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1. (Vacancy No.

Five Assistant Director Gr.II (Chemical) in !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. ( +C,2# -.,/). Of the five posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are also s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)-# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 6aster4s Degree in Chemistry or 7nd%strial Chemistry/Degree in Chemical $echnology or Chemical 1ngineering from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +.(60(.I(NC(1 $wo years e:perience in s%pervisory capacity in a technical/ind%strial %nit of rep%te in Dr%g, Pharmace%tical. ;ine Chemical, man%fact%ring/ testing of "%bber, Plastics and allied prod%cts or e:perience in promotion of small scale ind%stries in areas of entreprene%rship development and 9%ality control. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of prod%ction and %se of modern machines, instr%ments, e9%ipments processes and tools as applied in the Chemical ind%stries< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes > tests for 9%ality certification in the field of Chemical 1ngineering/Chemical $echnology. ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

2. (Vacancy No. 14040602612)

Fo'r Assistant Director Gr.II (Glass 7 Ceramics) in# !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. ( +C,1# -.,/). $he posts are s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)-# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 Degree in 0lass/Ceramics $echnology from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +.(60(.I(NC(1 $wo years e:perience in s%pervisory capacity in a technical/ind%strial %nit in the man%fact%re of glass, glassware and scientific apparat%s, table blown ware and allied articles or e:perience in promotion of small scale ind%stries in areas of entreprene%rship development and 9%ality control. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of prod%ction and %se of modern, instr%ments, e9%ipments processes and tools %sed in the 0lass and Ceramics 1ngineering ind%stry< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/ pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes in the field of 0lass > Ceramics $echnology. ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

/. (Vacancy No. 1404060/612)

(i)ht Assistant Director Gr.II (In&'strial $ana)ement 7 5rainin)) in !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. (%C,01# +C,2# -.,8). $he posts are s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)-# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 Degree in 1ngineering from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent . Post 0rad%ate Degree in ,%siness 6anagement/7nd%strial 6anagement/Prod%ction 6anagement from a recognized 8niversity/ 7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +.(60(.I(NC(1 $wo years e:perience in s%pervisory capacity dealing with ind%strial 6anagement and $raining in a $echnical/7nd%strial Organisation / 8nit. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of training tools and aids for ind%strial training< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes in the 7nd%strial ;ield . ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

4. (Vacancy No. 14040604612)

5hree Assistant Director Gr.II (4eather an& Foot9ear) in !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. (-.,/). $he posts are s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)-# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 Degree in Leather / ;ootwear $echnology from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +.(60(.I(NC(1 $wo years e:perience in s%pervisory capacity in a technical /7nd%strial %nit in Leather $anning / ;inishing ind%stry or in ;ootwear/Leather goods or e:perience in promotion of small scale ind%stries in areas of entreprene%rship development and 9%ality control. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of prod%ction and %se of modern machines, e9%ipment and tools as %sed in the leather and footwear ma=ing ind%stry< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o

visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes in the field of Leather > ;ootwear $echnology. ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

8. (Vacancy No. 14040608612)

(i)ht Assistant Director Gr.II ($echanical) in !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. (%C,/# %5,1# +C,1# -.,/). Of the eight posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are also s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)-# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 Degree in 6echanical 1ngineering from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +.(60(.I(NC(1 $wo years4 e:perience in s%pervisory capacity in a technical/ind%strial %nit in prod%ction/ testing/inspection of 6echanical 1ngineering prod%cts or e:perience in promotion of small scale ind%stries in areas of entreprene%rship development and 9%ality control. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of prod%ction and %se of modern machines, e9%ipment and tools as %sed in the 6echanical 1ngineering 7nd%stry< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes in the field of 6echanical 1ngineering. ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

6. (Vacancy No. 14040606612)

Fo'r Assistant Director Gr.II ($etall'r)y) in !!ice o! the Develo"ment Commissioner# $inistry o! $icro# %mall an& $e&i'm (nter"rises# Develo"ment r)ani*ation. (-.,4). $he posts are also s%itable for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One rm ffected !"ight or Left# !O #. $he posts are permanent. 0ay %cale1 &'(()'*,+(( ! P,)'# . "s. *,/(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. -2,+((/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0eneral Central 3ervice, 0ro%p 4,4, 0azetted, 5on)6inisterial. A)e21 /0 yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 A. (D-CA5I NA41 Degree in 6etall%rgy 1ngineering from a recognized 8niversity/7nstit%te or e9%ivalent. +. (60(.I(NC(1 $wo years e:perience in s%pervisory capacity in a technical/ind%strial %nit in prod%ction, testing /inspection of 6etall%rgy 1ngineering prod%cts or e:perience in promotion of small scale ind%stries in areas of entreprene%rship development and 9%ality control. D(%I.A+4(1 !i# ;amiliarity with the latest techni9%es of prod%ction and %se of modern machines, e9%ipment and tools as %sed in the 6etall%rgical ind%stries< and !ii# ,asic =nowledge of Comp%ters partic%larly application side of c%rrently %sed software/pac=ages for Offices. D-5I(%1 $o visit 6icro, 3mall and 6edi%m 1nterprises and advise their s%pervisory staff and wor=ers abo%t different problems, s%ggest improved techni9%es of prod%ction, 9%ality standards and method of wor=ing, cond%ct entreprene%rship development programmes in the field of 6etall%rgy 1ngineering. ny other d%ties that may be assigned from time to time.

:. (Vacancy No. 1404060:612)

Five Assistant (n)ineer ((lectricity) in !!ice o! Chie! (n)ineer# -nion 5erritory# Chan&i)arh# (lectricity ;in) ((n)ineerin) De"artment)# Chan&i)arh A&ministration. (%C,01# +C,1# -.,/). $he posts are temporary b%t li=ely to contin%e. 0ay %cale1 ?/,/@()'&,?(( ! P,)'# . "s. @,+(( !0rade Pay# !$.1. "s. '+,/?*/)# . $ and H" as admissible, 0ro%p 4 4, 3ervice . A)e21 /: yrs. 3-A4IFICA5I N%1 (%%(N5IA41 (D-CA5I NA4 A , 1lectrical 1ngineering. D-5I(%1 7ncharge of 3%b Division for 3%pervising the distrib%tion of power s%pply to the residential/non residential b%ildings maintenance of 0rid 3%b 3tations/// BC/--( BC 0rid 3%b 3tations, providing street lights etc., . <31 Chandigarh.

=. (Vacancy No. 1404060=612)

Fo'r Assistant (n)ineer ((lectrical) in !!ice o! Chie! (n)ineer# -nion 5erritory# Chan&i)arh# (lectrical ;in) ((n)ineerin) De"artment)# Chan&i)arh A&ministration. (%C,01# +C,1# -.,2). Of the fo%r posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons with disability viz. Orthopedically Handicapped/ Locomotor Disability/Cerebral Palsy with One Leg ffected !"ight or Left# !OL# or One

A&vt.No. 06>2014

INVI5(% N4IN( .(C.-I5$(N5 A004ICA5I N% ( .A2) F . .(C.-I5$(N5 +? %(4(C5I N 5 5<( F 44 ;ING 0 %5% (21 @y 'sin) the 9e@site htt"1>>999.'" VACANC? D(5AI4%

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