Luttrell Henrietta 1989 Hawaii

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Henrietta Luttrell


0. Box 25W

Waianae, HI 9^792 Ph (808) 668 9968

MAY, 1989
Dear Brethren:

Greetings in the name of our Savior and Lord.*

His faithfulness!

All praise to Him for

May we grow to he more like Him!

The neighborhood boys who came to one Saturday morning Bible Club have not returned. In fact, I have not seen them again. I know one of them was only visiting in this community - perhaps others were, too. I did

invite one new family on my street, and the 8-year old girl has been
attending on Saturday morning and going with me to the Maili Bible

Club on Wednesday afternoons.

her mother on Sundays.

She attends another congregation witl

My responsibility with the annual women's conference is finished ex

cept for an evaluation meeting.


Our theme this year was "Fill My Cup,

I served as secretary for the steering committee, led a work

shop on forgiveness, and was in charge of the program booklets. Amy drew some "cups" for the schedule, I compiled the information and copied
it, then our ladies met to collate it and put it in the folders. Over one hundred of us were inspired by Joanie Grimm to be filled by the Lord
and then to pour ourselves out in service.

About two years ago a widow lady and her two teen-age children were baptized into the Lord at Maili. They came faithfully-were eager to
learn for a while. The mother taught a Sunday School Class. But then

they began to attend less frequently and finally stopped.

the Lord.


they began to come again and realized their need for a closer walk with

She is again teaching the children with the help of her two. She did go and was delighted and inspired by it.

She wanted to attend the women's conference but was nervous about such

a new experience.

Now she is eager to follow some of the speaker's ideas to reach out to the community. Several years ago Charles and I became concerned over the lack of fel lowship among our churches. All of us were so busy in our isolated areas that oftentimes we would not see a fellow-worker for a year or so. We invited the leaders in our churches to a pot-luck get-together, discussed the situation, and from this our fifth-Sunday rallies were reborn. The day after the women's conference was a fifth Sunday. All
our preachers planned and promoted attendance so that Joanie Grimm

could tell of F.A.M.E.'s mission work in Haiti.

given for their work.

About 350 persons


were present and were so touched by the message that over $2500 was
Lora did not receive enough money to go to Africa this summer, but the Lord willing, she will go to North Dakota and take the second course in the Summer Institute of Linguistics.
The application for licensing the preschool at Maili Church has been submitted, and they will be scheduling inspections by five departments. Then we will know what additional things must be done to prepare our

buildings and grounds.

Our director, Zola Brown,and I will be taking

a first-aid course on June 3- The staff has all been fingerprinted. Now we are discovering additional red tape to unravel. Papers are in hand to apply for a Site Plan Review Permit with the State Department
of Land Utilization.

The summer schedule is beginning to fill.

Our two-week Vacation Bible

School will be June 19-30,

held in Waianae so I

July 17-21 I am scheduled to be camp cook.

It will be

So now I need to get to work on menus and shopping lists.

last year,

won't have to drive across the island as I

I have mentioned before how thankful I am for my good health, but that I continue to have regular glaucoma checks on my eyes. My pres sure has been abnormally high for years but I have had no vision loss. The pressure did rise rather quickly between two close check ups, so the doctor decided it was time to begin the drops four times a day to reduce the pressure. I will have another check-up this

My mission income continues to be very erratic.

In April I could not

take any salary and only $200 in housing allowance instead"of" the^ usual $400, I need about $1400 month to meet expenses, but two months this year received less that $900. I'm thankful for a Social Security
check which helps bridge the gap. With getting ready for the preschool
there will be extra expenses there, too. Regular support would be appreciated but a one-time offering would be helpful. Please pray about this need and respond as you are able. Yours to spread the Word,

Leanna, KS


Joyce Vance
Mark Luttrell

Osage Hills, Tulsa,OK

Greenville, IL
Kokomo, Kokomo, IN IN-Macedonia

Ron Simpson
Marion Ellis

Berea, MO

Neeper, MO
New Point, MO

Opal Kallisen Harvey Richardson Gordon Springer Ruth Shoemate

Mildred Butler C M Breedlove Marion Alexander James F Roberts Debbie Ham Herbert Kurtz

C ross Plains,Carrolton,Prescott,AZ GA Moran, KS

Ray Storms Paul Johnson

Ruth Noble

Thelma Imel Slyde Siefers

Ruth Dunn

Lillie Ingalsbee Ruth Wasson

Henrietta Luttrell <> Hawaii

Address Correction Requested

to Box 1065 * Joplin, WO 64302-1065



Permit 314

6 4 8 0



Box 25-W * Waianae, HI 96792

Henrietta Luttrell


0. Box 25W

Waianae, HI 9^792 Ph (808) 668 9968

THIRD QUARTER, Dear Citizens of the Kingdom, I989

Greetings from this far-away island in the Pacific; far from you. but
not far from God.

He has promised to be with us "to the end of the

Praise His name!

How the summer has flown! There were 23 pupils enrolled in our Vacation Bible School with a low attendance of I3 and a high of 19. Ten of them

had perfect attendance.


Ten pupils were from outside of our congrega

Three came from other churches and the other seven have been in

pleasantly surprised to learn that it was their mother's sister who

moved next door to me. She is quite friendly. Zola Brown, the new Hawaii Calls Mission worker, was our only outside teacher. She also

at least one regular service since then. Two of them came several times to Sunday School but have now moved out of the area.^ I was

helped me in the kitchen at camp.


We cooked for 6k campers and faculty.

Folks at home were

There were six first-time decisions for the Lord.

in the kitchen.

surprised at those who began regular Bible reading after their camp

Of course, we didn't get in on the sessions - we were too busy

approval by another. Since the lanai area we planned to use was built over a period of time without building permits, we may not be
ered. Good news has just been received - since we will be using
Please pray that wise decisions will be made.

I hoped to be able to report that permits were in hand to begin our preschool at Maili church, but we are still entangled in the miles of red tape. It seems that one department's regulations prevent

able to use it, so other buildings on the property are being consid

existing buildings it is not necessary to make them wheel-chair acces

Whatever course of action is taken, large sums of money will be needed--

much more than we thought--probably around $20,000. We may need to borrow the money in order to get started". The congregation is so small that they may not be able to get the loan, so I may need to get a home be able to make the payments. could be accomplished.

equity loan personally.

When the preschool is in operation it should

be to have funds on hand to pay^for materials as needed. If each person or group who received this letter would send just $35 this

Of course, the most efficient way would

Checks should be written to Hawaii Galls Mission and designated

Please pray about this need and how you should Perhaps you could ask your group or congregation for a dona


Some preliminary work has been done for the preschool.

Wright, a one-week volunteer from Joplin, MO, four doors were replaced on the classroom building. I painted them with primer. The lanai

fence virtually completed and has rebuilt the parsonage porch so that it no longer exits into the playground. With the help of Jerry

David has the

was cleaned out and the accumulated "junk" was sold at two yard sales

which cleared $300 for the preschool.

The leftovers are now stored

in a room that we may use for the preschool so they will need to be disposed of. As it is in your congregation probably - so much to do and so few to help! Praise God for His promise and the strength He supplies. After my last newsletter I did receive several "extra" gifts.
still has some problems.

I had

hoped I would have $1000 or so to use for the building renovation, but then I had car trouble. The two repairs cost almost $600 and it
May the Lord guide us all and make us effective citizens in His King
dom to bring others to Him.
Yours to serve,


Berea, MO

Individuals/C oupl e s
Mark Luttrell

Cross Plains, Carrol- Martin Marchbanks Iton, GA Ruth Shoemate

G. Springer
J.H. Moffitt C M Breedlove

ville, XL Leanna, KS New Point, MO Kokomo, IN Texhoma, OK

Neeper, MO

James Roberts

Opal Kallisen
Herbert Kurtz

Faith-Burlington, IN Osage HillsjTulsa,OK Linwood,Lafayette>fIN Lord's Reapers, OCC, Joplin, MO

Ray Storms
Estil Cottle

Marion Alexander

Lillie Ingalsbe
Charles Sabo,
F M Pulliam

Doug Williams
G. D. Medlin Howard L Reeve


Irene Agemy
Paul Johnson

Joyce Vance J. Messick, Jr

Margie J Streeter
L M Holt

Ron Simpson

Henrietta Luttrell==Hawaii


Address Correction Requested



to Box 1065> Joplin, MO 6^802-1065

Permit 31^ Joplin MO 6 8 0 1

Hawaii Calls Mission

Box 25W, Waianae, HI 96792

Hission Services Assn. Box 2427 KNOXVL

TN 37901-2427

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