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Deluxe Making Of

The Fantastic Voyage: Moss Reproduction Cycle

Initial Influence Map

Possible Scenarios



Slime Mold

Chosen Cycle (Moss)

Photo I took of moss in my garden.

Chosen Audience (GCSE)

I have decided to have this age group as my target audience because it is at the point in their lives where it is vital for them to be kept interested and engaged in certain topics and to have a good understanding. I want to make them realise how fascinating science can be and show how something rather mundane can be really magical and exciting. Although it is important for children learn about such topics at a young age, I feel this is less suitable for infant and primary school pupils because of the more complex words that are used, they might get a little lost and confused, not really taking the right information on board.

Story Board

Growth of protonema / gametophyte

Story Board

Release of male sperm

Story Board


Story Board

Growth of sporophyte / capsule

Story Board

Release and landing of spores

Story Board

Experiments With Colour

Three Act Structure

Act 1: Camera focuses on a single spore which starts to grow into a protonema. This protonema starts to grow a male gametophyte. The male gametophyte is at its full growth when it releases sperm from the antheridia into the female egg in the archegonium. Act 2: Fertilisation begins and a zygote is formed. The egg grows by cell division / mitosis and a sporophyte is created in the form of a stem and capsule. New spores are produced in capsule by meiosis. The tip detaches to expose the new spores. Act 3: Wind blows the stem and the spores start to release. Lots of spores start to float away and the camera follows them. Spores land on suitable ground and the cycle repeats.

Concept Art

Concept Art

Concept Art

Digital Pipeline



UV Colour Mapping

UV Colour Mapping

Render Snapshots



Initial Model

Improved Model

Final Model

Submission Disk Artwork

Script For Voiceover Artist

Im going to take you through the life cycle of a moss. Firstly, a moss spore germinates to form a protonema. The protonema then grows a male or female gametophyte, depending on its sex cells. The antheridium develops on the male gametophyte and sperm are produced in the antheridium. The sperm are released with the help of moisture so they can swim over to the egg in the female archegonium. This is where a zygote is formed. The zygote divides by mitosis to form a sporophyte in the form of a stalk and capsule. New spores are produced by meiosis in the capsule and when it has ripened, the tip detaches to expose the spores. Moisture and wind help to release and disperse the spores away from the capsule. They are carried through the air and once they find a suitable ground, they can re-germinate and the cycle can continue.

Music: Constancy Part Three @
Voice over artist: Jim Johnson @ Or,

Finished Animation

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