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2012 & 201 3 ..










The Ancient Wisdom &
Ascension Tools for Transcendence


PROGRAM is designed for those
who are sincerely interested in
and committed to in-speriencing
Higher Levels of Consciousness
and improving their overall
health--spiritually, energetically,
mentally and physically as well
as increasing vitality.

We will explore the importance of utilizing a spiritual

and energetic methodology for transcendence during
Nastech (the time of preparation for the Asarian
Resurrection). In addition, the importance of fasting,
colonic therapy and life-food vegetarianism will be
covered in the course. A major cause of dis-ease is
toxicity, thus natural healing involves clearing
obstruction from the spiritual, emotional, energetic &
physical body.



I. The Ancient Tau( o):

You will learn the ancient philosophy/spirituality of the
Nile valley Civilization called S-Hu-Tau-NTR-MWT or
shortened as the Tau (now referred to as the Tao). S-
Hu-Tau-NTR-MWT deals with the sacred science of
transcendence that unfolds every Nu Sun (25,920
years) during the Asarian Resurrection or Planetary
Ascension (also called Zero Point). In this part of the
course you will learn what the Asarian Resurrection is
all about; its AST-ronomical indicators, sacred AST-
rology and Sacred Geometry. S-Hu-Tau-NTR-MWT
synthesizes three timely and timeless lessons in this
work: The Asarian Resurrection, Planetary Ascension
and the significance of the Galactic Transformation
during this time of "Nasetch" (transition from present
age to The Age of Aquarius). This class series will
provide information on Khem-RA (the period during the
2013 Winter solstice that marks completion of 26,000
Galactic Calendar cycle and our Collective Rebirth to
higher spiritual consciousness).


You will learn to identify the lower aspects of Set which is the
Ego or Material SELF and to re-examine your relationship to it.
You will learn how to refocus your identification from the False
Ego or Animal Nature to the Higher SELF through intense
SELF-observance and SELF-control exercises.
The 77 Divine Laws of MAAT Revisited for Harmonious
Balance.. You will learn the interrelationship & interdependence
of ALL things in nature and in the supernatural world.
You will cultivate a relationship w/ nature by doing cultivation
exercises w/ the Qi in Nature and re-konnect to the NETERU
and Elemental Beings in Nature.
You will learn to embody the 77 commandments of the
GODDESS MAAT (Code of Ethics) and how SHE (MAAT) is
wed to JHUTY (GOD of Divine Wisdom).

III. Tools for SELF Reverence:

Shrine Building, Libation Prayer and Higher SELF
Meditation.You will also learn how to do NETERU (Higher SELF)
and ancestral altar building and offerings, ancient Kemetic
prayers, Hesi (chanting) and NETERU (Higher SELF)

IV. Healing with the Blue Light of

An oceanic healing circle that utilizes the ancient healing tools
and "womb wisdom" of Kemet (ancient Egypt). Circle utilizes the
meditative sounds of the ocean, visualization, breathing
exercises, chakra balancing, verbal healing, AST's
Blue Ray of Light, meditative writing, ankh &
crystal healing; dream & oracle interpretation

V . The Art of Love &

Intimacy: Embracing the
Beauty of Sexuality: This class will focus on
how to embrace our sensuality and how sexual energy can be
used as a doorway for healing. Learn how the methods of Taoist
and Tantra sexology can enable men and women to harness,
direct, and share the power of sexual energy with each other.
Develop greater intimacy, as you start to explore deeper feelings
and emotions. Learn to become multi-orgasmic and have deeper,
longer, more enriching orgasms that can awaken the nine levels.
Our advanced sexual development class increases the capacity
for maintaining a deep energetic flow which activates creativity,
and the healing process. This process refines the sexual energy
and unlocks the higher levels of ecstasy and energy for spiritual
experiences and growth:
Wombman’s classes taught by High
Priestess Het Heru:
Learn to cultivate the Feminine & Masculine DIVINTIY via
unionizing exercises;Utilize yoga techniques for divine inner
union; Learn “ancient womb power technologies & techniques” for
Higher levels of Consciousness; Cultivate womb Ki (Qi) & learn
how to clear & energize your womb chakra for ‘directive power’;
Learn to restore the reproductive organs & detox all the internal
organs with “GODDESS QI POWER”; Cultivate vaginal, breast &
womb Ki (Qi) & increase vaginal muscle strength to balance
hormones & for greater sexual power & control; Learn how to
cultivate your sexual energy by increasing orgasms; Learn the
ancient womb philosophy, wisdom & sacred science for
resurrection & ascension and its relevancy to year 2012 & 2013;
Learn how to will do negative thought form release rituals;
Experience golden light electromagnetic energy healing; In-
sperience the ancient GODDESS of the sacred waterfall (orgasm)
This work will assist you in experiencing the bliss of your birthright
with increased energy and expanded awareness. You will learn
sexual techniques for single cultivation as well as dual cultivation
with your partner so that you can in-sperience deeper levels of
sacred union and acess higher levels of your divine
Men’s Sexual Qigong Classes For Men
taught by Dr. George Love
Sex as a Healing & Spiritual Force!
Learn how to have a full body orgasm.
Learn breathing techniques to prolong orgasm.
Learn the acu-pressure point to delay ejaculation.
Learn how to penetrate the heart from the sacral area.
Learn the 3 parts of the sex organs and what they mean.

These are the 3 treasures of a happy sex life. Nourish the sexual
essence, Cultivate the chi flow and Preserve the body.

All of these methods are sexual qigong of recreating your divine

Sexual Chi Gong is a method to increase your
sexual power!
V I . The Art and Joy of
Living Foods!: Better Health is the result of putting
more Life (Living Nourishment) Into the body and taking Death
(Toxic Sludge) Out of the body. This means that we seek to make
our bodies pollution-free. Any dead and/or toxic substances in the
body should be detected, neutralized, and eliminated. This
requires that the body's organs of purification be operating at
peak efficiency - in particular, the circulatory, lymphatic, and
immune systems, the lungs, sweat glands, liver, kidneys, and the
colon. Every bite of food you put in your body should be adding to
your perfection, to increasing your life-force and your beauty! You
are what you eat is a cosmic law. The focus of this workshop
deals with the importance of giving your body the highest quality
foods with the highest life-force possible! Your state of cellular
health has to do with the frequency to which you vibrate. We will
focus here on lifting the frequency of each cell into greater
octaves of health and vibrancy. A life-food preparation class is
also included in this part of the workshop so you can learn new
and delicious recipes.

V II . Ancient ‘Womb
Wisdom’ of the Golden
GODDESS: In this workshop
you will experience the sweetness
of the ancient GODDESS HET
HERU’s electromagnetic healing medicine
(activation of the Merkabic field), sacred
golden waterfall and inner sun meditation as
well as partake in internal organ
cleansings to release blockages that act as
impediments in experiencing one’s natural
and divine birthright. Taught by Priestess Het

V II I . Sungazing for
Optimal Health &
Radiance: Brief exposure
to sunshine may help ward off debilitating and
deadly diseases such as osteoporosis,
hypertension, depression, multiple sclerosis,
diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, breast cancer,
prostate cancer, and colon cancer. Sunlight is
truly indispensable to our good health and
peace of mind. Many people hide from the
sun and deny themselves of the sun’s healing
powers. They fear the sun’s damaging ultra-
violet rays. However, ancient history tells us
the human race evolved and thrived under
the light and energy of the sun! In this
workshop you will learn the ancient sungazing
techniques for revitalization. Taught by
Priestess Het Heru
In this class you will learn the ancient Kemetic techniques and
ascension technologies for revitalization, expanded awareness
and inner harmony. Ancient ascension technologies such as:
MerKA'ABA activation (Electromagnetic Energy Field or
Interdimensional Vehicle of Ascension) also called the
"Mothership", B'ja Ariti (NETERU Light Encoding), Chakra
Balancing and Density Lightening Antimatter Techniques,
Energetic attunements, Ki (qi) cultivation, breathing exercises and
inner sun meditations will also be employed as well as sacred
journaling. You will also learn “Bhakti Yoga” (devotional, selfless
service to the SUPREME BEING) to “in-sperience” the
‘consciousness of ONENESS’ of ASAR. You will partake in Raja
Yoga (yoga of concentration & mental purification), ankh chanting
and breathing exercises. You will learn the significance of spiritual
bathing and how to perform them for yourself. Taught by
Priestess Het Heru


Hmt Ntrt Het Heru RaMwt is

the high priestess of the shrine of MWT EM UAA,
as well as the Founder and President of The
Bennu Ascension Program. She also has a
weekly online radio talk show called
“Rezurrection Time!!!” (every Tuesday @3:30pm EST) on
Hmt Ntrt Het Heru RaMwt (aka Priestess Het Heru) teaches
the sacred "womb science" and matricentric philosophy of the
ancient Nile Valley Civilization to both adults and youth. In
particular, her work is geared towards those who are seeking to
re-mem-ber their sacred roots by assisting in them in "inner-
standing" their ancient spiritual culture as well as the Higher
Consciousness (the consciousness of HERU) that we are being
blessed to experience in this "new millennium". Priestess Het
Heru also teaches the ancient meditation and healing system of
the Nile Valley Civilization so that one can benefit during this
wondrous planetary transformation and achieve greater SELF-
awareness. Her work focuses on the prehistoric GODDESS
culture and its reverence of the GODDESS and GOD within the
spirit of humanity.
Priestess Het Heru has been committed to educating the
community about prehistoric Afrakan culture and civilizations for
almost 10 years. At the State University of New York at New Paltz
she did her undergraduate studies in International Relations with
a concentration in Africa and minored in Elementary Education. In
addition, Priestess Het Heru has taught in both elementary and
junior high schools, where she taught social studies. She has also
facilitated teacher trainings (Imani Educational Center, a
Philadelphia charter school) in Afrakan Spiritual Culture. Priestess
Het Heru has lectured and taught workshops on ancient Afrakan
studies at the university level as well and she has lectured at
ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African
Civilizations) regional conferences throughout the country.
In addition, Priestess Het Heru owned and operated 'The
MAAT Restored Project Collective', a Kemetic (ancient Afrakan-
Egyptian) cultural center, Kemetic specialty gift store and Hip Hop
learning center in Philadelphia, PA. The MAAT Restored Project
Collective offered classes in ancient Afrakan studies for both
adults and children. There Priestess Het Heru designed an
educational program for both the after-school program and
Summer day camp for children ages 5-17 years old. The Summer
program's curriculum included Mdw NTR (hieroglyphics), Djembe
drumming, African martial arts, mathematics, African meditative
art, yoga, swimming and holistic health.
In addition, Priestess Het Heru's art works have been
exhibited at various galleries and institutions throughout the usa.
Her upcoming book, "Prehistoric Shamanic Rock Art of the Great
Mother GODDESS MUT" is due to be published in 2010.
"Prehistoric Shamanic Rock Art of the Great Mother GODDESS
MUT" is an art ("womb-story") book which features thirty percent
of Priestess Het Heru's own art work, as well as prehistoric
African rock art, megaliths and archeological relics.
Priestess Het Heru classes include S-Hu-Tau-
NTRT MWT, AST Ascension Work, Kemetic Sungazing,
MerKA’ABA activation & the ancient Wombman’s Sexual
Tau(o) in The Bennu Ascension Program.

Amen Khum Ra began studying

Khamitik/Ancient Egyptian spirituality and culture
over 15 years ago. He studied at the Shrine of
Ptah in Brooklyn, New York, with the Chief Priest
of the Shrine, Sen Ur Heru Ankh Ra Semahj, also
known as Baba Heru. While studying with Baba
Heru, Amen Khum Ra learned the art of Hesi
or chanting of the Khamitik sounds of the Metu
Neter/the words divine or commonly known as Hieroglyphics.
After studying Hesi and developing his own style of expression
through chanting and writing, Amen Khum Ra began to
perform Hesi around his hometown community of Washington,
DC at open mics and chanting circles.
Amen Khum Ra performed his hesi chanting on Erykah
Badu’s latest Cd, called New Amerykah, on a song called
Twinkle. He performed with Erykah on tour at many locations
around the country, including in her hometown of Dallas, Texas.
Amen Khum Ra teaches Kemetic Chanting (Hesi) in The
Bennu Ascension Program.

Dr. George Love, Jr., DOM aka

Temu Sunu is the President of 4 Doors
To Health and is a Florida licensed primary
care physician, and board certified acupuncture
physician. He was the Co-Founder of The
Kitchen Physician School of Natural Healing in
Boca Raton and the Founder of Acu-Shield
Wellness Centers in NYC, Washington, Jamaica and South beach
florida. Dr. Love was the producer of several South Florida local
radio shows, Your Herbal Medicine Chest and The Kitchen
Physician. From July 1989 through July 1994 Dr. Love was a
director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Wellness Centers, the Founder of the
S.H.I.E.L.D. Program for Psychoneuroimmunology, an
international lecturer, author, and a Professor at the Community
School of Traditional Chinese Health Care. He served as Dean of
Acupuncture at the Barna College of Health Sciences (Fort
Lauderdale). He has engaged in the private practice of Herbology,
Acupuncture, and Nutrition since January 1981. George Love was
only sixteen years of age when he received a Bachelor of Arts
degree in 1966. In 1983 he received a Ph.D. in Sports Medicine
from the American College of Sports Medicine. He received his
Oriental Medical Doctor degree in 1984 from the Beijing Longevity
& Rejuvenation Institute in Virginia. He is a consummate
professional dedicated to bringing out the best in people
emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Dr. George Love teaches
Medical Qigong, Sound Healing, Daoist Yoga & Men’s Sexual
Alkhemy in The Bennu Ascension Program.

Medical Qigong
Moving meditation lowers blood pressure/sugar.
Strengthen joints & immune function
The Chinese art of self renewal, self regulating and
self healing of Neuro-endocrine system, circulatory
Brain and Memory function, Stimulation of growth
hormone, and creative/sexual energy restoration.
The path to prevent and self treat cancer, diabetes,
heart disease, stroke and hypertension are 14
exercises that stimulate acupuncture meridians
called Medical Qi Gong.

Daoist Yoga
1. 14 exercises that stimulate acupuncture meridians
2. Standing and walking meditations
3. Auricular and meridian self massage
4. Gu Qigong – herb and food therapy
5. Bigu – fasting Qigong
6. Spiritual Qigong - Psycho-puncture
7. Musical Qigong – Chakra Tono-puncture
8. Shamanic Qigong – spiral dancing



For more information or to request an application for

please contact us @ (917) 500-0679.




Priesthood Training
Determined through oracle readings.
Sacred Counseling (In person or phone)
Individual, couple and family counseling. Synergetic,
wholistic counseling for those seeking spiritual, emotional,
mental and physical healing. Individual, $100 per hour,
Couples and families, $135 per hour. Session are
generally 1 ½ hour.

Sacred Oracle Readings (In person or

Sacred NTRU (deity) and ancestral readings provide the
spiritual blueprint for one to receive the guidance
necessary for success in life. $150.00

Past Life Regression and Negative Energy

This is a profound experience for those seeking to
"innerstand" themselves on a deeper level. It provides the
memory of the superconscious mind in which past life
memory is accessible. $250.00

MerKabic Activation (for individuals,

couples & families)
The MerKA'ABA or Merkaba is a 55’ electromagnetic
energy field that surrounds the physical body. It commonly
referred to as the “Light Body”. The Merkaba
encompasses the 13 Ariti (Chakras) and 32 Meridian
energy centers. These fields of energy are invisible to the
naked eye and are hi tech spiritual/electromagnetic
protection against electromagnetic and mind control
technologies as well as the diminishing geo-magnetics of
the earth. The MerKA’BA is governed over by the ancient
GODDESS SEKHMET and is also attuned to the energy
grids of the Sahkbu (Pyramids at Giza in Egypt & the
Sphinx) during the Asarian Resurrection (Planetary
Ascension). This allows for attunement to the higher
frequencies of Spdt (the Sirius Star system), the Sah
(Orion) constellation and the sacred portals of the
Center. These are sacred, divine, inner portals for
resurrection of the ba or soul. The activation of
SEKHMET’s MerKA’ABA awakens the UDJAT (psychic
eye) to these higher frequencies for Higher
Consciousness as well as lightens density. The
MerKA’ABA also shifts the consciousness from the 3rd
dimension of matter to the consiousness of HERU (Higher
Consciousness/SELF beyond the 3rd dimension of
matter). In addition, the MerKA'ABA improves one’s
overall health of the ariti (charkas) and meridians by
allowing one’s Ki (Qi or Vital Energy) to flow more
efficiently after activation. $550.00

25 Day AST Ascension Program

This is an individualized 25 day ascension program for
those who are committed to experiencing higher levels of
consciousness! Through the Mother GODDESS AST
(YEMAYA) also know as Isis. It is designed to heal on
VERY deep levels of consciousness. It blesses one to
partake in their soul re-mem-ber-ment through ancient
prayers, dream work, meditation, altar building, Ka
integration (soul retrieval), past life work, a moon ritual,
journalying, energetic attunements & ancestral work. The
MerKA'ABA of AST is also utilized and HER Blue Ray of
light. In addition, this work involves purification of negative
thought forms, negative light codes (etheric cords,
implants, etc.), dark deceased ancestors, regressive
entities and/or demonic spirits. Negative energies often
attach to the Ka's (past life personalities) when their is
past-life trauma when the Guardian Qi is lowered making
resurrection and/or ascension challenging.This work
assists in the lightning of density (negative energy
removal), insertion of B'ja Ariti (NTERU light encoding) &
the increasing Qi through disk of ATON (RA). $340.00
(weekly consultations available @ an additional rate)
Healing with the GODDESS of Golden
This is a healing ritual with the NETERT or Higher SELF,
HET HERU. It focuses on cultivating the Ki (Qi) force in
the internal organs (including reproductive), digestive
system, brain and skeletal system. This work also involves
the activation of the Mer'KA'ABA of the GODDESS HET
HERU for deep levels of purication and attenement to
HER golden light frequency as well as the detoxication of
negative emotions stored in the internal organs. In this
work the internal organs are also purified and attuned by
the GOD AMUN RA. In addition, this work focuses on
regulating ones breathing patterns, increasing relaxation
and electromagnetic healing. This very meditative work
cultivates divine joy within us. $320.00

Kemetic Baby Birthing Ceremonies

This sacred womb work is based on the ancient kemetic
model and is a month to month monitoring process. It is
designed to assist womb-myn who are preparing to give
birth by providing wholistic resources such as midwives,
doctors, nutritionists and herbalists as well as providing
the ancient "womb wisdom", guidance, blessing and
sacred protection prior to and during labor. This service
includes the ancient meditation system and breathing
exercises for deep relaxation, sacred temple bodywork,
energy attunements and sacred baths of the "GODDESS".
As well as baby massage, carrier wrapping techniques
and a sacred kemetic labor ceremony with Merkabic
activation for both mother and baby. $2,500.00

Kemetic Baby Naming Ceremonies

This is a sacred ceremony for families who seek to receive
the wisdom, guidance, blessings and protection of the
NTRU (Deity) and ancestors. During the ceremony baby
recieves the sacred name, spiritual cleansings and
protective Merkabic activation for the child's ascension
and success. Preparatory work includes sacred oracle
readings for the child and family. $700.00

Kemetic Meditation for Children

These classes are designed for children & improves
memory, increases concentration, reduces stress &
deepens relaxation. *Recommended for children with
attention deficit, hyperactivity, emotional or behavioral
difficulties. $25.00 per class

Kemetic Rites of Passage for Young Girls

This is a rites of passage program for young girls 9 - 12

who will be making their transition into sacred womb-
mynhood. It will explore issues pertaining to race, class,
gender, body image and sexuality. The ancient "womb
wisdom" of DaHuRa, Kemetic meditation and healing
circles that focus on ‘wholistic’ healing (encompassing
spirituality, energetics, health and nutrition) is included.
Program is 2 days a week. $70.00 per week

Healing with the Blue Light of the

An oceanic healing circle that utilizes the ancient healing
tools and "womb wisdom" of Kemet (ancient Egypt). Circle
utilizes the meditative sounds of the ocean, visualization,
breathing exercises, chakra balancing, verbal healing,
AST's Blue Ray of Light, meditative writing, ankh & crystal
healing; dream & oracle interpretation. $25.00 per class, 7

Tahura: “The Ancient Art of SELF-Love”

The "ancient art" of the Feminine Divinity, HET HERU.
SHE is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Divinity or
"GODDESS" within us that governs over divine love,
prosperity, wealth, abundance & ecstatic joy. This class
utilizes HET HERU’s Electromagnetic energy field, b’ja
ariti (light codes), meditation, waterfall
visualizations,internal organ and cleansing techniques. In
addition, the ancient sexual tau(o) techniques for vitality
and greater awareness. $23.00 per class, 5 classes. *For
Wombman only

The Ancient Tau(o): Divine Union

This class utilizes ancient Kemetic hesi (chanting),
visualization, breathing exercises and meditation as well
as fusion techniques for unionizing and harmonizing the
NETERU (GODDESS and GODS) within us. B’ja Ariti
(Kemtic Light Codes) and Merkabic activation is also
involved. $27.00 per class, 9 classes.

“Ancient Womb Science of the Asarian Resurrection”
The Tau is the ancient Kemetic, science of opposites. This
class deals with the negation of the negation of the
animalistic nature within the Spirit of humanity that cuts
one off from experiencing the higher levels of their
GODDESS/GOD consciousness. This ancient science is
the sacred dialectical “womb science” of the Great Mother
Divinity of all life, MWT EM UAA. The Tau deals with the
forces inherent in nature, referred to as the forces of light
and darkness, which serve in the evolutionary purpose of
the human being. They exist so that the human being
evolves to its highest spiritual potential thereby no longer
necessitating these internal contradictions. The Higher
SELF, HERU, is born in this process of dialectical
struggle. This Higher SELF then controls the forces of
negation (Set) enabling the Higher SELF to destroy the
external negative, oppositional forces (Apep-Evil
Incarnated). The Tau also deals with the soon
approaching new yearof 2013, the Age of Aquarius and
the Higher Consciousness many people will experience at
that time. This sacred womb science of the Great Year
(the sun’s 25,920 year rotation thru all 12 AST-rological
constellations) teaches us about the transformations that
not only affect human beings but all life and celestial
bodies in our galaxy. $27.00 per class, 9 classes.

Kemetic Meditative Art Classes

These adult classes are designed to creatively explore
and externalize the subkonscious and superkonscious
(past life) minds through meditation and visual artistic
expressions (collage art). $23.00 per class, 5 classes.

This is a ritual that is designed to lighten density by
clearing the spiritual and energetic energy bodies of
regressive entities, negative thought forms. It also assists
one in resolving negative past life
karma and in deepens ones ancestral
relationship. In addition, this
Illumination Ritual spiritually purifies
one on a soul level and provides
spiritual protection. $500.00


Cultivate the Feminine & Masculine DIVINTIY via
unionizing exercises;Utilize yoga techniques for divine
inner union; Learn “ancient womb power technologies &
techniques” for Higher levels of Consciousness; Cultivate
womb Ki (Qi) & learn how to clear & energize your womb
chakra for ‘directive power’; Learn to restore the
reproductive organs & detox all the internal organs with
“GODDESS QI POWER”; Cultivate vaginal, breast &
womb Ki (Qi) & increase vaginal muscle strength to
balance hormones & for greater sexual power & control;
Learn how to cultivate your sexual energy by increasing
orgasms; Learn the ancient womb philosophy, wisdom &
sacred science for resurrection & ascension and its
relevancy to year 2013; Learn how to will do negative
thought form release rituals; Experience golden light
electromagnetic energy healing; In-sperience the ancient
GODDESS of the sacred waterfall (orgasm) This work will
assist you in experiencing the bliss of your birthright with
increased energy and expanded awareness. You will
learn sexual techniques for single cultivation as well as
dual cultivation with your partner so that you can in-
sperience deeper levels of sacred union and access
higher levels of your divine consciousness. $320.00
A Wombman ONLY Workshop

Accupuncture & Medical Qi Gong
15 minute Qi Emission for chronic & degenerative disease;
4 private classes Medical Qigong Manual & DVD. Both
treatments $250 first visit – follow up visits $125

Herb & Food Therapy

7 Day Detox Kit & booklet- $45 Value
Juice feasting consult - $45 Value
You won’t find Love in the refrigerator - $20 Value
Food Therapy book - $25 Value
Food/Herb Consult & Menu plan - $95 Value
$125 first visit – Follow up visits $75
Top of Form
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Ear Reflexology
Ear Reflexology is a non-invasive method of preventing
and treating dis-ease. There are 120 acupuncture points in
the ear (auricle) and over 365 in the body. Each auricular
acu-point leads to a region of the body (reflexology)
through a pathway of energy that circulates electro-
magnetic energy in the body. Ear Reflexology works with
fingertips, toothpicks, or magnets. We specially designed
pairs of magnets to be placed at specific sites in the ear
and/or body that increase or decrease the flow of
electromagnetic energy (qi). In other words, placing Love
Ear Magnets on auricular acu-points can alleviate pain
and anxiety or suppress appetite and desire for nicotine.
Over the past twenty-five years Dr. Love has refined
techniques to create this unique product for losing weight,
stop smoking and other addicitions. There are three
commonly used in Ear Reflexology: # 1 is Self-massage,
$2 is ear acu-point pressure using a bare ear swab and #
3 is acu-magnets applied to ear acu-points.

The Ear Reflexology method one is performed by

pressing, rubbing or kneading specific areas of the ear. A
self massage of the ear is usually painless and can be
applied instantly. Your ears are always accessible and
are never covered by socks and shoes. Once you
become aware of your ear anatomy and find a little
dexterity in your fingers you can treat yourself day and
night. Commonly treating digestive disorders, improving
hearing and vision, reducing pain and lowering blood
pressure are most effective using Ear Reflexology.

PSYCHO-PUNCTURE works to detect and release
suppressed emotions and energy blocks. Suppressed
emotions, negative thoughts and unrealistic beliefs create
blocks in our subtle body that cause physical, emotional,
mental and spiritual disorders. They can also sabotage
our success in relationships, finances and life goals.
These blocks can also manifest as illness and other
physical problems. In the next few moments, take a little
time to think about a problem that you have, a pain, a fear,
an illness or perhaps a phobia, something that always
makes you depressed when you think about it, just
generally any negative emotion you are happy to release
now and forever. Choose a statement that rings true to
you, choosing words that make sense to you and you
Your Cultural Historical


PSYCHO-PUNCTURE is a technique that will
" Locate where you hold negative emotions in your body.
" Discover what hidden "pay-offs" you have to keeping
negative beliefs
" Release emotional and energetic blocks
" Invite Divine light through your body to transform and
" Overcome habitual responses and reaction to
Psycho-pressure is Emotional Stress Therapy

Psycho-pressure is a meridian energy therapy - just like

acupuncture, it works directly on the meridian system in
the body. But instead of needles, you stimulate the major
meridian points by tapping on them or massaging them

Psycho-pressure is a self–help protocol designed for ease

of use so everyone can benefit from Psycho-Puncture
without learning about meridians

Psycho-pressure is a true mind/body healing technique

because it combines the physical effects of meridian
treatments with the mental effects of focusing on the pain
or problem at the same time.


Kemetic Sacred Baths of Freshness
These are NETERU (Deity) spiritual baths for the
cultivation of inner peace, divine love, harmony,
prosperity, healing, protection, willpower, wisdom and
purification. NETERU Bath prices: $25.00 - $36.00 each
“Sakred Kreationz”
The Visual Art of Priestess Het Heru
Sahkht RaMwt

Ear Acu-Magnets
Ear Reflexology Acu-magnets are
used like ear acupuncture pins.
companion to book- Massage your
Ears to Health.
Integral part of Chinese Weight Loss System and Smoke
Free Florida Plan. Price: $49.99
Massage your Ears to Health- Ear
104 page book describing history and
science of auricular therapy also
known as Ear reflexology. Over 30
conditions are described for placement
Price: $29.95

Medical Chi Gong Book

Book describing 14 exercises of
medicial chi gong . Written and
performed by Dr. George Xavier
Love lineage holder of Lung Qing
Qigong. 100 pages
Price: $29.95

7 Day Detox Kit

This internal cleansing kit contains 5
ingredients. You will be drinking 4
juices each day of 50% celery, 25%
carrot and 25% beet juice. The
cleansers are taken 4 times each
day. eBook is included.
Agar-agar powder - fiber to clean gunk from digestive tract.
Once daily with first juice
Blue Green algae - high quality vegetable protein to feed
brain. 3x/day
Cayenne/Garlic caps - blood cleansers - 2 caps at lunch
Chewable bee pollen wafers - to keep energy level high-
whenever feel need to chew
Stool Softeners - to keep bowels free flowing- 3-5 at
Recommended - colon hydrotherapy or enemas-
Disposable enema bag available for $5. Price: $49.95

Medical Chi Gong DVD

Narrated and performed by Zhenwu, lineage holder of
Lung Qing Qigong. Medical Qigong 14 exercises with
detailed explanation.
Price: $24.95

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