents ha)e a*ree that s%per)isor is *i)en a%thority to take action necessary to resol)e the pro#le&0 <;0 5hen there is e)iation in the real #asis i entification it will #e reflecte in the le)el of satisfaction re*ar in* ecision *i)en0


<0 Io# escriptions4 responsi#ilities sho%l #e as clear as possi#le0 E)eryone sho%l #e infor&e of co&pany@s *oals an e2pectation incl% in* what is e2pecte fro& each in i)i %al0 +0 Infor&al co%nselin* helps to a ress an &ana*e *rie)ances in the workplace0 :0 >onflict &ana*e&ent in the or*ani9ation will #e helpf%l to re %ce the n%&#er of *rie)ance rates0 =0 Open oor policy can #e %se 0 The #arriers that e2ist #etween the )ario%s cate*ories are to so&e e2tent #roken #y personal contact an &%t%al %n erstan in*0 ;0 S%**estion #o2es can #e installe 0 This #rin*s the pro#le& or conflict of interest to li*ht0 B0 Acci ent rates4 Re'%ests for transfers4 Resi*nations4 an isciplinary cases sho%l #e

analy9e since they re)eal the *eneral patterns that are not apparent0 -0 Te&porary relief can #e pro)i e so that the elay oes not increase his fr%stration an an2iety an there#y not affectin* his L her &orale an pro %cti)ity0


CONCLUSION The st% y re)eals that the 6rie)ance han lin* &echanis& is satisfactory. The or*ani9ation is reco*ni9in* the i&portance of satisfyin* the e&ployees an retainin* the&0 F%rther i&pro)e&ents can #e &a e so that all &e&#ers are hi*hly satisfie with the proce %re0 The s%**estions an reco&&en ations when i&ple&ente will still &ore #enefit the or*ani9ation0

Limit+ti-'/ -. t)e /tudy The sa&ple si9e was restricte to <,,

(ersonal inter)iew was not allowe 0

S,-3e .-( t)e /tudy

The project throws li*ht on nee for 6rie)ance han lin* &echanis& an this st% y facilitates the &ana*e&ent for f%rther i&pro)e&ent on the sa&e0 This st% y will #e %sef%l when si&ilar kin of research is %n ertaken0


<0 Aswathappa4 C04 7%&an reso%rce an (ersonnel &ana*e&ent4 TATA Mc6raw. 7I880 +0 Ar%n &onappa an Saiya ain4 Mir9a S04 (ersonnel &ana*e&ent4 TATA Mc6raw. 7I880 :0 Flippo4 E win B04 (ersonnel &ana*e&ent4 Mc6RA5.7I88 International (%#lications0

7E1 SITE <0 www0citehr0co& +0 www0fin atricles0co&


<0 Na&eK +0 6en erK i0Male W $ $

ii0Fe&aleW :0 A*eK i0<A.+; ii0+B.:,


$ $ $

iii0:< an a#o)eW =0 E icational '%alificationK

i07i*her secon aryW ii0Diplo&a i)0(ost *ra %ate ;0 Marital stat%sK i0Marrie W $ $ ii0Un&arrie W W W iii0Un er *ra %ate W

$ $ $ $

B0 Are yo% aware of the )ario%s co&&ittees that re ress the *rie)anceX i0UesW $


-0 If yes for a#o)e '%estion kin ly list o%t the )ario%s co&&ittees a)aila#le

/0 Are yo% aware of the &e&#ers of the )ario%s co&&itteesX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

A0 Are yo% aware of the weeklyL&onthly &eetin*s of the )ario%s co&&ittees which are #ein* hel X i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

<,0 0In case the *rie)ance has to #e i&&e iately re resse to who& o yo% co&&%nicateX

<<0 Is there any infor&al channel to re ress yo%r *rie)ance s%ch as i0>o.workerW ii0(eerW $ F $

iii0If others4please specifyE <+0 Is the real #asis of yo%r pro#le& i entifie X iStron*ly a*reeW ii0A*reeW $ $ $ iii0Disa*reeW $

i)0Stron*ly isa*reeW

<:0 Does yo%r hi*her a%thority listen when yo%r *rie)ance is presente X i08istens patientlyW ii0Sho%ts at yo%W $ $ $

iii0Does not listen at allW

<=0 Is i&poratance *i)en to what is ri*ht rather than who is ri*htX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

<;0 Are yo% constantly infor&e on what is #ein* one a#o%t yo%r *rie)anceX i01ery often #ein* infor&e W ii0Sel o& #ein* infor&e iii0Does not infor& at all W W $ $ $

<B0 Is an at&osphere of cor iality an co.operation facilitate thro%*h &%t%al isc%ssion an conferenceX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

<-0 Is there a positi)e an frien ly approach %rin* *rie)ance han lin*X i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

</0 Do yo% feel that isc%ssion an conference is *i)en &ore i&portance rather than e2ec%ti)e a%thorityX i0 Stron*ly a*reeW ii0 A*reeW $ $ $ iii0 Disa*reeW $

i)0 Stron*ly isa*reeW

<A0 Is there a spirit of *i)e an take an sharin* an workin* to*etherX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+,0 7as the &echanis& #ein* followe resol)es yo% *rie)anceX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+<0 7ow o yo% feel a#o%t the ecision *i)en correspon in* to yo%r *rie)anceX Is it i07i*hly satisfactoryW iii0No satisfactionW $ $ $ ii0Mo erately satisfactoryW

++0 Is there re*%lar follow %p to ens%re that the ri*ht ecision has en e %p in satiafactionX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+:0 Is there any te&porary relief pro)i e %ntil proper ecision is &a e so that it oes not raise any a )erse effects within the or*ani9ationX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+=0 Do the )ario%s co&&ittee &e&#ers acti)ely en*a*e in resol)in* yo%r pro#le&X i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+;0 If the ecision is not satisfactory are yo% *i)en opport%nity to take it to hj*her officialsX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+B0 Do yo% feel open to share yo%r *rie)ancesX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

+-0 Do yo% feel that the s%per)isor possesses necessary h%&an relation skills in ter&s of %n erstan in* yo%r pro#le&X i01ery hi*hly skille W ii0Mo erately skille W iii0Not skille W $ $ $

+/0 Are the &atters rele)ant to the *rie)ance kept confi entialX i0hi*hly confi entialW ii0Not kept confi entialW $ $

+A0 Are the proce %res for con)eyin* *rie)ance si&ple an easy to %tili9eX i01ery si&pleW $ $ ii0Diffic%lt to %tili9eW

:,0 Is the s%per)isor *i)en a%thority to take action necessary to resol)e the pro#le&X i07as *i)en a%thorityW $ $ ii0Does not ha)e a%thorityW

:<0 Are proper recor s &aintaine on each *rie)anceX i0UesW ii0NoW $ $

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