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Semester One Final Guide Part One

1. Name two Colonial or Puritan writers Anne Bradstreet, Jonathan Edwards, Mary Rowlandson, William Bradford 2. Name two Revolutionary or Rationalist writers Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin, Patrick Henry 3. Name two Romantic writers (Fireside Poets) William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, James Lowell, Oliver Wendell Holmes 4. Name two Dark Romantic writers Edgar Allen Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville 5. The Puritans believed that no one knew if they were going to heaven or hell, so how you behaved was important. The belief that your afterlife is decided by God is called __predestination_________________________. 6. What is the name of the sermon written by Jonathan Edwards that exhorts everyone to fear the wrath of God? Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 7. Which group of writers finds nature dark, sinister and evil? Puritans, Romantics, or Dark Romantics 8. Which group of writers supported industrialization and a movement to cities which were thought to be centers of knowledge? Colonists/Puritans, Revolutionaries/Rationalists, Romantics/Fireside Poets 9. Which group of writers distrusted science? Revolutionaries/Rationalists, Romantics/Fireside Poets, Dark Romantics

10. Which writers wrote in a plain, straightforward style? Colonists/Puritans, Revolutionaries/Rationalists 11. The Sky Tree and How the World Was Made are what kind of myths? Creation myths 12. The Native American myths focused on a reverence for what aspect of life? Nature 13. What was Thomas Paines main goal in writing Common Sense and Crisis No. 1? To encourage the people to revolt against the King and fight. 14. What two forms of writing did the Puritans primarily use? Diaries and sermons 15. What literary form did the Revolutionary writers primarily use? Essays, pamphlets 16. Define blank verse. Poetry that is written in iambic pentameter but does not rhyme.

17. Define free verse. Unlike metered poetry, free verse poetry does NOT have any repeating patterns of stressed and unstressed syllables and does NOT have rhyme. Free verse poetry is very conversational - sounds like someone talking with you 18. If a poem does not rhyme, but it has 14 lines and is written in iambic pentameter, is it a sonnet? No, but it could be an example of free verse. 19. What is the name of a metaphor that runs through an entire poem? Conceit 20. What distinguishes an English sonnet from an Italian sonnet? The couplet and the rhyme scheme 21. What is a 5-line stanza called? Cinquain or quintain 22. What is an 8-line stanza called? Octave 23. What is the difference between an iamb and a trochee? An iamb has the following stress: da DUM. Trochee is stressed on the first syllable: Dum da 24. A line of poetry that has 5 feet with the pattern Dum da, Dum da, Dum da, Dum Da, Dum da would be in what meter? Trochaic pentameter 25. A stitch in time saves nine is an example of what? An aphorism

26. What kind of poem tells a story, is typically long, and has characters and a plot? Narrative 27. Name an allusion from the poem, The Raven. Pallas Athenagoddess of wisdom; Plutonian shores--hell 28. What is the raven a symbol of in the poem The Raven? Death or hell.

29. What poetic device do you see repeated in this poem: Consonance "Hast ever tramped along the road That has no end? The far brown winding road, your one Fast friend A tattered weather-beaten swag, A silent mate To send His dumb warm comfort to the heart, A fount where dreams ascend." Joseph Burrows, The Road That Has No End

30. Define paradox. The pairing of two opposite ideas in order to emphasize how different the

two ideas are.

31. Define synecdoche. Part used to represent a whole or a whole used to represent a part

hungry mouths to feed

32. How is blank verse different from a sonnet? It has iambic pentameter but doesnt rhyme

33. What is the difference between a lyric poem and a narrative poem? A lyric poem doesnt tell a

story and has no characters. A lyric poem describes a scene or an emotionit is short.

34. Define Ballad and describe its characteristics.

35. What is a slant rhyme? Give an example.

First Semester Final Study Guide Part 2 I am not providing the answers to this section. Look these up if you dont know them. The questions are too similar to the test. You have to work for these.
The Raven 1. Where does the narrator think the raven in Poes The Raven has come from? Hell 2. The narrator suffers from intense grief. His experience with the raven indicates how close the narrator is to what state? Madness 3. The narrator, in asking the raven whether he will hold his love in Heaven, wants to accomplish which of the following: a. To find an excuse to end his life b. To see whether the raven is from heaven or hell c. To ease his pain by knowing that he will see his love again The Pit and the Pendulum 4. During his incarceration in the pit, the narrator communicates all of the following feelings EXCEPT a. guilt. c. terror. b. hope. d. disgust. 5. What historical event was the setting of The Pit and the Pendulum? a. The Medieval Inquisition b. The Roman Inquisition c. The Spanish Inquisition Rappaccinis Daughter 6. Which characters motivations are suspicious and why?

7. Why does Giovanni become increasingly and visibly unwell throughout the story?

8. At the end of the story, Beatrice tells Giovanni to wait to see the result of her drinking the antidote. Why do you think she does this?

9. Why does Giovanni ignore all of his suspicions about Beatrice?

10. Define and give an example of parallelism. A pattern of words, particularly verb clauses, that is similar in form and repeated to draw attention to an idea. I ran to the shore; I ran for my life; I ran to my destiny. 11. Define hyperbole. Exaggeration used for emphasis.

12. Please give an example of rhyme scheme. English abab cdcd efef gg
13. What is the rhyme scheme of an English sonnet? See above

In all, you will want to know the names of the authors and poets we have studied and the titles of their works. You will want to connect these authors and their works to the movement to which they belong Puritanism, Romanticism, Rationalism, etc. Review the figurative and poetic devices as well as the poetry forms from your poetry dating exercise. Be prepared to analyze a poem. Review the PowerPoints for each movement on the website. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email to

Good luck with studying, and good luck with your finals!

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