Edwin Markham School Newspaper

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tion quickly. I get my snacks when I do it that way.

Also, make sure your dollar is not all wrinkled up. Good luck next time. From, If you would like to have your questions Sally answered by Sally e-mail her at Dear Sally, shbi@aol.com Two students in my class Dear Sally, are disrespectful to teachers and it My friends and I feel pres- gets really annoying. They talk out sured now that were in the sevloud during class. I just dont get enth grade. Our teachers and our it: why cant they stop fooling parents keep reminding us that around? Most other kids dont this is the year it all counts. This mind it. The teacher does though, year your grades count towards so she ends up stopping the lesyour high school grades. How can son and starting over and over we deal with all this stress and do again. What can I do to keep mywell this year? self from screaming my head off? From, From, Stressed Wants to Scream Dear Stressed, Dear Wants to Scream, I understand the stress Maybe you should ask gets to you and the best way to other kids in the class if they feel deal with it is to take a break and the same way. Then you can get relax. Studying is the best way to all of them together and approach go if you want to pass, spend an the students who are disrupting hour every day studying one subthe class. Let them know how you ject and then the next day study feel. Maybe if they hear it from another subject. When it really more people, they will understand. counts, youll be ready. If you keep From, up-to-date on assignments and do Sally what you are supposed to be doing Dear Sally, in class, you will be fine. Good There is a person in my luck. class who was friends with me. I From, find out she was talking about me Sally behind my back. When I confrontDear Sally, ed her, we had a fight. Now we The vending machine in resolved our problems and are the lunch room does not work for friends again. I notice this hapme. It seems to return my money pens a lot in my class. How do I every time I use it. Sometimes I stop the drama before it starts? really want a snack from it but it From, doesnt work. I see other kids using Hates Drama it and getting their snacks. Dear Hates Drama, From, Be open to making new Whats Wrong? friends. Eventually you will find Dear Whats Wrong, new friends who will be true and I have found a trick to the avoid the drama. snack vending machines; insert From, your money. Then type your selecSally
Page 4

Welcome to Ask Sally

Intermed iate Scho ol 51 New sp ap er Written b y th e stud ents Mrs. Ingra val lo Ed it or Ms. Pa vl ick C o- ed itor

Intermediate School 51 Newspaper

Written by the students
Mrs. Ingravallo Editor
Ms. Pavlick Co-editor

Volume 5, Issue 2 November 14, 2013

Changing the World, One Pair at a Time

Kierra Bartolomeo and Hope Quanci The Student Council is hosting the Soles4Souls shoe drive. Your gift of footwear is important to children and adults around the world. Footwear can help eliminate the spreading of diseases through the foot, as well as help children obtain an education because many schools have footwear requirements to attend. When you take time to recycle your footwear, you are, in fact changing lives. You can learn about Soles4Souls at GiveShoes.org. Help us make a difference in some ones life. Be on the lookout for collection boxes in your classrooms. Shoes can be dropped off from now until January.


1 Million Good Nights

Pajama Program
By Stacy Jimenez The pajama program is a not-for-profit organization that provides new, warm pajamas and new books to children in need in the United States, and around the world. Many of these children are waiting and hoping to be adopted. These are youngsters who may not know the comforts of a mother or father to tuck them into a cozy bed and read them a bedtime story. Too many have been abandoned, most deprived of any love at all. Please help Edwin Markhams Student Council make a difference by donating today. The Student Council collection will take place beginning October 13th through December 13th. Please see Mrs. Sirico in room 222 if you have any questions. Its so easy to help: just donate new pajamas; any size is acceptable. You can also donate new books, or make a financial donation. Every ten dollars helps to purchase new pajamas and a book to a child in need.

Important Dates
Nov 19 Parent Teacher Conferences Day/Night Nov 22 Night of 100 Pizzas 6-9 Nov 28-29 Thanksgiving Recess Dec 5 Winter Band Concert Dec 12 Winter Concert Chorus and Drama7pm Update by Miracle Jarrells

School News and Announcements

Writing to the Stars And Getting Something Back!
Celebrities Write Back of the students anticipate receivBy Hope Quanci ing a letter of their own. Good news to the students who wrote to the New York Giants requesting pictures of Eli Manning. Four students received responses so far. The letters were written in Mrs. Ingravallos computer class. They were sent out a week earlier. In one letter received, Eli Manning said that he was so lucky to have such a great fan base. In the letter he put an autographed photo of himself, and he signed the letter. The students in class 632 said that they wished that it was them that received a response. They would be happy to know that a celebrity took the time to read their letter. Congratulations to the kids who got a letter From Eli Manning! The rest

School News and Announcements

Good Habits Do Not go Unnoticed
By Miracle Jarrells A shout out to the following students in Mrs. Brooks math classes. Class 631, Lizbeth Lopez, Justin Messina,Tyler Chan and Kelly Henry, Class 614, Naidelin Quiahua and Tatylana Maneiro and Class 613, Genesis Crespo. These students have 100% homework completion for the first marking period. Keep up the good work!

Mrs. Keenan Plays Football Charity Flag Football for a Worthy Cause
By Brian Navarro On October 26th at 7pm, Mrs. Keenan participated in a moms flag football game to fight breast cancer. Moms of boys who play football for SIBFL (Staten Island Boys Football League) participated in the game. The ladies braved the cold and played a great game. Even though they had aches and pains the next day, they were happy to help raise money and awareness for breast cancer. They had fun for a great cause. The mothers breast cancer game went great even though the coach did not show up. Mrs. Keenans husband stepped in and did a great job as well. They won 35-21.

Halloween Bake Sale Something for Everyone

By Jorge Espinosa and Stacy Jimenez Bake sales are about cupcakes, rice crispy treats, drinks and more. Who could resist these delicious treats? For Halloween the PTA organized a bake sale for everyone at IS 51. The money raised supports the needs of all academies. In the past, the PTA has helped to purchase gym equipment, art supplies, Arista Tshirts, March of Dimes T-Shirts and more. Everyone got to enjoy the treats while helping our students.

Mrs. Keenan and her husband

M & M Kick Off Ice Cream Party

ship is to discuss careers, The M & M program had its help with school work, provide a listening ear, have someone ice cream social kick off. In this kick off students had an ice cream to talk to, and help setting party and they met with their men- goals. Students are lucky to tors and other students in the pro- have this opportunity to develop a relationship that will gram. The mentors and mentees help them with some of the will continue to meet on a weekly basis. The purpose of their relation- decisions that adolescents are faced with. By Selina Diaz

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