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1 Index 1. Celestial Arithmatic ..........................................................................2 2. Date of Birth and Calenders ............................................................5 3.

Understanding Place of Birth,Time one and Time .........................! ". Calc#lation of $idereal Time and Ascendant ................................ 12 5. Cast %o#r &orosco'e ................................................................... 15 (. Calc#lation of &o#se of a Planet .................................................. 1) *. +no, -o#r Dasha .......................................................................... 23 !. The Art of Prediction ..................................................................... 2! ). Art of Prediction .2 ........................................................................ 31 1/. Art of Prediction.3 ......................................................................... 33 11. Art of Prediction." ......................................................................... 35 12. $ecrets of Astrolog- Un0eiled ...................................................... 3* 13. 1hat is Correct .2ira-an or $a-an3 Indian or 1estern ................ "1 To'ics Page 2 Celestial Arithmatic 4#t#re Point is starting a series of lessons on mathematics of astrolog-. These lessons ,ill gi0e -o# insight a5o#t the calc#lations and ,ill 5e #sef#l to 5eginners as ,ell as the learned. To the 5eginners it ,ill teach the com'#tations in an eas- ,a- and to the learned it ,ill 5e a good re0ie, excercise ,hile adding certain techni6#es of com'#tations to their 7no,ledge 5an7. 1e are listing 5elo, some of the lessons ,hich ,ill form 'art of the series. 4#rther list shall 5e anno#nced as it 'roceeds. The first lesson on Celestial Arithmatic as gi0en 5elo, ,ill ma7e -o# familiar ,ith the 5asic o'erations on degrees or ho#rs and their corelation. 1. Celestial Arithmatic 2. Understanding Date 8 Time of 5irth in 0ario#s calenders 8 cloc7s. 3. Place of 5irth 8 its co.ordinates. ". Calc#lation of $idereal Time. 5. Calc#lation of Ascendant 8 1/th ho#se. (. Calc#lation of Planet degrees. 1. 2otation9 Time is meas#red in da-s, ho#rs, min#tes and seconds and is re'resented as 1d, 1h, 1m or 1s res'ecti0el-. Angle is meas#red in signs degrees, min#tes and seconds and is re'resented as 1s,1/, 1: or 1; res'ecti0el-. There stands a conf#sion in ,ords min#te and second, each re'resenting time as ,ell as angle.

Both ha0e 5een ,ell disting#ished in their notation, 5#t to 5e ex'licit in s'eech, it is s#ggested to #se the ,ord min#te for angle. $imilarl- second sho#ld 5e #sed for second of time and arc second for second of angle. Th#s 1s < 1 sign 1/ < 1 degree 1: < 1 arc min#te 1; < 1 arc second and, 1d < 1 da1h < 1 ho#r 1m < 1 min#te 1s < 1 second 2ote9. Do not #se the s-m5ols : and ; for min#tes and seconds of time= the- are #sed for min#tes and seconds of a degree >or arc min#tes and arc seconds, re'ecti0el-?. 4or min#tes and seconds of time #se the s-m5ols m and s res'ecti0el-. 2. Con0ersion $cale9 1e 7no, it 0er- ,ell that 1m < 1 min#te of time < (/s < (/ seconds 1h < 1 ho#r of time < (/m < (/ min#tes of time 1d < 1 da- < 2"h < 2" ho#rs $imilarl-, 1: < 1 min#te of arc < (/; < (/ seconds of arc 1/ < 1 deg. of arc < (/: < (/ min#tes of arc 1$ < 1 sign < 3// < 3/ degrees 1C < 1 circle < 3(// < 12 signs 3 @6#ator 2ote that min#te, second and arc min#te 8 arc second all are to a scale of (/ and not 1//. &ence do not #se ;.; to disting#ish 5et,een degree, arc min#te 8 arc second or ho#r, min#te 8 second. 4or exam'le 1.5/ ho#r is not 1ho#r 5/ min#tes 5#t 1 ho#r 5/ h#ndredth of an ho#r, or 1 ho#r and 3/ min#tes. $imilarl- 25 degrees 35 arc min#tes sho#ld ne0er 5e ,ritten as 25.35/ 5#t 25/ 35: 3. Coordinate $-stem9 The ,orld is normall- on a ma' ,ith ABT in the centre. If ,e 'lace the origin of the coordinate s-stem at // longit#de 8 // latit#de then it:s longit#de 5ecomes C0e in @ast and .0e in 1est ,hereas latit#de 5ecomes C0e in 2orth 8 .0e in so#th. 1e

shall 5e follo,ing the a5o0e notation of C and . for all com'#tations later in the 5oo7. ". Arithmatic9 >i? Addition9 To add ho#rs, min#tes and seconds or degrees, arc min#tes and arc seconds, add the seconds to seconds, min#tes to min#tes and ho#rs to ho#rs res'ecti0el-. If seconds are (/ or more s#5tract m#lti'les of (/ 8 carr- to the min#tes. $imilarlextract m#lti'les of (/ from min#tes 8 carr- to ho#r or degree. e.g. *// 55: 3!: Add 12// "5: "/; DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1)// 1//: *!; or 1)1/ "1: 1!; $imilarl-, 1/h 35m "!s 13h "/m 3/s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 23h *5m *!s or 1d /h 1(m 1!s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD >ii? $#5traction 9 To s#5tract t,o 0al#es in ho#rs or degrees, first s#5stract seconds fom seconds. If seconds to s#5tract are more than the 0al#e to s#5tract from ta7e carr- from min#te and add (/ to seconds. 2ext s#5tract min#tes from min#tes, ta7e a carr- of (/ min#tes from ho#rs, if re6#ired. 4or exam'le9 (2/ 35: "!: 53/ "/: 52; DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD !/ DDDDDDDD5D"D: DDDD5D(; 21h 25m 3/s )h 3/m 25s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 11h 55m 5s DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD >iii? B#lti'lication 9 To m#lti'l- a fig#re in degrees or ho#rs 5- a constant, m#lti'l- seconds, min#tes and degrees 5the constant res'ecti0el-. @xtract m#lti'les of (/ seconds to add to min#tes 8 extract m#lti'les of (/ min#tes to add to degrees. If degrees are more than 3(//, discard m#lti'les of 3(//. 4or exam'le "1/ 25: 3/;

DDDDDDDDDDDDED D1/ "1// 25/: 3//; < 5"/ 15: /; >Discarding 3(//? DDDDDDDDDDDDDD In case of ho#rs, discard m#ti'les of 2"ho#rs or retain as da-s, if re6#ired 9. Fongit#de C Fatit#de C Fongit#de . Fatit#de C Fongit#de . Fatit#de . Fongit#de C Fatit#de . 1!//1 1!//@ )//2 // 2G$ )//$ // @G1 ABT " 1/h 25m 3!s E 1/ DDDDDDDDDDDDDD < "d !h 1(m 2/s DDDDDDDDDDDDDD >i0? Di0ision9 To di0ide a 0al#e in degree 5- a constant extract m#lti'les of di0isor from degrees to get degree 'art of 6#otient, con0ert remainder degrees into min#tes and add min#te 0al#e of di0idend to it= extract m#lti'les of di0isor from min#tes to get min#te 0al#e of 6#otient, con0ert remainder min#tes into seconds and add second 0al#e of di0idend= extract m#lti'les of di0isor again from seconds to get second 0al#e of 6#otient. 4or exam'le 1(?12// 3!: "*;>*/ 112 !E(/ < "!/ C3! 1(?51!>32: 512 (E(/ < 3(/ C"* 1(? "/*>25;

"// * $imilarl- ho#r 0al#e is di0ided 5- a constant *?(h 25m 3/s>oh (E2" 1"" C25 *?1()>2"m 1(! 1E(/ < (/ C3/ *? )/>12s !" ( $ince the remainder is (s ,hich is more than 5/H of di0isor *, 1 can 5e added to 12s to ro#nd off the res#lt as /h 2"m 13s. 5. Angle . &o#r Ielationshi'9 The earth mo0es aro#nd its axis to com'lete a circle in 2" ho#rs. That is, it rotates 5- 3(/ degrees in 2" ho#rs. This gi0es #s a relationshi' 5et,een angle and time as follo,s9 3(// < 2" ho#rs or 15/ < 1h or 15: < 1m or 15; < 1s or 2" ho#rs < 3(// or 2h < 3// <1s or "m < 1/ or "s < 1: (. Con0ersion9 Time Jone of a co#ntr- or longit#de of a cit- can 5e con0erted into time 5- the sim'le r#le 1/ < "m or 1 < "s that is m#lti'l- longit#de 5- " to get the 0al#e in time. @ast sho#ld 5e ta7en as ;C; and 1est as ;.;. 4or exam'le, for India time Jone is !2/ 3/:. B#lti'l-ing 5- " !2/ 3/: x" DDDDDDD 32m 12/s DDDDDDD < 5h 3/m /s

4or Delhi longit#de is **/ 13: m#lti'l-ing 5- " **/ 13: x" DDDDDDD 3/!m 52s 5 Date of Birth and Calenders ll meas#rements of time ha0e historicallde'ended on astronomical o5ser0ations . the da- is meas#red from the rotation earth on its axis, the ,ee7 a''roximates the changing 'hases of the Boon, the month is meas#red from the re0ol#tion of the Boon aro#nd earth and the -ear is meas#red from the re0ol#tion of earth aro#nd the $#n. Unfort#natel- earth or moon do not com'lete their c-cle in f#ll no of da-s. Boon:s c-cle is 2).53/5) da-s and earth:s or5it aro#nd s#n ta7es 3(5.2"21)( da-s. $o 12 months are short of a -ear, and 13 months are longer. In this lesson ,e descri5e here the histor- and detailing of the commonl#sed Aregorian Calendar along ,ith the different l#nar calendars #sed in India. 1. Aregorian Calendar 9 The Aregorian Calender ,as first introd#ced 5- K#lian Calendar. It ,as 5ased on 3(5.25 da-s. The -ear ,as di0ided in t,el0e months, of ,hich ele0en contained 3/ or 31 da-s and the 12th had 2! da-s onl-. The first month ,as Barch and the last month ,as 4e5r#ar-. K#l- is named after K#li#s Caesar and A#g#st after

A#g#st#s Caesar, 5oth months 5eing allocated the f#ll 31 da-s, as 5elittled a Caesar. The se0enth month ,as $e'tem5er, the eight Lcto5er, the ninth 2o0em5er the tenth Decem5er, after the Fatin $e'tem, Lcto, 2o0em and Decem for se0en, eight, nine 8 ten res'ecti0el-. To acco#nt for 6#arter da-, e0er- fo#rth -ear the last month 4e5r#ar- ,as a lea' -ear. 4e5r#ar- contained 2) da-s. &o,e0er this colander ,as fast 5- o0er 11 Bin#tes e0er- -ear and 5- 15// the error amo#nted to a''roximatel11 da-s. To correct the calendar, Po'e Aregor- ordered that Lcto5er 15,15!2 sho#ld follo, Lcto5er ". The ne, Calender also mo0ed the 5eginning of the -ear from Barch 25 to Kan#ar- 1. 4e5r#arno, did not ha0e a lea' -ear in cent#ries #nless 'erfectldi0isi5le 5- "//. Th#s came the 'resent Aregorian Calendar into existence. According to the 'resent Aregorian Calender a0erage -ear is 3(5.2"25 da-s ,hich is more than the act#al 5- .///3/" da-s, that is, 2( seconds. This can 5e ac A After Celestial Arithmatic in the Kan#ar- 1))! iss#e ,e no, 'resent #nderstanding of date and time of 5irth in 0ario#s calenders and cloc7s. ( co#nted for, if ,e again ha0e 4e5r#ar- of 2! da-s after 32// -ears. &o,e0er, this is not -et acco#nted in the

Aregorian calendar. Indian 2ational Calander9 This is 5ased on $#n . $tarts ,hen $a-an $#n enters into Aries. It ,as recommended 5- the Calendar Ieform Committee and introd#ced 5- the Ao0t. of India from 22nd Barch 1)5*, corres'onding to the 1st of Chaitra, 1!*) $a7a @ra. In this Calender the no. of da-s assigned to each month and its starting is as follo,s 9 Bonth of Aregorian Date Indian Calender for 1st of the month Chaitra >3/ da-s Barch 22 >Barch 31 da-s in a 21 in a lea' -ear? lea' -ear? Maisa7ha 31 da-s A'ril 21 K-aistha 31 da-s Ba- 22 Asadha 31 da-s K#ne 22 $ra0ana 31 da-s K#l- 23 Bhadra 31 da-s A#g 23 As0ina 3/ da-s $e' 23 +arti7a 3/ da-s Lct 23 Agraha-ana 3/ da-s 2o0 22 Pa#sa 3/ da-s Dec 22 Bagha 3/ da-s Kan 21 Phalg#n 3/ da-s 4e5 2/ F#nar Calender 9 This is the most commonl- #sed calender in India. This is 5ased on the timing of ne, Boon. De'ending #'on Boon:s transit o0er $#n ta7es 'lace in ,hich sign, the month is named. 1hen ne, moon is in Aries, the month is Maisha7h, in Ta#r#s it is K-estha etc. F#nar calender is of t,o 7inds normall- 9 >i? Closing at f#ll Boon i.e. P#rnimanta

>ii? Closing at 2e, Boon i.e. Amanta. In P#rnimanta the month starts 15 da-s 5efore the ne, Boon 8 ends on f#ll Boon called P#ranmasi meaning ;month is com'lete.; In Amanta month starts after ne, moon. The months are named same as in Indian 2ational Calender and thestart ,ithin 15 da-s 5efore or after, of starting of months in Indian 2ational Calender. $ince the s'eed of Boon is 0aria5le and it can cross o0er $#n at an- degree. 2e, moon ma- sometimes occ#r t,ice in the same Iasi or ma- not occ#r at all in some rasi. This gi0es formation of Adhi7 8 +sha- Bah res'ecti0el-. In case of Adhi7 month= the t,o months are named as first and the other as second. $h#7la Pa7sh of the first and +rishna Pa7sh of the second are called the adhi7 month, ,hich is normall- a0oided in most m#h#rthas. In case of 7sha- month, one month is di0ided into t,o Pa7shas and each month is assigned one Pa7sh. The first month ha0ing +rishna Pa7sh is called +sha- Bah and the other is termed normal Bah. Ln the a0erage -ear as 2).53 x 12 < 35".3( da-s, ,hich is less 5- 11 da-s com'ared to earth:s c-cle. Th#s in e0er- three -ears there is an Adhi7 Bah to co0er the ga' of these 11 da-s. +sha- Bah occ#se rarel-. After or 5efore +sha- Bah

Adhi7 Bah occ#rs in0aria5l-. The start of month or da- is ta7en from $#n rise. Beca#se of 0aria5le Boon. s'eed t,o tithis ma- fall 5et,een t,o s#nrises and sometimes it ma- not fall e0en once. This gi0es rise to formation of Adhi7 and +sha- tithis. $olar Calender 9 Fi7e F#nar Calender $olar Calender is 5ased on the mo0ement of $#n. $#n:s entr- into Aries starts the month Maisa7h and also the ne, -ear. The months are named same as in Indian 2ational Calender. Tho#gh the moment of $#n:s entr- into a sign is the same all o0er India, -et the commencement of the corres'onding month for ci0il '#r'oses is not necessaril- the same all o0er India, -et the commencement of the corres'onding month for ci0il '#r'oses is not necessaril- the same all o0er India. In P#nNa5 8 Lrisa the solar month starts on the da- of transit * into next sign. &ere dameans one s#nrise to nexts#nrise. In 5engal and Assam, if transit ha''ens 5efore midnight >"5 Ahatis?, the solar month 5egins next da8 ,hen the transit occ#rs after "5 Ahatis, the month 5egins a da- after. In Tamil, ,hen the fraction of the daat ,hich transit occ#rs does not exceed 3/ Ahatis >$#nset?, the solar month 5egins on the same da- else next

da-. $ince the s#n ta7es different times to transit a sign the month 0aries from 2! da-s to 31 da-s. The l#nar 8 solar calenders are associated ,ith 0rio#s eras. $ome of the most commanl- #sed are 9 1. Mi7ram @ra 9 5* more than the A.D. -ear and extensi0el#sed in A#Narat 8 all o0er northern India exce't Bengal. In 2orthern India -ear starts from Chaitra P#rima. It is also 'o'#larl- 7no,n as ;Bala0a @ra; or sim'l- ;$am0at;. In A#Narat Amanta month is ta7en and -ear starts from next da- of +arti7a 2e, Boon i.e. da- of Di,ali. 2. $a7a @ra 9 This is *! less than A.D. -ear. This is also #sed extensi0el- in 2orth India. Indian 2ational Calender #ses this $a7a. It is #sed 5oth ,ith amanta 8 P#rnimanta months as ,ell as ,ith solar calender. To s#mmarise -ear 1))) ,ill ha0e 0ario#s Calendars 5eginning on the follo,ing date9 1. Aregorian Calender 9 1st Kan )). Different eras ha0e follo,ing 0al#es 9 i. Aregorian 1))) A.D. ii. $am0at 2/5( iii. $a7a 1)21 i0. +ali-#ga @ra. 51// 0. 4#sli $an 1"/* 0i. +ollam @ra 11*5 0ii. Bengali $an 1"/( 0iii. &eNira 1"2/ 2. 2ational Calender 9 22 Barch )) 3. F#nar Calendars 9 Chaitradi 9 1!G3G))

+arti7adi 9 1/G1/G)) ". $olar Calendars 9 Bengal 8 Assam . 15G/"G)) P#nNa5 8 Lrissa . 1"G/"G)) $o#th . 1"G/"G)) 5. +ollam @ra 9 A.D. -ear min#s !2" is the +ollam @ra. It is #sed in Bala5ar, Cochin 8 Tra0ancore. It starts ,ith solar Mirgo in 2orth Bala5ar and ,ith $olar Feo in $o#th Bala5ar. (. Bengali $an 9 C#rrent A.D. -ear min#s 5)3 gi0es Bangali $an. It starts ,ith $#n entr- into Aries. *. &eNira >B#slim Calender? 9 It is calc#lated 5- s#5tracting 5*) from the c#rrent A.D. -ear. The monthl- are 5ased on Boon and are named as B#harram, $afer, Ia0i.Ul. A00al, Ia0i Ussani, Kamadi. Ul.a00al, Kamadi Ussani, IaNNa5, $a,an, IamNan, $a00al, Kil7ed and KilheN. B#harram the first months coincides ,ith or starts from sh#7la Pa7sh of Maisa7h. The month start normall- from 2nd in $h#7la Pa7sh ,hen Boon is 0isi5le in the s7- after s#n set. The da- is co#nted from s#nset to s#nset. The onl- 'ro5lem in B#slim Calender is that it can not 5e defined in ad0ance since it is 5ased on 0isi5ilit- of Boon. If Boon is not 0isi5le on the da- month has to start, it ,ill 5e started from the next da- onl- ,hen moon 5ecomes clearl- 0isi5le. D@F&I Astrologers:

Director1))! Aet %o#r Co'Is 2//G. Lnl1rite to 9 4#t#re Point &.1GA, &a#J +has 2e, Delhi.11//1( ! In astrolog- 'lace of 5irth is e6#all- im'ortant as date and time of 5irth. This lesson tells -o# ho, the 'lace of 5irth affects the calc#lations and ho, m#ch 'recise ,e sho#ld 5e in s'ecif-ing the 'lace of 5irth . ,hether a street, a colon-, a cit- or a co#ntr-. $ome im'ortant form#las to com'#te distance are descri5ed ,hen longit#des and latit#des are 7no,n. The lesson also ex'lains im'ortance of time Jone and time correction. n astrolog- 'lace of 5irth 'la-s an im'ortant role. If it is da- in India, it is night in America. $o the effect of $#n is re0ersed. $imilarl- effect of other 'lanets also change. This change in effect is more 'rominent longit#dinalland is com'ariti0el- m#ch less latit#dinalle.g. it remains da- if ,e mo0e $o#th to 2orth . $ri Fan7a to I#ssia. B#t there is Understanding Place of Birth, Time one and Time Correction still a difference in s#nrise mariginall- from one Fatit#de to other e0en if longit#de remains the same. Fet #s #nderstand ,hat is longit#de or latit#de= ho, ,e meas#re it and ho, m#ch distance has ho, m#ch effect in calc#lation of horosco'es. Fatit#de9 These are imaginar- lines, 'aral I // 22/2 "5/2 (// 2 *5/ 2 )//2 Beridian 1 )//$ //$ @ Arid of Parallel of

Parallels of Fatit#de Beridians of Fongit#de Fatit#de and Fongit#de 2 $ 1 // @ // ) lel to e6#ator. The e6#ator re'resents Jero degree latit#de. 2orth 'ole is )//2 and $o#th Pole is )//$. Fongit#de 9 These are imaginar- 0ertical lines 'arallel to the 'rime meridian, ,hich 'ass thro#gh Areen,ich ,here the British Io-al L5ser0ator- is located. The 'rime meridian is at // longit#de and ,e co#nt 1!//@ in @ast, to 1!//1 in 1est. 1!//@ and 1!//1 coincide and re'resent the same 0ertical line N#st o''osite to 'rime meridian. Unli7e 'arallel of latit#de, all meridians are of e6#al length. An- 'lace on earth can 5e #ni6#el- assigned a longit#de and latit#de and an- s#ch coordinates define a single 'oint on earth. Delhi has a longit#de of **/13:@ and latit#de of 2!/3):2. $ince earth is s'herical, e0er- degree of longit#de does not re'resent e6#al distances. $'an of 1: of Fongit#de or Fatit#de 9 Fet #s determine the distance re'resented 51: of the longit#de or latit#de= that is, ho, m#ch distance changes the coordinates 5- 1:. @arth:s mean radi#s ;a; < (3*1 7m. Considering the earth as s'here 1/ of longit#de at latit#de f< '. acosf.7m. 1!/ .........1 At Delhi >f < 2!/ 3): 2? 1/ of longit#de < )*.( +m. Th#s 1: of longit#de at Delhi <1.(2(+m. O 1 mile and 1/ of latit#de < ' x a +m. 1!/ .........2 4or all longit#des 1/ of latit#de < 111.2 +m. or 1: of latit#de< 1.!53 +m. O 1.1( mile 4or all 'ractical '#r'oses, in India ,e can consider 1 mile, ma7ing a difference of 1: in

longit#de or latit#de or com5ined difference of 5oth. 4rom form#la 1 and 2 it is o50io#s that the distance in 2orth or $o#th ma7es a 0ariation in latit#de, ,hich is constant for all 'laces on earth. &o,e0er the longit#de at least changes as m#ch as latit#de and the 0ariation 5ecomes more and more 'rominent as latit#de increases. This is o50io#s 5eca#se of the fact that e6#ator the circ#mference of earth is maxim#m, ,here as it red#ces as latit#de increases and rate of change of circ#mference also increases ,ith the increase in latit#de. A ta5le can 5e dra,n for distance co0ered 5- 1: of longit#de at different latit#des. Distance co0ered 5- 1: of Fongit#de Fatit#de Distance in @.1 direction >+m.? // 1.!53 1// 1.!25 2// 1.*"1 3// 1.(/5 "// 1."1) 5// 1.1)1 (// /.)2( *// /.(3" !// /.321 )// /./// Distance co0ered 5- 1: of Fatit#de 4or all Fongit#des 1.!53 +m. in 2.$ direction Mariation of Fongit#de and Fatit#de in a Cit4or latit#des li7e in India a cit-, ,hich has s'an of "/ +ms. or a distance of 25 miles, can ma7e a difference of 25: in longit#de and latit#de. This is 'artic#larl- so in case of Delhi and B#m5ai, ,here the cit- stretches to o0er "/ 7ms. diagonall-. In Delhi, ,here the acce'ted coordinates 2!/ 3): 2 8 **/ 13: @ are 1/ for 2e, Delhi Iail,a- $tation, easil- ma7es a difference of o0er 25: in longit#de and latit#de from one end to the other. 4or exam'le 2angal in $o#th.1est of Delhi has coordinates 2!/33:2 and **//(:@, ,hereas Mi7as +#nN in 2orth.@ast coordinates of 2!/"5:2 and **/1!:@, th#s reflecting

a difference of 12: in longit#de and 12: in latit#de, ,ith a total difference of 2":. $imilarlin Bom5a- Dahisar in 2orth has coordinates 1)/1(:2 and *2/51:@, ,hereas Cola5a in $o#th has coordinates 1!/5":2 and *2/"):@, ma7ing a difference of 22: in latit#de and 2: in longit#de, again ma7ing a total difference of 2":. &o,e0er small cities are normall- onl- half or e0en less than half the siJe of Delhi or Bom5a-. To,ns are onl- a fe, 7ms. in length or 5readth, th#s ma7ing a total difference of fe, min#tes in all. If a centre 'oint is chosen then the difference does not exceed more than 1: or 2: in latit#de and longit#de com5ined. 4or this reason for most of the to,ns and 'laces, 1: acc#rac- in longit#de or latit#de is N#st s#fficient, ,hereas in metro'olitan cities a f#rther 5rea7#' into small area is ad0isa5le. To #nderstand the total difference ca#sed 5longit#de and latit#de, let #s con0ert the maxim#m com5ined difference in Delhi or Bom5a>P25:? into time. 1e find it is e6#i0alent to 1//s of time. And from a centre 'oint it is onl- Q5/s. i.e. less than a min#teR Th#s ,hen time of 5irth is acc#rate onl- to a min#te le0el, ta7ing the centre 'oint of e0en the metros for longit#de or latit#de is not going to add m#ch to the inacc#rac- in res#lts. Com'#tation of Distance9 1e ha0e seen a5o0e that there is a direct relationshi' 5et,een distance and the longit#de or latit#de. 1e can easil- com'#te the areial distance 5et,een the t,o 'oints on earth if ,e 7no, their coordinates acc#ratel-. 4or ro#gh com'#tations of distance, ,e ma- sim'l- add #' the difference of longit#de and latit#de and e6#ate that to miles. @xam'le 9 Calc#late the distance 5et,een Delhi and B#m5ai a''roximatel-. Coordinates of Delhi 2!/ 3): 2 **/ 13:@ Coordinates of B#m5ai 1!/ 5!: 2 *2/ 5/:@ Difference )/ "1: and /"/ 23: or 5!1: and

2(3: adding the t,o, distance 5et,een Delhi and B#m5ai is !"": O !"" miles Ta7ing 1 mile < 1.( +m. difference 5et,een Delhi and B#m5ai is 135/ +m. a''roximatel-. Distance 5et,een t,o 'oints on the earth:s s#rface ha0ing longit#de and latit#de F1, f1 and F2, f2 res'ecti0el- can 5e com'#ted acc#ratel5- first com'#ting the ang#lar distance 5et,een the follo,ing 'oints 5- the follo,ing form#la 9 Cos d < $inf1.$inf2CCosf1.Cosf2.Cos >F1.F2? then com'#ting the re6#ired linear distance 5- the follo,ing form#la $ < (3*1' dG1!/ 7ms. ,here d is ex'ressed in degrees. >2ote9 The form#la does not ,or7 ,ell for 0ersmall 0al#es of d? @xam'le 9 Calc#late the distance 5et,een Delhi and B#m5ai, ta7ing the follo,ing coordinates. 11 $ome co#ntries ha0e a great longit#dinal extent and so the- ado't more than one standard time. 4or exam'le U$A has as man- as 5 standard times. The earth has 5een di0ided into 2" time Jones of one ho#r each. A fe, co#ntries li7e India ado't a time Jone in 5et,een the t,o, li7e 5S ho#r Jone. Time Correction In co#ntries ,ith high latit#des, da- d#ration changes drasticall- from sa- ( ho#rs in ,inters to 1! ho#rs in s#mmers. At 'oles this difference 5ecomes so large that there is dafor six months and night for six months. In 2orthern latit#de Ba-, K#ne are longer, ,hereas in $o#thern latit#de Decem5er Kan#ar- are longer and the- ha0e s#mmer at this time. In s#mmer the s#n rises 0er- earl-. To ta7e the ad0antage of s#n light, the cloc7s are ad0anced 5- one ho#r d#ring s#mmer for a5o#t six months and it is set 5ac7 to original 'osition d#ring ,inter. This ad0anced time is called ;s#mmer time; or ;da- light sa0ing

time;. At some 'laces the correction is done for 2 ho#rs and it is called as ;do#5le s#mmer time;. $imilarl- sometimes it is onl- half an ho#r correction. $ince this adN#stment is onl- to sa0e light, it is s#5stracted 5efore ,e do an- astronomical calc#lation. $#mmar4or astrological '#r'oses ,e need date, time and 'lace of 5irth. Cit- of 5irth is normalls#fficient as 'lace of 5irth. Along,ith this one sho#ld 7no, the standard time Jone and the da- light sa0ing time correction to 7no, exactland correct the time of 5irth. 1ith the 7no,ledge of coordinates ,e can e0en determine the distance 5et,een t,o 'oints. Fongit#dinal distance 'la- 0ital role in time ga' com'a red to latit#de. Delhi 9 F1 < **/13: @ f1< 2!/3): 2 B#m5ai9 F2 < *2/5/: @ f2 < 1!/5!: 2 Cosd < $in2!/3):.$in1!/5!:CCos2!/3):. Cos1!/5!:.Cos>**/13:.*2/5/:? on sol0ing, Cosd < /.)!332")"5 or d < 1/."**)5()5/ so, s< (3*1T'T1/."**)5()5 1!/ or s < 11(5 7ms. 2ote 9 . The res#lt is acc#rate #' to a fe, +ms. The inacc#rac- is mainl- d#e to flattening of the earth, ,hich has 5een ignored in the 'resent form#la. Fongit#de and Time $#n is the 5est time.7ee'er thro#gho#t the ,orld. It $#n reg#larl- rises and sets e0er- da-. Focal time can 5e meas#red 5- the shado, cast 5- the s#n. All the 'laces on a meridian ha0e midda- at the same moment. If the earth rotates from 1est to @ast, 'laces @ast of Areen,ich are ahead of Areen,ich time and those in the 1est 5ehind it. $ince the earth rotates 3(// in 2" ho#rs, e0er- 15/ there is a difference of 1 ho#r. $tandard Time Focal time of 'laces ,hich are on different

meridians differ. In India there ,ill 5e a time difference of a5o#t 1 ho#r and "5 min#tes in the local time of D,ar7a in A#Narat and Di5r#garh in Assam. It ,ill 5e diffic#lt to 're'are a time.ta5le of trains ,hich mo0e from one corner to another. It is therefore necessar- to ado't the local time of some central meridian of a co#ntr- as the standard time for the co#ntr-. In India !2/3/:@ is treated as the standard meridian. The local time at this meridian is ta7en as the standard time for the ,hole co#ntr-. 12 ne $olar da- is the time 5et,een t,o s#ccessi0e 'assages of the s#n across the meridian as o5ser0ed at a 'artic#lar 'lace. In astrolog-, ,e are interested in motion of stars. 1e ,ant to 7no, the time 'eriod of earth ,hen an- star is o5ser0ed to ret#rn to the same 'osition. $#ch a cloc7 is called a sidereal cloc7 and its time, 5eing reg#lated 5- stars is called sidereal time. There are 3(5.2"22 da-s in the -ear. D#ring this 'eriod, the earth ma7es one re0ol#tion aro#nd the $#n. If ,e loo7 from remote stars, ,e see that the earth has made 3((.2"22 circles a5o#t its axis in 3(5.2"22 da-s. @ach sidereal da- is th#s 9 D#ration of one sidereal daD#ration of sidereal -ear 2o. of sidereal da-s 3(5.2"22 3((.2"22 23 hr. 5( m "./) s >shorter 5- 3 min 55.)1 seconds than the mean solar da- of 2" ho#rs.? ABT and Areen,ich

sidereal time coincide at one instant e0er- -ear at the a#t#mnal e6#inex >aro#nd $e'tem5er 22?. Thereafter, the difference increases #ntil half a -ear later it is 12 ho#rs >aro#nd Barch 23?. After one -ear, the times again coincide. To com'#te sidereal time man#all-, 'lease refer to .Ta5les of Ascendants. 52.C. Fahiri. The 1/th &o#se or Bid. &ea0en 9 The 'oint of intersection of the ecli'tic of the gi0en time ,ith the meridian of the 'lace is the tenth ho#se for that moment. If A is the sidereal time ex'ressed in degrees and B is the tenth ho#se, then tenth ho#se can 5e com'#ted as 9 Calc#lation of $idereal Time and Ascendant In this lesson ,e are descri5ing sidereal time and are listing the form#las to deri0e 1/th ho#se and ascendant degree acc#ratel- #sing sidereal time. Lral com'#tation of ascendant is also descri5ed. Attention is dra,n to,ards the common error committed 5- most of the fello, astrologers in the com'#tation of ascendant or 'lanet degrees. L < < < 13 tan B < tan A $ec , ,here , is the inclination of earth.s e6#atorial 'lane to the ecli'tic. Ascendant 9 The ascendant is the 'oint of intersection of the ecli'tic ,ith the eastern horiJon of the 'lace. if A is the sidereal time in degrees C )//

then tan B < tan A cos , ....>1? 4rom A 8 B, ,e can e0al#ate D the declination 8 6 <)/ . angle 5et,een meridian 8 ecli'tic, as9 sin D < sin A sin , ....>2? sin 6 < sin , cos 5 ....>3? 4rom D 8 6, ,e com'#te the ascendant as 9 tan @ < sin D tan>N C 6? ..>"? ,here N is the latit#de of the 'lace. Ascendant < B C @ ....>5? The 0al#e of the ascendant as calc#lated a5o0e is the sa-an 0al#e. $#5tracting a-anamsa ,e get nira-ana ascendant. The a5o0e form#lae gi0es acc#rate 0al#es of ascendant. In a5sence of scientifc calc#lators, the ascendant 8 the tenth ho#se can 5e com'#ted #sing ta5les of ascendant 5- 2.C. Fahiri. &o,e0er, calc#lation of ascendant #sing ta5les gi0es rise to errors 5eca#se of ta5les not a0aila5le for the gi0en 'lace or for the gi0en sidereal time. This error some times goes #'to manmin#tes of arc. A''roximate com'#tation of Ascendant 9 The ascendant can also 5e com'#ted a''roximatelorall- from date of time of 5irth. It does not 0ar- m#ch 5eca#se of latit#de or longit#de, if local time is ta7en. $o ta7e the standard time 8 ro#ghl- estimate the local time. Ta7e the date of 5irth and estimate the $#n

degree, #sing the fact that it is // on 1"th A'ril and it ad0ances 5- 1/ e0er-da- or 1 sign e0er- month. Bonth $#n.s entrA'ril Aries Ba- Ta#r#s K#ne Aemini K#l- Cancer A#g#st Feo $e'tem5er Mirgo Lcto5er Fi5ra 2o0em5er $cor'io Decem5er $agittari#s Kan#ar- Ca'ricorn 4e5r#ar- A6#ari#s Barch Pisces If the date of 5irth is Decem5er 13th, then as 'er ta5le gi0en $#n enters into $agittari#s on 15th Dec. &ence it is a''roximatel- on 2!/ scor'io on 13th Decem5er in an- -ear. $ince at $#n rise, $#n is at the eastern horiJon, so the $#n degree matches ,ith the 1" ascendant degree. &ence at $#n rise on 13th Decem5er an- -ear, the ascendant is a''roximatel- 2!/ $cor'io. After that it increases 5- the sign e0er- 2 ho#rs or 1/ e0er" min#tes. Bore acc#ratel-, it crosses six signs from $#n rise to $#n set and next six signs from $#n set to $#n rise. $o if time of 5irth is 1 PB and since s#nrise is a''roximatel- at *.15 AB in Delhi at that time and da- d#ration is onl- a5o#t 1/ ho#rs the ascendant

after 5hrs. "5 min#tes of s#nrise shall 5e 3 signs and fe, degrees a,a- than the $#n, that is, it ,ill 5e N#st crossing A6#ario#s and reaching Pisces. Act#al calc#lations sho, that ascendant on 13.12.5( at 1 PB at Delhi is )/*. Pisces. Traditionall-, ,e calc#late ascendant from Ishta Ahati #sing Pala5ha, Fan7oda-a, Uda-maan and $#n degrees for different signs. &o,e0er 5eca#se of 5etter trignometric methods descri5ed a5o0e ,e are not '#tting it do,n here. To ma7e the tas7 eas-, Panchangs gi0e ending time of ascending signs on dail5asis for a gi0en 'lace. These ta5les can 5e directl- #sed to get fairl- correct ascendant sign. An inter'olation of time 5et,een the t,o signs also gi0es #s ascendant acc#rate to a degree normall- s#fficient for most of the astrological 'redictions. Ascendant calc#lation for foreign 5irths 9 To #tmost s#r'rise, at least 5/H astrologers commit mista7e in calc#lating the ascendant for foreign 5irths. This is mainl- 5eca#se the- con0ert the time of 5irth to Indian $tandard time. This ,a- if a 5irth has ta7en 'lace in the morning in 2e, %or7, it go for the method 'rescri5ed a5o0e. It ,ill gi0e a''roximatel- correct 0al#e of ascendant for anlongit#de or latit#de >so#th

latit#de also?. To ma7e the tas7 f#rther eas-, ta7e an- Panchang ,hich gi0es ending moment of signs for gi0en local time of 5irth. Com'#te the local time 5- ma7ing oral correction for longit#de to time Jone and loo7 into the ta5le to get ascendant acc#rate to fe, degrees. This ,or7s 5eca#se of the 5asic fact that ascendent 0aries onl- 5- a fe, degrees d#e to latit#de. 4#rther note that to calc#late 'lanet 'ositions #sing e'hemeris or Panchangs, it is necessar- to con0ert time from other time Jone to I$T since the Panchangs are gi0ing 0al#es at I$T onl-. This is the common mista7e done 5- most of the astrologers that the- con0ert time to I$T for calc#lation of ascendant and ta7e the time as it is for calc#lation of 'lanet degrees. $o, remem5er 9 Do no con0ert time to I$T for ascendant calc#lation of foreign 5irths 5#t con0ert the time to I$T for 'lanet degree calc#lations. 5ecomes e0ening in India. Then ,hen ,e calc#late the horosco'e, ,e find s#n 'laced in the *th ho#se, ,hereas it sho#ld 5e in the ascendant 5- 0irt#e of the definition of ascendant itself. The trignometric method a5o0e holds good for andate, time and 'lace of 5irth. %o# do not ha0e to change

an-thing an-,here. &o,e0er, if -o# ,ant to com'#te ascendant orall-, then also 5/H astrologers commit mista7e in calc#lating the ascendant for foreign 5irths. This is mainl5eca#se the- con0ert the time of 5irth to Indian $tandard Time. 15 n the last iss#e ,e ex'lained ho, to com'#te -o#r ascendant. 2o, ,e need to 'lace the 'lanets in the chart. To com'#te the 'lanet degrees, ,e recommend the readers to follo, @'hemeris 5- 2.C. Fahiri. %o# can get these e'hemeris from 1)// till date. %o# can also get ad0anced e'hemeris 5- other a#thors for #' to 2/5/ or 21//. &o,e0er, if -o# ,ant to com'#te horosco'e for a date 5efore 1)// or after 21// then -o# can get it thro#gh a com'#ter ,hich are normall- a0aila5le from -ear 1 to -ear )))). &o,e0er for dates e0en 5e-ond this, extra efforts are re6#ired 8 e0en com'#ter horosco'es need 5e 0erified 5efore acce'ting them as s#ch. The e'hemeris or Panchang is a collection of dail- or ,ee7l- 'osition of 'lanet 'ositions in a ta5#lar form. The 'osition for a gi0en date and time can 5e o5tained sim'l5- ta7ing a0erage. A0erages are normall- s#fficient for Astrological '#r'oses, 5#t ,e can

not ta7e it as acc#rate 'ositions of the 'lanet for that date 8 time. 4or more acc#rac- one can go to inter'olaxtion techni6#es #sing more data a0aila5le in the e'hemeris. The de0iations occ#r 5eca#se 'lanets do not mo0e ,ith a reg#lar s'eed. The s'eed increase or decreases ,ith time. If the s'eed of the 'lanet is more in the 5eginning and less to,ards the end, the 0al#es o5tained are slightl- more than the act#al longit#des 5eca#se, in act#al the 'lanet mo0es a little more than ,hat it mo0es on a0erage. The 'ro5lem of s'eed of 'lanet occ#rs mainl- for Boon onl- 5eca#se Boon 'la-s the maxim#m Iole in astrological com'#tations. @xam'le 9 Com'#te 'lanet degrees for 2ati0e 5orn on 15.1.1)*/ at 11.3/ AB at Delhi 9 Cast %o#r &orosco'e I The chart is 'ictorial re'resentation of earth. The 'lanets that re0ol0e aro#nd earth are 'laced in the chart indicating their res'ecti0e 'osition. This lesson descri5es the method of calc#lation of 'lanetr- 'ositions. Different s-stem of 'resentation of charts is descri5ed so that one macast his horosco'e in the desired fashion. 1( Please refer .Condensed @'hemeris 1)(1.*1. 5- 2C Fahiri. 1e get the follo,ing degrees listed in the e'hemeris. Bon Ber. 12/ 521 x ( hr .1/15: 2" hr. " $#n Bars Men K#' $at 2/ 2: x ( hr 1/3/: 2/ 31: 12: 3: "! hr ! ! ! ! Iah. Ura 2e'. Pl#. >.?1/5": x 1".25 >.?(: x 1".25 "5: x 1".25 .1*: x 1".25

31 da-s 31 31 31 1ith this the Planet degrees at the time of 5irth 5ecomes as #nder 9 Bon Ber $#n Bar Men /s(/23: !s2*/13: )s//5): 1/s2)/13: !s2!/3!: 3/13: >.? 1): 15: 11: 1*: /s)/3(: !s2(/5": )s1/1": 1/s2)/2": !s2!/55: K#' $at Iah Ura 2e' Pl# (s1//35: /s!/"": 1/s2//33: 5s15/1*: *s(/2*: 5s3/5*: 1: /: .52: .3: C21: .!: (s1//3(: /s!/"": 1/s1)/"1: 5s15/1": *s(/"!: 5s3/"): < 3/ 131 < >.?1): < 15: < 11: < 1*: < 1: < /: $#n Bar. Men K#'. $at 1*.1.1)*/ )s 3/ /1: 11s // "3: )s 1/ /): (s1//"*: /s!/"*: 15.1.1)*/ )s // 5): 1/s 2)/ 13: !s2!/3!: (s1//35: /s!/"": at 5.3/ AB. 2/ 2: 1/ 3/: 2/31: 12: 3: Ber Bon Iah# Ura 2e'. Pl# 1(.1.1)*/ !s 25/ 5!: /s1)/15: 1.2.*/ 1/s1!/3): 5s15/11: *s*/12: 5s3/"/: 15.1.1)*/ !s 2*/ 13: /s(/ 23: 1.1.*/ 1/s2//33: 5s15/1*: *s(/2*: 5s3/5*: >.? 1/ 15 12/52: . >.? 1/.5": >.? (: "5: .1*: 2ote that >.? $ign in the calc#lation indicates the 5ac7,ard or retrograde motion of the 'lanet The 'lanet degrees are gi0en for 5hr 3/min in the morning and time of 5irth is 11h 3/ m. i.e.. ( hrs Fater. $o on a0erage ,e find the 'lanets mo0ement as #nder. < >.? 52: < >.? 3: < 21: < >.? !: $imilarl- 9 1* +et# al,a-s 5eing ( signs a,a- from Iah# comes to "s1)/ "1:. The a5o0e exam'le sho,s the 'lanet degree com'#tation for 'laces in India #sing Fahiri @'hemeris ,hich are made for I$T. There is no time rectification re6#ired for 'laces in India. The ta5les are to 5e #sed as s#ch ,itho#t correcting time to local time. If the 'lace of 5irth is o#t of India, e.g. 2e, %or7 ,hich is 1/ hrs 3/ min 5ehind India . Then the time has to 5e con0erted to I$T 5efore a''l-ing

these ta5les i.e. 15.1.1)*/ 11.3/ A.B. 2e, %or7 is e6#i0alent to 15.1.1)*/ 22.// hrs. Delhi. for calc#lations of 'lanet degrees. $imilarl- if ,e are #sing ta5les made for ABT or an- other time Jone, ,e m#st con0ert time in I$T to that time Jone and then #se s#ch ta5les. This is one of the common mista7e made 5- most astrologers. $ince this mista7e does not ma7e m#ch difference in 'lanet degrees, it gets o0erloo7ed. &o,e0er, this does change the Boon.s 'osition 5- fe, degrees and th#s related com'#tations, s'eciall- Dasa gets changed. Casting &orosco'e 9 +no,ing the ascendant and the 'lanet degrees, ,e can cast the horosco'e. The chart that ,e dra, is re'resentation of earth. The 'lanets re0ol0e aro#nd earth. 4or the 'ictorial re'resentation of 'lanets 'osition aro#nd earth, ,e 'lace them in the t,el0e di0isions aro#nd earth. The 'ictorial re'resentation of 'lanets aro#nd earth is different at different 'laces. Bainl- it is re'resented in fo#r ,a-s. In the 2orth Indian st-le ascendant is al,a-s fixed at the to' and the Jodiac mo0es anticloc7 ,ise. In the $o#th Indian st-le, odiac is fixed in the cloc7 ,ise direction= ascendant 8 'lanets mo0e along the Jodiac as the time changes. In Bengali st-le Jodiac

is again fixed 5#t anticloc7 ,ise, ascendant 8 'lanets mo0e along the Jodiac li7e $o#th Indian $-stem .In ,estern st-le the ascendant is fixed and 'laced on the left hand side ,hereas 2orth Indian $o#th Indian Bengali 1estern Ascendant Aries Aries Ascendant 1! odiac mo0es in the anticloc7 ,ise direction9 Again ,or7ing on the exam'le horosco'e ,e 'lace the ascendant 8 the 'lanets in the fo#r st-les as follo,s . 9 Planet $ign Degree Asc Pis 22/5: $#n Ca' 1/1": Bon Ari )/3(: Bar A6# 2)/2": Ber.I $ag 2(/5": K#' Fi5 1//3(: Men $ag 25/155: $at Ari !/"": Iah.I A6# 1)/"1: +et .I Feo 1)/"1: Ura.I Mir 15/1": 2e' $co (/"!: Pl#.I Mir 3/"): A cross sign has 5een mar7ed ,ith 'lanets those are retrograde similarl- other mar7s li7e com5#stion or shifting of ho#se in chalit can also 5e 'laced de'ending #'on the 2orth Indian $o#th Indian Bengali 1estern Asc Bon $at 3" E +et

E Ura E Pl# K#' 2e' E Ber Men 1 25 ( * ! 1/ ) 11 12 $#n Bar E Iah Asc Bar EIah $#n EBer Men 2e' K#' EUra E Pl# E+et Bon $at 1 2 3 " 5 E +et ( EUra E Pl# * K#' ! 2e' ) EBer Men 1/ $#n Bar EIah 11 Asc 12 Bon $at Asc Bar EIah $#n EBer Men 2e' K#'

EUra EPl# E+et re6#irement. All the charts re'resent the same horosco'e. &o,e0er, ,ith 'ractice, an astrologer gets acc#stomed to one 7ind of chart and ,e s#ggest e0er- #ser to stic7 to the st-le he finds himself more comforta5le. Bon $at 1) - no, ,e ha0e learnt ho, to calc#late ascendant, tenth ho#se and 'lanets: 'osition. Using this data, ,e shall no, determine the s'an of a ho#se and in ,hich ho#se a 'lanet is 'osited. 1hat is a &o#se3 The circle of the Jodiac is di0ided into 12 di0isions called ho#ses. @ach ho#se does not necessaril- extend to 3// . it is either less or more. According to the Medic astrolog-, ascendant is the mid 'oint of the first ho#se and mid hea0en is the mid 'oint of the tenth ho#se. A ho#se starts a''roximatel- 15/ 5efore the mid 'oint and extends a5o#t 15/ 5e-ond the mid 'oint. The 'oint at ,hich the first ho#se ends and next ho#se starts is called ;Bha0a $andhi; and the ho#se extends from first $andhi to the next. &o,e0er, the ,hole sign does not fall in one ho#se. A ho#se normall- extends o0er t,o signs. @ach Calc#lation of &o#se of a Planet B 'lanet, de'ending #'on its degree, falls in one sign and one ho#se. The ho#se as 0isi5le in the Fagna chart is not the 'lanet:s act#al ho#se 'osition. It is 0er- im'ortant to consider the ho#se di0ision for correct 'redictions. The 'lanets sho, their 5eha0io#r according to the ho#se the- occ#'-. This lesson descri5es the method to calc#late the dimensions of the ho#se and th#s determine in ,hich ho#se the 'lanet lies. It also

descri5es the 1estern or + P Bethod of ho#se di0ision. 1st ho#se 2nd ho#se "th ho#se (th ho#se 5th ho#se 3rd ho#se *th ho#se !th ho#se )th ho#se 1/th ho#se 11th ho#se 12th ho#se Bha0a $andhi >@nd of 1st &o#se? Bha0a $andhi >$tart of 1st &o#se? Ascendant >Centre of 1st &o#se? Bidhea0en >Centre of 1/th &o#se? Descendant >Centre of *st &o#se? Indian s-stem of &o#se Di0ision 2/ &o#se di0ision 4or an- date, time and 'lace, there are some stars rising in the eastern origin and some stars setting in the ,estern horiJon. This is 5eca#se of the earth:s rotation aro#nd its axis. The eastern horiJon is called the first ho#se, ,hereas the ,estern horiJon is the tend to differ if the ascendant degree is high and 'lanet degree is lo, or 0ice 0ersa. To re'resent this sit#ation, sometimes ,e 'lace the 'lanet in Bha0a $andhi. 1e dra, a chart ,ith t,el0e ho#ses and t,el0e Bha0a $andhis. The 'lanet ,hich is in the same ho#se in Fagna or as 'er ho#se degrees, it is 'laced in the ho#se= else it is 'laced in the Bha0a $andhi.

In the $o#th Indian st-le ,here each 5ox re'resents a sign >not a ho#se? ,e mar7 the ho#ses ,ith degrees and 'lace the 'lanets and ho#ses in the order of the degree theo,n. If a 'lanet is 5e-ond the limit of the ho#se ,e ta7e it in the next ho#se. Different methods are in 0og#e to determine the extent of the ho#se. &o,e0er, onl- t,o s-stems of ho#se di0ision are common. 1. Indian s-stem of ho#se di0ision 9 In this s-stem ascendant and the mid hea0en are calc#lated and the difference 5et,een them is di0ided into six e6#al 'arts. The mid hea0en is the centre of 1/th ho#se. Adding the sixth 'art gi0es the ending of 1/th ho#se or starting of 11th ho#se. Adding of sixth 'art again and again gi0es 11th ho#se middle, 12th ho#se 5eginning, 12th ho#se middle, 1st ho#se 5eginning and 1st ho#se middle. In a similar ,a- adding to the ascendant s#ccessi0elthe sixth 'art of the difference 5et,een "th ho#se and the ascendant, longit#des of the 2nd and 3rd ho#ses are o5tained. The remaining ho#ses can 5e calc#lated 5- adding ( signs to each of the o''osite ho#se. @xam'le 9 Com'#te ho#se degrees for nati0e 5orn on 15./1.1)*/ at 11.3/ AB at Delhi. 4rom the 're0io#s lessons ,e ha0e 9 Ascendant 9 Pisces 22/51: Tenth ho#se 9 $agittari#s 1*/*: $#5tracting 1/th ho#se degree from ascendant 1e get 352/51: 25*//*: )5/"": Di0iding 5- ( ,e get 15/5*:2/; @arth 1estern &oriJon. @astern &oriJon. Bid hea0en Descendant Ascendant *th ho#se. The 'oint a5o0e the head of the 'erson is called the mid hea0en or the 1/th ho#se. In Indian s-stem of ho#se di0ision the rising 'oint, the setting 'oint and the mid

hea0en 'oint are considered the centre of the 1st ho#se, *th ho#se and 1/th ho#se res'ecti0el-, ,hereas in the ,estern s-stem these are considered the starting 'oints of the ho#ses. 1h- do ,e calc#late ho#se In astrolog-, ,e descri5e the 'lanet:s res#lts in a 'artic#lar ho#se. The 'lanets are 7no,n to gi0e res#lts according to the ho#se in ,hich the- li0e. The Fagna chart onl- tells #s in ,hich sign a 'lanet is 'osited. It also tells #s a5o#t the as'ects of a 'lanet on the other 'lanets. &o,e0er, it does not confirm the ho#se in ,hich a 'lanet is sit#ated. $o ,e ma7e another chart called Chalit, ,hich gi0es #s the information a5o#t the ho#se in ,hich a 'lanet is 'osited. To dra, the Chalit chart, determine the starting 'oint of the t,el0e ho#ses as descri5ed and if the 'lanet degree lies in the extent of the ho#se, then 'lace the 'lanet in that ho#se. 2ormall- the ho#se 'osition deri0ed in s#ch a manner and the ho#se occ#'ied 5- the 'lanet in the Fagna chart are same. B#t the21 Adding this to 1/th ho#se degree ,e get 1/th ho#se $ag. 1*/*1 11th ho#se 5eginning Ca'. 3/": 11th ho#se middle Ca'. 1)/2: 12th ho#se 5eginning A6#. "/5): 12th ho#se middle A6#. 2//5(: 1st ho#se 5eginning Pisc. (/5": 1st ho#se middle Pisc. 22/51: $imilarl- com'#ting other ho#se degrees ,e get 9 &o#se &o#se $tart &o#se Biddle 1 Pis. (/5": Pis. 22/51: 2 Ari. (/5": Ari. 2//5(: 3 Ta#. "/5): Ta# 1)/2: " Aem. 3/": Aem 1*/*: 5 Can. 3/": Can 1)/2: ( Feo. "/5): Feo 2//5(: * Mir. (/5": Mir 22/51: ! Fi5. (/5": Fi5. 2//5(: ) $co. "/5): $co. 1)/2: 1/ $ag. 3/": $ag. 1*/*:

11 Ca'. 3/": Ca'. 1)/2: 12 A6#. "/5) A6#. 2//5(: 2. 1estern s-stem or 'lacid#s s-stem of ho#se di0ision 9 In this s-stem, the star rising in the eastern horiJon is on the ascendant. It then 'asses o0er the 12th ho#se, the 11th ho#se, the 1/th ho#se etc. in e6#al inter0als of time, #ntil it sets ,hen it reaches the descendant. The ascendant and mid hea0en are ta7en as start of the res'ecti0e ho#se and not the centre. The exact method of calc#lation of ho#se degrees is diffic#lt and ta5les are a0aila5le to com'#te it on the 5asis of the sidereal time or the 1/th ho#se. +rishnam#rth- $-stem #ses the a5o0e s-stem of ho#se di0ision onl-. The 0al#es calc#lated for the model horosco'e for the t,el0e c#s's, as 'er 'lacid#s s-stem, are 9 C#s' $ign C#s' degree 1 Pis. 22/51: 2 Ari. 2*/1*: 3 Ta#. 23/3(: " Aem. 1*/*: 5 Can. 12/(: ( Feo. 12/55: * Mir. 22/51: ! Fi5. 2*/1*: ) $co. 23/3(: 1/ $ag. 1*/*: 11 Ca'. 12/(: 12 A6#. 12/55: The model horosco'e 'lanet degrees are as follo,s 9 Planet $ign Degree $#n Ca' 1/1": Bon Ari )/3(: Bar A6# 2)/2": Ber.I $ag 2(/5": K#' Fi5 1//3(: Men $ag 25/15: $at Ari !/"": Iah.I A6# 1)/"1: +et .I Feo 1)/"1: Ura.I Mir 15/1": 2e' $co (/"!:

Pl#.I Mir 3/"): The Fagna chart is as 5elo, 9 Bon $at 1 2 3 " 5 E +et ( EUra E Pl# * K#' ! 2e' ) EBer Men 1/ $#n Bar EIah 11 Asc 12 The 'lanets $#n and Pl#to to mo0e to 're0io#s ho#se as 'er Indian s-stem of ho#se di0ision, 5eca#se $#n is at Ca' 1/1": and the 11th ho#se starts from Ca' 3/5:, hence lea0ing $#n in the 1/th ho#se. $imilarl- Pl#to is at Mirgo 3/"):, *th ho#se starts from Mirgo 22 (/5": th#s lea0ing Pl#to in the (th ho#se. &ence Chalit chart is as sho,n. &ere $at and Bon mo0e to the 1st C#s', Pl# and Uran#s in (th c#s' K#'iter in *th, 2e't#ne in !th and $#n in 1/th, rest in the same c#s' as in Fagna. If ,e do a com'arati0e st#d- ,e find the ho#se of the 'lanets in the gi0en horosco'e in Fagna, Chalit and c#s'al charts as follo,s9 Planet Fagna Chalit C#s' >Ind.$-s.? >1es. $-s.? $#n 11 1/ 1/ Bon 2 2 1 Bar 12 12 12 Ber 1/ 1/ 1/ K#' ! ! * Men 1/ 1/ 1/ $at 2 2 1 Iah 12 12 12

+et ( ( ( Ura * * ( 2e' ) ) ! Pl# * ( ( 4rom the ta5le ,e notice that man- 'lanets change their c#s'al 'osition com'ared to Fagna chart ,hereas onl- a fe, change in the Chalit chart. This is 5eca#se in the c#s'al chart ascendant degree is ta7en as the start of the ho#se and not the middle. $o the 'ro5a5ilitof change of ho#se is increased. $econdl-, in c#s' more 'lanets mo0e to the 're0io#s ho#se, again 5eca#se the start of ho#se in c#s' is higher than in chalit. Im'ortant It is 0er- im'ortant to consider the ho#se di0ision for correct 'redictions. The 'lanets sho, their 5eha0io#r according to the ho#se the- occ#'-. The 5eha0io#r is enhanced de'ending #'on its strength, ,hich is determined de'ending #'on the sign or 2a7shatra it occ#'ies. &ence #se Fagna chart onl- to 7no, the sign in ,hich a 'lanet is 'osited and #se Chalit chart to confirm the ho#se 'osition of the 'lanet. Do not ta7e the as'ects as 'er the ho#se or Fagna chart. Foo7 at the degrees to determine if there is an- as'ect 5et,een t,o 'lanets. It is also re'resented as. Tan# Bon $at Dhan Bhratra Batra P#tra Ioga +et# +alatra Ura A-# K#' Bhag-a 2e' +arma Ber Men Fa5ha

Bar Iah M-a-a Bon $at Dhan Ioga +et# Pl# +alatra Ura A-# K#' Bhag-a 2e' $#n +arma Ber Men Fa5ha Bar Iah M-a-a Bhratra Tan# Batra P#tra In the Chalit Cha7ra, it is clear from the 'lacement that $#n and Pl#to to ha0e mo0ed o#t from their ho#se to the 're0io#s ho#se. The c#s' chart as 'er the ,estern s-stem is sho,n as follo,s 9 Chalit Chart Chalit Cha7ra Pl# $#n I 22/51: $at !/"": Bon )/3(: I I 2*/1*: III 23/3(: EII 12/55: Bar 2)/2": Iah 1)/"1: EI 12/(: $#n 1/1": Ber 2(/5": Men 25/15: E 1*/*: IE 23/3(: 2e' (/"!: MIII 2*/1*:

K#' 1//3(: MI 12/55: +et 1)/"1: M 12/(: IM 1*/*: Pl# 3/"): Ura 15/1": MII 22/51: C#s' Chart 23 +no, %o#r Dasha To 'redict the 'ast 'resent and f#t#re, saints e0ol0ed the s-stem of ;Dasha; or 'eriod. An- 'lanet infl#ences someone more than others at some 'oint of time, than the other 'lanet ta7es o0er and so on. Ban- Dasha s-stems ha0e 5een descri5ed as man- as "2. B#t the most common and . 'o'#lar Dasha s-stem is ;Mimshottari;. As the name s#ggests, the com'lete c-cle of Dasha is of 12/ -ears. All the nine 'lanets ta7e 'art in this s-stem. The 'eriods and the constellation assigned to them is as follo,s9 Ta5le .1 Planet Constellation %ear $#n +ritti7a, U. Phalg#ni, Uttar Ashada ( Boon Iohini, &asta, $hra0ana 1/ Bars Brigshira, Chitra, Dhanistha * Iah# Ardra, $,ati, $at5hisha 1! K#'iter P#nar0as#, Misha7ha, P. Bhadra'ada 1( $at#rn P#sh-a, An#radha, U. Bhadra'ada 1) Berc#r- Ashlesha, K-estha, Ie0ati 1* +et# Bagha, Bool, Ash,ini * Men#s P. Phal#gni, P#r0a Ashada, Bharani 2/ At the time of 5irth of the nati0e, the constellation occ#'ied 5- the Boon determines ,hich 'lanet ,ill r#le at that time. The fraction of the constellation 5alance at that time determines the ;5alance of Dasha;, that is the time 'eriod for ,hich the 'lanet ,ill r#le after 5irth. After the end of the r#ling 'eriod of that 'lanet, other 'lanets r#le one 5- one in the c-clic order as listed in ta5le 1. Fet #s #nderstand it 5- an exam'le. In the model horosco'e in the 're0io#s iss#e, ,e

ha0e date of 5irth 15.1.1)*/, time ".3/ A.B. and 'lace of 5irth Delhi. Ln this date and time Boon:s degree is Aries )/ 3(1 , that is, it is in Ash,ini 2a7shatra. Ash,ini starts at // Aries and extends #'to 13/2/1 Lf Aries. This ,a- Boon has crossed )/ 3(1 of Aries and has 13/ 2/1 . )/ 3(1 < 3/ ""1 still to go. 4rom ta5le.I ,e find Ash,ini is re'resented 5- +et# ha0ing a 'eriod of * -ears. &ence the nati0e ,as 5orn ,hen 7et# ,as r#ling and it had a 5alance of In Astrolog- it is #nderstood that at an- 'oint of time nat#re is go0erned 5- a 'lanet and the 'osition of that 'lanet in the horosco'e determines ho, the nati0e ,ill feel or 5eha0e. This cha'ter details the calc#lation of the 'lanet acting at an'oint of time and the 'eriod for ,hich the 'lanet r#les. 2" 3/ ""1 x * -ears < 1.)( -ears 13/ 2/1 < 1 -ear 1( months 1( da-s Adding this 'eriod to date of 5irth, ,e get 15 . 1 . 1)*/ 1( . 11 . 1 1 . 1 . 1)*2 ie. the nati0e ex'erienced infl#ence of +et# for 1 -ear 1( months 1( da-s from 5irth till 1 Kan. 1)*2. Thereafter, according to ta5le 1, ,as #nder the infl#ence of Men#s for 2/ -ears #'to 1.1.1))2= follo,ed 5- $#n for ( -ears #'to 1.1.1))!, then 5- Boon for 1/ -ears 1.1.2//! and so on. 2ote that the 'eriod of 1 -ear 11 months 1( da-s is called the 5alance of * -ears of +et# 2/ -ears of Men#s etc. are called Dasha 'eriods. Th#s ,e com'#te the Dasha 'eriods for nat#re as follo,s 9 Balance of Dasha 9 1 -ear 11 months 1( da-s, of +et#. D.L.B. 15 . 1 . 1)*/ Balance of +et# 1( . 11 . 1 1 . 1 . 1)*2 Men#s 2/ 1 . 1 . 1))2 $#n ( 1 . 1 . 1))! Boon 1/

1 . 1 . 2//! Bars * 1 . 1 . 2/15 Iah# 1! 1 . 1 . 2/33 K#'iter 1( 1 . 1 . 2/") $at#rn 1) 1 . 1 . 2/(! Bemor- 1* 1 . 1 . 2/!5 2o one ,ill 5e satisfied if ,e tell him ho, he ,ill go thro#gh his next 1/ or 2/ -ears in n#t shell. &e ,o#ld ,ant to 7no, the effects of e0ents in detail. $o the a5o0e Dashas are f#rther s#5di0ided into s#5 'eriods or Antar Dashas. D#ring the 'lanet:s Dasha, Antar Dasha starts from 'lanet itself, follo,ed 5the same se6#ence as gi0en in ta5le I. The 'eriod is also s#5di0ided into the same fractions as assigned in ta5le 2o. 1. In 5rief $#n r#les for ( -ears. $#n ,ill ha0e its o,n s#5 'eriod first for (x(G12/ < 3(G12/ -ears < 3( x 12 12/ < 3 months 1! da-s After this ,ill come Boon:s s#5 'eriod. Boon re'resents 1/ -ears o#t of total s'an of 12/ -ears of Mimshottari dasa. $o it ,ill r#le for 1G12th 'art of the total 'eriod of ( -ears of $#n . Th#s Boon ,ill ha0e s#5 'eriod of ( x 1/G12/ < S < ( months In a similar manner ,e can com'#te s#5 'eriods of all the 'lanets ,hile maNor infl#ence of other 'lanet is there. months 25 Ta5le 2 9 Mimshottari $#5 Periods $#5 Periods of $#n Dasha Planet $#n Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# Men %ear / / / / / / / / 1 Bonth 3 ( " 1/ ) 11 1/ " / Da- 1! / ( 2" 1! 12 ( ( / $#5 Periods of Boon Dasha Planet Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# Men $#n

%ear / / 1 1 1 1 / 1 / Bonth 1/ * ( " * 5 * ! ( Da- / / / / / / / / / $#5 Periods of Bars Dasha Planet Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# Men $#n Boon %ear / 1 / 1 / / 1 / / Bonth " / 11 1 11 " 2 " * Da- 2* 1! ( ) 2* 2* / ( / $#5 Periods of Iah# Dasha Planet Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# Men $#n Boon Bars %ear 2 2 2 2 1 3 / 1 1 Bonth ! " 1/ ( / / 1/ ( / Da- 12 2" ( 1! 1! / 2" / 1! $#5 Periods of K#'iter Dasha Planet K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# Men $#n Boon Bars Iah# %ear 2 2 2 / 2 / 1 / 2 Bonth 1 ( 3 11 ! ) " 11 " Da- 1! 12 ( ( / 1! / ( 2" $#5 Periods of $at#rn Dasha Planet $at#rn Ber +et# Men $#n Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter %ear 3 2 1 3 / 1 1 2 2 Bonth / ! 1 2 11 * 1 1/ ( Da- 3 ) ) / 12 / ) ( 12 $#5 Periods of Berc#r- Dasha Planet Ber +et# Men $#n Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn %ear 2 / 2 / 1 / 2 2 2 Bonth " 11 1/ 1/ 5 11 ( 3 ! Da- 2* 2* / ( / 2* 1! ( ) 2( $#5 Periods of +et# Dasha Planet +et# Men $#n Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber %ear / 1 / / / 1 / 1 / Bonth " 2 " * " / 11 1 11 Da- 2* / ( / 2* 1! ( ) 2* $#5 Periods of Men#s Dasha Planet Men $#n Boon Bars Iah# K#'iter $at#rn Ber +et# %ear 3 1 1 1 3 2 3 2 1 Bonth " / ! 2 / ! 2 1/ 2 Da- / / / / / / / / / To com'#te the ta5le 2, the 5asic form#la is 9 $#5 'eriod of a 'lanet < >'eriod of maNor 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanetG12/ -ears.? $ince 1 -ear contains 12 months, the a5o0e form#la red#ces to

$#5 'eriod < >'eriod of maNor 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanetG1/? in months. 1e m#lti'l- the t,o 'eriods and '#t a decimal after one digit from the right. The ,hole n#m5er so o5tained gi0es in the months for the Antar Dasha and the traditional 'art m#lti'lied 5- 3 gi0es the n#m5er of da-s for of the s#5 'eriod. $#n:s s#5 'eriod in Baha Dasha of $#n ,ill 5e ( x ( < 3( '#tting decimal It is 3.( months. B- m#lti'l-ing decimal 'art 5- 3 ,e get 3.( x 3 < 3 months 1! da-s $#5.$#5 Periods 9 4or f#rther refining the res#lts, ,e can di0ide the s#5 'eriods into s#5.s#5 'eriods >Prat-antar Dasha? and s#5s#5. s#5 'eriods >$oo7shma Dasha? or e0en f#rther ado'ting the same 'roced#re as for s#5 'eriod. The form#la for s#5.s#5 'eriod ,ill 5e 9 $#5.s#5 'eriod < >Period of maNor >Prat-antar Dasha? 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5 'lanet? G >12/x12/? -ears < >Period of maNor 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5 'lanet? G 12// months $#5.s#5.s#5 'eriod < >Period of maNor >$oo7shma Dasha? 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5s#5 'lanet?G >12/x12/x12/? -ears. < >Period of maNor 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5s#5 'lanet?G

2* >12//x12/? months. < >Period of maNor 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5 'lanet x 'eriod of s#5.s#5s#5 'lanet?G "/ da-s The smallest s#5.s#5.s#5 'eriod is of $#n. $#n.$#n .$#n, ,hich is (x(x(x( "// If ,e go one ste' dee' ,e get Prana Dasha of $#n.$#n.$#n.$#n.$#n < 3.2" x ( 12/ < .1(2 da-s < " ho#rs. onlda-s 12)( "// < < 3.2" da-s Tho#gh mathematicall- it seems to 5e 0ia5le to go e0en f#rther do,n the ste', ho,e0er these, calc#lation is highl- s#sce'ti5le to errors 5eca#se of inherent errors in time of 5irth and ,e do not s#ggest at all to go 5e-ond 5 le0els. @0en 5th le0el is normall- inacc#rate eno#gh to ma7e it a5s#rd. 1 min#te of time ca#ses 3/; < 1G2 of error in Boon. This shifts the Dasha of $#n 5( -ears x 3(5 da-s x 2" ho#rs 1 13/ 2/1 x (/ 2 < 33 ho#rs 1hereas the entire Pran Dasha of $#n is onlx " ho#rs, the difference of 33 ho#rs f#rther gets am'lified to 11/ ho#rs, that is 5 da-s if the Boon is in the constellation of Men#s at the time of 5irth. 2ote 9 1hile com'#ting Dasha dates ,e add da-s to da-s, months to months and -ears to -ears. If da-s are more than 3/, ,e ta7e a carr- o0er of 1 to months and similarl- if months are more than 12 ,e ta7e a carr- o0er of 1 to -ear. &ere ,e do not ta7e into acco#nt the

act#al n#m5er. of da-s in a month. It seems that ,e are ta7ing a -ear as 3(/ da-s onl- . 12 months x 3/ da-s 'er month. &o,e0er, this is a ,rong #nderstanding. Act#all-, ,e are di0iding the -ear into months 5- m#lti'l-ing 512 and f#rther con0erting into da-s 5m#lti'l-ing of 3/. 1e add #' in the same manner. $o it is not correct to add 5- ta7ing act#al da-s of months into consideration. This sim'licit- of calc#lation ta7es the -ear as 3(5.25 da-s. The act#al dates com'#ted 5rigoro#s calc#lations 5- ta7ing act#al da-s of the months and 5- this sim'le method differ onl- 5- a fe, da-s= acc#rate 'racticall- for all astrological '#r'oses. 4or a tho#ght 9 There are maninherent 'ro5lems ,ith Dasha calc#lation. Dasha changes 0er- fast ,ith the a5sol#te 0al#e of Boon:s 'osition. It does not de'end #'on another 0al#e and do#5t in the 0al#e of A-anamsa ma7es it almost #seless. $econdl-, there are so man- Dasha s-stems and it is not 7no,n ,hich Dasha sho#ld 5e a''lied ,hen. Thirdl-, the 'eriods assigned to different 'lanets seem to 5e 6#ite adhoc and no reasoning is a0aila5le an-,here. This ma7es the Dasha s-stem 0er- do#5tf#l and the transit of 'lanets seems to gi0e a m#ch 5etter method of timing an e0ent. %et, it is diffic#lt to den- the s-stem of Dasha. Lften it seems to 5e gi0ing res#lts ,ith #ndo#5ted acc#rac-. 2! here are three 5asic 'arameters in a horosco'e 9 1. 'lanet 2. ho#se and 3. Iashi >sign?. T,el0e Iashis are s'read o0er t,el0e ho#ses= on an a0erage one Iashi occ#'ies

one ho#se. &o,e0er, Iashi is exactl- 3//, ,hereas a ho#se ma- 0ar- in siJe and the starting of ho#se ma- fall at an- Iashi at an- 'oint. It is e6#i0alent to 'lacing one circle o0er the other, 5oth ha0ing same dimensions, 5#t an- one 'oint on circ#mference of one circle can 5e made to align ,ith an- 'oint on circ#mference of the other circle. The rest of the circle gets a#tomaticall- 'laced. $imilarl- in a horosco'e ,e determine the Fagna >first ho#se 'osition? and 'lace the Iashi circle o0er the rest of the t,el0e ho#ses. After fixing the signs o0er ho#ses ,e 'lace the 'lanets in the 0ario#s ho#ses. $ince there are onl- nine 'lanets and some 'lanets com5ine together in a ho#se, some ho#ses are left em't-. The 'lanets 'ossess some intrinsic 'ro'erties and ,hen mixed ,ith the colo#r of sign and ho#se the- occ#'-, thechange their colo#r, leading to different 5eha0io#r, at different time of 5irths. $t#d- of this change in 5eha0io#r of the 'lanets is 5asic astrolog-. There are three 5asic reasons ,h- 'lanets 5eha0e differentl-, li7e 1. the ho#se in ,hich it is 'laced. 2 sign in ,hich it is 'laced 3. other 'lanets associated ,ith as'ecting it. Lnce the 'lanet:s 5eha0io#r is ascertained 5eca#se of its 'lacement, the res#lts are

changed ,ith time, de'ending #'on Dasha o'erating at that time. Dasha tells #s ,hich 'lanet is effecti0e to gi0e res#lts at ,hat time. To #nderstand ,hat the horosco'e has in store for a nati0e, let #s st#d- ho, the 'lanets ha0e co.relation ,ith life. 1e gi0e 5elo, the 5asic nat#re of 'lanets and ho#ses and also ,hat the- signif-. $ignification of Planets $#n 9 $#n is the 7ing, so#l, father, ,ill 'o,er, life, glor-, health, so0ereignt- and clothes. Its colo#r is 'in7 or red. It has anger 5#t momentar-. Its element is gold and gem r#5-. @ast is re'resented 5- $#n. Boon 9 It is a cold, calm and 6#iet 'lanet and re'resents mind, mother, motherland, mone-, e-es, l#ngs, li6#ids and n#rses. Its colo#r is ,hite, direction north.east, element is sil0er and gem 'earl. Bars 9 Bars is a soldier and re'resents land, 5oldness, The Art of Prediction B- no, ,e ha0e learnt ho, to cast horosco'e. @0en the 5est casting is #seless if ,e can not #se it for 'rediction. In this lesson ,e descri5e ho, to start 'redicting a horosco'e. T 2) -o#nger 5rothers and sisters, chemists, fire, anger, s#rger-. It has anger ,hich sta-s for a long time. Its element is co''er and gem coral. Its colo#r is red and direction so#th. Berc#r- 9 Berc#r- is tal7ati0e and tactf#l, 5#t not harmf#l. It is a good trader, mathematician, editor and '#5lisher.

It has excellent arg#mentati0e and anal-tical 'o,er. It re'resents memor-, throat, arms, maternal #ncles and short No#rne-s. Its element is 5ronJe and gem is emerald. Colo#r is green and direction north. K#'iter 9 It is the hea0iest and the most 5enefic 'lanet and re'resents A#r#. It is 0er'olitie and religio#s and re'resents ed#cation, school, tem'les, oils, fats, s#gar, long No#rne-s, N#dges, 'riests and scientists. It:s colo#r is -ello,, metal 'latin#m, gem -ello, sa'hire and direction north . east. Men#s 9 Men#s is a 'lanet of sex, lo0e and 5ea#t-. It is a 'oet, dancer, singer, ,ife, actor or dri0er. It re'resents l#x#r-, 0ehicles, 7idne-, sil0er, diamond, so#th.east direction and ,hite colo#r. $at#rn 9 It is the most malefic 'lanet and 0er- selfish and c#nning. It re'resents death, 'olitics, gas, aero'lanes 'o0ert-, ser0ants, electronics and legs. Its colo#r is 5l#e, element iron, gem 5l#e sa'hire and direction is ,est. Iah# 9 Iah# is an ex'ansionist 'lanet and re'resents smo7e, mental dist#r5ance, loss, theft, death of a familmem5er. It also re'resents s#dden gain thro#gh lotter-, gam5ling or s'ec#lation. Its colo#r is 5lac7, element mixed metal and gem gomed. +et# 9 It has tail 5#t no head and re'resents 5ro7en relationshi's, changing e0ents,

accidents. It re'resents electronics, 5ro,n colo#r. Aem is cat:s e-e. $ignification of &o#se 1st ho#se 9 1st ho#se or so called Fagna is the most im'ortant of all the ho#ses and determines the longe0it-, health, character and nat#re of the nati0e. It s'ecificallsignifies the head. 2nd ho#se 9 This ho#se is also called :Dhan: ho#se and deals ,ith mone- matters, one:s de'osits, income tax, c#stoms, com'#ters. It re'resents one:s famil- and face, s'eech, food ha5its and left e-e. 3rd ho#se 9 Called :Bhratra: ho#se, this is the ho#se of 5rothers and sisters, signifies co#rage, 5oldness, short No#rne-s and throat. Lne is made singer 5- this ho#se onl-. "th ho#se 9 "th ho#se re'resents mother, motherland, ho#se, mental 'eace, 0ehicles and ed#cation. It is also called :Batra Bha0a:. It re'resents chest, 'artic#larl- l#ngs. 5th ho#se 9 This ho#se is also called as :P#tra Bha0a: and re'resents children, intelligence, s'ec#lation and lo0e affairs. It indicates stomach and gi0es 'rofessions of teacher, 'rinci'al and g-naecologist. (th ho#se 9 This ho#se is called :Ii'# Bha0a:, that is ho#se of enemies. It go0erns digesti0e s-stem, 6#arrels co#rt and No5s done 5- hand, li7e t-'ing. *th ho#se 9 Also called

:+alatra Bha0a:, it re'resents ,ife, 5#siness 'artner, marriage, 5#siness or em'lo-ment in a 'ri0ate firm. It go0erns sex#al organs and diseases thereof. !thho#se9 Called :A-#sthan: it re'resents death, reasons of death, #ndergro#nd ,ealth, historical things and mon#ments. It re'resents accidents, 'arental 'ro'ert-, life ins#rance, mining and an#s. )th ho#se 9 Called ho#se of l#c7 and religion, it re'resents 'ilgrimage, higher st#dies li7e doctorate, long No#rne-s, lang#ages li7e $ans7rit, Ioman and &e5re,. It also indicates grand 'arents and mental a'tit#de to,ards %oga and $adhana. It re'resents hi's. 1/th ho#se 9 This ho#se is called :+arma $thana: and re'resents the acts one does. It signifies father, go0ernment, 'olitics, management. It go0erns 7nees and defines the 'rofession of a 'erson. 3/ Ascendant %oga7ara7a Bara7a 2e#tral >Benefics? >Balefics? Aries $#n, Bar, K#' Ber, Bon, Men,$at Ta#r#s $#n, Bar, Ber, $at Bon K#'. Men Aemini Men Bar, $#n, $at, K#' Bon, Ber Cancer Bon, Bar, K#' Ber, Men $#n, $at Feo $#n, Bar Ber, Men K#'. Bon, $at Mirgo Men K#', Boon, Bar $at, $#n, Ber Fi5ra Bar, Ber, Men $at Bon K#', $#n . $cor'io $#n, Bon, K#' Ber Men $at, Bar $agittario#s $#n, Bar Ber, Men, $at K#', Boon Ca'ricorn Ber, $at, Men Ber Bon, K#' $#n A6#ario#s Men, $#n $at, Bar K#', Boon Ber Pisces Bon, Bar $#n Ber, $at, Men K#'. Planet L,nershi' @xaltation De5ilitation As'ects 2at#re $ex

$#n Feo Aries Fi5ra * Balefic Bale Boon Cancer Ta#r#s $cor'io * Benefic 4emale Bars AriesG$cor'io Ca'ricorn Cancer ",*,1/ Balefic Bale Berc#r- AeminiGMirgo Mirgo Pisces * Benefic 4emale K#'iter $agiGPisces Cancer Ca'ricorn 5,*,) Benefic Bale Men#s Ta#r#sGFi5ra Pisces Mirgo * Benefic 4emale $atr#n Ca'riGA6#a. Fi5ra. Aries 3,*,1/ Balefic Im'otant Iah# . Ta#r#s $cor'io . Balefic . +et# . $cor'io Ta#r#s . Balefic . 11th ho#se 9 11th ho#se is ho#se of gains or :Fa5ha: and re'resents so#rces of income, elder 5rothers and sisters, friend:s circle and legs. 12 th ho#se 9 The ho#se of loss and ex'enses is called :M-a-a $thana: and co0ers 5ad ha5its, hos'ital, Nail, long No#rne-s and 6#ests. It also indicates ex'ort and im'ort, also feet. $trength of Planets The 'lanets gain strength at certain 'oints and 5eha0e differentl- in different signs and ho#ses. The- sho, different relationshi's ,ith different 'lanets. Planets o,n certain signs. $#n and Boon o,n one sign and other 'lanets o,n t,o signs each. Iah# . +et#, 5eing 'se#do 'lanets, do not o,n an- sign. Planets get exalted or 5ecome 'o,erf#l at certain 'oints and get de5ilitated exactl- 1!// a,a-. Boon, Berc#r-, K#'iter and Men#s are 5enefic 5- nat#re and others are malefic as sho,n in the ta5le 5elo, . 4or an- ascendant, some 'lanets 5ecome %oga7ara7a or Bara7a, de'ending #'on the ho#se the- o,n. This is one of

the most im'ortant factor in 'rediction. A %oga7ara7a 'lanet sho,s good res#lts in its Dasha or Antar Dasha. $tones are s#ggested onl- for a %oga7ara7a 'lanet. If a 'lanet is 5enefic onl- then it is good to ma7e it strong = else it ,ill harm the nati0e. Planets ,hich are %oga7ara7a for each ascendant is gi0en in the ta5le 5elo,. Benefics . Fords of 1,5,) %oga7ara7a and lords of ", *, 1/, if nat#ral malefic. Balefics . Fords of 3,(, Bara7a 11and lords of ",*,1/, if nat#ral 5enefic 2e#tral . Ford of 2,!, 12. In the next lesson ,e shall st#d- ho, to #se these data for 'redictions. 31 o ex'lain the method of 'rediction, I start ,ith the exam'le of mo,n horosco'e 9 DLB 9 13G12G1)5( TLB 9 2391/ PLB 9 Delhi Fagna is Feo. $o the nati0e can 5e identified 5- a lion. The lion is 5old 5- nat#re and has confidence to ,in o0er an-one. It is normall- 'assi0e and 5ecomes acti0e onl- ,hen re6#ired. It does not harm #ntil dist#r5ed. It normall- has a ro5#st health. It is as'ected 5- $at#rn from "th ho#se, ,hich ma7es the nati0e hard ,or7ing. The lord $#n is 'laced in "th ho#se

in $cor'io, a friend:s ho#se, 5#t ,ith $at#rn and Iah#, ,hich are its enemies. It gi0es nati0e health 'ro5lems, li7e 5lood 'ress#re. 2o, consider 2nd ho#se. Dhanasthan or ho#se of Art of Prediction .2 To 'redict horosco'e, consider the ho#ses one 5- one and see the 'lanets 'laced in the ho#se, the 'lanets as'ecting it, the 'lacement of its lord and the 'lanets as'ecting it, or associated ,ith the lord. Amalgamation of the effects of these #nits gi0e, #s the com'lete 'rediction a5o#t the horosco'e. T ,ealth contains K#'iter, the +ara7a for this ho#se. It indicates nati0e ,ill ac6#ire ,ealth 5- o,n earnings. K#'iter in 2nd ho#se also gi0es soft and im'ressi0e 0oice. B#t there is as'ect of Bars on 2nd ho#se. $o sometimes ,ords are lost ,hile s'ea7ing. This as'ect also gi0es a tendenc- that 'eo'le mis#nderstand or misinter'ret his ,ords. The lord Berc#ris 'laced in 5th ho#se, so the nati0e is a 'rofessional, ,ho earns 5- his 7no,ledge. Foo7 at 3rd ho#se. Men#s is there in 3rd ho#se . its o,n ho#se. Bars is ha0ing !th as'ect on 3rd ho#se. Also Boon has *th as'ect on this ho#se. A 5enefic 'lanet in 3rd ho#se gi0es -o#nger sister and good relationshi' ,ith co.5orns. Bars: as'ect dist#r5s ,riting 'o,er and Boon:s as'ect gi0es good throat and 0oice. It also gi0es lot of short No#rne-s in life. "th ho#se, the ho#se of comforts, has three malefic 'lanets . Iah#, $at#rn and $#n, ma7ing the nati0e restless at

home. This sit#ation is f#rther aggra0ated 5- the 'resence of "th lord Bars in !th ho#se. $o man- 'lanets in "th ho#se ens#res comforts at home, 5#t the malefics indicate one does not 'a- attention to home. It also indicates 5ad health of mother. $at#rn and Iah# indicate good ed#cation for the nati0e. 5th ho#se contains Berc#r- in the ho#se o,ned 5- K#'iter. It is also in exchange %oga ,ith K#'iter from 2nd ho#se. This gi0es 0er- good calc#lation 'o,er. It also ens#res son to the nati0e. This also gi0es 7no,ledge of astrolog- and com'#ters to the nati0e. (th ho#se is o,ned 5- $at#rn and as'ected 5- K#'iter from 2nd ho#se and $at#rn from "th 32 ho#se. 3rd as'ect of $at#rn gi0es s#ccess o0er enemies and K#'iter ens#res nati0e has to do some ,or7 5- hand, li7e t-'ing on com'#ter. *th ho#se is not as'ected 5an- 'lanet and its lord $at#rn is 'laced in "th ho#se, ,hich is 1/th from *th ho#se. This gi0es nati0e a ,or7ing ,ife. $at#rn gi0es a ,ife ,ith fair com'lexion 5elonging to an orthodox famil-. It also indicates 5#siness 'artnershi's that ,ill not 5e smooth. !th ho#se, the ho#se of longe0it-, contains Bars in the ho#se of K#'iter, as'ected 5K#'iter itself. Presence of Bars indicates man- accidents in one:s life, 5#t K#'iter sa0es from all s#ch accidents.

&e ,ill also 5e 5enefitted from ins#rance. &e ,ill get 'ro'ert- from his 'arents. Bars in !th gi0es medi#m longe0it-, 5#t K#'iter stretches it. )th ho#se contains Boon, as'ected 5- Men#s, indicating good l#c7 for the nati0e. The 5enefic 'lanets in the ho#se of religion also ma7e the nati0e religio#s. &e also #nderta7es long tra0el 5eca#se of these t,o 'lanets. The +armasthana 1/th ho#se is occ#'ied 5- +et# and has as'ect of K#'iter from 2nd ho#se and $#n and $at#rn from "th ho#se. K#'iter:s as'ect ma7es the nati0e a 5#sinessman, +et# 5rings him into com'#ters, $at#rn associates him ,ith ind#str- and $#n ens#res that he is at the to' of affairs in his 5#siness en0ironment. 1/th lord Men#s in 3rd ho#se, the ho#se of co#rage, f#rther ens#res 5#siness and indicates co#rageo#s ste's in his line of action. 11th ho#se, the ho#se of gains, has as'ect of Berc#rand Bars. $ince the ho#se is r#led 5- Berc#r- and its lord is in 5th ho#se as'ecting it, the nati0e earns 5- intellect, 5#t as'ect of Bars from !th ho#se red#ces 'rofits into losses too. $o the o0er all s#ccess is not at 'ar ,ith the ,or7 done 5- the nati0e. 12th ho#se is o,ned 5Boon and since its lord is 'laced in )th ho#se, it indicates that the nati0e gains

from far off land. @x'ort and im'ort ,ill gi0e him gains. It also ens#res man- foreign to#rs for the nati0e. This ,a- ,e see that to anal-se the horosco'e ,e inter'ret the ho#se one 5- one, or inter'ret the ho#se ,hose s#5Nect matter ,e ,ant to 7no,. 4irst ,e see ,hat are the 'lanets 'osited in that ho#se. Then see the as'ects o0er these 'lanets, or this ho#se and then see ,here the lord of the concerned ho#se is 'laced and ,hich are the 'lanets as'ecting it. Pro'er amalgamation of the 'ro'erties and a little 'ractice of lin7ing things together gi0es -o# the 5est of 'rediction. The s'ecial effects in the horosco'e can 5e seen 5loo7ing at the 0ario#s %ogas formed in the horosco'e. The 'o,erf#l %ogas ta7e a,athe attention from other as'ects and the- 5ecome more effecti0e in life. 4or exam'le, in this horosco'e K#'iter and Berc#r- are in exchange %oga, that is, K#'iter is in the ho#se of Berc#r- and Berc#rin the ho#se of K#'iter. This exchange gi0es the nati0e a strong li7ing for calc#lation and astrolog-, since the exchange is 5et,een 2nd and 5th ho#ses. It increases the intelligence le0el and gi0es him a 'rofessional career. $imilarl- Boon is 'ressed 5et,een Bars and +et# from 5oth the sides, forming D#rdh#ra %oga, ,hich gi0es nati0e ,ealth,

fame and 'o,er. A5sence of an- strong Dhana %oga ma7es him a man of normal means. Indi0id#all- the %ogas sometimes re0erse the effects of the 'lanets com'letel-. Bore and more 7no,ledge of %ogas ma7es a man 5etter and 5etter astrologer. In the next lesson ,e shall see ho, to time the e0ents in ones life 5- #sing Dasha and transits. (" * ) 11 1/ 3 !2 1 12 5 K#' Men Iah $at $#n Ber Bar Bon +et 33 Art of Prediction.3 e contin#e ,ith the exam'le cited in the last article 9 Date of Birth 13 9129 1)5(, Time of Birth 23 91/ at Delhi. Fagna +#ndli is as gi0en . The nati0e has the follo,ing Dashas 9 Balance of Dasha 9 +et# 3 -ears 11 months 2 da-s Age +et# #'to 1591191)(/ " -rs.

Men#s#'to 1591191)!/ 2" ; $#n #'to 1591191)!( 3/ ; Boon #'to 15 91191))( "/ ; Bars #'to 1591192//3 "* ; Iah# #'to 1591192/1! (5 ; K#'. #'to 1591192/3" !1 ; Dasha in the 0er- childhood 5asicall- affects health of the nati0e and 'arents. D#ring teenage it affects ed#cation, in -o#th it affects mind, No5 and famil- and in old age it again affects health and the children or the careta7er. * ) 1/ 11 12 1 2 3 " 5 ( Iah $at $#n K#' Men Ber Bar Bon ! +et As ,e see the nati0e ,ent thro#gh Dasha of +et# #'to age of ". +et# is in the ho#se of Men#s in +endra in the ho#se re'resenting father. &ence it ga0e good health to nati0e and 'rogress to father. After the age of " #'to age of 2" nati0e ,ent thro#gh Dasha of Men#s. This ,as the age ,hen st#dies ,ere

im'ortant. Men#s is in its o,n ho#se in the ho#se of ,riting. It also re'resents artistic nat#re. The ho#se of ed#cation, that is "th ho#se, has $#n, $at#rn and Iah# 'laced there. Iah# and $at#rn ha0e the nat#re of ma7ing the nati0e intro0ert and tho#ghtf#l. $at#rn gi0es interest in science. Berc#r- in 5th ma7es nati0e calc#lati0e. $o the 'eriod of Men#s ga0e good ed#cation ,hile ma7ing the interest of the nati0e in science and mathematics. 4rom the age of 2" to the age of 3/ nati0e #nder,ent Dasha of $#n for ( -ears. $#n in this horosco'e is Fagnesh in "th ho#se. This ga0e him start of his o,n 5#siness and ga0e a lot of name and fame at the -o#ng age of 2" to 3/. Boon ,hich is lord of 12th is sitting in the ho#se of l#c7. It 5ro#ght for,ard a great l#c7. &e 5ecame 6#ite s#ccessf#l in To time the e0ents in ones life, ,e #se Dasha and transits. Dasha tells ,hich 'lanet is affecting the nati0e at a 'artic#lar time, ,hereas transit tells #s ,hich natal 'lanet is 0i5rating 5eca#se of the transiting 'lanet. A com5ined res#lt of Dasha and transit gi0es #s the 5eha0io#r of the nati0e at a 'artic#lar time. 1 3" his 5#siness and started an ind#str-. Boon is follo,ed 5- Bars from the age of "/ to "*. Tho#gh Bars is %oga7ara7a 5#t is 'laced in !th ho#se. It ga0e a 5ig set 5ac7 and the ind#str- ,as closed do,n. Iah#, ,hich is in de5ilitation

5#t in +endra in "th ho#se is ex'ected to gi0e good res#lts= some,hat similar to the 'eriod of $#n. Iah# can gi0e health 'ro5lem. K#'iter 5eing 5th lord in 2nd ho#se its Dasha ,ill start onl- at the age of (2, 5#t it ma- 5e 5est 'eriod of the life of the nati0e. &e ma- lead a serene life in this Dasha. Transit 9 To st#d- the transit, let #s consider onl$at#rn, K#'iter and Iah#. Lther 'lanets mo0e fast. $#n, Berc#r- and Men#s rotate once e0er- -ear. Bars ta7es t,o -ears to com'lete one c-cle and Boon ta7es onl- a month. +et# is al,a-s o''osite to Iah#. $o for a f#ll life descri'tion of the transit, onl- three 'lanets are s#fficient. $at#rn ta7es 3/ -ears to com'lete one c-cle, Iah# 1! -ears and K#'iter 12 -ears. $imilarl- ,e consider the effect of these slo, mo0ing 'lanets o0er these 'lanets onl-. Transit gi0es significant res#lts ,ith res'ect to Boon. 1hen $at#rn crosses o0er Boon, ,e call it $ade $ati. $ade $ati normall- gi0es lots of tension in0aria5l-. It gi0es 'rogress or loss, excellent for 'rofessional s#ccess and a 5ig 5rea7 in 5#siness association Age Transit of L0er &o#se 2 K#' IahG$at "th. change of ho#se 12 K#'G$at K#'GBoon 2nd. good ed#cation 1" K#' IahG$at "th. ed#cation, change of ho#se 1! Iah IahG$at "th. ed#cation >excellent res#lt? 2" K#' K#' 2nd. scholarshi'

2( K#' IahG$at o0er "th lord. marriage and change of ho#se 3/ $at $atGIah o0er *th lord. 5rea7 in 'artnershi' 3( K#' K#' 2nd 8 "th stee' increase in income Iah IahG$at and recognition in field of astrolog3! K#' IahG$at "th. setting #' ind#str"2 $at Bon )th.ind#str- closed "! K#' K#' 2nd.good for income 5/ K#' IahG$at "th.change of ho#se 5" Iah IahG$at "th.fame (/ $at $atGIah "th. (/ K#' K#' 2nd. (2 K#' Iah#G$at "thde'ending #'on the sign in ,hich Boon is. $imilarl$at#rn crossing o0er !th ho#se from Boon also gi0es tension and losses. In this case K#'iter crossed o0er Iah#G$at#rn at the age of 2, 1", 2(, 3!, 5/, (2 etc. $at#rn crossed o0er K#'iter at 12, 2", 3(, "!, (/ and o0er Iah#G$at#rn at the age of 3/ and (/. Iah# crossed o0er Iah#G$at at the age of 1!, 3(, 5", $o if ,e '#t this age,ise it is as 'er the ta5le. If ,e loo7 at the transits ,e in0aria5l- find K#'iter transiting o0er "th ho#se o0er Iah# and $at#rn, has gi0en a change of residence or has gi0en a ne, 'ro'ert-. $ince $at#rn is *th lord, transit of K#'iter o0er *th ho#se ga0e marriage and $at#rn o0er Iah# or $at#rn ga0e 5rea7 in 5#siness 'artnershi'. 2ati0e ,ent thro#gh $ade $ati of $at#rn in 1)(! and then in 1))(. D#ring the first one it ga0e a dro' in academic res#lts and in 2nd it ga0e loss in 5#siness. $at#rn crossed o0er !th

ho#se from Boon at the age of 3/ in 1)!5.1)!!, ,hen it ga0e 5rea7 in 'artnershi' t,ice and 5ro#ght the income to the roc7 5ottom le0el. It also ga0e 5ad health to mother and loss of life of one of the close relati0es. In a n#t shell transits seem to 5e sho,ing their res#lts 0ereffecti0el-= e0en more than Dasha. BaNor transits 5ring maNor changes in the life of the nati0e. Transit of $at#rn from Boon is 0er- im'ortant. K#'iter and Iah# gi0e e6#al res#lts from Fagna, as ,ell as Boon. If ,e s#'erim'ose the res#lt of Dasha o0er that of the transit ,e can 'redict 5etter. 35 Art of Prediction." e contin#e ,ith the exam'le cited in the last article 9 Date of Birth 13 9129 1)5(, Time of Birth 23 91/ at Delhi. Fagna +#ndli is gi0en as 9 1e ha0e seen ho, Dasha and transit determine the 'eriod of the ha''ening. In this lesson, ,e shall see ho, different %ogas affect the life of the nati0e. 1 There are tho#sands of %ogas mentioned in the text and it is not 'ossi5le for an indi0id#al to learn and a''lall the %ogas man#all- on a horosco'e. Therefore ,e gi0e fe, im'ortant %ogas, ,hich one can chec7 on a horosco'e easil- and can decide effecti0el-. @xchange %oga 9 This %oga is formed ,hen t,o 'lanets exchange their res'ecti0e ho#ses i.e. 'lanet

A is in ho#se of B and 'lanet B is in ho#se of A. @xchange %oga is good if it occ#rs 5et,een +endras and Tri7onas. The exchange ma7es the affected 'lanets strong, either good or 5ad, de'ending #'on the ho#se it re'resents. In the gi0en horosco'e also, there is a exchange 5et,een Berc#r- and K#'iter from 2nd to 5th ho#se, ma7ing the nati0e good in calc#lations and astrolog-. This also gi0es the nati0e income from mental ,or7. There can 5e maxim#m three exchange %ogas in a horosco'e in0ol0ing six 'lanets . In the horosco'e of Brs. Indira Aandhi there ,ere three exchanges. There is an exchange 5et,een Boon and $at#rn from Fagna to *th ho#se, exchange 5et,een $#n and change made her a 0erstrong lad-. &o,e0er, she ,as 7illed in the Dasha of $at#rn. Boon, 5eca#se $at#rn and Boon, 5oth ga0e res#lt of *th ho#se and 5ecame Bara7a for her. AaN +esari %oga 9 This %oga is formed ,hen K#'iter is in +endra from Boon . It gi0es ,ealth and 'o,er to the nati0e. $mt. Indira Aandhi 1)G11G1)1* ( ! ) 1/ 11

1 2 3 " * $#n Bar 12 5 K#' +et# $at Bon Men Iah Ber A Bars from 2nd and 5th ho#se and K#'iter and Men#s from (th and 11th ho#se.These three ex. * ) 1/ 11 12 1 2 3 " 5 ( Iah $at $#n K#' Men Ber Bar Bon ! A +et 3( Chandra Bangal %oga 9 1hen Boon and Bars are together, or there is n#t#ral as'ect 5et,een them, this %oga is formed. Beca#se of

this %oga man is 'assionate. $#na'ha %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanets in 2nd ho#se to Boon this %oga is formed. In this %oga nati0e ,ill ha0e good ,ealth. Ana'ha %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanets in 12th ho#se to Boon this -oga is formed. If nat#ral 5enefic 'lanet is there, it gi0es name, fame, ,ealth and s#ccess, ,hile nat#ral malefic gi0es tro#5le. D#r#dhara %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanets 5oth in the 2nd and 12th ho#ses to Boon, 5enefics gi0e good res#lt and malefic ca#se tro#5le. Benefic and malefic com5ined gi0e ne#tral res#lts. +emadr#m %oga 9 This %oga is formed ,hen there are no 'lanets on 5oth sides of Boon . 2ati0e is 0er- 'oor in this case. Mesi %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanet in 2nd ho#se from $#n this %oga is formed. 2at#ral 5enefic 'lanet gi0e good res#lt and malefic ca#se tro#5le. Masi %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanets in 12th from $#n this %oga is formed. 2at#ral 5enefic 'lanets gi0e good res#lt and malefic ca#se tro#5le. U5ha-achari %oga 9 1hen there are 'lanets 5oth in the 2nd and 12th ho#se to $#n 5enefics gi0e good res#lt and malefic ca#se tro#5le. Benefic and malefic com5ined gi0e ne#tral res#lts. Pancha Baha P#r#sha %ogas 9 4ollo,ing are the fi0e %ogas formed 5- fi0e 'lanets.

Bars, K#'iter, Berc#r-, Men#s and $at#rn 9 >a? I#cha7a %oga 9 1hen Bars is in exaltation or o,n sign and is in +endra to Fagna or Boon, this %oga is formed . In this %oga nati0e ,ill ha0e good health, ,ealth and get higher 'osition in defence or 'olice. >5? &ansa %oga 9 1hen K#'iter is in exaltation sign or o,n sign and is in +endra to Fagna or Boon, this %oga is formed . In this %oga nati0e ,ill ha0e good 'ersonalitand good moral character. >c? Bhadra %oga 9 This %oga is formed ,hen Berc#r- is in its exaltation sign, o,n sign and is in +endra to Boon and Fagna. 1ith this %oga 'erson ,ill ha0e good 'ro'ortional lim5s and strong 5od-, ,ith ,ealth and comforts. >d? Bala0-a %oga 9 1hen Men#s is in its exaltation sign, o,n sign or is in +endra to Fagna and Boon, nati0e ,ill 5e ,ealth-, handsome, ,ell 5#ilt 5od- and ,ill 5e ha'',ith his famil-. &e ,ill ha0e good comforts in life. >e? $asa %oga 9 1hen $at#rn is in its exaltation or o,n sign and is in +endra to Fagna or Boon, nati0e ,ill ha0e man- ser0ants and also ha0e good ,ealth and health. IaN %ogas and Dhan %oga9 . 1hen more than three 'lanets are in exaltation sign or o,n sign and 'laced in +endra, this -oga is formed. . 1hen Ford of 2nd, )th, 5th,

11th or one of these occ#'ies +endra from Fagna or Boon, this %oga is formed. . Three or fo#r 'lanets ha0ing Dig5ala. . 1hen +endra lord and Tri7ona lord ma7e relationshi' 5et,een them, this %oga is formed li7e 9 >i? )th lord is in Ist, "th, *th and 1/th. >ii? 5th lord in is Ist, "th *th and 1/th >iii? 1st lord is in )th or 5th >i0? "th lord is in )th and 5th >0? *th lord is in )th and 5th >0i? 1/th lord is in )th and 5th >0ii? @xchange of ho#se 5et,een +endra and Tri7ona. All IaN %oga and Dhan %oga gi0e name, fame, ,ealth, all 7ind of comforts and a#thoritto the nati0e. A5o0e %ogas are fe, of the im'ortant %ogas, ,hich, ,hen a''lied to the horosco'e, gi0e a fair N#dgement of the strength of the horosco'e. 3* $ecrets of Astrolog- Un0eiled U#es. 1hat 7ind of remedsho#ld 5e ado'ted in ,hat sit#ation3 Do all 7inds of remedies li7e Bantra, %antra etc. 5e 'erformed e6#all- for an'ro5lem, an- time3 Ans. Iemed- is normall- re6#ired for a 'lanet ,hich is acti0e 5- 0irt#e of Dasha or transit, 5#t is 5enefic and ,ea7, or is malefic and strong. That is, it is not either a5le to gi0e good res#lts to its f#ll ca'acit-, or is gi0ing

5ad res#lts, ,hich ha0e to 5e chec7ed. If that 'lanet is sitting in a earth- sign in the natal horosco'e, stone sho#ld 5e s#ggested, if in firsign, %aNna sho#ld 5e 'erformed, if in air- sign, Bantras are #sef#l and if in ,atersign, alms or thro,ing things in ,ater hel's. 2or. Ln the concl#sion of the series .Fearn Astrolog-: ,e here5- gi0e ans,ers to man- fre6#entl- as7ed 6#estions on astrolog-, ranging from rele0ance of astrolog- and remedies s#ggested therein, to the dee' rooted 6#estions on calc#lations and 'redictions. mall-, stone ,earing enhances 'o,er of a 'lanet and thro,ing items in ,ater red#ces 'o,er of a 'lanet . ,hether the 'lanet is good or 5ad. $o if a 'lanet is malefic 5#t strong, then stone sho#ld 5e a0oided and if a 'lanet is 5enefic 5#t ,ea7 then stone sho#ld 5e ,orn and its items sho#ld not 5e thro,n or gi0en in alms. Bantras and %aNna increase the 5enefic 'o,er of the 'lanet onl-, ,itho#t creating an- loss. $o ,hene0er a 'lanet is acti0e, its Bantra Ka' and %aNna sho#ld 5e 'erformed for 5etter res#lts. U#es. Do different s-stems on astrolog- or 'redicti0e sciences gi0e same res#lts3 Ans. There are 0ario#s s-stems of 'rediction li7e 'almistr-, n#merolog-, astrolog-. In astrolog- too, there are 0ario#s s-stems, li7e Kaimini Parashar, 2eel +anthi etc. @0er- s-stem has its o,n 5enefits and shortcomings. $ome s-stems are 5etter than the others. If the fact of

life is re'resented 5- a straight line then the 0ario#s s-stems can 5e denoted 50ario#s gra'hs li7e A,B,C, ,hich to#ch the realit- of life onl- at fe, 'oints. At some 'oints the- are far off. &o,e0er, ,hen one s-stem is at a distance from the tr#th, other s-stem to#ches the realit-. This is the reason ,h,e 5elie0e in so man- s-stems. &o,e0er, ta7ing a0erage ma- not al,a-s gi0e #s 5etter res#lts, e.g. if s-stem A is at C 1/H le0el of acc#racand s-stem B at C2/H 3! le0el then the a0erage is C15H, ,hich means a0eraging has s'oilt the res#lts of s-stem A. A0eraging ma- 5e good if one s-stem is at negati0e le0el of acc#racand other at 'ositi0e le0el. B#t ,e ne0er 7no, ,here ,e stand in o#r 'rediction for anf#t#re e0ent, ,hereas for 'ast ,e can al,a-s ta7e a0erage, or a''l- different s-stems to 7no, ,h- that e0ent ha''ened. $o it is s#ggested that one sho#ld ado't one s-stem and 'ractice more and more to 5ring it close to the line of realit-. U#es. 1h- does astrologsometimes fails3 Ans. Unli7e Ph-sics and Chemistr- and li7e an5eha0io#ral science, astrologis an em'irical science= that is the r#les are 5ased on statistics. The- are not correct for an- horosco'e antime. This is tr#e not onl- for

astrolog- 5#t for an- 'redicti0e science. 4#rther, the r#les that ,e are #sing ha0e not 5een chec7ed for acc#racand rele0ance in modern times. 1e are #sing them as ,e fo#nd in old texts, e0en ,hen man- correlating factors ha0e 5een lost d#ring the last 2/// -ears or more. The r#les ,hen tested on large data in f#t#re ,ill definitelgi0e rise to 5etter framed r#les and acc#rac- in astrolog,ill 5e more. U#es. 1hich is the 5est 'redicti0e science . astrolog-, 'almistr-, n#merolog- or another and ,h-3 Ans. Com'ared to all other 'redicti0e sciences, Indian s-stem of astrolog- is 7no,n for its acc#rac-, relia5ilit- and inde'th anal-sis. Lther s-stems are #sed either in the a5sence of relia5le 5irth data, or in the a5sence of its inter'retation. Astrolog- is the onl- s-stem ,here 'redictions can 5e made 'recisel,ith time. U#es. $ho#ld A-anamsa 5e #sed3 1hich A-anamsa sho#ld 5e #sed3 Ans. The 'lanets mo0e as 'er their 2ira-ana 0al#e in the s7-. This can 5e easilchec7ed 5- matching Boon.s mo0ement thro#gh 0ario#s Jodiac signs. Chaitra'a7sha A-anamsa, 'o'#larl- 7no,n as Fahiri A-anamsa, onl- has the scientific a''ro0al of the international astronomers and this sho#ld onl- 5e #sed, irres'ecti0e

of ,hat res#lts -o# get astrologicall-. %o# sho#ld modif- -o#r astrological r#les to s#it the astronomical com'#tations, 5#t not 0ice 0ersa. U#es. $ho#ld ,e rel- on Dasha or Aochar3 If Dasha is good and Aochar is 5ad then ,hat ,ill 5e the res#lt3 Ans. Dasha and Aochar, 5oth are e6#all- im'ortant in determining the e0ent in a horosco'e. &o,e0er Aochar can 5e acc#ratel- 7no,n, 5#t Dasha is 0er- sensiti0e to time of 5irth and cannot 5e acc#ratel- fixed. $econdl-, there are too man- 7inds of 7no,n Dasha s-stems and ,e do not 7no, for s#re ,hich Dasha sho#ld 5e a''lied, ,hen do#5ts on A-anamsa also ta7es a,aits a#thenticit-. 4#rther Dasha is normall- de'endent #'on Boon degrees onland it ignores rest of the 'lanets. All these shortcomings are not there in the transit s-stem. &ence 5asing the 'redictions on transits normallgi0e 5etter res#lts, #nless it has 5een chec7ed that the Dasha s-stem is ,or7ing 'ro'erl- on the gi0en horosco'e. 1hile ,e are st#d-ing 5oth Dasha and Aochar, ,e can ta7e Dasha to s'ecif- the e0ent of transit to s'ecif- its strength. If 5oth are fa0o#ra5le or #nfa0o#ra5le then the e0ent occ#rs ,ith f#ll force. If Dasha is good and 3) transit 5ad or 0ice 0ersa, then the res#lts are not clear.

U#es. Ban- exalted 'lanets ha0e 5een seen in the horosco'e of a 'oor man and de5ilitated 'lanets in a rich man:s horosco'e. &o, does this ha''en3 Ans. 2ormall- man- de5ilitated 'lanets in a horosco'e ma7e .2eech Bhang IaNa %oga. and similarl- man- exalted 'lanets gi0e .Uccha Bhang Daridra %oga.. Boreo0er, the nati0e ,ith manexalted 'lanets is a man of 'rinci'les and #nfit for ,orlds#ccess. Lne or t,o de5ilitated 'lanets hel' the nati0e to a6#ire ,ealth 5- im'ro'er means in this +ali %#ga. U#es. It is said that Fagna calc#lation is de'endent on 'lace, ,hereas 'lanet degree calc#lation is inde'endent of it. B#t ,hen ,e com'#te Fagna 5- con0erting time to I$T and com'#te 'lanet degrees ,itho#t con0ersion, ,e get ,rong 0al#es. 1h- 3 1hat is the correct method3 Ans. It is rightl- said that Fagna is de'endent on 'lace of 5irth, ,hereas 'lanet degrees are inde'endent of it, 5eca#se the- are com'#ted for the centre of the earth. @'hemeris sho,s 'lanet degrees for a gi0en time Jone li7e I$T. $o the time of 5irth m#st 5e con0erted to I$T to #se s#ch ta5les. B#t Fagna m#st 5e com'#ted for the 'lace of 5irth onl-, 5eca#se changing the 'lace, sa- from Fondon to Delhi, ,ill create an error of 5 S ho#rs later in

U.+. $imilarl- other signs also rise 5S ho#rs later there. Acc#rac- of the res#lts com'#ted can 5e 0erified 5chec7ing that $#n has to 5e in 1/th ho#se at noon, in 1st ho#se in the morning, in *th ho#se in the e0ening and in "th ho#se at midnight. This is irres'ecti0e of the 'lace of 5irth. U#es. &o, m#ch im'ortance can 5e im'arted to $hodash0arga 3 Ans. $hodash0arga s-stem ,as 'ro'o#nded 5- o#r sages in s#ch a manner that exact 'osition of the 'lanets co#ld 5e ascertained ,itho#t assigning an- degree 0al#e to it. $econdl-, these Margas ha0e not 5een made li7e ,e ma7e toda-. Then ,e onlassigned lordshi' and lordshi' signified the res#lts of that 'lanet. These Margas sho#ld not 5e ta7en at 'ar ,ith Fagna chart and sho#ld not 5e #sed in 'redictions li7e s#''lement to Fagna chart, #nless some %oga s'ecifies the res#lts of a 'lanet in a 'artic#lar Marga. In 'ractice, these Margas conf#se a general astrologer. &e starts ta7ing the 'lanet:s exaltation or de5ilitation. &e also starts ta7ing as'ects and 'lacement of other 'lanets ,ith the 'lanet, th#s de0iating from the 5asic res#lts. U#es. In 'redictions ,hat is more im'ortant . 'lanet, ho#se or sign3

Ans. In Indian s-stem 'lanet is most im'ortant and ho#se is next to the 'lanet in im'ortance. This is 'ro5a5l- to ma7e things easier. In the s-stem of Fal +ita5 sign has 5een dro''ed totall-, after confirming the ho#se in ,hich a 'lanet is sitting. Planet in a ho#se ma7es significance in 'rediction, ,hereas 'lanet in sign onl- gi0es 7no,ledge a5o#t its strength. This strength f#rther gets modified d#e to 'resenceGas'ect of other 'lanets. U#es.Does one get affected 5- some one else:s Bethod B Bethod A Bethod C Fine of realit"/ horosco'e3 If -es, then ,hat is the sanctit- of the horosco'e3 Ans. Fi7e one is affected 5'lanets, he is affected 5- another item in his 0icinit-. @0er5od- has a gra0itational '#ll . small or large. @ffect of 'lanets is 0isi5le 5eca#se of their large mass. $tars of m#ch higher mass do not ha0e that m#ch of effect 5eca#se of their large distance. $econdl-, o#r 'o,er of com'#tation is limited. K#st the nine 'lanets and t,el0e signs ma7e so man- com5inations that it is diffic#lt to correlate them ,ith life. &orosco'e ha0ing N#st nine 'lanets is not the com'lete re'resentation of ,hat ,e are. B#t it is a5le to ta7e care

of maxim#m of o#r f#t#re ,ith minim#m of com'lexit-. That is ,h- ,e st#d- a horosco'e. De0iations to it d#e to others . li0ing or non li0ing . can 5e adN#sted 5- st#d-ing the 'ast and fitting that to the 'lanet:s effects. In 5rief, 'resence of others does not destro- the im'ortance of the horosco'e. U#es. If in one accident man- li0es are ta7en, does that indicate similarit- in e0er-ones horosco'e3 Ans. The horosco'e of the 'lace or a 0ehicle in ,hich 'assengers are tra0elling, s#'ersedes the horosco'es of the nati0es. &ence, in a calamit- e0er-one:s horosco'e does not necessarilindicate death. &o,e0er, this 'oint needs f#rther research and 0ie,s from the readers. U#es. 1e ta7e B#h#rtha for something. Does it change the fate of the 'erson3 Ans. B#h#rtha gi0es #s an idea a5o#t the f#t#re of the tas7 that ,e do= for exam'le, oath ceremon- of ministrgi0es idea a5o#t the go0ernment= starting moment of 5#siness gi0es #s 7no,ledge a5o#t ho, the 5#siness ,ill go etc. To ha0e a good f#t#re ,e select a good B#h#rtha. +no,ledge is strength and 7no,ing the f#t#re of deeds in ad0ance can definitel- g#ide o#r f#t#re 5etter. &o,e0er, ,e can not totall- re0erse the direction of the fate. $o man- times ,e find things do not ha''en at the time of 5est B#h#rtha, or

after the e0ent ,e come to 7no, that the com'#tations ,ere ,rong. This clearl- indicates ,e cannot change the destin-. $till nat#re has 'ro0ided #s ,ith hands to do something and mind to thin7. 1e sho#ld #se it o'timall-, 5#t ,itho#t ha0ing 7een desire for the 5est = it ,ill occ#r onl- if it is in fate. U#es. Can ,e remo0e the ill effect of *th ho#se 5- doing a 'ro'er matching3 Ans. Ans,er to this 6#estion lies in the 're0io#s ans,er. 1e can as'ire for a 5etter married life 5- ha0ing a 5etter matching, 5#t fate cannot 5e o0err#led. U#es. Contradictor- %ogas are formed in ones horosco'e. 1hat is correct in s#ch a sit#ation3 Ans. Contradiction is 'art of an- 5eha0io#ral science. Ta7e the res#lts either 5strength or 5- the n#m5er of times it occ#rs. U#es. 1hat is the im'ortance of Chalit chart and ho, sho#ld it 5e #sed3 Ans. &o#se is next to 'lanets in im'ortance for its role in astrolog-. Fagna chart sho,s ho#se onl- a''roximatel-. Act#al ho#se 'osition is go0erned onl- 5- Bha0a chart or Chalit chart. &ence Chalit chart cannot 5e ignored in astrolog-. B#t #se it ca#tio#sl-, 5eca#se it sho#ld not 5e #sed for determining the as'ects, or 7no,ing the sign in ,hich a 'lanet is 'osited. If a $#n mo0es from

Fagna to 12th ho#se ,hile it ,as in Aries in Fagna chart, then it does not mean that $#n has shifted to Pisces. It remains in Aries, 5#t is 'laced in 12th ho#se. "1 1hat is Correct . 2ira-an or $a-an3 Indian or 1estern3 s 'er the ,estern s-stem s#n enters into Aries on 22nd Barch e0er- -ear ,hereas in Indian s-stem $#n goes to Aries on 13G 1"th of A'ril e0er- -ear. 1hat is correct3 Both can not 5e correct at one time 8 definitel- this means a lot in astrolog-. A difference of 23.2" da-s can not 5e ignored ,hen ,e are tal7ing of fe, min#tes or seconds acc#rac- in gi0ing 'redictions. The follo,ers of $a-an s-stem strongl- recommend the #sage of 22nd Barch as entr- of $#n into Aries. 1e at .4#t#re Point. ha0e tried to go into the root of this 'ro5lem 5- loo7ing at the stars 'h-sicall- in the s7- and arri0ed at a concl#sion that in the s7-, all 'lanets mo0e according to the nira-an s-stem onl-. To #nderstand it f#ll- let #s di0ide the st#dinto t,o 'arts. 1. 1hat is the sit#ation of 0ario#s 'lanets as com'#ted 'resentl- 0ers#s the stars. 2. 1hat ,as the sit#ation 2/// -ears ago 8 ,hat ,ill 5e the sit#ation after 2/// -ears. $econd condition am'lifies the difference of A-anamsa to gi0e a more clear 0ie, a5o#t the $a-an 8 2ira-an s-stems. 2o, ,e ,ill disc#ss 5oth the 'oints in detail. A There has 5een a lot of conf#sion to the fact ,hether $a-an s-stem is right or 2ira-an. Tho#gh 5eing a maNor difference, -et it has not 5een ,ell #nderstood. &ere, in this article, ,e tr- to clarif- that the 'lanets in the s7- are mo0ing according to 2ira-an s-stem, and hence onl- the nira-an s-stem sho#ld 5e follo,ed in astrolog-. $a-an s-stem is merel- meant for 7no,ing the earth:s 'osition ,ith res'ect to $#n and th#s determining the seasons 5#t it is not meant for 7no,ing ,hich 'lanet is 'assing thro#gh ,hich sign. Ta5le .II Transit of Boon d#ring 1.15 Ba- :)! at Delhi

DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD $ign Transited 2ira-an $a-an DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Date Time Date Time Can 2G5G)! 3953 3/G"G)! )92( Feo "G5G)! 1395 2G5G)! 1591) Mir *G5G)! 191( 5G5G)! 191( Fi5 )G5G)! 1"913 *G5G)! 139"! $co 12G5G)! 291/ 1/G5G)! 29"/ $ag 1"G5G)! 1292" 12G5G)! 1"91! Ca' 1(G5G)! 2/9"2 15G5G)! /9/! Ta5le .I Position of Boon d#ring 1.15 Ba- :)! at 1/ PB at Delhi DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 2ira-an $a-an DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1st Ba- Aem 2(9"( Can 2/93( 2nd Can )9"3 Feo 3933 3rd Can 2291( Feo 1(9( "th Feo "93/ Feo 2!92/ 5th Feo 1(931 Mir 1/921 (th Feo 2!923 Mir 22913 *th Mir 1/911 Fi5 "91 !th Mir 2195) Fi5 159") )th Fi5 395/ Fi5 2*9"/ 1/th Fi5 159"! $co )93! 11th Fi5 2*952 $co 219"2 12th $co 1/9/( $ag 395( 13th $co 2292) $ag 1(91) 1"th $ag 59/2 $ag 2!952 15th $ag 1*9"( Ca' 1193( "2 s-stem it sho#ld 5e in Ta#r#s. This is far a,a- from the tr#th. $econdl- ,e can clearl- see the mo0ement of $#n ,ith res'ect to stars. It is mo0ing 5ehind 5a''ox. 1"/ e0er- 1/// -ears. This is exactl- ,hat the a-anamsa is. 4ig B sho,s clearl- that $#n enters into Ta#r#s on 15 Ba1))!. It is not to,ards end of Ta#r#s as s#ggested 5- $a-an s-stem. The a5o0e ex'lanation clearl- 8

#ndo#5tedl- 'ro0e that 2ira-an s-stem as follo,ed in 0edic astrolog- is correct and is in accordance to the star 'osition in the s7-. Does it mean that ,estern s-stem ,hich is 6#ite acc#rate as 'er the modern science is ,rong 3 The ans,er is 2o. 1. Present $tar Position It is diffic#lt to ,atch the stars ,hile $#n is in the s7-. D#ring month of Ba- no 'lanet shall 5e 0isi5le in the s7- at night. $o ,e are gi0ing the 'osition of Boon e0er- da- ,hen it is 0isi5le at night d#ring the month of Ba)!. As 'er $a-an 8 2ira-an s-stem the longit#des of Boon d#ring first half of Ba- :)! gi0en in ta5le I. Boon:s transit into different signs from Ba- 1.15th 1))! are gi0en in ta5le.II. If ,e loo7 into the fig#res of ta5le I, ,e find that Boon attains, after 2 da-s a''ox. the same degree in 2ira-an s-stem as in $a-an s-stem e.g. It is at Feo 1(/ on 3rd Ba- as 'er $a-an s-stem and on 5th Baas 'er nira-an s-stem. The fig. A sho, the 'osition of Boon d#ring the first half of Ba)!, at 1/ 'm. in Delhi. If ,e loo7 into the 'osition of Boon 8 com'are ,ith its degrees as 'er $a-an and 2ira-an s-stem, it is 0er- o50io#s that Boon.s act#al mo0ement is 0er- close to the 2ira-an s-stem 8 it does not tall- ,ith $a-an s-stem at all. 4or exam'le on 5th Ba- )! it is at Feo.1(/ as 'er nira-an s-stem. In the s7- also, >fig A? moon is in

mid of Feo sign, ,hereas $a-an s-stem gi0es a 0al#e of Mirgo. 1//. The moon is 0isi5le in Mirgo not 5efore *th Ba- )!. This sit#ation can 5e st#died dail5et,een 1.15 Ba- as 'er ta5le I and s7- ma' A to find the act#al mo0ement of moon in the s7-. &ence ,e can sa- that ,e sho#ld follo, onl- the 2ira-an s-stem for all astrological com'#tations. 2. Past 8 4#t#re $tar Positions To loo7 into the 'ast 8 f#t#re, ,e shall ta7e hel' of s7- ma's as com'#ted 5- scientific 'rogrammes ,hich are 7no,n to 5e acc#rate 5- toda-s scientists of the ,orld. Fet #s loo7 at the 'osition of $#n as 'er $a-an 8 2ira-an s-stem at a ga' of 1/// -ears from 15 Ba- ///1 to 15th Ba- 5//1 at 12 2oon at Delhi. The 'osition of $#n are gi0en in ta5le III. 4ig. B sho,s clearl- that $#n is in Pisces on 15th Ba- in -ear 5//1 ,hereas as 'er the $a-an Ta5le.III Position of $#n on 15th Ba- at 12 hrs. at Delhi d#ring -ear 1.5//1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD %ear 2ir-ana $a-an A-anamsa DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 1 Ta# 2*93 Ta# 239/ ."9 29 25 1//1 Ta# 13925 Ta# 2392/ )9 5"9 5" 2//1 Ta# /93* Ta# 2"93/ 2395291" 3//1 Ari 1(9"3 Ta# 2"93" 3*95/912 "//1 Ari 393) Ta# 2592* 519"*95) 5//1 Pis 1)92( Ta# 25911 (59"591/ "3 4ig A 9 $7- Position 1st Ba- :)! to 1"th Ba- :)! at 1/ PB at Delhi @cili'tic "" 4ig B 9 $#n Position on 15th Ba- :)! 12 &rs. at Delhi d#ring -ear ///1 to 5///1 @cili'tic "5

4ig. C. Bil7- 1a- Aalax- from the $ide 4ig. D. Position of the $#n in the Bil7- 1a- Aalax- V Then ho, 5oth the s-stems can 5e correct at the same time 8 still 5e different3 1e 7no, that ,estern s-stem is 5asicall- a solar s-stem 8 not 5ased on stars. &ere Jero degree refers to a 'osition ,ith res'ect to the $#n coordinates or the Mernal e6#inoctial 'oint i.e. the ascending node of the ecli'tic on the e6#ator. It does not ha0e to do an- thing ,ith the Aries star ,hereas in the 2ira-an s-stem, / degree means a 'osition in the direction of Aries star. Act#allJero degree of sa-an s-stem ,hich ne0er refers to Aries star has mista7enl- 5een ta7en as Jero degree of Aries. This small anomal- has led to the conf#sion 5et,een the $a-an 8 the 2ira-an s-stem. 1e sho#ld not conf#se o0ersel0es 8 sa- that $#n enters into Aries on 22nd Barch e0er- -ear. 1e sho#ld rather sa- that $#n attains a longit#de of Jero degree on 22nd Barch as 'er $a-an s-stem or the $olar coordinate s-stem. 1ith this clarification let #s also clarif- that astrological 'redictions gi0en as 'er the sa-an s-stem does not ha0e so#nd astrological 5asis. 1e can not 8 sho#ld not ta7e the 'ro'erties of 0ario#s signs same for $a-an and 2ira-an s-stems. Fet #s #nderstand ,hat is a-anamsa ,hich ma7es all this difference in the t,o s-stems. A-anamsa is 5asicall- 'recession of the e6#inoxes. It can 5e #nderstood 5etter ,hen ,e loo7 at o#r galax-. 1e 7no, that o#r

solar s-stem is a 'art of galaxcalled ;Bil7- 1a-; ,hich loo7s li7e fig. C 8 o#r solar s-stem is mo0ing aro#nd the centre of the mil7- ,a- as sho,n in fig. D. $#n ta7es ro#ghl- 2(,/// -ears a''ox. to com'lete one circle aro#nd the galax-. The stars remain fixed and do not mo0e aro#nd. Beca#se of the motion of the s#n, the 'osition of stars changes 5- 5/.3 arc seconds e0er- -ear and it ta7es ro#ghl2/ min#tes 2" seconds more time for earth to com'lete the circle aro#nd $#n ,ith res'ect to these stars. That is ,h- the sidereal -ear is 3(5.25(3(3 da-s com'ared to solar -ear of 3(5.2"22 da-s onl-. To s#m #' ,e +no, that Indian astrolog- is 5ased on stars and an- 'lanet 'assing thro#gh the 'artic#lar star gi0es the res#lts of that star or changes its 5eha0io#r acco.rding to the stars it 'asses thro#gh. Lnl- 2ira-an s-stem gi0es #s com'#tations of 'lanets ,ith res'ect to stars= $a-an s-stem refers to 'lanet 'ositions in solar coordinate s-stem. &ence onl- 2ira-an s-stem sho#ld 5e follo,ed for 'redictions in astrolog-. n

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