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1. Complete with was, were, wasnt or werent:

1. I _______________ sick and tired.

20. We _______________ hot (not)

2. My grandmother ___________ brilliant

21. Marta _______________ from England

3. Mike _________________ tall and thin

22. Where _______________ John from?

4. Gary and Tina ____________ from Spain

23. The doctor _____________ (not) happy.

5. They ____________________ cold

24. ___________________ you a dentist?

6. My cat _______________ black (not)

25. My father__________________ sad

7. We ___________________ students

26. ______________ your mum a teacher?

8. How old ___________________ Mary?

27. She ________________ 14 years old.

9. Where _______________ you from?

28. __________ your friends from Scotland?

10. My mother ____________ 52 years old

29. I ___________________ Spanish (not)

11. You _______________ an adult (not)

30. How old ___________________ you?

12. You ______________ so stupid (not)

31. Your shoes ________________ dirty

13. My name __________________ Sara

32. My brother ____________ a policeman

14. My parents ______________ from Spain

33. This house ____________ very old (not)

15. They _______________ teachers (not)

34. The shops __________ open today (not)

16. What __________________ your name?

35. _______________ my keys in the bag?

17. It ________________ half past ten

36. You _______________ very tall

18. Tom and Mary _________ doctors (not)

37. Diamonds ______________ cheap (not)

19. Peter and Mary _______________ rich

38. I ____________________ a good dancer

2. Complete with was or were and make the negative:

1. It ___was_____ cold today
2. I ___________________ at home now.
3. They _______________________ Korean.
4. It ___________________ Monday yesterday
5. Clara and Steve ______________ married
6. We ___________ from Ukraine.
7. She _______________ an English teacher.
8. I _____________ OK.
3. Make questions:

It wasnt cold today.

1. This exercise was difficult.

Was this exercise difficult?

2. We were from Spain.


3. My grandmother's name was Adelaide.


4. The kids were in the garden.


5. You were English.


6. My car was very expensive.


7. That was my student's notebook.


8. Those photographs were very nice.


9. Alex was twenty-five years old.


10. They were fine.


4. Write sentences with there was / there were:

5. Complete with there was, there were (affirmative, negative or question form):

1. Jaime ______________________________ (live) in Madrid.

2. She __________________________ (want) to learn how to fly.
3. It ___________________________________(rain) all day yesterday.
4. Miguel ________________________________ (decide) to buy a new stereo.
5. Sofia ______________________________________ (not / eat) anything for breakfast.
6. Angela and Ramn ____________________________________ (love) each other very much.
7. Simon _________________________ (not live) Benidorm because there were too many students.
8. _____________________________________ (you / remember) to turn everything off?
9. When Eleonora and Paola went to Granada, they ___________________________ (visit) the Alhambra

10. Fiona ____________________________ (like) everything about Wales except the weather
11. We ___________________________ (not / write) a letter to Marta last month.
12. _________________________________________ (she / buy) milk yesterday?
13. Mary ___________________________ (not / eat) anything at the party last night.
14. __________________________________ (John / sell) his flat last year?
15. ____________________________________________ (your friends / tell) the truth to the police?
16. Where___________________________________ (you / put) today's paper? I can't find it.
17. I ________________________________ (buy) three new pens last week and now I can't find any.
18. We __________________________________ (have) sardines for lunch
19. Valencia FC _________________________________ (win) The King's Cup in 1999.
20. I _____________________________________(be) in Caceres yesterday
21. We _____________________________ (see) Sarah yesterday
22. I _________________________________ (eat) too much for dinner yesterday and I feel fat.
23. I _______________________________________ (play) tennis at the club yesterday evening
24. She ________________________________ (work) very hard for her exams.
25. I ________________________________________ (visit) my brother in Madrid last month.
26. The train __________________________________ (arrive) at the station at ten oclock yesterday
27. The French team _____________________________________________ (win) the match.
28. He ________________________________________ (not go) swimming.
29. He ________________________________________ (not eat) in the local restaurants.
30. My girlfriend ___________________________________ (not play) football on the beach.
31. My parents ______________________________________ (not walk) in the mountains.
32. ________________________________________ (she/ improve) his Italian?
33. _____________________________________ (John / meet) any new friends?
34. _______________________________________ (Sarah / see) the museums in Florence?
35. Because Jerry ___________________________ (not hurry) to the bus, he ____________________ (miss)
the bus.
36. Joe was so hungry that he _____________________________ (eat) four plates of food.
37. Their mother __________________________ (be) very angry.
38. He __________________________________ (not copy) the information into his notebook.
39. _________________________________ (Brian / take) a picture of a camel?
40. Alan ____________________________ (not put) the clothes in the washing-machine.
41. ___________________________________ (John / win) a medal in the athletics competition?
42.She ___________________________________ (finish) school last year.
43. Three years ago, I _______________________________________ (go) to London.

44. When I was a child, we _____________________________ (live) in Brazil.

45. When we ___________________ (be) in London, we _______________________ (stay) at a big hotel. I
know you _______________________ (not stay) there, so where ________________________ (you /stay)?
46. Sara ____________________________________ (lose) her keys last week.
47. I __________________________________ (get up ) at seven this morning.
48. I ______________ (do) my homework last night but my brother ___________________________ (not /
do) his homework.
49. The children _________________________________ (swim) in the river but their parents
________________________________ (not / swim).
50. They _____________________________ (not / see) Sara at the party yesterday.

Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions given:

1. I enjoyed the concert (negative)


2. You ate all the bread (question)


3. Did John play tennis? (affirmative) ...........................................................................................................

4. I lost my pen yesterday (negative)


5. Anna didn t buy a car (affirmative) ..........................................................................................................

6. They won the prize (question)


7. Paul didn t swim in the river (affirmative) .................................................................................................

8. I did all the exercises (negative)


9. Did you have a holiday? (affirmative) ..........................................................................................................

10. She was a good student (negative) .............................................................................................................
11. I didnt see you last night (affirmative) ......................................................................................................
12. She got up at seven (question) ....................................................................................................................

Make Yes / No questions:

1. Andy had a birthday party last week


2. Rachel lost her camera while she was on holiday.

3. The baby cried all night



4. The criminal escaped from the police.


5. The workers went on strike for more money.


6. Alan and Joe went to Greece last summer. ...................................................................................................

7. She watched TV last night ............................................................................................................................
8. Marie used to live in Paris


9. You went on holiday in the summer

10.She bought a new table



1. She wins a prize last year

( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
2. He loses a mobile phone
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
3. My parents have an old house
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
4. My father does the washing up
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
5. Sara goes to school
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
6. My sister gets up at 9.00
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
7. They buy a stamp
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
8. You eat chocolate
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................

( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
9. They see him at school
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
10. They swim in the river
( + ) .........................................................................................................................................
( - ) .........................................................................................................................................
( ? ) .........................................................................................................................................
Time expressions: AGO

----- I went to the cinema three days ago

1. Five / Karen / days / phoned / me / ago


2. three / ago / went / to / years / the USA / We


3. Football / ago / with / I / played / one / friends / my / hour


4, Sister / two / a / ago / for / bought / I / weeks / my / present


5. this / ago / months / Paul / read / book / two


6. ago / three / His / mobile / new / phone / days / brother / bought / a ................................................................
7. learnt / I / lesson / two / ago / history / hours / my ..........................................................................................
8. week / one / ago / painted / We / walls / the


9. the / time / ago / went / I / a / long / cinema / to


10. ago / Mary / her / thirty / sister / saw / minutes


11. I / two / Ireland / months / ago / visited


12. was / ago / born / I / years / fourteen


13. ago / three / hours / I / ate


14. six / ago / I / started / learning / Spanish / months

15. week / ago / a / CD / I / a / bought



16. five / to / I / England / went / ago / months

17. She / nine / moved / Nantes / years / ago / to


18. had / I / sister / a / ago / years / two


Correct the mistakes:

1. I didnt celebrated New Years Eve


2. My friends organize a party


3. They didnt invited me


4. I were very sad and lonely


5. My friends didnt were with me


6. My cousin visite me in the afternoon


7. Then she go to a party


8. Did you danced last night?


9. I didnt watched TV yesterday


10. Everybody talk and laugh


11. She werent happy


12. We celebrated my birthday ago two years


13. There were a boy in the classroom


14. There was a girl in the picture?


15. She buyed the paper last week


16. She didnt lost her temper


17. They goed to the cinema


18. She haved three children


19. I didnt saw you at school


20. He winned the race


Write the words in order to make sentences :

1. arrive / When / you / did / ?


2. wait / How long / for / she / did / me / ?


3. phone / night / last / Why / you / did / me /?


4. meet / days / two / ago / Did / you / her / ? ......................................................................................................

5. party / see / the / Who / did / you / in / ?


6. concert / start / When / did / the / ?


7. walked / the / to / cinema / we / night / last .......................................................................................................

8. the car / I / didnt / at the traffic lights / stop


9. hours / ago / three / studied / for the exam / I


10. were / happy / they / at home


11. Sally / miss / didnt / party / the


12. to / we / Florida/ went / summer / last


13. work / didnt / Danny / last / week


14. the dishes / you / wash / did / ?


15. met / at the restaurant / we / them



Nosotros vimos la tele anoche


Julia visit Valencia hace tres aos


Ellos fueron al cine el pasado sbado


Mis abuelos tenan cuatro perros


Mis amigos me vieron en el colegio


Mi hermano comi chocolate hace tres dias


Sara gan la competicin el ao pasado


Mi hermano perdi su mochila la semana pasada


Haba seis coches en la calle


La profesora se levant a las 8.00


Mis padres compraron un coche nuevo hace seis das


John trabajaba en un banco


Ella hizo la colada ayer


Los nios nadaron en el rio hace cuatro meses



Haba siete botellas encima de la mesa?


Mi padre estudi history


Mi madre vivi en Madrid


Mi amigo estaba triste ayer


Ellos pintaron la casa hace dos semanas

20. Dnde estabas hace cinco minutos?
21. Tus padres no fueron ricos
22. Ayer fui al cine.
23. La pelcula termin a las 11.30
24. Limpiaste la cocina ayer?
25. Ayer no jugamos al baloncesto
26. Viste la televisin anoche?
27. No me compr la camiseta porque no me gustaba
28. Ellos no fueron a Galicia
29. Marta tuvo un accidente el sbado pasado
30. Ins abri la carta pero no la ley.

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