Southwestphalia Univeristy

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Dear Sir, The rapid advancement in engineering technology over the past century has radically changed the ways we live. These technologies have not only brought about positive change but also mosaic of interrelated problems that afflict us socially, economically and ecologically. I believe that engineers should incorporate management views and economic expertise as part of their curricular to effectively manage their practices and find creative solutions. This will not only improve our standard of living but this ensures a legacy for the future generation. I intend to pursue a career in System Engineering and Engineering Management so that I can be part of this uest to moderni!e our lives. Since this career explores the diverse nature of engineering practises, I wish to ac uire and comprehend the techni ues that are employed in this array of fields. I believe it"s a challenging career which create wealth and add value to my country, #igeria. $rowing up I have loo%ed up to engineers as my role models and I have always aspired to be one myself. My passion for science dates bac% to when I was in my Secondary School Day. &n aptitude for 'hysic and mathematics enable me to excel in my science sub(ects at )*level. Throughout my +years as a 'roduction Engineering Student I was able to design a software that could give solution to saturated and unsaturated oil reservoir problems using visual ,-..#ET/ ob(ect orientated programming language. This in particular made me to be aware of how new technologies must be introduce into the society. I was first introduced into the Engineering management course in the university where we were taught the management aspect of Engineering, due to my interest in the course I was able to ma%e a distinction, at first attempt. &s a result of this I decided that I will pursue a programme where management will be integrated into Engineering and as such systems Engineering and Engineering Management appeals to me. During my role as a supervisor at the &wgu 0ocal $overnment 1ouncil Environmental 2nit I carried out an environmental impart analysis using the logging industry as a case study, in which I created matrix and flow diagram discussing the economic and environmental impart of logging and preservation of old growth forest.

My experience of carrying out research and writing reports demonstrate my initiative and attention to details. I have gained invaluable communication s%ills developed through team wor%, presenting my research pro(ect and in my current position as a pro(ect manager at &S&' #igeria 0imited. The career prospective of system engineering and engineering management has a wide range of application3 this also pi ued my interest for the programme system engineering and engineering management. I en(oy singing in my church choir, reading motivational boo%s, listening to music, surfing the internet and meeting different people from all wor%s of life. I"m aware of the excellent reputation of this 2niversity as it provides one of the best environments for graduate education, including competitive and inspiring academic atmosphere, active and fruitful research, access to first class facilities, close interaction between student and it distinguish faculty. I reali!e that admission into this 2niversity is highly competitive, but I hope that I will be given the privilege of continuing my studies at your fine institution. I eagerly loo% forward to the exciting opportunities that studying system engineering and engineering management has to offer. 4ours Sincerely, )morodion )robosa.

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