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Organ Donation Olyvia Causie Jackson Community College



Becoming an organ donor is much more than just signing the back of a drivers license and having that heart next to your name for the rest of your life. t is a !rocess "hich should be thought about and filled out carefully. #any thoughts go into the decision of becoming an organ donor. One !ersons good "illingness can go a long "ays. One !erson can make such a big im!act$ rather easily$ and yet some !eo!le just don%t bother to care. But "hy does organ donation make such a big im!act on everyone%s life& Organ donation is the !rocess of taking the organs and tissues from one !erson and trans!lanting them into another. 'ractically any !erson is a !robable candidate for donating organs at the age of (). Anyone younger needs !arent consent. *here are some factors that affect the ability to donate organs. Cancer$ + ,$ and any ty!e of kidney-heart disease com!licate the !rocess. Donating organs after death should be mandatory. .hy not hel! someone else to live longer&

/veryone deserves a second chance. 0ather it is in a relationshi!$ a game$ or life. Often !eo!le find themselves clinging to the ho!e that some stranger out in the "orld could find it in their hearts to become an organ donor. Becoming an organ donor is much more than just signing


the back of a drivers license. t is a !rocess "hich should be thought about and filled out carefully. #any thoughts go into the decision of becoming an organ donor. *he decision affects the individual$ their family$ and even strangers. According to an article done by the De!t. of +ealth and +uman 1ervices Office on .omen%s +ealth 234(56 the decision of one !erson to donate their organs 7can save or hel! as many as 84 !eo!le9 2!. (6. But "hat is organ donation and "hy should it be strongly considered& According to the :ational :et"ork of Organ Donors 234((6 7Organ trans!lantation has become an acce!ted medical treatment for end;stage organ failure. But only !eo!le like you < "ho are "illing to make the generous$ selfless decision to become organ donors < can hel! make life;saving trans!lants ha!!en and !revent these needless deaths9 2!. (6. *his is very true. One !ersons good "illingness can go a long "ays. One !erson can make such a big change$ rather easily$ and yet some !eo!le choose not to for reasons "ill never understand. Organ donation is the !rocess of taking the organs and tissues from one !erson and trans!lanting them into another. *his !rocess saves lives. t takes the healthy remains of the deceased or in some cases living and gives the sick a second chance at their health. An insight to this situation "ould be on 1even 'ounds$ the movie. n this film .ill 1mith gets into a car accident and kills seven !eo!le$ because of this he decides hes going to save seven !eo!le. +e lives a healthy life style and investigates seven !eo!les lives. .hen he decides these !eo!le are good samaritans he kills himself and donates each of the seven things these !eo!le need to live. +e donates his heart$ eye balls$ bone marro"$ liver$ lungs$ and blood. +is one decision to donate these organs saved the lives of seven !eo!le. *his just goes to sho" that one !erson can make the difference in many lives.


'ractically any !erson is a !robable candidate for donating organs. At the age of () "hen a teenager transforms into an adult is "hen a !erson can sign u! to be a donor by themselves. f the donor is any younger than that !arent consent is re=uired. *here are some factors that affect the ability to donate organs. Cancer$ + ,$ and any ty!e of kidney-heart disease com!licate the !rocess. f a sick !atient is in need of a ne" organ it makes no sense for an e=ually sick organ to be admitted into their body. *hat itself "ould bring a "hole list of com!lications such as infection. Blood tissue and ty!e are also factors in the donating !rocess. t is better for the donor and reci!ient to be the same blood and tissue ty!e but there are "ays around that. According to the article Organ Donation and *rans!lant> 7At this moment (48$444 !eo!le in the ?.1. are "aiting for an organ9 2!. (6. *housands of !eo!le are added to this list every day$ and of all these "aiting !atients about 7@$844 a year die before the organ ever becomes available9 2!. (6. t is sad to think that of the billions of !eo!le in the "orld a fe" thousand couldnt make the sacrifice to save a life. *his is extremely astonishing considering the fact that roughly about @4$444$444 !eo!le die a year around the "orld. Donating organs after death should be mandatory. /ven some religions su!!ort the idea of donating. f the body and insides of a !erson are just going to be buried or cremated then there is no reason "hy the organs inside them cannot be removed and donated. *he !ersons themselves are souls not organs. .hy not hel! another soul live a little longer&


.ork Cited :A. 234(56. Organ Donation. 0etrieved from htt!A--"""!lus-organdonation.html :A. 234((6. 1tatistics. 0etrieved from htt!A--""".thenationalnet"


:A. 234(56. Organ Donation and *rans!lant. 0etrieved from htt!A--""".";to;B;guides-organ;donation;facts :A. 234(36. All About Donation. 0etrieved from htt!A--""";donation-"hy;be;an;organ;donor-

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