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Aasim Ahmed

Email: Contact No.: B;5)::C:;CAC5-

To utilize my training & writing skills and experience in a truly challenging and effective corporate, so as to realize the ultimate purpose of life and consciousness, i.e. to continue to seek, attain and spread knowledge and helping others do the same, so that someday, man and the world, both lost in the obscurity of oblivion, could be reminded what they really are.


An adept individual with a Master of Business Administration in HR from !ER Bhopal. A confident presenter and effective trainer. Extremely handy with all forms of here"y stated human languages. Exceptionally good communication and writing s#ills. $uccessfully executed various professional assignments. Responsi"le and am"itious% capa"le of funding education and other living costs since high school. &reative individual% presenta"le and well groomed% with a fair capacity to adapt with new s#ills and technologies. !ractical #nowledge of computer system hardware% software and human interface wor#ing% principles and trou"leshooting.

Experiences 'or# (total exp) * years% +raining exp), years -. months/ 0reelance trainer since , months.
+rainer !1 ($oft s#ills2312! / 4 ver"al a"ility +rainer at +he &areer Hu" for 5 year * months. (May .-5.)6ct .-5,/ &orporate trainer at Mosaic)7etwor# ndia pvt ltd% ndore for 55 months. (8une .-55)May .-5./ English language trainer at 9eta% Bhopal for * months. (8an .-55)May .-55/ Administrative officer in Astha hospital% Bhopal% for 5- months. (May .--:)Mar .--;/

Academic pro<ect and summer training on =+he HR practices at E &HER +RA&+6R$> for . months in .-5-. 6ne of the #ey event managers to the all ndia convention =9isage> held in 8anuary% .-5-. 6rgani?ational visit of =$AM) rent a car>

Professional Assignments
$everal "atches of &ampus Recruitment +raining at +&H@312! 2$oft s#ills 4 9er"al A"ility 1uration: 5 year * months &ontent revision% we"site creation and maintenance: 5 year +raining manual design at +&H Bhopal 1uration: , months +raining sessions at $ M$ engineering college ndore functional English 4 employa"ility s#ills 1uration: A months +raining sessions at MA + engineering college% 3ha?ia"ad@ functional English 4 employa"ility s#ills 1uration: A months Recruitment% selection and $taffing &onducted various nduction% 6rientation 4 +raining programs for the employees Maintaining the attendance record of the employees and !ayroll management 6verall hospital management and administration $everal "atches of $po#en English for $tudents of various ages and Bac#grounds

6ther assignments and responsi"ilities

6verall training co)ordination (scheduling% integration% grievance handling etc/ 4 content control (student assessment% content selection and editing% test preparation/ +raining sessions at in)house centre(M7 !D/ @ functional English 4 employa"ility s#ills 1uration: * months &ontent)'riting for . courses for =functional English 4 employa"ility s#illsE =AF $ocial networ#ing through 0ace"oo# and +witter

&orporate +raining !rofile

0ran#finn% ndore% 0e"ruary .-5-G 5* counselors and telephone callers@ functional English and telephone etiHuette AF learning% ndore% .-55G : trainers for the functional English and employa"ility s#ills course@ !resentation s#ills Iptitude% 3walior% April% .-55: ,- employees% including senior managers@>Managing wor# rather than people>% $ocial s#ills and Electronic communication@, days( A sessions) ; hrs/ +he &areer Hu" Bhopal% April)May .-55: C employeesG trainers% content writers and other staff@ E$elling yourself everydayE G general !1 with emphasis on communication s#ills% general grooming and "ody language@. months (C sessions) 5* hrs/ 1aly college (school/ ndore .-55: ; concerned staff of the school @E!roduct JnowledgeE% EIse 6ptimi?ationE and E3rievance Handling>@ , months (5- session)5* hrs/ 1igvi<ay &ollege% Ra<nandgaon% &3: Dearners were the staff of the college. Responsi"ilities included hand)holding the entire team% seeing to the implementation of the program. +raining "oth the trainers and the tech staff@ . months

Technical Proficiency +echnical $#ills:

+raining in 312! 2$oft s#ills and grammar% voca"ulary and usage of the English language HR nterviewing% personality assessment% performance appraisal% employee engagement and motivation% training 4 development etc 3ood s#ill at wor#ing with computers% softwares li#e M$)6ffice% other new technologies. Basic training management 4 documentation +raining in other disciplines% e.g.% computers 4 data communication% HR and music. Researches) . Role and impact of 0unctional English in the immediate future.

Academic Credentials
MBA B&A $enior $econdary High $chool &B$E -Bar#atullah Iniversity Bar#atullah Iniversity M.! Board .--A)-* LC..-K C-.--K 66.50% L-.--K 5;;;) .--;)55 .--C)-:

Personal Particulars
Date of Birth Marital Status Sex Language Known : : : : 55th march% 5;:A $ingle Male English% Hindi and Irdu



Distening to% singing% playing and composing music. Reading% souvenir collection etc.

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