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SAP Router Installation


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Document Name SAP Router Installation

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Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

Table of Contents
1. SAP SNC CONFIGURATION ............................................................3 2. DO!NLOADING CR"PTOGRAP#IC SOFT!ARE................................. 3 3. CREATING T#E $E"......................................................................... 4 4. TRANSMITTING T#E $E" ................................................................ 4 5. CREATING T#E CERTIFICATE............................................................ . IMPORTING CERTIFICATE ................................................................ !. START SNC SAP ROUTER...................................................................! In UNI%.......................................................................! In !in&o's.................................................................................! ". SAPROUTTAB ENTRIES......................................................................" #$am%le&...................................................................................." '. DEBUGGING .....................................................................................' ()ec* +)et)er certi,icate is installe- correctl..................................' C#EC$ T#E EN(IRONMENT (ARIABLES........................................' /0I1.........................................................................................' 2I0D32S.................................................................................'


Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

DO!NLOADING CR"PTOGRAP#IC SOFT!ARE Do+nloa- t)e cr.%to4ra%)ic so,t+are ,rom service mar*et %lace As s)o+n 6elo+.

#$tract t)e cri%to4ra%)ic li6raries an- sa%4en%se an- tic*et ,iles in to t)e sa%router.e$e location usin4 ) SAPCAR *+,- . cr/0ro1ra02ic car -ile3

CREATING T#E $E" 0e$t 4oto 4et t)e distingush name . 7)en e$ecute t)e ,ollo+in4 comman-s 6. co%. %aste t)e -istin4uis)e- name 58 9(0 : ;3/ ; in t)e -istin4us) name +ill 6e -i,,erent ,or -i,,erent
Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

or4ani<ations 85 ) 4sa01en0se 1et50se 6, 6r certre7 60 local 0se 8CN9/our2ostname : OU9;<=>?@: OU9SAProuter: O9SAP: C9DE 8 =ot a6solute PS# %at) ;5usr5sa%5(115SYS5e$e5run5local.%se;. Please enter PI0&>%ress enter? Please reenter PI0&>%ress enter? Su%%lie- -istin4uis)e- name& ;(0@YourHost0ameA 3/@12345A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D# ; =eneratin4 *e. BRSAA 1C24D6itsE ... succee-e-. certi,icate creation... o* PS# u%-ate... o* PKRoot... o* =eneratin4 certi,icate reFuest... o*.

TRANSMITTING T#E $E" It +ill 4enerate a *e. in ;certreF ; . 0e$t ste% is co%. t)is *e. to a4ainst .our SAP router re4istration . 7)e DDDD G#=I0 (#R7IHI(A7# R#I/#S7 to DDD #0D (#R7IHI(A7# R#I/#S7 s)oul- also 6e co%ie- 85

) cat certre7

($JL/CHIcm'1-=K.JRJ+#IYDKIIL#+o+JDA+0MJ.0<Y2JRI+#AYDKIID#+ltNnH< Y1G+cmI+4N"+DIYLKoNI)vc0AI#GGIAD4YCAJI=LAo=GAP5sY2nK"0R"5OHNne3!NII7R2t-l(="46L5""S2Hc2rMmD5me"MR'$'ut"+ISSK*24K((N5,J!41R=l/4K HI5")M)t"6P'3/.,C )#'re55Ss<=l.S0-)=37J$5+slL2"PA*CK1=o<MJLrKRK# P-4/%6!MK)=o7c.aFL0i!SILA4JGAA=4ADA0G4*F)*i='+CGAI/HAA3G4IA3mJ32 'FG4(1co051=% 5o-a*II<RsI"PLY)u2o4#+Di$u360223-oii4lF((sL-.A-<,i 5.Y56/*5SL$D2K1N<Y,+5cCY3+m6D)FFL+3mm!n6K2Hn F"cn'J0eH1H-l/I,Y!3 YF"In65ro%L1eJn*71)e%a!'HI,-mHoA-M1D=I@@ DDDDD#0D (#R7IHI(A7# R#I/#S7DDDDD

(o%. t)e a6ove *e. an- %aste it li*e s)o+n 6elo+

Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

A,ter (o%.in4A clic* on t)e ;ReFuest (erti,icate; Gutton . 0e$t screen +ill -is%la. t)e certi,icate. (o%. an- %aste t)e 4eneratecerti,icate in a ne+ ,ile name- PsrcertP in t)e same location o, .our sa%router . 0ote& Do not ,or4et to co%. t)e G#=I0 an- #0D ta4s too.


2in-o+s users can use note%a- an- /0I1 vi e-itor. vi srcert > %aste? >#S(?>SHIH7? & $ ) ,i srcert
DDDDDG#=I0 (#R7IHI(A7#DDDDD JIIHFAYLKoNI)vc0AIc(oIIHm7((G5/(AI#$ADALG4*F)*i='+CGG+=444-'JII( Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.



R7#JJAo=A1/#()JD/CHIJRI+#AYDKIIL#+l7IKG.63KCN1I$#<ARG40KGAs7(MA+J DA2J<I30MY$#MAIG40KGAJ7(21mc10)cHG.ND(Gn<A0G4*F)*i='+CGAI#HAA3GMI A+4Y*(4Y#A5O$Macr+1H<n4-m-!-3tlA)0Ha12/I6.Gsn5<$LYK$au3YPmN!.0H3H 2 3<A)LL2RaAoILn'"<v)-#aK7)/-D5.=3=3$s53-7L57F#72t!5'K<Ja1LI12#6J<H5(./l6+"(7I%caM3J+ms%H/I'3)SlvuJF#a)0<LFo*2LtI4s(A+#AAa04JH4+D


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>#S(?>SHIH7? & $

IMPORTING CERTIFICATE 0e$t ste% is to im%ort t)is certi,icate usin4 t)e 6elo+ comman- s.nta$ . ) 4sa01en0se im0ort5o'n5cert 6c srcert 60 local 0se (ADRes%onse success,ull. im%orte- into PS# ;5usr5sa%5JPS5SYS5e$e5run5local.%se; SETTING SECURED LOGIN TO SAPROUTER 0o+ s%eci,. t)e user +)o is allo+e- secure lo4in to PS# /se > si-? a-m i, .ou +ant to start sa%router +it) sa% a-min user. I, .ou omit D3 >user?A t)e cre-entials are create- ,or t)e lo44e- in user account +)o is runnin4 t)e 6elo+ comman- E ) 4sa01en0se seclo1in 60 local 0se 6O sa0routerUser runnin4 seclo4in +it) /S#R@;sa%router/ser; creatin4 cre-entials ,or .oursel, B/S#R@;sa%router/ser ;E...
Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

A--e- SS3Dcre-entials ,or PS# ;5usr5sa%5(115SYS5e$e5run5local.%se; ;(0@YourHost0ameA 3/@12345A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; 0ote& ()ec* a ,ile name- cre-Qv2 is create- in t)e same -irector. START SNC SAP ROUTER In Uni+ In /0I1 use t)e 6elo+ s.snta$ to start sa% router usin4 S0( ) no2u0 4sa0router 6r 6G routerlo1 6S =<AA 6$ 80BCN9"our#ostName: OU9;<=>?: OU9SAProuter: O9SAP: C9DE8 C In !in&o's In 2in-o+s use t)e 6elo+ s.nta$ .Dri,e3BDSNC6Sa0routerDirector/D sa0router 6r 6G routerlo1 6S =<AA *$ 80BCN9"our#ostName: OU9;<=>?: OU9SAProuter: O9SAP: C9DE8 0ote& RK o%tion tells sa%router to loa- t)e S0( cr.%to4ra%)ic li6rar. too.

Hor S0( SAPR3/7#R A t)e enries s)oul- not 6e t)e same as nonDsa%router .5sa%routta6 s)oul- contain at least t)e ,ollo+in4 entries S in6oun- connections J/S7 use S0( KP ;%&(0@sa%serv2A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; >.ourQserver1? >%ortQnum6er? S re%eat t)is ,or t)e servers an- %ortQnum6ers .ou +ill nee- to allo+A S %lease ma*e sure t)at all e$%licit %orts are inserte- in ,ront o, a S 4eneric entr. P8P ,or %ortQnum6er S out6oun- connections to >sa%serv1? +ill use S0( K7 ;%&(0@sa%serv2 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; >sa%serv1? >sa%serv1Qin6oun-Q%ort? S %ermission entries to c)ec* i, connection is allo+e- at all P >IP a--ress o, a local )ost? >IP a--ress o, sa%serv2? S all ot)er connections +ill 6e -enieD888
Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

#$am%le& Hor a S0( encr.%teconnection to t)e SAPRouter on sa%serv2

B1'4.3'.131.34EA t)e sa%routta6 s)oul- contain t)e ,ollo+in4 entries&

S S S0(Dconnection ,rom an- to SAP K7 ;%&(0@sa%serv2A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; 1'4.3'.131.34 8 S S0(Dconnection ,rom SAP to local R53DS.stem ,or Su%%ort KP ;%&(0@sa%serv2A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; >R53DServer? >R53D Instance?
S S0(Dconnection ,rom SAP to local R53DS.stem ,or 0etJeetin4A i, it is

nee-eKP ;%&(0@sa%serv2A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; >R53DServer? 15C3 S S0(Dconnection ,rom SAP to local R53DS.stem ,or sa%telnetA i, it is nee-eKP ;%&(0@sa%serv2A 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#; >R53DServer? 23 S Access ,rom t)e local 0et+or* to SAP0et D R53 Hronten- B3SSE P >IPDa--ess o, a local P(? 1'4.3'.131.34 32'' S -en. all ot)er connections D888

DEBUGGING ()ec* +)et)er certi,icate is installe- correctl. ) 4sa01en0se 1et5m/5name 6, 6n issuer 3%enin4 PS# ;5usr5sa%5(115SYS5e$e5run5local.%se;... PS# o%en o*. o*. Retrievin4 m. certi,icate... o*. =ettin4 reFueste- in,ormation... o*. SS3 ,or /S#R ;/serID; +it) PS# ,ile ;5usr5sa%5(115SYS5e$e5run5local.%se; Issuer& (0@SAProuter (AA 3/@SAProuterA 3@SAPA (@D#

Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

I, an. errors ,oun- in t)e a6oveA .ou can -o all t)e ste%s once a4ain . Gut ma*e sure t)at cre-Qv2A local.%se is -elete- . I, .ou +ant to create t)e *et once a4ain -elete certreF ,ile too 6e,ore -oin4 so.

C#EC$ T#E EN(IRONMENT (ARIABLES ()ec* t)e ,ollo+in4 entries are t)ere in t)e .lo4in B-ot lo4inE scri%t o, t)e S0( sa%router user. 30LY 7H# BOLD AR#AS& UNI%
set %at) @ B 5usr56in 5etc 5usr5s6in 5usr5uc6 TH3J#56in 5usr56in5(11 5s6in 4usr4SNC6sa0router4snc5liErar/ 5usr5li6 . E setenv JAIL ;5var5s%ool5mail5TL3=0AJ#; seten, SECUDIR F4usr4SNC6sa0routerG seten, SNC5LIB 84usr4SNC6Sa0router4snc5liErar/4liEsa0cr/0to o8 setenv LIGPA7H ;5usr5li6&5li6&5usr5sa%5(115SYS5e$e5run&5oracle5(115'2Q 45li6 B4usr4SNC6 sa0router4snc5liErar/U

!INDO!S Hor +in-o+s create PA7HA S#(/DIRA S0(QLIG an- LIGPA7H in t)eir environment settin4s area.

Wipro Limited, 2008, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro In otech, a division o Wipro Limited. !ou may not modi y, copy, reproduce, repu"lish, upload, post, transmit or distri"ute any material rom this document, in any orm or "y any means, nor may you modi y or create derivative #or$s "ased on the te%t o any ile, or any part thereo or pu"lic, private or commercial use, #ithout prior #ritten permission rom Wipro Limited.

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