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2008-2009-2010 The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia HOUSE OF EP ESE!TAT"#ES

Presented and read a first time

12 1$ 1% 1& 1' 1( 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2%

Healthcare Identifiers Bill 2010 No. , 2010

(Health and Ageing)

2' 2( 28 29 $0

A Bill for an Act to provide for healthcare identifiers, and for related purposes

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A Bill for an Act to provide for healthcare identifiers, and for related purposes The Parliament of Australia ena)ts* Part 1Preliminary
1 hort title
This A)t ma+ ,e )ite- as the Healthcare Identifiers Act 2010.

2 !ommencement
This A)t )ommen)es on the -a+ after this A)t re)ei/es the o+al Assent.

" Purpose of this Act

011 The 2ur2ose of this A)t is to 2ro/i-e a wa+ of ensurin3 that an entit+ that 2ro/i-es4 or an in-i/i-ual who re)ei/es4 health)are is

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)orre)tl+ mat)he- to health information that is )reate- when health)are is 2ro/i-e-. 021 This 2ur2ose is to ,e a)hie/e- ,+ assi3nin3 a uni5ue i-entif+in3 num,er to ea)h health)are 2ro/i-er an- health)are re)i2ient.

# Act to $ind the !ro%n

011 This A)t ,in-s the Crown in ri3ht of the Commonwealth4 of the States4 of the Australian Ca2ital Territor+4 of the !orthern Territor+ an- of !orfol6 "slan-.
!ote* The 7inister must4 in )ertain )ir)umstan)es4 -e)lare that )ertain 2ro/isions of this A)t -o not a22l+ to the 2u,li) ,o-ies of a s2e)ifieState or Territor+* see su,se)tion $(0%1.

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021 This A)t -oes not ma6e the Crown lia,le to ,e 2rose)ute- for an offen)e.

& 'efinitions
"n this A)t* data source has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ su,se)tion 12021. date of birth accuracy indicator means a -ata element that is useto in-i)ate how a))urate a re)or-e- -ate of ,irth is. date of death accuracy indicator means a -ata element that is useto in-i)ate how a))urate a re)or-e- -ate of -eath is. employee4 of an entit+4 in)lu-es* 0a1 an in-i/i-ual who 2ro/i-es ser/i)es for the entit+ un-er a )ontra)t for ser/i)es8 or 0,1 an in-i/i-ual whose ser/i)es are ma-e a/aila,le to the entit+ 0in)lu-in3 ser/i)es ma-e a/aila,le free of )har3e1. entity means* 0a1 a 2erson8 or 0,1 a 2artnershi28 or 0)1 an+ other unin)or2orate- asso)iation or ,o-+8 or 0-1 a trust8 or 0e1 a 2art of another entit+ 0un-er a 2re/ious a22li)ation of this -efinition1. healthcare means health ser/i)e within the meanin3 of su,se)tion '011 of the Privac Act 1!"".

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healthcare identifier has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ se)tion 9. healthcare provider means* 0a1 an in-i/i-ual who* 0i1 has 2ro/i-e-4 2ro/i-es4 or is to 2ro/i-e4 health)are8 or 0ii1 is re3istere- ,+ a re3istration authorit+ as a mem,er of a 2arti)ular health 2rofession8 or 0,1 an entit+4 or a 2art of an entit+4 that has )on-u)te-4 )on-u)ts4 or will )on-u)t4 an enter2rise that 2ro/i-es health)are 0in)lu-in3 health)are 2ro/i-e- free of )har3e1.
E9am2le* A 2u,li) hos2ital4 or a )or2oration that runs a me-i)al )entre.

11 12 1$ 1% 1& 1' 1( 18 19 20 21
22 2$

healthcare recipient means an in-i/i-ual who has re)ei/e-4 re)ei/es4 or ma+ re)ei/e4 health)are. health information has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ su,se)tion '011 of the Privac Act 1!"". Human Research Ethics Committee has the meanin3 3i/en ,+* 0a1 the !ational Statement on Ethi)al Con-u)t in Human esear)h issue- in 7ar)h 200( ,+ the Chief E9e)uti/e Offi)er of the !ational Health an- 7e-i)al esear)h Coun)il un-er the National Health and $edical %esearch &o'ncil Act 1!!28 or 0,1 if that Statement is amen-e-:that Statement as amen-e-.
!ote* "n 20104 the te9t of the Statement was a))essi,le throu3h the !ational Health an- 7e-i)al esear)h Coun)il we,site 0www.nhmr).3o/.au1.

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identified healthcare provider means a health)are 2ro/i-er who has ,een assi3ne- a health)are i-entifier un-er se)tion 9. identifying information has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ se)tion (. law in)lu-es* 0a1 an A)t or le3islati/e instrument8 or 0,1 an A)t or le3islati/e instrument of a State or Territor+. Ministerial Council has the meanin3 3i/en ,+* 0a1 the !ational Partnershi2 A3reement on E-Health ma-e on ( ;e)em,er 2009 ,etween the Commonwealth4 the States4 the Australian Ca2ital Territor+ an- the !orthern Territor+8 or 0,1 if that A3reement is amen-e-:that A3reement as amen-e-.
!ote* "n 20104 the te9t of the A3reement was a))essi,le throu3h the Coun)il of Australian <o/ernments we,site 0www.)oa3.3o/.au1.

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National Privacy Principle has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ the Privac Act 1!"". national registration authority has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ se)tion 8. public body4 of a State or Territor+4 means* 0a1 the Crown in ri3ht of the State or Territor+8 or 0,1 a State or Territor+ authorit+ of that State or Territor+8 or 0)1 the hea- 0howe/er -es)ri,e-1 of a ;e2artment of State of the State or Territor+8 or 0-1 the Parliament of the State4 or the le3islature of the Territor+ 0whi)he/er is a22li)a,le18 or 0e1 a mem,er of the Parliament of the State4 or of the le3islature of the Territor+ 0whi)he/er is a22li)a,le1. registration authority means an entit+ that is res2onsi,le un-er a law for re3isterin3 mem,ers of a 2arti)ular health 2rofession. service operator has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ se)tion '. State or Territory authority has the meanin3 3i/en ,+ the Privac Act 1!"". eterans! "ffairs #epartment means the ;e2artment that* 0a1 -eals with matters arisin3 un-er* 0i1 se)tion 1 of the A'stralian Partici)ants in British N'clear *ests (*reatment) Act 200+8 or 0ii1 se)tion 1 of the $ilitar %eha,ilitation and &om)ensation Act 200#8 or 0iii1 se)tion 1 of the -eterans. /ntitlements Act 1!"+8 an0,1 is a-ministere- ,+ the 7inister who a-ministers that se)tion.

( )eanin* of service operator

011 The Chief E9e)uti/e Offi)er of 7e-i)are Australia is the service operator. 021 Howe/er4 if the re3ulations 2res)ri,e another 2erson for the 2ur2ose of this su,se)tion4 that 2erson is the service operator instea-.

+ )eanin* of identifying information

011 Ea)h of the followin3 is identifying information of a health)are 2ro/i-er who is an in-i/i-ual4 if the ser/i)e o2erator re5uires it for

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the 2ur2ose of 2erformin3 the ser/i)e o2erator=s fun)tions un-er this A)t in relation to the health)are 2ro/i-er* 0a1 the name of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0,1 the a--ress of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0)1 the -ate of ,irth4 an- the -ate of ,irth a))ura)+ in-i)ator4 of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0-1 the se9 of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0e1 the t+2e of health)are 2ro/i-er that the in-i/i-ual is8 0f1 if the health)are 2ro/i-er is re3istere- ,+ a re3istration authorit+:the re3istration authorit+=s i-entifier for the health)are 2ro/i-er an- the status of the re3istration 0su)h as )on-itional4 sus2en-e- or )an)elle-18 031 other information that is 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2ose of this 2ara3ra2h. 021 Ea)h of the followin3 is identifying information of a health)are 2ro/i-er that is not an in-i/i-ual4 if the ser/i)e o2erator re5uires it for the 2ur2ose of 2erformin3 the ser/i)e o2erator=s fun)tions un-er this A)t in relation to the health)are 2ro/i-er* 0a1 the name of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0,1 the a--ress of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0)1 if a22li)a,le4 the A>! 0within the meanin3 of the A Ne0 *a1 2 stem (A'stralian B'siness N'm,er) Act 1!!!1 of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0-1 if a22li)a,le4 the AC! 0within the meanin3 of the &or)orations Act 20011 of the health)are 2ro/i-er8 0e1 other information that is 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2ose of this 2ara3ra2h. 0$1 Ea)h of the followin3 is identifying information of a health)are re)i2ient4 if the ser/i)e o2erator re5uires it for the 2ur2ose of 2erformin3 the ser/i)e o2erator=s fun)tions un-er this A)t in relation to the health)are re)i2ient* 0a1 if a22li)a,le4 the 7e-i)are num,er of the health)are re)i2ient8 0,1 if a22li)a,le4 the #eterans= Affairs ;e2artment file num,er of the health)are re)i2ient8 0)1 the name of the health)are re)i2ient8 0-1 the a--ress of the health)are re)i2ient8 0e1 the -ate of ,irth4 an- the -ate of ,irth a))ura)+ in-i)ator4 of the health)are re)i2ient8 0f1 the se9 of the health)are re)i2ient8

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031 for a health)are re)i2ient who was 2art of a multi2le ,irth: the or-er in whi)h the health)are re)i2ient was ,orn8
E9am2le* The 2n- of twins.

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0h1 if a22li)a,le4 the -ate of -eath4 an- the -ate of -eath a))ura)+ in-i)ator4 of the health)are re)i2ient.

, )eanin* of national registration authority

A national registration authority is a re3istration authorit+ that is 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2oses of this se)tion.

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Part 2Assi*nin* healthcare identifiers

- Assi*nin* healthcare identifiers
011 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise- to assi3n a num,er 0a healthcare identifier1 to uni5uel+ i-entif+* 0a1 a health)are 2ro/i-er in)lu-e- in a )lass 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2ose of this 2ara3ra2h8 or 0,1 a health)are re)i2ient. 021 A national re3istration authorit+ is authorise- to assi3n a num,er 0a healthcare identifier1 to uni5uel+ i-entif+ a health)are 2ro/i-er4 if* 0a1 the health)are 2ro/i-er is an in-i/i-ual who is a mem,er of a 2arti)ular health 2rofession8 an0,1 the national re3istration authorit+ is res2onsi,le un-er a law for re3isterin3 mem,ers of that health 2rofession. 0$1 The t+2es of health)are i-entifiers in)lu-e* 0a1 an i-entifier that is assi3ne- to a health)are 2ro/i-er who is an in-i/i-ual who* 0i1 has 2ro/i-e-4 2ro/i-es4 or is to 2ro/i-e4 health)are8 or 0ii1 is re3istere- ,+ a re3istration authorit+ as a mem,er of a 2arti)ular health 2rofession8 an0,1 an i-entifier that is assi3ne- to a health)are 2ro/i-er who has )on-u)te-4 )on-u)ts4 or will )on-u)t4 an enter2rise that 2ro/i-es health)are 0in)lu-in3 health)are 2ro/i-e- free of )har3e18 an0)1 an i-entifier that is assi3ne- to a health)are re)i2ient.
!ote* A health)are 2ro/i-er who is an in-i/i-ual an- who is )o/ere- ,+ ,oth 2ara3ra2hs of the -efinition of healthcare provider in se)tion & 0for e9am2le4 a sole 2ra)titioner1 ma+ ,e assi3ne-* 0a1 a health)are i-entifier of the t+2e mentione- in 2ara3ra2h 0$10a18 an0,1 a -ifferent health)are i-entifier of the t+2e mentione- in 2ara3ra2h 0$10,1.

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0%1 "n e9er)isin3 a 2ower un-er su,se)tion 0114 the ser/i)e o2erator is not re5uire- to )onsi-er whether a health)are 2ro/i-er or health)are re)i2ient a3rees to ha/in3 a health)are i-entifier assi3ne- to the health)are 2ro/i-er or health)are re)i2ient. 0&1 The re3ulations ma+ 2res)ri,e re5uirements for assi3nin3 a health)are i-entifier to a health)are 2ro/i-er or to a health)are

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re)i2ient4 in)lu-in3 2ro/i-in3 for re/iew of -e)isions ma-e un-er this se)tion. 0'1 A health)are i-entifier is an i-entifier for the 2ur2ose of !ational Pri/a)+ Prin)i2le (.


ervice operator must .eep record of healthcare identifiers etc.

The ser/i)e o2erator must esta,lish an- maintain an a))urate re)or- of* 0a1 health)are i-entifiers that ha/e ,een assi3ne-8 an0,1 the information that the ser/i)e o2erator has that relates to those health)are i-entifiers4 in)lu-in3 -etails of re5uests ma-e to the ser/i)e o2erator for the ser/i)e o2erator to -is)lose those health)are i-entifiers un-er ;i/ision 2 of Part $.

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Part "/se and disclosure of healthcare identifiers and other information

'ivision 1/se and disclosure of identifyin* information for assi*nment of healthcare identifiers
11 'isclosure $y healthcare providers
011 An i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er is authorise- to -is)lose i-entif+in3 information of a health)are re)i2ient to the ser/i)e o2erator for the 2ur2ose of the ser/i)e o2erator assi3nin3 a health)are i-entifier to the health)are re)i2ient. 021 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the information8 an0,1 to use the information for the 2ur2ose of assi3nin3 a health)are i-entifier to the health)are re)i2ient.

12 'isclosure $y data sources

011 A -ata sour)e is authorise- to -is)lose i-entif+in3 information of a health)are 2ro/i-er4 or of a health)are re)i2ient4 to the ser/i)e o2erator for the 2ur2ose of the ser/i)e o2erator assi3nin3 a health)are i-entifier to the health)are 2ro/i-er or health)are re)i2ient. 021 Ea)h of the followin3 is a data source* 0a1 7e-i)are Australia8 0,1 the #eterans= Affairs ;e2artment8 0)1 an+ entit+ 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2ose of this 2ara3ra2h. 0$1 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the information8 an0,1 to use the information for the 2ur2ose of assi3nin3 a health)are i-entifier to the health)are 2ro/i-er or health)are re)i2ient.

1" 'isclosure $y national re*istration authority

011 A national re3istration authorit+ is authorise- to -is)lose* 0a1 a health)are i-entifier8 or

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0,1 information that the national re3istration authorit+ has that relates to a health)are i-entifier8 to the ser/i)e o2erator for the 2ur2ose of the ser/i)e o2erator esta,lishin3 or maintainin3 the re)or- mentione- in se)tion 10. 021 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier or information8 an0,1 to use the health)are i-entifier or information for the 2ur2ose of esta,lishin3 or maintainin3 the re)or- mentione- in se)tion 10.

1# )aintainin* healthcare identifiers

The re3ulations ma+ re5uire an i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er to 2ro/i-e to the ser/i)e o2erator information that* 0a1 relates to the health)are 2ro/i-er=s health)are i-entifier8 an0,1 is 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2ur2oses of this se)tion.


ervice operator0s duty of confidentiality

011 A 2erson )ommits an offen)e if* 0a1 information was -is)lose- to the 2erson for the 2ur2ose of Part 2 or this ;i/ision8 an0,1 the 2erson* 0i1 uses the information8 or 0ii1 -is)loses the information. Penalt+* "m2risonment for 2 +ears or 120 2enalt+ units4 or ,oth.
!ote* "f a ,o-+ )or2orate is )on/i)te- of an offen)e a3ainst su,se)tion 0114 su,se)tion %>0$1 of the &rimes Act 1!1# allows a )ourt to im2ose a fine of u2 to '00 2enalt+ units.

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021 Su,se)tion 011 -oes not a22l+ if the 2erson uses or -is)loses the information for* 0a1 the 2ur2ose for whi)h the information was -is)lose- to the 2erson8 or 0,1 a 2ur2ose that is authorise- un-er another law.
!ote* A -efen-ant ,ears an e/i-ential ,ur-en in relation to the matters in su,se)tion 021* see su,se)tion 1$.$0$1 of the &riminal &ode.

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0$1 A 2erson )ommits an offen)e if* 0a1 information was -is)lose- to the 2erson in )ontra/ention of su,se)tion 0118 an-

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0,1 the 2erson 6nows that the -is)losure of the information to the 2erson )ontra/ene- that su,se)tion8 an0)1 the 2erson* 0i1 uses the information8 or 0ii1 -is)loses the information. Penalt+* "m2risonment for 2 +ears or 120 2enalt+ units4 or ,oth.
!ote* "f a ,o-+ )or2orate is )on/i)te- of an offen)e a3ainst su,se)tion 0$14 su,se)tion %>0$1 of the &rimes Act 1!1# allows a )ourt to im2ose a fine of u2 to '00 2enalt+ units.

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1$ 1%

0%1 Su,se)tion 0$1 -oes not a22l+ if the 2erson -is)loses the information for the 2ur2ose of an a22ro2riate authorit+ in/esti3atin3 the )ontra/ention mentione- in 2ara3ra2h 0$10,1.
!ote* A -efen-ant ,ears an e/i-ential ,ur-en in relation to the matter in su,se)tion 0%1* see su,se)tion 1$.$0$1 of the &riminal &ode.


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'ivision 2'isclosure of healthcare identifier $y service operator

u$division A1e2uest $y healthcare provider for healthcare recipient0s healthcare identifier
1( 'isclosure of healthcare recipient0s identifyin* information $y healthcare provider
011 An i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er is authorise- to -is)lose i-entif+in3 information of a health)are re)i2ient to the ser/i)e o2erator for the 2ur2ose of the ser/i)e o2erator -is)losin3 the health)are re)i2ient=s health)are i-entifier to the health)are 2ro/i-er un-er se)tion 1(. 021 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the information8 an0,1 to use the information for the 2ur2ose of -is)losin3 the health)are re)i2ient=s health)are i-entifier to the health)are 2ro/i-er un-er se)tion 1(.

u$division B'isclosure of healthcare identifier $y service operator

1+ 'isclosure to healthcare provider
011 For the 2ur2ose of an i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er )ommuni)atin3 or mana3in3 health information4 as 2art of 2ro/i-in3 health)are to a health)are re)i2ient4 the ser/i)e o2erator is authorise- to -is)lose a health)are i-entifier to* 0a1 an i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er 0the collecting provider18 or 0,1 an em2lo+ee 0the authorised employee1 of an i-entifiehealth)are 2ro/i-er4 if that i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er has4 ,+ noti)e to the ser/i)e o2erator4 authorise- the em2lo+ee to a)t on ,ehalf of that i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er un-er this se)tion. 021 The )olle)tin3 2ro/i-er or authorise- em2lo+ee is authorise- to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier.
!ote 1* Se)tion 2% authorises a health)are 2ro/i-er to use4 or to -is)lose4 a health)are i-entifier*

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0a1 for the 2ur2ose of )ommuni)atin3 or mana3in3 health information4 as 2art of the 2ro/ision of health)are to a health)are re)i2ient8 or 0,1 for )ertain other 2ur2oses. !ote 2* Se)tion 2& authorises a health)are 2ro/i-er to a-o2t the health)are i-entifier of a health)are re)i2ient as the health)are 2ro/i-er=s own i-entifier of the health)are re)i2ient.

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1, 'isclosure to healthcare recipient

The ser/i)e o2erator must4 if as6e- to -o so ,+ a health)are re)i2ient or a 2erson who is res2onsi,le 0within the meanin3 of su,)lause 2.& of !ational Pri/a)+ Prin)i2le 21 for a health)are re)i2ient4 -is)lose to the health)are re)i2ient or res2onsi,le 2erson* 0a1 the health)are re)i2ient=s health)are i-entifier 0if an+18 or 0,1 information that* 0i1 relates to the health)are re)i2ient or to the health)are re)i2ient=s health)are i-entifier8 an0ii1 is in)lu-e- in the re)or- the ser/i)e o2erator maintains un-er se)tion 10.

1- 'isclosure to re*istration authority

011 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise- to -is)lose an i-entifiehealth)are 2ro/i-er=s health)are i-entifier to a re3istration authorit+ for the 2ur2ose of the re3istration authorit+ re3isterin3 the health)are 2ro/i-er. 021 The re3istration authorit+ is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier8 an0,1 to use the health)are i-entifier for the 2ur2ose of the re3istration authorit+* 0i1 re3isterin3 the health)are 2ro/i-er8 or 0ii1 2erformin3 an+ other fun)tion of the re3istration authorit+ un-er a law.

20 'isclosure for authentication of healthcare provider0s identity

011 The ser/i)e o2erator is authorise- to -is)lose an i-entifiehealth)are 2ro/i-er=s health)are i-entifier to an entit+ for the 2ur2ose of ena,lin3 the health)are 2ro/i-er=s i-entit+ to ,e authenti)ate- in ele)troni) transmissions 0for e9am2le4 as 2art of a 2u,li) 6e+ infrastru)ture1. 021 The entit+ is authorise-*

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0a1 to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier8 an0,1 to use the health)are i-entifier for the 2ur2ose of ena,lin3 the health)are 2ro/i-er=s i-entit+ to ,e authenti)ate- in ele)troni) transmissions.

21 Access controls
The re3ulations ma+ 2res)ri,e rules a,out the -is)losure of health)are i-entifiers ,+ the ser/i)e o2erator4 in)lu-in3 rules a,out re5uests to the ser/i)e o2erator to -is)lose health)are i-entifiers.

22 Information a$out disclosures $y service operator

"f the ser/i)e o2erator -is)loses a health)are i-entifier to an entit+4 the re3ulations ma+ re5uire the entit+ to 2ro/i-e 2res)ri,einformation to the ser/i)e o2erator in relation to that -is)losure.
!ote* The re3ulations ma+ 2ro/i-e for the im2osition of a 2enalt+ for )ontra/ention of a re3ulation* see su,se)tion $9021.


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'ivision "/se, disclosure and adoption of healthcare identifier $y healthcare provider

2" 'isclosure to healthcare recipient
A health)are 2ro/i-er is authorise- to -is)lose a health)are re)i2ient=s health)are i-entifier to* 0a1 the health)are re)i2ient8 or 0,1 a 2erson who is res2onsi,le 0within the meanin3 of su,)lause 2.& of !ational Pri/a)+ Prin)i2le 21 for the health)are re)i2ient.

2# /se and disclosure for other purposes

4se and disclos're for other )'r)oses 011 A health)are 2ro/i-er is authorise- to use a health)are i-entifier4 or to -is)lose a health)are i-entifier to an entit+4 0in)lu-in3 a health)are i-entifier -is)lose- to the health)are 2ro/i-er for an+ 2ur2ose un-er a 2re/ious a22li)ation of this se)tion1 if* 0a1 the 2ur2ose of the use or -is)losure is to )ommuni)ate or mana3e health information as 2art of* 0i1 the 2ro/ision of health)are to a health)are re)i2ient8 or 0ii1 the mana3ement 0in)lu-in3 the in/esti3ation or resolution of )om2laints14 fun-in34 monitorin3 or e/aluation of health)are8 or 0iii1 the 2ro/ision of in-emnit+ )o/er for a health)are 2ro/i-er8 or 0i/1 the )on-u)t of resear)h that has ,een a22ro/e- ,+ a Human esear)h Ethi)s Committee8 or 0,1 the health)are 2ro/i-er reasona,l+ ,elie/es that the use or -is)losure is ne)essar+ to lessen or 2re/ent* 0i1 a serious threat to an in-i/i-ual=s life4 health or safet+8 or 0ii1 a serious threat to 2u,li) health or 2u,li) safet+. 021 The entit+ is authorise-* 0a1 to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier8 an0,1 to use the health)are i-entifier4 or to -is)lose the health)are i-entifier to a health)are 2ro/i-er4 for the 2ur2ose for whi)h it was -is)lose- to the entit+.

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0$1 A health)are 2ro/i-er to whi)h a health)are i-entifier is -is)loseun-er 2ara3ra2h 0210,1 is authorise- to )olle)t the health)are i-entifier.
!ote 1* Su,se)tion 011 authorises the health)are 2ro/i-er to use4 or to -is)lose4 the health)are i-entifier. Se)tion 2& authorises the health)are 2ro/i-er to a-o2t the health)are i-entifier. An entit+ ma+ also use4 or -is)lose4 a health)are i-entifier for a 2ur2ose that is authorise- un-er another law* see 2ara3ra2h 2'0210,1.

!ote 2*

9 10 11 12 1$ 1% 1& 1' 1( 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2% 2& 2'

2( 28 29 $0 $1

&ertain )'r)oses e1cl'ded 0%1 This se)tion -oes not authorise the use or -is)losure of the health)are i-entifier of a health)are re)i2ient for the 2ur2ose of )ommuni)atin3 or mana3in3 health information as 2art of* 0a1 un-erwritin3 a )ontra)t of insuran)e that )o/ers the health)are re)i2ient8 or 0,1 -eterminin3 whether to enter into a )ontra)t of insuran)e that )o/ers the health)are re)i2ient 0whether alone or as a mem,er of a )lass18 or 0)1 -eterminin3 whether a )ontra)t of insuran)e )o/ers the health)are re)i2ient in relation to a 2arti)ular e/ent8 or 0-1 em2lo+in3 the health)are re)i2ient.

2& Adoption $y healthcare provider

A health)are 2ro/i-er is authorise- to a-o2t the health)are i-entifier of a health)are re)i2ient 0in)lu-in3 a health)are i-entifier -is)lose- to the health)are 2ro/i-er for an+ 2ur2ose un-er se)tion 2%1 as the health)are 2ro/i-er=s own i-entifier of the health)are re)i2ient.
!ote* This ;i/ision authorises the )olle)tion4 use4 -is)losure an- a-o2tion of onl+ health)are i-entifiers4 an- information relatin3 to health)are i-entifiers. The )olle)tion4 use4 -is)losure or a-o2tion of other 2ersonal information 0e.3. health information14 is -ealt with in other le3islation4 in)lu-in3 the Privac Act 1!"".


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12 1$ 1%

'ivision #/nauthorised use and disclosure of healthcare identifiers

2( /nauthorised use and disclosure of healthcare identifiers prohi$ited
5ffence 011 A 2erson )ommits an offen)e if* 0a1 a health)are i-entifier is -is)lose- to the 2erson8 an0,1 the 2erson* 0i1 uses the health)are i-entifier8 or 0ii1 -is)loses the health)are i-entifier. Penalt+* "m2risonment for 2 +ears or 120 2enalt+ units4 or ,oth.
!ote* "f a ,o-+ )or2orate is )on/i)te- of an offen)e a3ainst su,se)tion 0114 su,se)tion %>0$1 of the &rimes Act 1!1# allows a )ourt to im2ose a fine of u2 to '00 2enalt+ units.

1& 1' 1( 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2% 2& 2' 2(

28 29

021 Howe/er4 su,se)tion 011 -oes not a22l+ if* 0a1 the 2erson* 0i1 is authorise- to use4 or to -is)lose4 the health)are i-entifier for a 2ur2ose that is authorise- un-er this A)t8 an0ii1 uses or -is)loses the health)are i-entifier for that 2ur2ose8 or 0,1 the 2erson uses or -is)loses the health)are i-entifier for a 2ur2ose that is authorise- un-er another law8 or 0)1 the 2erson uses or -is)loses the health)are i-entifier onl+ for the 2ur2ose of4 or in )onne)tion with4 the 2erson=s 2ersonal4 famil+ or househol- affairs 0within the meanin3 of se)tion 1'E of the Privac Act 1!""1.
!ote* A -efen-ant ,ears an e/i-ential ,ur-en in relation to the matters in su,se)tion 021* see su,se)tion 1$.$0$1 of the &riminal &ode.


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10 11

'ivision &Protection of healthcare identifiers

2+ Protection of healthcare identifiers
An entit+ must* 0a1 ta6e reasona,le ste2s to 2rote)t health)are i-entifiers the entit+ hol-s from* 0i1 misuse an- loss8 an0ii1 unauthorise- a))ess4 mo-ifi)ation or -is)losure8 an0,1 )om2l+ with an+ re5uirements 2res)ri,e- ,+ the re3ulations for the 2rote)tion of health)are i-entifiers the entit+ hol-s.
!ote* The re3ulations ma+ 2ro/i-e for the im2osition of a 2enalt+ for )ontra/ention of a re3ulation* see su,se)tion $9021.


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1& 1'

Part #Interaction %ith the Privacy Act 1-,,

2, Interaction %ith the Privacy "ct $%&&
An authorisation to )olle)t4 use or -is)lose a health)are i-entifier or i-entif+in3 information un-er this A)t is also an authorisation to )olle)t4 use or -is)lose the health)are i-entifier or i-entif+in3 information for the 2ur2ose of the Privac Act 1!"".

2- 3unctions of Privacy !ommissioner

Breach of this Act is an interference 0ith )rivac 011 An a)t or 2ra)ti)e that )ontra/enes this A)t or the re3ulations in )onne)tion with the health)are i-entifier of an in-i/i-ual is ta6en to ,e* 0a1 for the 2ur2oses of the Privac Act 1!""4 an interferen)e with the 2ri/a)+ of the in-i/i-ual8 an0,1 )o/ere- ,+ se)tion 1$ of that A)t.
!ote* The a)t or 2ra)ti)e ma+ ,e the su,?e)t of a )om2laint un-er se)tion $' of that A)t.

1( 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2% 2& 2' 2( 28 29 $0 $1 $2

021 For the 2ur2ose of a22l+in3 Part # of that A)t 0"n/esti3ations1 in relation to the a)t or 2ra)ti)e4 treat a State or Territor+ authorit+ as if it were an or3anisation 0within the meanin3 of that A)t1. A'dits 0$1 For the 2ur2ose of 2ara3ra2h 2(0110h1 of the Privac Act 1!"" 0a,out au-its14 a health)are i-entifier is ta6en to ,e 2ersonal information.

"0 Annual reports $y Privacy !ommissioner

011 The Pri/a)+ Commissioner must4 as soon as 2ra)ti)a,le after the en- of ea)h finan)ial +ear4 2re2are a re2ort on the Pri/a)+ Commissioner=s )om2lian)e an- enfor)ement a)ti/ities un-er this A)t -urin3 the finan)ial +ear. 021 The Pri/a)+ Commissioner must 3i/e a )o2+ of the re2ort to the 7inister4 an- to the 7inisterial Coun)il4 no later than on $0 Se2tem,er after the en- of the finan)ial +ear to whi)h the re2ort relates.

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0$1 The 7inister must ta,le a )o2+ of the re2ort in ea)h House of Parliament within 1& sittin3 -a+s after the Pri/a)+ Commissioner 3i/es a )o2+ of the re2ort to the 7inister.

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Part &Healthcare Provider 'irectory

"1 Healthcare Provider 'irectory
011 The ser/i)e o2erator must esta,lish an- maintain a re)or- 0the Healthcare Provider #irectory1 of the 2rofessional an- ,usiness -etails of the health)are 2ro/i-ers who ha/e )onsente- to those -etails ,ein3 in)lu-e- in the Health)are Pro/i-er ;ire)tor+. 021 The ser/i)e o2erator ma+ -is)lose the 2rofessional or ,usiness -etails of a health)are 2ro/i-er who is liste- in the Health)are Pro/i-er ;ire)tor+ to* 0a1 an i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er8 or 0,1 an em2lo+ee of an i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er4 if that i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er has4 ,+ noti)e to the ser/i)e o2erator4 authorise- the em2lo+ee to a)t on ,ehalf of that i-entifie- health)are 2ro/i-er un-er this se)tion.

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' ( 8 9

Part (4versi*ht role of )inisterial !ouncil

"2 'irections to service operator
011 After )onsultin3 the 7inisterial Coun)il4 the 7inister ma+4 ,+ le3islati/e instrument4 3i/e -ire)tions to the ser/i)e o2erator a,out the 2erforman)e of the ser/i)e o2erator=s fun)tions un-er this A)t.
!ote 1* !ote 2* Se)tion %2 0-isallowan)e1 of the 6egislative Instr'ments Act 2003 -oes not a22l+ to the -ire)tions:see se)tion %% of that A)t. Part ' 0sunsettin31 of the 6egislative Instr'ments Act 2003 -oes not a22l+ to the -ire)tions:see se)tion &% of that A)t.

10 11 12 1$ 1% 1& 1' 1( 18 19 20 21 22 2$ 2% 2& 2' 2( 28 29 $0

021 The ser/i)e o2erator must )om2l+ with a -ire)tion 3i/en un-er su,se)tion 011.

"" !onsultation %ith )inisterial !ouncil a$out re*ulations

>efore the <o/ernor-<eneral ma6es a re3ulation for the 2ur2ose of this A)t4 the 7inister must )onsult with the 7inisterial Coun)il.

"# Annual reports $y service operator

011 The ser/i)e o2erator must4 as soon as 2ra)ti)a,le after the en- of ea)h finan)ial +ear4 2re2are a re2ort on the a)ti/ities4 finan)es ano2erations of the ser/i)e o2erator -urin3 the finan)ial +ear4 so far as the+ relate to this A)t an- the re3ulations. 021 The ser/i)e o2erator must 3i/e a )o2+ of the re2ort to* 0a1 the 7inister8 an0,1 either* 0i1 the 7inisterial Coun)il8 or 0ii1 if the 7inisterial Coun)il -ire)ts the ser/i)e o2erator to 3i/e the re2ort to another entit+:that other entit+8 no later than on $0 Se2tem,er after the en- of the finan)ial +ear to whi)h the re2ort relates. 0$1 The 7inister must ta,le a )o2+ of the re2ort in ea)h House of Parliament within 1& sittin3 -a+s after the ser/i)e o2erator 3i/es a )o2+ of the re2ort to the 7inister.

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"& 1evie% of operation of Act

011 The 7inister must4 after )onsultin3 the 7inisterial Coun)il4 a22oint an in-i/i-ual* 0a1 to re/iew the o2eration of this A)t8 an0,1 to 2re2are a re2ort on the re/iew ,efore $0 @une 201$. 021 The 7inister must* 0a1 2ro/i-e a )o2+ of the re2ort to the 7inisterial Coun)il8 an0,1 ta,le a )o2+ of the re2ort in ea)h House of Parliament within 1& sittin3 -a+s after the re2ort is 2re2are-.

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Part +)iscellaneous
"( 56tent of authorisation
An authorisation un-er this A)t to an entit+ for a 2arti)ular 2ur2ose is an authorisation to an in-i/i-ual* 0a1 who is an em2lo+ee of the entit+8 an0,1 whose -uties in/ol/e the im2lementation of that 2ur2ose.

"+ 1elationship to tate and 7erritory la%s

%elationshi) to 2tate and *erritor la0s 011 A law of a State or Territor+ has effe)t to the e9tent that the law is )a2a,le of o2eratin3 )on)urrentl+ with this A)t or the re3ulations. 021 Howe/er4 if* 0a1 a 2erson=s a)t or omission is ,oth* 0i1 an offen)e un-er this A)t8 an0ii1 an offen)e un-er the law of a State or Territor+8 an0,1 that 2erson is )on/i)te- of either of those offen)es8 the 2erson is not lia,le to ,e )on/i)te- of the other offen)e. 0$1 !othin3 in this A)t limits4 restri)ts or otherwise affe)ts an+ ri3ht or reme-+ that a 2erson woul- ha/e ha- if this A)t ha- not ,een ena)te-. 7eclarations that Act does not a))l 0%1 A 2ro/ision of this A)t -oes not a22l+ to the 2u,li) ,o-ies of a State or Territor+ if a -e)laration ma-e un-er su,se)tion 0&1 is in for)e in relation to that 2ro/ision an- that State or Territor+. 0&1 The 7inister must4 ,+ le3islati/e instrument4 -e)lare that s2e)ifie2ro/isions of this A)t -o not a22l+ to the 2u,li) ,o-ies of a s2e)ifie- State or Territor+ if* 0a1 a 7inister of the State or Territor+4 ,+ written noti)e4 re5uests the 7inister to ma6e the -e)laration8 an0,1 the 7inister is satisfie- that a law in for)e in the State or Territor+ )ontains 2ro/isions that ha/e ,een a3ree- to ,+ the 7inisterial Coun)il.

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0'1 The 7inister ma+4 ,+ le3islati/e instrument4 re/o6e the -e)laration if* 0a1 a 7inister of the State4 ,+ written noti)e4 re5uests the 7inister to -o so8 or 0,1 a 2ro/ision in the State or Territor+ law4 whi)h ha- ,een a3ree- to ,+ the 7inisterial Coun)il4 is amen-e- without the a3reement of the 7inisterial Coun)il. 0(1 !either se)tion %2 0-isallowan)e1 nor Part ' 0sunsettin31 of the 6egislative Instr'ments Act 2003 a22lies to a -e)laration or re/o)ation ma-e un-er su,se)tion 0&1 or 0'1 of this se)tion.

evera$ilityadditional effect of Parts " and #

011 Aithout limitin3 their effe)t a2art from ea)h of the followin3 su,se)tions of this se)tion4 Parts $ an- % ha/e effe)t in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information as 2ro/i-e- ,+ that su,se)tion. 021 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure ta6in3 2la)e in the )ourse of4 or in relation to4 tra-e or )ommer)e* 0a1 ,etween Australia an- 2la)es outsi-e Australia8 or 0,1 amon3 the States8 or 0)1 within a Territor+4 ,etween a State an- a Territor+ or ,etween 2 Territories. 0$1 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure usin3 a 2ostal4 tele3ra2hi)4 tele2honi) or other li6e ser/i)e 0within the meanin3 of 2ara3ra2h &10/1 of the Constitution1. 0%1 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure in relation to )ensus or statisti)s 0within the meanin3 of 2ara3ra2h &109i1 of the Constitution1. 0&1 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure in relation to aliens 0within the meanin3 of 2ara3ra2h &109i91 of the Constitution1.

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21 22 2$ 2% 2&

0'1 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure ,+4 or to4 a tra-in34 forei3n or finan)ial )or2oration 0within the meanin3 of 2ara3ra2h &10991 of the Constitution1. 0(1 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure in relation to the 2ro/ision of* 0a1 si)6ness or hos2ital ,enefits8 or 0,1 me-i)al or -ental ser/i)es 0,ut not so as to authorise an+ form of )i/il )ons)ri2tion18 0within the meanin3 of 2ara3ra2h &1099iiiA1 of the Constitution1. 081 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure* 0a1 in relation to whi)h the Commonwealth is un-er an o,li3ation un-er an international a3reement4 in)lu-in34 the "nternational Co/enant on Ci/il an- Politi)al i3hts4 an- in 2arti)ular Arti)le 1( of the Co/enant8 or
!ote* The te9t of the Co/enant is set out in Australian Treat+ Series 1980 !o. 2$ 0B1980C ATS 2$1. "n 20104 a te9t of a Co/enant in the Australian Treaties Series was a))essi,le throu3h the Australian Treaties Di,rar+ on the AustD"" we,site 0www.austlii.e-u.au1.

2' 2( 28 29 $0 $1
$2 $$ $%

0,1 that is of international )on)ern4 in)lu-in3 the international )on)ern refle)te- ,+ the <ui-elines <o/ernin3 the Prote)tion of Pri/a)+ an- Trans,or-er Flows of Personal ;ata4 re)ommen-e- ,+ the Coun)il of the Or3anisation for E)onomi) Co-o2eration an- ;e/elo2ment on 2$ Se2tem,er 1980.
!ote* "n 20104 the te9t of the <ui-elines was a))essi,le throu3h the Or3anisation for E)onomi) Co-o2eration an- ;e/elo2ment we,site 0www.oe)-.or31.

$& $' $( $8 $9 %0 %1 %2

091 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure ,+4 or to4 the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authorit+. 0101 Parts $ an- % also ha/e the effe)t the+ woul- ha/e if their o2eration in relation to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure of information were e92ressl+ )onfine- to a )olle)tion4 use or -is)losure ta6in3 2la)e in a Territor+.

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1 1 2 $ % &
' ( 8

"- 1e*ulations
011 The <o/ernor-<eneral ma+ ma6e re3ulations 2res)ri,in3 matters* 0a1 re5uire- or 2ermitte- to ,e 2res)ri,e- ,+ this A)t8 or 0,1 ne)essar+ or )on/enient to ,e 2res)ri,e- for )arr+in3 out or 3i/in3 effe)t to this A)t.
!ote* >efore the <o/ernor-<eneral ma6es a re3ulation for the 2ur2ose of this A)t4 the 7inister must )onsult with the 7inisterial Coun)il* see se)tion $$.

9 10 11

021 Aithout limitin3 su,se)tion 0114 the re3ulations ma+ 2ro/i-e for the im2osition of a 2enalt+ of not more than &0 2enalt+ units for )ontra/ention of a re3ulation.

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