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Jonastal, Thuringia, Germany April 1945

The hillside had turned into a seething hell hole, o Dantean !ro!ortions" Dirt# orange la$es, %el&hing oil# s$o'e stin'ing o !it&h and seared !or'" Craters and %odies stre(n a&ross the sa)aged lands&a!e, &haoti& ru$%ling under a s&rea$ing s'#" With their Tho$!son su%*$a&hine guns !ointing the (a#, Sergeant Mann# De&'er, and !ri)ates De$!se#, Genaro, and Cole, !loughed u! the tree lined hill to(ards the +ass" The %urnt*egg sten&h o sul!hur hung e)er#(here" Angr#, White*hot %olts o illu$ination &ut through the $ist, and the s$o'e The# %e&a$e se!arated ro$ the rest o the Co$!an# (hen the Ger$ans let loose (ith $ortar ire" The# (ere dug into the &li s a%o)e" Ma&hine guns and ,- $$s. %ristled ro$ %un'ers, (hi&h o)er (at&hed the $outh o the gorge leading to the /onastal +ass" This (as the last line o de en&e to the /onas 0alle# Industrial &o$!le1" A last dit&h atte$!t to !re)ent the A$eri&ans and Russians ro$ getting their hands on Ger$an te&hnolog# along the e)er*shortening road to Berlin" De&'er elt the ier&e (his!er o dis!la&ed air to the le t and right o hi$ as he $ade his (a# to(ards a allen tree" S&ra$%ling to the earth, he rea&hed the &o)er o the tree se&onds in ront o his &o$rades" The# too' ad)antage o the e( $o$ents o sa et# to get their %reath %a&', and still their %eating hearts" Cole &rossed hi$sel , and loo'ed u! to the s'# as he (as tr#ing to %e&o$e !art o the allen trun', his nineteen #ear old a&e ashen %eneath the dirt s$udges" 2This is u&'ed u!,2 De$!se# gas!ed, his slender ingers gri!!ing onto his (ea!on" 2Yeah, one &o$!an# to ta'e out those %un'ers,2 Genaro added his !oint as he 'issed the t(in di&e (hi&h hung ro$ a &hain around his ne&'" 2We3re here to so ten 3e$ u! or the tan' %o#s"2 Ma&hine gun ire s!lintered the trun' a%o)e the$" Mortar ire e1!loded all around, sho(ering soil do(n on the$ li'e a hea)# su$$er rain" De&'er ris'ed a 4ui&' !ee'" He (as re(arded (ith a hail o $a&hine gun ire (hi&h s!lintered the trun' in ront o hi$" 2The# got us !inned good,2 he said" 2%ut (e are onl# a &ou!le o hundred #ards a(a# ro$ the irst %un'er" I #ou %o#s la# do(n so$e &o)ering ire, I thin' I &an get &lose enough to lo% a grenade in"2 The# (ere !art o 5- Ad)an&ed 6nit, or 5- A6, or$erl# 5- RN Co$$ando, under Co$$ander Ian 7le$ing" The nu$%er 5- (as assigned or no other reason than it (as the nu$%er o 7le$ings se&retar#3s o i&e at Ad$iralt# House" The# all 'ne( he (as in realit# one o the %a&' roo$ %o#s ro$ West$inster, and not !art o the $ilitar# $a&hine" All the $en assigned to 5- Ad)an&ed (ere tas'ed to $o)e ahead o ad)an&ing Allied or&es, or to underta'e &o)ert in iltrations into ene$# territor# %# land, sea or air, to &a!ture $u&h needed intelligen&e, in the or$ o &odes, do&u$ents, e4ui!$ent or ene$# !ersonnel" The# o ten (or'ed in &lose &olla%oration (ith the Intelligen&e Cor!s3 7ield Se&urit# se&tions" Indi)idual troo!s (ere ound in all o!erational theatres and usuall# o!erated inde!endentl#, gathering in or$ation ro$ &a!tured a&ilities"

In or$ation had %een re&ei)ed a%out a )ast underground &o$!le1 in the /onas )alle# area, so their unit %eing the &losest had %een atta&hed to the t(o 6S &o$!an#3s and had %een dis!at&hed to ta'e the )alle#, not e1!e&ting it to %e as hea)il# de ended as it (as" When the# arri)ed at the near%# +OW &a$! at Ohrdu it had %een a%andoned, and so the# e1!e&ted the sa$e (hen the# $o)ed on the )alle#" Be ore an# o the$ &ould ans(er, the# elt the ground ru$%le, and the sound o a hea)# diesel engine, and the &ra&' o ti$%er" 8oo'ing %ehind the$, all our (ere horri ied to see the a!!roa&h through the trees o a 9:nigstiger, the $ost eared tan' in the Ger$an arsenal" 7ear !inned the$ to the s!ot" The ;< ton $onster ro&'ed to a sto! ten #ards a(a# ro$ the$" De&'er regained so$e e4uili%riu$" Gra%%ing Genaro, he (as a%out to s&ra$%le a(a#, (hen the ==$$ %arrel angled u! to(ards the %un'er" 2What the u&'>2 Cole stared o!en $outhed at the s&ene %e ore the$" The# all hit the de&', as the high )elo&it# round e1!loded ro$ the $u??le" De&'er, des!ite &o)ering his ears elt as though he (as under(ater" The &hange in air !ressure $u led all sound" The tan' ired again" The (orld ro&'ed around the$" The# &ra(led o)er to the tan'" De&'er ris'ed a loo' at the %un'er@ it (as no( a Au$%le o s$o'ing ru%%le" A head !o!!ed u! out o the turret" 2Thought #ou To$$#.s $a# need a hand,2 the grinning a&e o Ton# 3Du'e3 +arsons loo'ed do(n at the$" 2Where the u&' #ou get this ro$B2 Genaro sla$$ed a hand against the tan's tra&'" 2As' $e no 4uestions"2 Du'e (as one o those t#!es o $en e)er# unit see$ed to ha)e in its ran's, #ou (anted so$ething, the# &ould lo&ate it" 2Carr# on $en, got to go hel! the others,2 he %anged on the turret, 2Waggon3s Roll>2 A thi&' &loud o %lue s$o'e s(e!t o)er the %ushes and trees at the rear o the Tiger" With a ru$%le o rusting tra&'s, the tan' set o again to(ards the other %un'er !ositions" De&'er ru%%ed the %a&' o his ne&' as he (at&hed the tan' &rash through the trees, then loo'ed to the others" 2C3$on %o#s, u! the hill"2 The# )aulted o)er the trun', and !ro&eeded u! to(ards the no( silent %un'er" The sounds o %attle had e)en died do(n urther along the line" A ter &he&'ing the (re&'ed %un'er (as &lear the# $o)ed o to regrou! (ith the rest o A%le Co$!an#" Du'e and his tan' hel!ed e)en u! the odds" Within the s!a&e o an hour, the# had &leared out the rest o the %un'er !ositions" 6!on entering the !ass, the# ound e)iden&e o a hast# retreat" The Ger$ans had not %een %othered to ta'e )alua%le e4ui!$ent (ith the$" The# ound the sa$e (hen the# arri)ed at the /onas 0alle# Industrial Co$!le1 %e#ond the !ass" None o the$ &ould igure out (h# the Ger$ans had de ended (ith su&h )igour onl# to lea)e in su&h a hurr#" As the sun san' %ehind the orested hills o the )alle#, De&'er, Cole, and Genaro (ere ta'ing a (ell*earned %rea' at the ne(l# esta%lished or(ard o!erating %ase" The to! %rass had ta'en o)er a &olle&tion o o i&es (ith so$e (or' sheds turned into %illets" A $essage ro$ &o$!an# &o$$and had %een re&ei)ed telling the$ to hold the )alle# until urther noti&e"

Outside in the $udd# )alle#, the dis!at&h riders &a$e and (ent, slithering (ildl# through the )is&ous $ud" The sounds o shouted orders ro$ !latoon &o$$anders dri ted on the night air" 7or no(, the !er&ussi)e sounds o (ar (ere a%sent" De&'er (as a )eteran o $an# &a$!aigns so did (hat all )eterans did" He got his head do(n" You ne)er 'ne( (hen the &han&e to slee! (ould &o$e so #ou too' it (hen #ou &ould" Genaro and Cole had hoo'ed u! (ith three other gu#s ro$ Charlie Co$!an# and started a &ard ga$e" 2I heard there3s a lot o Na?i gold hidden in this )alle#,2 Cole said" 2Oh #eah, (here3d #ou hear thatB2 Genaro laid do(n his &ards and (hoo!ed as he too' so$e $ore !a# ro$ the $oo's he (as s&a$$ing" 2Oh $an, that3s $e out,2 Cole thre( do(n his &ards in disgust" 2Heard so$e o the %rass tal'ing earlier"2 2You hear too $u&h" Cole, so$eti$es it3s %est to 'ee! #our $outh shut,2 De&'er said, his e#es still shut" Be ore Cole &ould !rotest, their troo! &o$$ander, Ca!tain Hardest# strode in" 2On #er eet $en, I need #ou or a $ission"2 The# all Au$!ed to attention" 2Gra% #our (ea!ons, and ollo( $e"2 Hardest# (ent outside to (ait or the$" De&'er gra%%ed his Tho$!son, and hel$et" The others s&ra$%led or their (ea!ons %e ore ollo(ing De&'er outside" He !ulled out a &igarillo ro$ the %attered !a&' in his to! !o&'et, stri'ing a $at&h on the (all o the %uilding ne1t to hi$" A!!l#ing it to the &igarillo he (at&hed Hardest# &on erring (ith t(o in antr#$en" De&'er noti&ed a $an in the uni or$ o an SS* O%erstur$%ann Chrer in the Aee! !ar'ed %ehind the$" He (as se&ured (ith hand&u s, and loo'ed as though so$eone had gi)en hi$ a good going o)er" Hardest# nodded to the $en then &a$e o)er to s!ea' to De&'er" 2It a!!ears a s$all grou! o o i&ers, and so$e s&ientists ha)e ta'en re uge in one o the $ining &o$!le1es the# did not $anage to %last u!on their retreat" I (ant #ou $en to go in and lush the$ out %e ore the# destro# an#thing else"2 2Onl# the si1 o us, sirB2 2The O%erst there sa#s the# are not hea)il# ar$ed, e)er#one else is tied u! (ith other duties or no(, head on do(n see i #ou &an ind the$, I3ll send so$e others do(n as soon as I &an ree u! so$e %odies"2 Hardest# !ointed u! the )alle#" 2I3)e !ut t(o $en at the entran&e, head u! there, the#3ll gi)e #ou a radio"2 Without another (ord, he (al'ed o)er to the Aee! and &li$%ed in alongside the in antr#$en" The Aee! re)ersed then headed o u! the !ass" 2Another %ullshit dut#, DCole gri!ed" 2Euit #er $oaning, let3s get this done then #ou &an get %a&' to losing $one#"2 Genaro laughed" So$e t(ent# i)e tunnel entran&es (ere %ored into the hillside o)erloo'ing the )alle#" E)iden&e o )ast &onstru&tion a&ti)it# lies all around" So$e o the entran&es had %een %lasted shut, the ones that (ere inta&t no( had in antr#$en on !er$anent guard dut# outside, their (ea!ons trained into the tunnels" As the# a!!roa&hed, a guard (a)ed the$ o)er" De&'er and his $en Aogged u! the side

o a train tra&' e$%an'$ent then u! to the tunnel" A $etal &ano!# had %een %uilt a%o)e the tunnel entran&e, !ossi%l# the %eginning o so$e 'ind o &a$ou lage s#ste$" 2/ust the si1 o #ouB2 He as'ed, as a greeting" 27raid so,2 De&'er ans(ered" 2Ho( $an#3s su!!osed to %e do(n thereB2 Cole as'ed" 2A%out t(ent# t(o, o i&ers, s&ientists and a &ou!le o Wa en %od#guards"2 2But there $a#%e $ore, rightB2 De&'er thre( do(n his &igarillo, &run&hing it out under his %oot" The guard shrugged" Cole too' the radio o the other guard, and stra!!ed it to his %a&'" 2C3$on then, let3s do this"2 De&'er strode to(ards the tunnel" The irst e( eet had %een dug out o solid ro&', stret&hing into se$i dar'ness, the (a# lit %# (ea' lights e)er# e( eet" The hairs on the %a&' o De&'er3s ne&' stood to attention" He 'ne( this (as a shit detail, also, he had a ear o &on ined s!a&es, a ter alling into a sin'hole (hen he (as a 'id" The land around the ar$ he had gro(n u! on in Ala%a$a (as riddled (ith tunnels ro$ a near%# $ine, he had %een out (andering the ields (ith his dog, S'i!, (hen the ground %eneath his eet had o!ened u!, s(allo(ing hi$ and his dog" Des!ite his s&rea$s, he (as not dis&o)ered until the ne1t da#" He elt a &old s(eat %rea' out all o)er his s'in" A hand on his shoulder %ro'e the s!ell" He turned to see Genaro" 2You o'a#, SargeB2 2Yeah, let3s do this, eh"2 Gri!!ing his Tho$!son, and ta'ing a dee! %reath, he ste!!ed into the &ool air o the tunnel" 9ee! it together, De&'er thought" Not (anting to a!!ear (ea' in ront o the others" He too' !oint" The# (al'ed in single ile through the ru &ut tunnel" No on s!o'e, onl# the noise o their %reathing &a$e %a&' at the$ ro$ the tunnel (alls" De&'er elt the (hole (eight o the earth and ro&'s a%o)e hi$" A series o t(ists and turns %rought the$ to a &on&reted (all, (ith a &losed $etal hat&h door set in the &enter" De&'er held u! his hand" 2Sta# (here #ou are, the# &ould ha)e %oo%# tra!!ed the door"2 De&'er !ut his hand on the &entral lo&'ing (heel %ut stood to one side o the door" He loo'ed to the others, signalling the$ to hit the de&' against the (all o the tunnel" He had seen it %e ore, (here doors or )ehi&les had %een turned into %o$%s" The thought $ade his hand s(eat" He ru%%ed his hand on his Aa&'et %e ore !la&ing his hand %a&' on the (heel" Gi)ing it a hard t(ist, he thre( hi$sel a(a# and against the (all" Nothing ha!!ened" He turned %a&' to the door, and !ulled it o!en" Ma&hine gun ire eru!ted ro$ the o!en door" Bullets, s!angged o the (alls, and &aro$ed around the tunnel" Genaro and Cole returned ire" De&'er !ulled a grenade ro$ his utilit# !ou&h, !ulled the !in, and then tossed it through the door" The e1!losion (hen it &a$e (as loud" He elt his ears !o!" He Au$!ed in ront o the door and ired ro$ the hi!" There (as no need though, he sa( the

Ger$an soldier (ho had %een o!erating the S!andau $a&hine gun, slu$!ed o)er the sand%ag e$!la&e$ent, %lood !ouring ro$ his head" De&'er ste!!ed through the hat&h, (ea!on at the read#" He $o)ed to one side o the door as the others ollo(ed" The interior here (as di erent" The (alls (ere &onstru&ted o rein or&ed &on&rete" A (ell*lit &orridor e1tended %e ore the$, our door(a#s on either side leading o to (ho 'ne( (hat" The# &ould also hear a aint (hining noise &o$ing ro$ %eneath their eet" Be ore $o)ing o , the# &he&'ed the roo$s leading o the &orridor" 7inding nothing %ut des's and s&attered !a!er(or', the# headed dee!er into the &o$!le1" The noise %e&a$e louder as the# des&ended dee! underground, along a series o s(it&h%a&' &orridors" Ea&h one is leading to (or'sho!s or storeroo$s" The (or'sho!s (ere ull o strange e4ui!$ent the li'es o (hi&h the# had ne)er seen %e ore" 2This is a (ild goose &hase, sarge, the 'rauts !ro%a%l# long gone %# no(,2 Genaro said, his a&e et&hed (ith the tension the# all elt" The strange noise (as no( ear s!littingl# loud" The# had &o$e to a larger hat&h door set in a gre# (all o the no( a$iliar %lo&' %uilding (or'" A S(asti'a (as e$%la?oned a%o)e the door" De&'er (as a%out to ans(er (hen the hat&h %urst o!en, a $an in a (hite &oat stu$%led out" His a&e (as red" Blood !oured ro$ his ears and e#es" 2Die Glo&'e lFutet, Die Glo&'e lFutet, 9a$$ler ist )errC&'t>2 The $an s&rea$ed %e ore &olla!sing, his %od# (ra&'ed %# so$e 'ind o it" The# all ro?e e1&e!t or one o the $en (ho $ade to $o)e to(ards the $an" 2Don3t tou&h hi$" We don3t 'no( (hat the#3)e %een doing do(n here,2 De&'er said, 2An#%od# understand (hat he (as sa#ing"2 2So$ething a%out a %ell ringing, and so$eone &alled 9a$$ler %eing &ra?#,2 Genaro su!!lied" The# all loo'ed straight at hi$ as i he had %een the one ra)ing" 2What> WhatB I had a Ger$an riend %e ore the (ar, taught $e a e( (ords, edu&ation gu#s, #ou should tr# it so$eti$e"2 The# $o)ed around the no( still igure" Edging to(ards the door" The noise no( (as dea ening" A reddish !ur!le light glo(ed %e#ond the door" De&'er ste!!ed through ollo(ed %# Genaro, Cole and the other $en" The sight, (hi&h greeted the$, (as the strangest an# o the$ had seen %e ore" Be#ond an# e1!erien&e" The# stood in a )ast &a)ern, taller than a &athedral, and (ider than t(o oot%all ields" Around the edges sat )arious !ie&es o ele&troni& e4ui!$ent, the !ur!ose un'no(n to De&'er or the others" The %odies o $an# dead s&ientists la# on the loor o the &a)ern" The# had all %een shot" The strangest sight (as lo&ated in the $iddle o the &a)ern" A $assi)e &ir&ular stru&ture, 5- $eters (ide and G- high" With its G,*$eter*thi&' &olu$ns and hori?ontal %ea$s" The stru&ture (as !art*re$inis&ent o so$e ritual !agan edi i&e, re$inding De&'er o the &on&rete %ase o a &ooling to(er, onl# %igger" Atta&hed %# thi&', hea)# loo'ing &hains to the &on&rete &olu$ns, %ut loating in the air (as a de)i&e (hi&h loo'ed li'e a huge %ell" B# De&'er3s esti$ation, it (as a%out i teen eet tall, and ten eet (ide" The %ase o the %ell (as uriousl# s!inning anti&lo&'(ise" Ele&tri&it# ar&hed ro$ the to! o the de)i&e" The %ell (as thro(ing o a reddish !ur!le glo(, en)elo!ed in this

glo( (ere the $en the# had &o$e to ind" T(ent#* i)e $en stood %eneath the %ell" So$e in uni or$ others in s&ienti i& s$o&'s@ the glo( %athed the grou! o $en" The noise (as no( &li$%ing u! the s&ale, %e&o$ing un%eara%le" De&'er dro!!ed to his 'nees" The others ollo(ed" He elt a !o!!ing in his ears, elt (ar$ (etness run do(n his ne&'"His s'in tingled and it&hed as i he (as &o)ered (ith ants &ra(ling all o)er hi$" As he (at&hed, the %ell %egan to lo(er onto the grou!" One o the $en, in the uni or$ o an o i&er, s$iled at hi$ and raised his right hand in a Sieg Heil gesture" The %ell &o)ered the$ all" Suddenl# a %right lash e1!loded ro$ the %ell sha!ed de)i&e, (hi&h s!read out*(ards" Where it tou&hed De&'er, it %urned li'e nothing he had e)er elt, he had a leeting i$age o %eing %a&' on the ar$, running (ith S'i!, and then nothing"

DE7ENSE INTE88IGENCE AGENCY BAC9GRO6ND RE+ORT C8ASSI7ICATIONH TO+ SECRETIEYES ON8Y A6THORH WEBB, CHAR8OTTE JD*<K S6B/ECTH GEHEIME STAAT INCIDENT GH LILATTAC9 ON A MARINE BASE Hel$and +ro)in&e, A ghanistan In the earl# hours o De&e$%er G,, a large and hea)il# ar$ed or&e o o)er one hundred $en atta&'ed a re$ote 6nited States Marine Cor!s staging and su!!l# %ase in southern A ghanistan" The or&e atta&'ed (ith !re&ision, s'ill and o)er(hel$ing )iolen&e, 'illing all o the t(ent#* t(o engineers and $aintenan&e sta stationed at the isolated %ase" The atta&'ers. o%Ae&ti)e, it see$s, (as not the $urder o 6S ser)i&e !ersonnel" The# (ere a ter the air&ra t 'e!t at the %ase" The atta&'ers too' = Bla&' Ha(' atta&' heli&o!ters !lus = Marine Cor!s 0*,, Os!re# MWar%ird. gunshi!s INCIDENT ,H G-IGTHE THE7T O7 THE M9ru?enshtern . One $onth and one da# later, on O&to%er G-, a Russian &argo reighter, the 9ru?enshtern , (as sei?ed %# !ersons un'no(n, o the (est &oast o A ri&a" A&&ording to its &argo $ani est, the shi! (as &arr#ing ti$%er, uel and %uilding su!!lies destined or Ni$%a%(e and its sei?ure (as initiall# %elie)ed to %e the (or' o West A ri&an !irates" But then the Russians sent hal o their Atlanti& leet to ind the shi!" Our in)estigations ha)e re)ealed that the 9ru?enshtern (as a&tuall# &arr#ing a large (ea!ons shi!$ent intended or sale to three e$%argoed A ri&an regi$es" Its &argo (asH O 5G- A9*PQ ASSA68T RI78ES@ O P"; $illion rounds o Q"<,$$ AMM6NITION or those ri les@ O L- R+G*Q GRENADE 8A6NCHERS@ O L STRE8A*G ANTI*AIRCRA7T 0EHIC8ES, ea&h e4ui!!ed (ith our LM5G sur a&e*to* air $issiles@ O G, NA8A*P,G*-= un$anned aerial sur)eillan&e DRONES@ O G= $a&hine*gun*$ounted /EE+S@ The reighter (as $anned %# a ten*$an s4uad o S!etsna? s!e&ial or&es troo!s" This last a&t $a'es it e1tre$el# unli'el# that the 9ru?enshtern (as ta'en %# A ri&an !irates" A ri&an !irates are usuall# !oor isher$en (ho atta&' &o$$er&ial )essels or the !ur!ose o se&uring ranso$s@ at the irst sign o an# $ilitar# !resen&e on a shi! the# in)aria%l# lee" On the &ontrar#, the or&e o $en that too' the 9ru?enshtern 'ne( e1a&tl# (hat (as on it and (as s'illed enough to de eat a tea$ o &ra&' Russian !aratroo!ers to get it" INCIDENT 5H GGIGG THE TORT6RE O7 AN AMERICAN O77ICIA8 Washington, D"C", 6SA

Shortl# a ter $idnight on Mar&h 5, a s$all grou! o unidenti ied $en raided the Georgeto(n ho$e o the or$er 6S Se&retar# o De ense, 'illed his t(o %od#guards, and 'idna!!ed the ageing Se&retar#" The se&retar# (as ound * ali)e * %# t(o earl#*$orning hi'ers in Ro&' Cree' +ar', %ound to a torture de)i&e" He had %een (ater%oarded" During his su%se4uent de%rie ing, the Se&retar# e1hi%ited s#$!to$s o se)ere sho&'" He &ontinuall# shouted Gehei$e Staat INCIDENT PH G,IG, Soon a ter $idnight on /anuar# G, a te$!orar# 6N !rison &a$! in the Dar ur region o Sudan (as raided %# a or&e o ar$ed and $as'ed $en" G-, !risoners )ariousl# des&ri%ed as Mre)olutionar# ighters., Isla$i& $ilitants ro$ se)eral A ri&an nations, and nar&o*$er&enaries.o Ger$an origin (ere reed ro$ the !rison and s!irited a(a#" All %ut t(o o the &a$!.s 6N guards (ere 'illed" The t(o sur)i)ing guards re!orted that the raiding or&e used a )ariet# o Russian*$ade assault (ea!ons and t(o A$eri&an Co%ra atta&' heli&o!ters" The raiders de!arted (ith their large nu$%er o es&a!ees in t(o 0*,, Os!re# gunshi!s (ith 6S Marine Cor!s $ar'ings" Be ore the# le t, the# s!ra#*!ainted a $essage on one o the !rison (allsH MGehei$e Staat /6ST GOT STRONGER """. INCIDENT 5H GGIGG A ROBBERY O0ER GREECE In the earl# hours o No)e$%er GG, an un$ar'ed Ger$an Gul strea$ Aet &arr#ing nine %illion euros ro$ Ger$an# to Gree&e disa!!eared ro$ the s'ies a%o)e northern Gree&e" The !lane.s &argo o hard &urren&# (as intended or use in the latest stage o Gree&e.s inan&ial %ailout" The (re&'age o the !lane (as ound the ollo(ing $orning" One &re( $e$%er (as $issing" The other three had all %een shot in the head at &lose range" The $one# (as gone" CONC86SIONS The in&idents outlined a%o)e des&ri%e in so$e(hat gri$ detail the rise o a ne( non*state entit# &alling itsel the Gehei$e Staat Where it is %ased and (ho &o$!rises it is not 'no(n" What is 'no(n is thisH it is a or&e o $ilitaril#*trained indi)iduals that o)er the last se)en $onths has o%tained or itsel a &onsidera%le su!!l# o (ea!ons, inan&e and $an!o(er" It does not, as #et, sho( an# religious or &ultural $oti)ations or its aggressi)e a&ts" We do not #et 'no( (hat is dri)ing this rogue MAr$#." Ne)ertheless, it (ants us to noti&e it" It has &arried out one o!eration a $onth, e)er# $onth, or the last se)en $onths, in a&&ordan&e (ith a !attern (here the nu$%er o the da# and the $onth are the sa$e" Clearl#, it (ants us to see this !attern, and (e should %e a(are o it, %e&ause to$orro( is A!ril P""" A WAREHO6SE ON THE BAN9S O7 THE THAMES, 8ONDON, +RESENT DAY The roller shutter doors to the (arehouse as&ended to allo( ad$ittan&e to the dar' &oloured 7ord Transit )an" On&e it had )anished into the $ur'# de!ths o the %uilding, a $an &radling an A9*PQ ste!!ed out and lit u! a &igarette"

2I ha)e e#es on one 1*ra#,2 Ada$ Bane said into his throat $i&ro!hone" 2He is ar$ed, and standing %# the $ain entran&e to the (arehouse"2 2Ha)e that"2 Ca$e %a&' the re!l# ro$ the SAS O! roo$" Bane s&anned his %ino&ulars to the le t, a red Mer&edes (as dri)ing into the (arehouse &o$!ound" 2Target is no( on the !lot,2 he rela#ed" DHa)e that, all tea$s go a$%er"R The s$o'er 4ui&'l# !ut out his &igarette, and signalled to so$eone out o sight" T(o sto&'# sha)en headed $en e$erged ro$ the (arehouse, one held a !istol, the other (as unar$ed" He rela#ed the in or$ation" The dri)er o the Mer& &li$%ed out, and o!ened the rear nearside !assenger door" Henr# Mueller, the !ri$ar# target e1ited the )ehi&le" Mueller (as a i1er, a shado(# igure (ho ser)ed as a go %et(een or )arious terrorist organisations" He had a!!eared on MI;3s radar a%out t(o #ears ago (hen he negotiated the !ur&hase o Sarin or Al Eueda" The# had $anaged to inter&e!t the shi!$ent, %ut Mueller had eluded the$" The shi!$ent he (as in)ol)ed (ith no( (as Eastern Blo& uraniu$" Though asso&iated (ith the &haos o the i$$ediate #ears a ter the &olla!se o the So)iet 6nion, re!orts o nu&lear s$uggling in the or$er Eastern %lo& &ontinue to this da#, and Bane 'ne( the# (ere non less o$inous or the nu$%er o alse alar$s that (ere raised ro$ ti$e to ti$e" There (as no in or$ation on (ho he (as (or'ing or, %ut the !ur&hase (as %eing $ade ro$ a Moldo)an &ri$inal gang, although no one had an# in or$ation on (h# the deal (as ha!!ening on so)ereign soil" The Moldo)an authorities had !assed on the in or$ation to Inter!ol (ho in turn !assed it to MI;" The sus!e&ts, (ho in&luded our Moldo)ans, one Russian and one resident o the Russian* %a&'ed se!aratist region o Transnistria in eastern Moldo)a had %een in &onta&t (ith Mueller" Bane (at&hed the dri)er re$o)e a $etalli& suit&ase ro$ the %oot, (hile the unar$ed $an !atted Mueller do(n" He too' the &ase, and all three (ent into the (arehouse" Cigarette $an ollo(ed %ehind, &losing the doors a ter hi$" 2All 1*ra#s inside target %uilding, go, go, go>2 Se)eral things ha!!ened all at on&e" An ar$oured Range Ro)er &rashed through the &o$!ound en&e" 7our %la&' &lad troo!er.s a%seiled do(n ro$ the roo o the (arehouse (here the# had earlier se&reted the$sel)es" The# &rashed through the (indo(s" +er&ussi)e (hu$!s o lash %angs inside the %uilding ollo(ed this" Eight troo!ers e1ited the )ehi&le and headed or the doors, (hi&h had %egun to o!en" Cigarette $an a!!eared, and (as &ut do(n in a hail o %ullets as he raised his (ea!on" Bane thre( do(n his %ino&ulars, dre( his Glo&', and headed out o the lat, (hi&h (as o)erloo'ing the &o$!ound on the %an's o the Tha$es Ri)er" He had )olunteered to %e on o)er*(at&h o the &o$!ound %e&ause Mueller had %e&o$e a &ause &ele%re or Bane, he had %een in)ol)ed in the original o!eration (ith the Sarin, and had ta'en it !ersonal that the $an had es&a!ed &a!ture" This ti$e around, he (anted to %e in on the 'ill so to s!ea'" Bane rea&hed the &o$!ound as the inal gunshot e&hoed out o the (arehouse" He holstered his (ea!on as he (al'ed around the Range Ro)er" An SAS troo!er (as (al'ing out o the interior" He re$o)ed his gas $as' as he a!!roa&hed Bane" 2All targets are do(n,2 he shoo' his head, 2Not %# our hand either"2

2What do #ou $eanB2 2The# all shot the$sel)es"2 2MuellerB 2Yu!, hi$ too, all %e ore the gu#s hit the de&', one $ade or the )an, he (as the onl# one (e too' out inside the (arehouse"2 Bane (as ha)ing trou%le !ro&essing this in or$ation, these $en (ere as tough as the# &o$e, e1 S!et?na? or 7SB to a $an, #et the# &hose sui&ide o)er &a!ture" 2Ha)e #our $en se&ure the !eri$eter"2 The $an nodded, and &alled the others out" Bane (al'ed into the (arehouse" The sten&h o death illed the air, he learned long ago death s$elled o &o!!er and &ordite, in his line o (or', this s&ene (as no di erent" He $o)ed &are ull# to a)oid the ra!idl# s!reading la'es o red" The )an (as !ar'ed in the &entre o the dar'ened (arehouse@ the onl# light (as the %ars strea$ing through the s$ashed or $ur'# (indo(s" He loo'ed do(n at Mueller, hal his a&e had %een %lo(n o , this $ade no sense at all, and in all his e1!erien&e, he had 'no(n nothing li'e it" Bane $ade his (a# o)er to the )an, and tried the handle on the rear doors" The# o!ened easil#" Inside he sa( a $ediu$ si?ed (ooden &rate" Sten&illed on the side a&ing hi$ (as the eagle and s(asti'a s#$%ol o the Na?i3s" Bane ro(ned, the %o1 (as too s$all to &ontain the a$ount o uraniu$ the# had %een told a%out, and he &ertainl# (ould not e1!e&t to see a Na?i s#$%ol on it" A ter handing o)er to the on s&ene s&ien&e o i&er, Bane returned to Tha$es House on the north %an' o the ri)er" He had a lot to &onsider regarding the ending o the $ission, (hi&h had le t $an# unans(ered 4uestions" He (ould ha)e to ha)e ans(ers or his %oss as (ell" Sir Ale& Walton, a or$er Colonel in Chie o the S!e&ial Air Ser)i&e, and as hard nosed an o!erator as Bane had e)er 'no(n" Not a $an to su er ools gladl# or $issions gone sour" Ta'ing a dee! %reath, he 'no&'ed on Sir Ale&3s oa' !anelled o i&e door" 2Co$e in,2 &a$e the s&rat&h# )oi&ed re!l#" Bane !ushed the door o!en and entered the ri&hl# &ar!eted o i&e" Sir Ale& sat %ehind his des', (hi&h (as an e1a&t &o!# o the Resolute des' (hi&h so$eti$es sat in the O)al o i&e at the Whitehouse, a gi t ro$ Eueen 0i&toria to +resident Ruther ord B" Ha#es in G==- and (as %uilt ro$ the ti$%ers o the British Ar&ti& E1!loration shi! Resolute, hen&e the na$e" On the (all %ehind Sir Ale&, hung !i&tures o the Eueen, and the !resent !ri$e $inister, Da)id 8le(ell#n" Bane noti&ed his %oss (as not alone@ a (hi!&ord lean $an in his late i ties sat in one o the t(o &hairs in ront o the des'" 2Ha)e a seat Ada$"2 Bane sat do(n in the other &hair" 2So, the Ao% did not go !lan,2 Sir Ale& leaned his el%o(s on the des' and stee!led his ingers" 2No, not e1a&tl#, (e did retrie)e the shi!$ent though"2 2A )er# unusual situation all round, I3)e Aust %een in or$ed the shi!$ent (as not uraniu$ either, it (as so$ething &alled Seru$ ;,;, other(ise 'no(n as red $er&ur#"2 2Red $er&ur#, isn.t that Aust an ur%an legendB2 2I3$ not a !h#si&ist, so I &ould not sa#, %ut this gentle$an $a# %e a%le to shed so$e light on the $atter" Ada$ Bane $eet Colonel Bri&e Montague, C in C o O$ega"2 The $an leaned o)er and shoo' Bane3s hand"

2Good to $eet #ou, Ada$,2 he had a southern A$eri&an dra(l to his a&&ent" 2O$ega, I3)e ne)er heard o it"2 2Good, then (e are doing our Ao% &orre&tl#, (e are a dee!er than dee! %la&' o!s out it, (e $anage, er"""6nusual situations, a s$all %ut )er# elite grou! o o!erators dra(n ro$ the ran's o the 6S and (orld $ilitar# and no( re&entl# gi)en s!e&ial autono$# to de end the entire (orldT ro$ threats that (ere %e#ond the &o$!rehension o traditional $ilitar# or&es"We are not under the lag o an# one nation, a $ulti national grou!, (e go an#(here (e are needed"2 2Ho( does this &on&ern $e, and this Seru$ ;,;,2 Bane had a eeling he (as not going to li'e the ans(er" Sir Ale& ans(ered or the &olonel, 2The#3)e Aust lost their British se&urit# asset, so I a$ !utting #ou on se&ond$ent to O$ega, Colonel Montague )ie(ed a e( !ersonnel iles, and !i&'ed #ou, #our in)ol)e$ent (ith the red $er&ur# shi!$ent (as an added %onus"2 2But (hat a%out all $# other Ao%sB I still ha)e se)eral on*going"2 2Chris Dea'in &an ta'e the$ o)er@ #ou3ll need to %rie hi$ %e ore #ou lea)e o &ourse"2 Bane did not li'e this one %it, %ut he 'ne( he had no &hoi&e, (hat Sir Ale& said (as then (ritten in stone, still he lo)ed a &hallenge, and he had a eeling this (as going to turn out to %e the %iggest &hallenge o his li e" Montague handed Bane a ile, (hi&h he had dra(n ro$ the %rie &ase %# the side o his &hair" 2We ha)e t(o $issing s&ientists to lo&ate" Their ield o e1!ertise is anti*gra)it# and %oosted ission (ea!ons" The eeling is that so$e%od# so$e(here is %uilding a $other o all %o$%s, that3s (h# the need or the red $er&ur#, I3$ told it3s a su!er*&ondu&ti)e $aterial used or !rodu&ing high*!re&ision &on)entional and nu&lear %o$% e1!losi)es" There is a ti&'et in the ile (hi&h (ill get #ou to 8as 0egas3 M&Carran International Air!ort, #ou3ll %e ta'en to our head 4uarters ro$ there, #ou.ll re!ort to Co$$ander Morgan, the ile &ontains all the Intel #ou need on our &urrent $ission, and #our e1!e&ted role (ithin" An#thing else, Morgan (ill ill #ou in"2 Montague stood u!" 2I3ll %id #ou good da# gentle$en, and I (ill see #ou in a (ee' Ada$"2 With that, he le t the o i&e"

Ro an and %ebb wat&'ed t'e &'o((er vanis' into t'e distan&e before oin to t'e van liveried wit' t'e de&al of t'e %estern )ir inia %ater A*t'ority. T'e (ilot 'ad &alled a'ead to make s*re t'e ve'i&le was waitin for t'em. T'ey 'ad (*t down in a deserted &ar (ark on t'e s'ore of Carvins Cove Reservoir. It was t'e only o*t of t'e way lo&ation t'ey &o*ld find &lose to t'eir destination. Ro an o(ened t'e rear of t'e van and tossed %ebb a (air of overalls. +,*t t'ese on. T'is way we won-t attra&t attention to o*rselves. S'e was lookin at 'im as if 'e 'ad one mad. +%'at, 'ere/. 0e looked at 'er, t'en s'ook 'is 'ead, +Sorry, I-m not *sed to workin wit' women, &'an e in t'e ba&k of t'e van, I-ll stay o*t 'ere.. %ebb &limbed in t'e van and s'*t t'e door. T'e rear was &ram(ed wit' tools and (ie&es of e1*i(ment makin it awkward to &'an e &lot'es. After a few min*tes of twistin and t*rnin s'e mana ed it. #eavin t'e van, s'e fo*nd Ro an field stri((in a 0e&kler and 2o&' M, 3 on a nearby (i&ni& table. 0e was now wearin 'is own set of water a*t'ority overalls. +Is t'at t'in really oin to be ne&essary/. +I like to be (re(ared for all event*alities, so yes it is.. S'e wat&'ed in silen&e as 'e e4(ertly reassembled t'e *n. T'ere was somet'in abo*t Ro an t'at made 'er feel safe, b*t 'ow lon t'ey wo*ld stay safe, s'e did not know. Inside, s'e was terrified es(e&ially knowin w'at seemed like t'e f*ll wei 't of t'e Federal $overnment was bein levied a ainst t'em. +%'at do we do now/. 0e finis'ed reassemblin t'e *n, t'en looked *( at 'er. +%e &arry on, o talk wit' t'is 2ammler.. +And if federal a ents &ome after *s/. +%e make s*re t'ey don-t &at&' *s. Come on, time to o.. 0e walked over, and &limbed into t'e driver5s side of t'e van. %ebb 6oined 'im. Ro an 'anded 'er a $lo&k 78. +9o* do know 'ow to 'andle a *n. Ri 't/. +:f &o*rse I do.. S'e took t'e wea(on, (*llin ba&k t'e slide to &'e&k a b*llet was &'ambered. Ro an se&*red 'is wea(on before t*rnin on t'e en ine. 0e looked at 'er. +!on-t worry. %e-ll 'ave a &'at wit' t'is 2ammler *y, see w'at 'e knows t'en we-ll o to ro*nd, it-ll be a walk in t'e (ark.. S'e ave 'im a t'in smile. +I 'o(e yo*-re ri 't, I really do.. T'ey set off alon Reservoir Road, 'eadin towards Roanoke. +,rofessor, et in 'ere,. Bane &alled o*t. 0e went over to t'e man, for&ed 'im to 'is knees. Trotsky stood lookin *( at t'e bell devi&e, s'o&k and awe written all over 'is fa&e. +%'o are yo*, and %'atever yo*5ve done, yo* need to sto( it now,. Bane (rodded t'e man wit' t'e m*;;le of 'is wea(on. +My names 0offman. It-s im(ossible. I &annot. I-m sayin not'in else.. ,rofessor $*yler and Jennifer &ame into t'e room. 0e took one look at t'e

devi&e, t'en ran over to t'e &ontrol (anel. +0e said 'e-s overloaded t'e devi&e,. Bane told 'im. +I know, I &an tell by t'e so*nd it-s emittin .. 0e looked at t'e &om(*ter s&reen, s'ook 'is 'ead. +It &an-t be *ndone, w'en it blows it will take o*t t'e w'ole base. T'e only way o*t is...No, it-s im(ossible.... 0is voi&e drifted off, as 'e &ame ba&k to stand wit' Bane. +%'at,,rofessor/ %'at is t'e only way o*t/. 0e was lookin at Bane wit' fear filled 'is eyes. +Into t'e (ast, we follow t'em.. Bane looked *( at t'e devi&e. A (*lsatin bl*e mist swirled aro*nd it. ,in(ri&ks of li 't s(arkled wit'in it, like fireflies on a stormy ni 't. +I do not like t'e so*nd of t'at,. Trotsky said. +Me neit'er, . Bane said, as 'e looked at ea&' of t'em in t*rn, +B*t I don-t t'ink we 'ave a &'oi&e.. +T'e &onne&tion to 7<=3 is 'oldin for now, so if we-re oin it-ll 'ave to be now,. t'e (rofessor said. >9ea', b*t we-ll be tra((ed, I t'ink I-d rat'er die 'ere, t'an t'ro* ' t'ere,. Trotsky said, *sin 'is *n m*;;le to indi&ate t'e swirlin mist. +And, I-m a Jew, 'ow do yo* t'ink t'at-ll o down in 0itlers b*nker/. +2oeni m*st know of a way ba&k 'ere, I don-t t'ink 'e wo*ld risk 'is ne&k on a one way tri(,. t'e (rofessor (ointed o*t. +"no* ' talkin ,. Bane said, +%e 'ave no &'oi&e, we o now.. 0e looked at t'e (*lsatin mists, swirlin aro*nd t'e devi&e, t'e last t'in Bane wanted was to enter t'at maelstrom, b*t anyt'in was better t'an stayin 'ere. And if t'ey made it t'ro* ' t'ey still 'ad time to (revent 2oeni from w'atever 'e was *( to. Jennifer moved to stand ne4t to Bane. +I-m wit' Adam, everyone 'ere is oin to die, b*t if we 'ave a &'an&e to sto( 2oeni , t'en we 'ave to take it.. T'eir minds fo&*ssed on t'e (roblem at 'and. T'ey 'ad for otten abo*t 0offman. %'ile t'ey were talkin , t'ey did not see 'im (i&k *( t'e A2?=8 w'i&' lay on a nearby table. 0e sw*n it towards t'em, and o(ened fire. T'e 'o*se t'ey were lookin for lay at t'e end of a lon driveway off %illiamson Road. A Colonial two story 'o*se s*rro*nded by dense woodland. Ro an (*lled t'e van off t'e road, ot o*t, and lifted t'e 'ood. T'is made it a((ear t'at t'ey 'ad en ine tro*ble. %ebb 6oined 'im. Traffi& was s(arse, and no one (aid t'em any attention. +%'at-s t'e (lan/. S'e asked. Ro an rabbed a &li(board off t'e das' and 'anded it to 'er. +Take a walk *( to t'e 'o*se, don-t worry I-ll be nearby. kno&k on t'e door, tell w'oever answers yo*5re from t'e %ater A*t'ority doin a s*rvey of 'o*se'olders, et t'eir names.. S'e retrieved t'e $lo&k from t'e van, and st*ffed it inside 'er &overalls, t'en waited for a break in traffi& before walkin a&ross to t'e drive. %ebb looked ba&k over 'er s'o*lder. Ro an 'ad vanis'ed. T'e day was a 'ot one, so s'e was ratef*l for t'e &oolin s'adows &ast by t'e trees borderin t'e drive. 0er stoma&' was doin somersa*lts as 'er feet &arried

'er *( t'e windin drive to t'e 'o*se. T'ro* ' t'e trees, s'e &o*ld see t'e 'o*se. A dark &olo*red S@) was (arked o*t front, b*t t'ere were no ot'er si ns of life. T'e so*nds of birds twitterin in t'e trees anno*n&ed 'er a((roa&' to t'e front of t'e 'o*se. S'e ro*nded t'e last &*rve, and now anyone in t'e 'o*se wo*ld see 'er. T'ere was no movement. %ebb sto((ed, and made a (reten&e of lookin at t'e &li(board, t'en ba&k at t'e 'o*se. S'e started walkin a ain w'en t'e r*stle of b*s'es to 'er ri 't drew 'er attention. A man dressed in &amo*fla ed &ombats ste((ed into view. 0e was aimin a sn*b?nosed ma&'ine *n at 'er. +!on-t move, miss.. %ebb-s mo*t' went dry, and 'er 'eart t'*m(ed, s'e slowly raised 'er 'ands. T'e man s(oke into a mi&ro('one se&*red in 'is ri 't 'and &*ff. +I-ve ot 'er.. Anot'er, similarly attired and armed, man emer ed from t'e tree line off to 'er left. +%'at-s oin on, I-m from t'e %ater A*t'ority, doin a.... +S*re yo* are Miss %ebb, et on yo*r knees, 'ands on yo*r 'ead.. +S'e &om(lied wit' t'e mans instr*&tions, and wondered w'ere t'e 'ell, Ro an was, or 'ad t'ey ot 'im too. T'e front door to t'e 'o*se o(ened. A man in a bla&k s*it ste((ed o*t, followed by an older man in a w'eel &'air. >$o ba&k in t'e 'o*se, Mr 2em(, we-ve ot t'e sit*ation *nder &ontrol,. t'e man to 'er left said. So t'is was fat'er and son, %ebb t'o* 't. S'e looked intently at t'e man in t'e w'eel &'air, $eneral !r 0ans Friedri&' 2arl Fran; 2ammler, 'e was t'in, 'is bald 'ead 'ad a few s(arse 'airs, and liver s(ots. T'ere was also an arro ant air to 'is bearin , and a t'in sneer &*rled t'e ed e of 'is mo*t'. 0is eyes bored into 'er, a (redator e4aminin its (rey. +9o* s'o*ld 'ave left well alone Miss %ebb.. T'e two s'ots almost so*nded as one. %ebb flin&'ed. T'e armed men were kno&ked off t'eir feet. Ro an a((eared from aro*nd t'e &orner of t'e 'o*se, armed wit' 'is own $lo&k, t'e M,3 se&*red by a stra( over 'is s'o*lder. 0e (*t two more b*llets into t'em, makin s*re t'ey were dead. 2em( w'irled, oin for somet'in in 'is 6a&ket. Ro an sw*n aro*nd to (oint t'e *n at 'im. +9o*-ll be dead before t'at *n &lears its 'olster.. 2em( fro;e, looked defeated. +Two fin ers, take it o*t, slowly, and toss it to my (artner.. T'e man did as re1*ested. %ebb 6*m(ed to 'er feet, and retrieved t'e (istol before 6oinin Ro an at t'e 'o*se. +Cover t'em w'ile I 'ide t'e bodies.. %ebb took o*t 'er $lo&k, and (ointed bot' (istols at t'em. T'ey silently stared ba&k at 'er. Ro an made s'ort work of loadin t'e bodies in t'e S@), before ret*rnin . +:kay, everyone in t'e 'o*se.. %it'o*t a word, 2ammler w'eeled 'imself t'ro* ' t'e door followed by 'is son, Ro an, and %ebb &ame be'ind t'em. S'e &losed t'e door.

T'ey were in an airy foyer. Stairs in front of t'em led to t'e *((er floor. A s'ort 'all ad6a&ent t'e stairs led to a &losed door. :ff to t'e left and ri 't of t'em were &losed doors. +Anyone else 'ere/ . Ro an asked. +No,. 2em( said, like a s*llen &'ild. Ro an indi&ated t'e door to t'e ri 't. +Inside if yo* (lease.. 2em( o(ened t'e door and led t'em into a &reamy walled, (leasantly f*rnis'ed livin room. Fren&' doors at t'e far end led o*t to a s*nlit lass &onservatory. 2ammler w'eeled 'imself into t'e &entre of t'e room. 2em( sat on a leat'er sofa, ne4t to a lar e o(en fire(la&e. +%'at do yo* want wit' *s/ My dad-s si&k, we 'ave money in a safe *(stairs.. +9ea', yo*r dads si&k all ri 't, 6*st like t'e rest of t'e Na;i ,arty was,. Ro an said. +I don-t know w'at.... 2em( be an. 2ammler 'eld *( 'is 'and. +"no* ', t'ey know w'o I am,. 'e said, 'is voi&e 'eld a sli 't tra&e of 'is $erman a&&ent. %ebb moved to a &'air be'ind Ro an. +$ood, we &an &*t t'e &ra(, w'at do yo* know abo*t $e'eime Staat, and a &ree( &alled 2oeni /. +I-ve never 'eard of eit'er name,. 2ammler said, after a brief (a*se. T'e (a*se before answerin told Ro an t'e man was lyin . 0e strolled aro*nd t'e room, sto((in every now and a ain to look at t'e n*mero*s framed ('otos t'at dotted t'e room. "a&' one s'owed 2ammler and 'is son. %'at Ro an ained from t'is was a (i&t*re of a man (ro*d of 'is off?s(rin . T'is was a &onvenient 'ook for Ro an. 0e t*rned aro*nd to t'e two men. +9o*-ve &ome a lon way, !r 2ammler. Made a ni&e life for yo*rself 'ere in Ameri&a.. +I-ve done w'at I 'ad to do, (a', yo*r &o*ntry 'as benefited from t'e knowled e I bro* 't wit' me.. +Indeed, now, we don-t 'ave m*&' time, and I need answers to my 1*estions. I know, and yo* know, yo*-re tellin me lies.. +I &annot tell yo* w'at I don-t know.. Ro an was a bl*r, des(ite 'is lim(. 0e smas'ed 'is (istol into 2em(-s fa&e. T'e man-s nose e4(loded in a &lo*d of red. 0e &ried o*t, and fell ba&k, 'is 'ands oin to 'is fa&e. 2ammler looked a 'ast at w'at Ro an 'ad 6*st done. +Now,. Ro an &ontin*ed in an even tone, +Answer my 1*estion, or I will &ontin*e to '*rt yo*r son.. 0e looked at Ro an wit' 'ate in 'is eyes. %ebb st*died t'e man w'o 'ad been (art of one of t'e most infamo*s re imes t'e world 'ad ever known. It was 'ard to believe t'e man before 'er was t'e ar&'ite&t of t'e Na;i deat' &am(s, and res(onsible for t'e demolition of t'e %arsaw $'etto. Now all t'at was left was a sad dereli&t '*sk of a man, a man w'o s'o*ld not be 'ere in t'is time and (la&e. S'e &o*ld almost smell t'e (oison t'at infe&ted men like 'im. To t'ink t'at 'e 'ad made 'is (la&e amon st normal (eo(le made 'er s'*dder wit' rev*lsion. ,art of 'er wanted to rea&' o*t and stran le t'e man wit' 'er bare 'ands, to see t'e life o o*t of 'is eyes, b*t even t'at wo*ld be too ood a deat'.

2ammler si 'ed. A((eared to sink into 'imself. +%e dis&overed t'e time travel as(e&ts of die lo&ke 1*ite by a&&ident, yo* know.. +:kay, tell *s all of it,. Ro an (er&'ed 'imself on t'e arm of %ebb-s &'air. +And it was s'ortly after t'at we fo*nd o*t we were oin to lose t'e war..


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