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Thursday 13/6/2012. I/ Quantifiers. 1. large quantifiers. Eg: They have a lot of money She has lots of friends.

He eats a lot. There arent many cafes near here. Do you watch much T ! Dont run. "e have #lenty of time. $ses % use a lot of / lots of in &'( sentences. % ) lot of / lots of are used with *oth counta*le and uncounta*le nouns. ) lot of #eo#le + lots of #eo#le ) lot of snow+ lots of snow % $se a lot when there is no noun. Eg: He tal,s a lot. % -uch / many are normally used in &%( sentences and &!(. % $se #lenty of in &'( sentences to mean as much as we need or more. Zero quantity There isnt any room in the car. There is no room in the car. ): how much money do you have! .: 1one. $ses: % $se any for 2ero 3uantity with a &%( ver*. $se no with a &'( ver*. % $se none &without a noun( in short answers. 2. Small quantifiers. Eg: ). Do you want some icecream! .: /ust a little / Some. The town only has a few *an,s. Hurry u#. "e have very little time. I have very few close friends. $ses. % $se little' uncounta*le nouns0 few'#lural counta*le nouns. % ) little and a few+ some0 *ut not a lot. % ery little and very few+ hardly any &negative meaning( Eg: I have a few friends+ some friends. I have few friends+ I hardly have any friends.

More than you need or want Eg: I dont li,e this city. Its too *ig. There is too much traffic. There are too many tourists. % too'ad40 too much' uncounta*le noun0 too many ' #lural counta*le nouns. Less than you need. $se enough ' 1oun &enough time( / ad4' enough &strong enough(. Eg: I dont have enough time to do it. He is not strong enough to move this wardro*e.

Tas 1! "ir#le the #orre#t answer. "he# if $oth are %ossi$le. 5. There are too much / too many #eo#le in my salsa class. 6. 1o*ody li,es him. He has very little / very few friends. 7. "eve had a lot of rain / lots of rain recently. 8. There arent enough parking lots / parking lots enough downtown. 9. I have no / I dont have any time. :. He wor,s a lot / much. )t least ten hours a day. ;. Do you s#ea, /a#anese! < =es0 a little / a few. >. I dont have no time / any time for myself. Tas 2! &ight '() or '*) wrong. "orre#t the wrong senten#es. 5. Slow down? "e have #lenty time

6. 7. 8. 9. :. ;. >.

I have too many wor, at the moment. I thin, I made a few mista,es in the letter. He isnt enough old to understand. "e cant go tomorrow. "ere too *usy. "e have very little time to do this. How many eggs are there! < )ny Hes retired so he has much free time.

++. ,rti#les 5. $se a / an with singular counta*le nouns. % the first time you mention a thing / #erson. Eg: I saw an old man with a dog. % "hen you say what something is: its a nice house. % "hen you say s*s 4o*. Hes a doctor % In e@clamations with singular count noun. "hat an awful day? % In e@#ressions li,e: three times a wee,0 once a day0 a cou#le of hours0 a do2en of eggs. 6. $se the % when you tal, a*out st weve already mentioned. I saw an old man with a dog0 and the dog was *ar,ing. % "hen theres only one of something: the moon goes around the sun. % "hen its clear what you are referring to. He o#ened the door / I am going to the *an,. % "ith su#erlatives: its the *est restaurant in town. % "e use the definite article in this way to tal, a*out musi#al instruments: % /oe #lays the #iano really well.&+ Aeorge can #lay any #iano( She is learning the guitar.&+ She is learning to #lay any guitar( % B to refer to a system or ser-i#e: % How long does it ta,e on the train. I heard it on the radio. =ou should tell the %oli#e. % B "ith ad.e#ti-es li,e rich0 #oor0 elderly0 unem#loyed to tal, a*out grou%s of %eo%le: % Cife can *e very hard for the %oor. I thin, the ri#h should #ay more ta@es. She wor,s for a grou# to hel# the disa$led. % The definite article with names: % "e do not normally use the definite article with names: % "illiam Sha,es#eare wrote Hamlet. Daris is the ca#ital of Erance. Iran is in )sia. % .ut we do use the definite article with: % B #ountries whose names include words li,e kingdom0 states or republic: % the $nited FingdomG the ,ingdom of 1e#alG the $nited StatesG the Deo#les He#u*lic of Ihina. % B #ountries which have %lural nouns as their names: % the 1etherlandsG the Dhili##ines % B geogra%hi#al features0 such as mountain ranges0 grou#s of islands0 rivers0 seas0 oceans and canals:

the HimalayasG the IanariesG the )tlanticG the )tlantic JceanG the )ma2onG the Danama Ianal. % B news%a%ers: % The TimesG The "ashington Dost % B well ,nown $uildings or wor s of art: % the Em#ire State .uildingG the Ta4 -ahalG the -ona CisaG the Sunflowers % B organisations: % the $nited 1ationsG the Seamens $nion % B hotels0 %u$s and restaurantsK: % the Hit2G the Hit2 HotelG the Fings HeadG the DL4M u % K1ote: "e do not use the definite article if the name of the hotel or restaurant is the name of the owner0 e.g.0.rownsG .rowns HotelG -orelsG -orels Hestaurant0 etc. % B families: % the J*amasG the /ac,sons Zero arti#les! % when we s#ea, a*out st in general: "omen often tal, a*out fashion. % "ith some nouns: home / wor, / school eg: at home0 at wor, 0 at school. % "ith meals0 days0 months0 means of trans#ort. I have *rea,fast at ; / in /une / on -onday / *y *us. % .efore ne@t / last' days0 wee,0 etcN See you ne@t wee,. Tas 3! "ir#le the #orre#t answer. 5. Did you see news / the news on T last night! 6. Did you loc, door / the door when you left a house / the house! 7. -y *rother is married to Russian / a Russian. Shes lawyer / a lawyer. 8. "e go to theatre / the theater a*out once a month / once the month. 9. "hat beautiful / a beautiful day? Cets have breakfast / the breakfast. :. I love classical music / the classical music and Italian food / the Italian food. ;. "ho is a girl / the girl *y a window / the window! >. I leave home / the home at > and get to work / the work at O. O. Ian you #lay piano / the piano! 5P. "here is United Kingdom / the United Kingdom! 55. Maths / Maths is my favourite su*4ect. 56. She has a lovely face / the lovely face and the attractive eyes / attractive eyes. Tas /! "om%lete with a / an / the or zero articles 5. Ian you give me NNride to NNNNstation! 6. "e went to NNNNmovies NNNNlast night. 7. Do you li,eNNNN.s#orts!% it de#ends. I hateNNNN..*ase*all. I thin,NN..#layers earn too much money. 8. He always wears NNNNN.e@#ensive clothes and driveNNNN.e@#ensive car. 9. /a,es NNNN.musician and NNN.artist. :. Theyve changed of NNNNmeeting. Its NNNNne@t Tuesday now. ;. "e wal,edNNNN.. downtown *ut we gotNNN..a ta@i *ac, toNNNN.hotel.

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