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The Salem Lamplighter

May, 2014 Vol. 1 No. 5 E-Mail: Website: (314) 921-5507 Recognition The 2014 Salem Baptist Church handbooks have recently been released. If you havent picked up a copy of the new handbook, they are located on a table in our foyer. Nanda Barrow, our excellent Church Secretary, has produced this handbook for our members so that we can have one anothers contact information and other information about our church. As I was looking through the handbook, one section in particular caught my attention. Pages 12 through 15 have lists of the Staff, Deacon Council, Church Officers, Church Committees, and Sunday School Staff. Looking over those lists of positions, and the names of the people who serve in those positions, causes me think of a passage of scripture. Now we ask you, brothers, to give recognition to those who labor among you and lead you in the Lord and admonish you, and to regard them very highly in love because of their work. (1 Thess. 5:12-13a). There is not enough space here to recognize each person who serves the Lord in these positions. I encourage you to look over those pages in the handbook so that you can see all the positions and all of the people who serve in those positions. I hope that each person who serves will always know how much I appreciate the time and energy that they invest in the Kingdom work of Salem. THANK YOU for giving to the Lord. As you look over the names of the servants listed, please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for their work and faithfulness. Pray that each one will be blessed and encouraged as they serve the Lord. Also, look for opportunities to recognize and regard them very highly in love because of their work. Before long our Nominating Committee will be seeking to fill all of these positions. I pray that each one of you will carefully consider how God has gifted you, and how He wants you to serve Him at Salem Baptist Church. As you look over the list you may see a few open positions, and you may see that some people are serving in several positions. We need your help. Please come to me with any interest you may have in serving the King by doing His Kingdom work. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you . (Matthew 6:33). The Kings servant, Pastor Chuck Missions Carmen Hook and Carl Barrow In April we had our annual trip to Washington University for the International Students luncheon. It went quite well and we served around 100 students. Salem was responsible for salad and dessert. Our thanks to all that participated by baking cakes and going to help serve. We completed our AAEO on Easter and we are quite pleased to report that we exceeded our goal of $800.00 by $32.00. Please dont forget our Samaritans Purse items. Our box is now on a table in the hallway. The items for May are small hair brushes and combs. Youth Ministry Cody Hudspeth I am blessed by the vision I am seeing develop for the future of Salem Baptist Church. If we can embrace a culture that is dependent upon Gods word and seeing others grow in their relationship with God, we will not be able to contain the spirit of the Lord from working through us. I have been blessed to see God working and developing this culture within the Student Ministry. Having witnessed their hearts as seen through the youth led service I have no doubt that God has great things planned for their lives and their impact at Salem Baptist Church. As we focus on the future I ask that everyone will continue to embrace our teens and young adults with prayers. Also lift up the parents and guardians of our teenagers. Ephesians 6:4 says, Fathers, dont stir up anger in your

Youth Ministry continued from page one children, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. I know that some families do not have fathers, but this does not make you exempt. If you are a guardian of a child you have been entrusted with the responsibility to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. This is no easy task and requires prayer and encouragement, something that we as a church need to provide to the parents at Salem. We will be having a paintball trip to Wacky Warriors in OFallon , Missouri on Saturday May 17th. We will leave Salem at 10 A.M. We will also be having another rummage sale to raise funds for our students to attend camp. The rummage sale will be on Saturday, May 31st from 8 A.M. to 1 P.M. We are now receiving donations. Sunday School Dr. Olusola Orebiyi We were instructed by the Apostle Paul, in Ephesians Chapter 5, to be imitators of GOD as children and walk in love, as CHRIST also has loved us. Later in verses 6-8 he warned us to Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things, the wrath of GOD comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore be not partakers with them; for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Walk as children of Light. To walk as children of light and keep darkness away from our minds, and thoughts, and actions, we must not only know the Word of GOD, but also become doers of it. Consequently, we`ll be able to follow the commandments of JESUS CHRIST in Mark 12:30-31 And you shall love the LORD your GOD with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. It is important to be in a Small Group Bible Study, to be able to grow in being able to apply the Word of GOD correctly, in our daily lives. I pray you will make the necessary arrangements, to enable you to join us in regular Sunday Bible Study Fellowship at 9:30 AM. Please invite others also. The Sunday School Teachers and Co-Workers, will hold their Monthly 3rd Sunday Prayer Meeting on May th 18 , 2014, at 9:00 AM in the Pastor`s Office. The Quarterly Sunday School Teachers Meeting will be on June 7th, 2014, from 9-11 AM in Maxwell Fellowship Hall. Childrens Ministry Diane Pine Spring is finally here! We can see many changes inside and outside of the church. I am very encouraged to see what changes God will bring to the Childrens Department. The Childrens Easter Celebration was attended by 14 children and their families. A special thanks to Brian Rogerson for having a devotional with the children. I also want to thank everyone who stayed to help and to those who donated the candy. Thank you for helping share the Good News-He is Risen! Another opportunity to share the Good News is July 14th 18th at Koch Park. Help Kids Discover-Decide and Defend their faith this summer at VBS6:30-8:30 pm. Ive been asked, Why a park? Because Christ wants us to share the Gospel with the lost in North County. Jesus commanded us to go, come with us. Please contact Diane Pine to volunteer. A supply needs list is coming soon. (For now start collecting Pringles cans with lids.) Thank you for your prayers and support.

13 Faith Emily 18 Kerry Shanika 26 Jim Leach 28 Olu Odunleye Terry Payne 30 Amanda Buffa Jeff Schroeder

18 Allan and Stella Southmayd 22 Brian and Lisa Rogerson 26 Mark and Tina Berry

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