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(FOOD TECHNOLOGY) The question paper will contain short and objective questions on the following topics. There will be balanced distribution of questions from each of the subjects listed below, so that students from various streams at B.Sc. will get equal opportunity to score in the Test. Subjects covered Physics / hemistry !athematics / Biology / !icrobiology / Biochemistry " #utrition / $griculture " %airy Technology / &ngineering

Physics &lements of mechanics, colliogative properties, 'aws of Thermodynamics( !ode of heat transfer ( &lectrostatics, magnetism and electrodynamics( )utlines in optics and sound (&lectro*magnetic radiation ( +adioactivity and elements in quantum physics Chemist y The gas laws, properties of gases electrolytes, thermo*chemistry, chemical equlibria, chemical ,inetics, concept of p- and buffer, molecular orbital theory, chemical bonds and the forces involved therein( periodic table. $liphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, )rganic substitution reactions, electrophilic and neucleophilic reactions. /somerism. structural and optical isomers. 0ood hemistry( omposition of foods, minerals in foods, water activity in foods. arbohydrates( !ono and di*saccharides, reducing and non*reducing sugars, mutarotation, starch, cellulose, pectins, plant acids and Proteins( Primary, secondary and tertiary structure of proteins. Protein denaturation, peptide bonds, amino acids. M!them!tics Theory of quadratic equations. Binomial theorem. uses of natural and common logarithms. &1ponential series( %ifferentiation, successive differentiation, ma1ima minima. %ifferential equations. 0irst order and linear. /ntegration and /ntegral equations. Trigonometry. +atios and their relations. !atrices, vector, determinants


Botany( Systematics of plants, &cology, cytology and physiology of plants, &conomic botany. 2oology( !olecular basis of life, #ucleric acids and their role in life, &lements of genetics, )rganisation of animal tissues, &lements in hyman physiology, endocrine glands, digestion, absorption, respiration, 3eneral physiology of animals, Systematics of animals Mic "%i"#"$y -istorical development in !icrobiology, !orphology, ytology. reproduction and genetics of bacteria, yeasts and moulds. ulture technique and identification. Stains and staining techniques, 3rowth, #utrition and physiology of micro*organisms. &conomic importance of bacteria, yeast and moulds. 0ood contamination, control and food safety. 3eneral principles of food preservation. !icrobiological standards Bi"chemist y & N't iti"( &n4ymes, oen4ymes and cofactors. -ormones. &lements of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. elements of photosynthesis. 5itamins and their function in the body. !inerals and their function in body. &lements in protein biosynthesis. #ucleic acids and their importance A$ ic'#t' e !() D!i y Tech("#"$y $griculture( 6eather and crops. Soil and water resources. Soil and water conservation, soil fertility and fertili4er use. ropping patterns and weed control. %iseases, insect pests and nematodes of crops( $gricultural &ngineering. $griculture mar,eting and storage. 0arm management. 0ield crops, Plantation crops( ommercial crops, -orticultural crops. 0oliage crops and 3rasses. ondiments, Spices, !edicinal and $romatic plants %airy science( %airy cattle management. %iseases of cattle, mil,, !icrobiology of mil, and mil, products. mil, standards E($i(ee i($ 7nits, dimensions and conservations. 0undamental of fluid flow. Pressure, energy and head relationships and their measurements. &mulsions 8 basics and e1amples. Basics of mi1ing. &quipment and applications. Separation processes. entrifugation and filtration. !echanical operations. Si4e reduction and sieve analysis. Power and steam generators. Strength of materials 8 Basics. -eat e1changers 9999999999 hemistry of

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