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5. Which of the following drugs is not included in giving inhalation for systemic effects? a. ammonia c. smelling aid b.

boric and solution d. amyl nitrate 6. Which is the length of time of normal labor of multipara? a. 12 hours c. 10 hours b. 14 hours d. 8 hours 7. The following are objectives of exercise during postpartum period, EXCEPT: a. reduce tension b. improvement of the circular to prevent thrombosis c. restoration of muscle tone d. restoration of the figure 8. Which is there commended position of the patient being fed in bed? a. lateral c. t- berg b. knee- chest d. fowlers 9. Which of the first action of the midwife when she encountered post-partum bleeding due to third degree laceration in home delivery. a. referred the patient of the hospital as soon as possible b. massage the uterus c. give two tablets of metering d. elevate the foot of the bed 10. LSD belongs to which of the following classification of drugs? a. opiates c. barbiturates b. hallucination d. stimulants 11. Which of the following is NOT included as a qualification of a good first aider? a. resourceful c. observant b. tactful d. respectful 12. The following are management of second stage of labor, EXCEPT a. setting up of delivery room c. preparation of patient b. preparation of midwife d. preparation of ward 13. Boiling is one of the process of sterilizing articles, how many minutes from the boiling points is recommended. a.1-15 c. 30 b. 10 d. 10-20 14. When the head crowns, the duty of the midwives is to instruct the mother not to push but to part in order to: a. relieve discomfort from contraction b. prevent rapid expulsion of the baby c. to lessen the interval of pain d. to increase the frequency of pain 15. Restraining are device used to limit the patients movement, which of the following is not include as a rationale? a. to prevent the patient from a scratching mashed or other area of irritation b. to prevent the removal tube c. to protect the patient from falling out of bed d. to limit the patient from injury himself or herself or member of the staff 16. Which blood cells play the important role in producing immunity movement, which of the following is not included as a rationale? a. leukocytes c. bone marrow b. thrombocytes d. erythrocytes 17. Which outfit is not appropriate to wear during pregnancy? a. maternity dress c. constrict garments b. (loose) Jeans d. loose blouse 18. Which is the special covering of the heart, loose fitting in extensible sac? a. fibrous sac c. pericardial sac b. pericardium d. epicedium 19. The professional contact made by the nurse so midwife in half of a patient or family to further social activity of the agency is: a. home visit c. socialization b. pericardium d. community assembly meeting 20. Which minor discomfort of pregnancy is referred as an exclusive salivation? a. heart burn c. pica b. ptyalism d. morning sickness 21. Which of the following application of drugs or substance is given directly to the body site? a. per Orem b. topical c. instillation d. inhumation 22. Which activity of the midwife during home visit shall require the use of bag technique? a. taking body temperatures c. giving health education b. inspections of the surrounding 23. The following are reasons why solid and liquid food are avoided by parturient during labor, except? a. a full stomach interferes with proper bearing down b. may cause delayed fatal and inspiration c. may cause vomiting and aspiration d. digestion is delayed during labor 24. When the mucus being to get slippery like raw eggs as a natural family planning method, the condition is: a. non ovulatory c. sterile b. fertile d. very retile 25. Which of the following is a social aim of prenatal care? a. to detect the aeries sing of potential abnormality

b. to teach mother regular pre natal care c. to teach mother positive health measures and practice d. to ensure that the mother avail resources and benefits provided 26. Which form of organization completely removed or destroyed in the process of sterilization? a. infection c. all living b. pathogens d. non pathogen 27. Resting frequently with the elevation of leg is a preventing measures of which of the following minor discomfort of pregnancy? a. constipation c. vaginal discharge b. feet ankle edema d. backache 28. Which of the following is the amount of water in filling the hot water bags? a. 1/2 full c. 2/3 full b. 1/4 full d. 1/3 full 29. If the patient is standing erect with both feet on the covered floor, which particular examination is to be done: a. vaginal examination c. posture body contours and alignment b. abdominal assessment d. rectal examination 30. Which of the following is the common site of intracutaneous or intradermal injections? a. deltoid region c. upper quadrant of the high b. upper quadrant of the buttocks d. inner aspect of the arm 31. Refraction is an eye examination done by ophthalmologist. If the result is nearsightedness, the term is: a. hypermetrapia c. hyperpnea b. astigmatism d. apneusia 32. Which type of breathing states that a person has a normal quite breathing? a. eupnea b. apnea c. hypernea d. apneusis 33. The following are health benefits of the mother in practicing natural family panning method, except. a. early recognition of abnormality b. there are no physical aide effect c. it teaches the women about her own anatomy and physiology d. it is confusing 34. The description of events accompanying by the sign and symptoms in the relation to the chief complains is: a. social history c. personal and social history b. educational attainment d. history of present illness 35. Which of the following is contraindicated of I.U.D insertion? a. suspected pregnancy c. pelvic inflammation b. all of these d. cancer of the cervix or uterus 36. The following are procedure in answering a home delivery of public health midwife. Except; a. upon arrival in the house of the patient evaluate the condition b. bring the complete obstetrical c. wring the name of the caller and midwife d. advice to walk when cervical dilation is almost 6-8 dilation 37. Public health midwife visited a prenatal mother gravid a 2 part 1 on her second trimester of pregnancy complaining inability to sleep due to backache. Which of the following statement is not an appropriate preventive measure? a. wear flat shoes c. avoid prolonged standing sitting b. wear loose maternity dress d. Sleep in a bed 38. Which of this fundamental process of physical examination includes assessment of the body movement and nutrition status? a. auscultation c. palpation b. percussion d. inspection 39. According to the DOH ampalaya is used for what disease? a. cough and asthma c. dental carries b. hypertension d. diabetes mellitus 40. Which of the body organ muscular located pump between the lungs and above the diaphragm? a. heart b. liver c. spleen d. kidney 41. Which of the following is a characteristic of cervical mucus during ovulations? a. thickening of the endometrium c. clear stretchy b. wet, stretchy lubricate d. fertilization division 42. Which of the following factors will cause decrease in the production of heat? a. thickening of the endometrium c. very high external temperature b. wet, stretchy lubricate d. strong emotion 43. Which method of the family planning is best suited to a post-partum gripe who is advocating breastfeeding? a. tubal ligation b. pills c. I.U.D d. all of these 44. Which of the rationale of toe stretch exercise during the post-partum period? a. tighten the call muscle c. tighten the perennial muscle b. tighten the abdominal muscle d. tighten the thigh waist 45. Which of the following statement is the priority case of the midwife to be visited first in planning a home visit? a. tubercular patient b. prenatal with colds and coughs c. 5 months old baby with bronchopneumonia d. post partum and newborn 46. Thiamine maintenance is procedure to be done by the midwife during the first prenatal home visit, except: a. establish good relationship b. interpret the importance of prenatal care c. to inquire the mother what kind of good she will prepare

d. appraise the physical condition 47. The following are produce to be done by the midwife during the first prenatal home visit, except: a. advice to push down b. interpret the importance of prenatal care c. to inquire the mother what kind of good she will prepare 48. Which of the following is relief measure when parturient experienced cramps during labor? a. advise to push down b. changing position of the legs and massage c. advice to have deep breathing 49. Which procedure is used in disinfecting rooms occupied by a patient with communicable disease? a. aeration c. dump dusting b. sterilization d. fumigation 50. As special consideration regarding principles of medical asepsis, the following are the right time to wash hands, EXCEPT. a. after contact with especially susceptible patients b. before invasive procedure c. before and after prolonged contact with the patient d. at the beginning and after work shift 51. Which of the following is the substance in serum which fights certain causative organism of infections? a. anti-bodies b. vaccine c. antitoxin d. serum 52. If the location of the pulse is felt in the middle of grown where the artery passes over the pelvic bone it is: a. facial artery c. femoral artery b. temporal artery d. brachial artery 53. The presence of the sugar (Glucose) in the uterine is: a. casts c. pyric b. glycosuria d. hematoma 54. The right position for patient suffering from a serve abdominal pain: a. fowlers c. trendelenburg b. horizontal recumbent d. double-up 55. Which of the following is defined as respiratory arrest? a.dyspnea c. eupnoea b. apnea d. tachycardia 56. Blood formation is needed by the mother after delivery which vitamin is to be responsible? a. calcium c.vit. a b. vit. K d. iron 57. The depletion of body fluids in the body is termed: a. diarrhea b. vomiting c. chills d. dehydration 58. When the method used by the examiner is striking a particular area of the body with the finger to listen to sound and to determine resistance of the issue it is: a. take the vital sign b. palpate and guard the uterus after delivery of the baby c. watch sign of the placental separation d. carry out expulsion of the placental and give oxytocic drug 59. When the method used by the examiner is striking a particular area of the body with the finger to listen to sound and to determine resistance of the tissue it is: a. inspection c. percussion b. palpation d. auscultation 60. The following are importance of changing body position except? a. to prevent contraction b. to promote drainage c. to prevent bedsores d. to present bleeding 61. Which is not included as change of the cervix in the application of symptothermal method? a. before ovulation, cervix is firm is closed b. it only measures the basal body temperature c. rat ovulation, the cervix changes from tightly safe to extreme d. after ovulation the cervix is firm and is closed 62. Which of the following benefits is obtained by the mother during breastfeeding? a. relief of tension and fullness in her breast b. contentment from feeding and cuddling c. all of these d. bonding love with her baby 63. Which is the method used of sterilized cord dressing in home delivery? a. boiling for 30 minutes c. ironing for 10 minutes b. iron for 15 minutes d. boiling for 20 minutes 64. Which of the following is defined as social norms/ formulated formalized and enforce by established authority? a. invention c. invasion b. locus d. laws 65. Which basic bandage pattern will you apply in shape part such as wrist or leg injury? a. circular c. spiral reverse b. spiral d. depressant 66. Drugs that lower the blood pressure are called: a. hypertensive c. hypotensive

b. analgesics d. depressant 67. the most important lecture to be given to the mother who planned to deliver at home are the following except: a. prevention of diarrhea b. show should be considered as a sign c. things needed for delivery should be prepared such as baby and mothers tray d. how to recognized labor and when to call a midwife 68. Which of the following is not included as a contraindication of a message? a. temperature of 37 c b. presence of varicosities c. presence of the skin disease d. nephritis (no back and abdominal massage) 69. The following procedures are examples of medical asepsis EXCEPT: a. health lectures regarding prevalent disease b. hand washing c. health lectures regarding prevalent disease in the community d. holding the pickup force with wrong pointing downward 70. If couple is deprived of having sexual contact during fertile period, they are practicing which of the following family planning method? a. pills b. abstinence condom d. foam 71. Which is not included as a careful observation of the urine contraction during labor in home delivery? a. note the contraction duration from the beginning to the end b. internal examination c. note the frequency of the contraction to the next contraction d. note the character of the contraction if varies directly with intensity 72. The uterine discharge that escapes vaginal during deuterium is called? a. lochia rubra c. lochia serosa b. lochia discharge d. lochia alba 73. The first procedure in the breast examination is to approach the patient and explain the purpose of the examination. Ideally, when is the right time to perform? a. 3-5 days after menstruation b. 6-8 days after menstruation c. 4-6 days before menstruation d. 2 weeks before menstruation 74. The following are the special consideration in the application of heat and cold safely except a. anytime you apply heat or cold you cold should check the affected area at frequent interval in 40 minutes b. moisture conduct heat better than air c. patients very in their ability to tolerate temperature d. temperature receptors in the skin 75. During home visit which is the important activity of the midwife to be done that requires bag techniques? a. giving health lectures and demonstrations b. taking the temperature both oral and rectal c. performing Leo old makeover d. inspection of the surrounding and waste can 76. The turning of fetal head along is vertical axis is called: a. extension c. flexion b. restitution d. internal relation 77. If the patient is in a supine position with the knee flexed, this often used to comfort the patient with back strain this type of position? a. dorsal recumbent c. high fowlers b. orthophneic d. internal rotation 78. Which is not included in the implementation of a case finding during home visit of prenatals? a. get information from barangay b. try to seek c. to visit those who are had frequency clinic visit d. get information from helots about pregnant mothers 79. Which is definite as an application of medication to the skin in the form of lotion ointment or powder? a. postural exercise c. eye medication b. ear medication d. nasal medication 80. performing definite exercise prescribe exercise which is done by the patient while remaining in bed is called: a. postural exercise c. passive exercise b. active exercise d. physical and mental exercise 81. How many hours is the normal labor in primipara? a. 12 b. 14 c. 16 d. 10 82. Tighten the rationale of the bicycle exercise during the post-partum period? a. tighten the thigh waist b. tighten the perineal muscle c. tighten the calf muscle d. tighten the buttocks thigh waist 83. Which of the following is a special injection giving to prevent pregnancy? a. de-po c. pills b. tubal tigation d. jellies 84. Which of the following is the action of vit k? a. anticoagulant c. diuretic

b. antihemorrhage d. anti-infection 85. The target group in giving vit a to children during NID? a. 1-2 year old c. 1-10 months old b. 1-4 year old d. 1-3 year old 86. The following are planning and implementation of discharging a patient in the hospital except? a. to see proper financial arrangement has been made by the patient relative b. to see if the physician has a discharge concept c. to inquire relative if there is a complaint regarding procedures in the hospital d. to see to is that there is discharge instruction for necessary care 87. In case of ingestion of non-corrosive poison the following is the main reason? a. dilute the poison by giving milk or waste b. induce vomiting c. when vomiting occurs hold the victim face up with his head higher than the hips d. if unsuccessful for the victim to vomit refer them to the hospital 88. The doctors order is to give sedative enema, which of the following is the main reason? a. to prevent infection c. to minimize fatigue b. to induce sleep d. to prevent bleeding 89. Which of the following immunization is contraindicated to pregnant mothers during the trimester of pregnancy? a. tectanus c. to minimize fatigue b. cholera d. to prevent bleeding 90. Burns are classified according to depth or degree if blister develop it is classified? a. fourth degree c. third degree b. first degree d. second degree 91. The use of condom does not only prevents pregnancy but it also hinders the spread of sexually transmitted disease such as: a. cancer c. tumour b. mumps d. gonorrhoea/syphilis 92. Which is the rationale if during breast examiner palpate the supra clavicular area? a. to detect if the lymph nodes are enlarge fixed or movable b. to observe the breast for lack of asymmetry c. to find the difference in the size of the breast d. to gain confidence and trust of the breast 93. Which is the correct position to be assumed by the patient in performing a nasal examination? a. horizontal recumbent c. trendelenburg b. supine position d. sitting position 94. Which is not included as advance if lithotomy position in home delivery? a. a patient has less effort to bear down b. observation of her abdomen can easily carried out and fatal tone can be heard easily c. patient with heart diseases are comfortable in this position d. patient face in his full views so that her general condition is easily checked. 95. Which of the following color and characteristics of blood during peurperium indicates that it is lochia serosa? a. greenish yellow c. pinkish brown b. brick red d. dark red blood mix with decidua 96. Which discomfort of pregnancy is caused by pressure in the stomach from the enlarge uterus and increase gastric motility that results in reflux of stomach contents in the lower esophagus? a. epigastric disease/ heart burn c. pinkish brown b. supine position d. dark red blood remix with decidua 97. Which of the following is not reason why early ambulation in postpartum is encouraged? a. it cause headache and vomiting c. to prevent constipation b. to simulate urination d. it acts an initial exercise 98. Which of the following is an example hypotensive drugs? a. synlocinon skin c. apresoline ampule b.hemonstrun ampule d. methergin ampule 99. The following are considered principle of medical asepsis, EXCEPT: a. unbroken skin c. all items in patient unit are contaminated b. adequate hand washing d. sponge bath 100. Which of the following is the form of emotionalized and violent composition in which the major concern is to overcome the opponent as a means of scouring the reward or goal? a. concesus c. competition b. conflict d. concept

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