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March 15th, 2014 James Alan Bush (DWF967-13016062) 701 South Abel Street Milpitas, California 95035 San

Jose Police Department ATTN: Detective A. Williams, Gang Task Force Unit 201 West Mission Street San Jose, California 95110 In re volunteer information against Michoacan cartel criminal activity in Gilroy, Watsonville and Morgan Hill, California, and Little Rock, Arkansas To Detective A. Williams, SJPD: Please find enclosed a kite sent to me by fellow inmate, Emerson Rodriguez (PFN: DXF958), which indicates his intimate familiarity of cartel-directed (illegal) alcohol and drug sales/manufacturing/smuggling and firearm sales and stockpiling in Gilroy and Morgan Hill, and which also indicates his direct knowledge of sex trafficking and illegal immigration activity occurring in Watsonville. Starting with this information, Mr. Rodriguez seeks to follow in the footsteps of long-time friend and also-fellow inmate, Juan Ortiz, who worked as a paid and volunteer informant for both the Gilroy Police Department and San Martin Sheriffs Office between January 2013 and April 2013, providing these same types of leads (refer to my previous letter in re Mr. Ortiz). Although the criminal activity reported by Mr. Rodriguez is occurring outside of the San Jose jurisdiction, I am sending this letter of reference to you in the hope that you will forward it to the proper agencies along with an appropriate explanation for my involvement.


James Alan Bush

c: Emerson Rodriguez

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