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COM On April 30, 2014 On their High Plains Observer Darrouzett News Page Kyle Miller is the Attorney for DVFD Chief Jimmie Wilmoth

Response From Wilmoth's Attorney On Pro News 7's Second Visit To Darrouzett

Mr. David Grasso-Ortega PRO NEWS 7 VIA EMIAL TO DGRASSO@CHESTV.COM, RE: JIMMIE WILMOTH, DARROUZETT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Grasso-Ortega: Thank you for your visit earlier today, and thank you for the chance to respond to a few of the questions you have posed. My client has been scourged by the coffeeshop Pharisees fronted by Mr. Lobmeyer. Many in Lipscomb County are clamoring for my client to prove his innocence. Despite the wishes of the lynch mob, the United States Constitution still applies in Lipscomb County. In response to your inquiries as to why there are 2 fire departments in Darrouzett, and whether there is some sort of turf war going on in Darrouzett, please consider the following: According to what I have been able to piece together, last year the Darrouzett Volunteer Fire Department (D.V.F.D.) refused to sign a contract with the city of Darrouzett. I do not as of yet know what the terms of the contract were. I hope to acquire a copy of that soon. D.V.F.D.s position was simply this: they have always responded to fires in Darrouzett, as they are committed to do as volunteers. D.V.F.D. was instructed to sign the contract, or attend a city council meeting and discuss their concerns regarding the proposed terms. 9 firemen showed up to the designated city council meeting to voice concerns about the contract. Instead, they were told by the city attorney they had failed to sign the contract, and no further discussion would be tolerated on the matter. The city manager apparently reported to the city attorney that she had understood the firemen were able to discuss the terms before signing. According to my sources, the city council retreated into executive session at that point. Eviction proceedings were brought against D.V.F.D. the next day. D.V.F.D. never had a chance to discuss the terms. Negotiations at gunpoint seldom are fair. The D.V.F.D. had operated from the evicted premises since 1984. In fact, Lipscomb County and the D.V.F.D. paid for the building, which was eventually donated to the city. The building was jointly occupied by the Hospital District, EMS and the D.V.F.D.. D.V.F.D. paid for their portion of the building with grant money. It would appear to be advantageous for emergency responders to be housed under the same roof, at least to an outside observer. D.V.F.D. was evicted from the city of Darrouzetts facilities. D.V.F.D. had to store

their trucks in a lean-to provided by Lipscomb County. Only D.V.F.D.s (and my clients) maintenance of the trucks with heating units and other cold -weather protection gear has kept these trucks ready to respond. It appears the citizens of Darrouzett and Lipscomb have been put at risk by their own government. The new city fire department does not have the capacity to respond to rural wildfires, which is the highest risk factor for a sparsely populated county such as Lipscomb. The new city fire department has a 30(+)-year old pumper truck for equipment. The truck is substandard, not having been serviced in recent memory. Apparently, the truck recently died when it was pulled out of the barn, in full view of the citizens of Darrouzett. It might be completely incapable of responding to a fire. This seems to have been reported to the city council recently. So why would the powers- that- be jeopardize their citizens safety by declaring war on the D.V.F.D. and its chief? Why did they instruct the Lipscomb County Sheriffs Department to notify the substandard upstart city fire department in case of a fire? I have no answers for you. I can definitively say this witch hunt only hurts the citizens served by the Darrouzett Volunteer Fire Department. You ask why there was a need for two volunteer fire departments. Truthfully, I have no answers for you. I am curious as to the citys position on this issue, since they are the ones that kicked out the D.V.F.D., and re-commissioned a city-owned fire truck last used sometime during the Reagan administration. Mr. Lobmeyer promised to resign from his campaign seeking election to the Darouzett Hospital District Board last week, if expenses D.V.F.D. had paid out turned out to be fire-department related. I reiterate the fact that three independent audits have found no criminal wrongdoing. You had also informed me that the District Attorney now had the case, and was going to make some sort of statement next week in regards to this matter. If Mr. Wilmoth is exonerated, I wonder if Mr. Lobmeyer will make good on his promise? Will anything short of a public hanging satisfy Mr. Lobmeyer and his ilk? Finally, will the people howling for blood actually apply the principles and God-given rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution? Sincerely, Kyle Miller

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