01 - Domestic Inquiry Note - Master ABC Company

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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

NOTE OF DOMESTIC INQUIRY Domestic Inquiry to : Date: PANEL OF JUDGES: Chairperson in ro!"#es he pane$ %e%&ers o he a##"se!' Pane$ Chairperson - CP Member - PM1 Member - PM !ecretary - !ec CP P" CP Mr. P"# is the $ccuse% here& 'es# Mr. ((( is sittin) on my le*t. Mr. (((# I am the +position, chair this DI session. Na%e Place:

Note No. : DI-2 1!- 1

E-No.: Time:

Ti#( Reason )or re*e# ion &+ A##"se!

# I -as appointe% to

Mr. $$$# company.s +position, is our 1st Panel Member. Ms. ///# company.s +position, is our

Panel Member.

Ms. CCC is my secretary to ta0e %o-n our notes. Do you ha1e any ob2ection on the sai% appointment o* the Panel Member& $ccuse% No.

$ccuse%.s challen)es or ob2ections to the appointment o* Panel Member: Nil

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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

Chairperson in ro!"#es he prose#" or o he a##"se! an! !e er%ines he $an,"a,es o &e "se! hro",ho" he in-"ir+' 3or the prosecutor P" Ms. !!! 3or the accuse% Prosecutin) "**icer $ssistant to Prosecutin) "**icer $ccuse% himsel* $ccuse%.s 4epresentati1e

CP CP ((( CP ((( CP ((( CP

Mr. (((# to your ri)ht is Mr. P"# the Prosecutor an% Ms. !!! his assistant. Mr. (((# %o you un%erstan% En)lish& 'es Do you un%erstan% /ahasa Malaysia& 'es !o %o you -ant this hearin) be con%ucte% in both En)lish an% /M& "5# in both lan)ua)es. Than0 you# -e -ill con%uct the hearin) in both lan)ua)es.

Chairperson o #on)ir%a ion he na%es o) .i nesses presen e! &+ &o h he par ies' 6itness o* prosecutor 6itness o* accuse% CP P"
Co/ 0 Co/ 2 De/ 0 De/ 2 Co/ 1 Co/ 3 De/ 1

Mr. P"# is the abo1e state% persons your -itnesses& $re they all present& 'es.
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

CP ((( CP (((

Mr. (((# %o you ha1e any -itness to present& 'es. Mr. ''' Is he present& .'es# he is sittin) besi%e me.

The Chairperson o as#er ain ha he a##"se! is in a s a e o) ,oo! ph+si#a$ an! e%o iona$ hea$ h #on!i ions &e)ore rea!in, an! e4p$ainin, he #har,es o he A##"se!' Q"es ion &+ he Chairperson CP ((( CP Mr. (((# are you *eelin) -ell to%ay& $%a 0ah an%a sihat& $re you com*ortable -ith the seatin) arran)ement& $%a 0ah an%a rasa selesa %en)an susunan tempat %u%u0 si%an) ini& $re you rea%y *or the inquiry& $%a 0ah an%a berse%ia untu0 bermula0an siasatan ini& Di% you recei1e a copy o* the char)e&

((( CP ((( CP (((

The Chairperson rea!s an! e4p$ains he Char,e o he A##"se!'

Baha.asan+a5 an!a pa!a (ira6(ira 2'27 pe an, 08h& Apri$ 1703 !i Bi$i( Mes+"ara Pen,e$"aran5 an!a e$ah !i!apa i en,,an %e%a "hi arahan oran, a asan an!a "n "( %e$a(sana(an (er*a IPQC !a$a% Baha,ian Dr+ !an E4 r"sion La%ina ion i "'
CP ((( Mr. (((# the char)e a)ainst you is as state% abo1e. Do you un%erstan%& 'es.

The Chairperson rea!s an! e4p$ains #onse-"en#e o) he o))en#e o he A##"se!'

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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

9"("%an "n "( (esa$ahan en,,an %e%a "hi arahan oran, a asan ia$ah pena%a an (on ra( *i(a !isa&i (esa$ahan
CP ((( CP ((( P$ea o) he A##"se!:6 I he "n!ersi,ne! here&+ p$ea! ,"i$ +:no ,"i$ + o he #har,e an! I !o "n!ers an! he #onse-"en#e o) he sai! o))en#e as e4p$aine! o %e &+ he Chairperson o) he DI Pane$' Mr. (((# a%a0ah an%a *aham %an tahu a0ibat serta hu0uman ba)i 0esalahan tersebut %i atas. 'es. $%a0ah an%a men)a0u salah %i atas tu%uhan tersebut& Ti%a0

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Na%e: CP Mr. P"# the DI is no- in session. I hope all o* you -ill )i1e your *ull cooperation to me so that the e7aminations o* -itnesses -ill be con%ucte% -ithout un%ue interruption by the other party an% are %one pro*essionally. Than0 you. I no- call upon the company.s *irst -itness# Ms Co61


T9E DOMESTIC INQUIRY IS NO/ IN SESSION: Par One< 1. Prosecutin) "**icer presents his case an% -itnesses. 6itnesses -ill be as0e% to relate their 0no-le%)e o* the case to the panel throu)h questionin) process by Prosecutin) "**icer. The panel members may inter1ene to clari*y. . Then the $ccuse% is )i1en the opportunity to cross-e7amine the -itness o* the Prosecutin) "**icer.
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

8. 9astly the Prosecutin) "**icer -ill then be )i1en the opportunity to re-e7amine his -itness. /i ness o) Prose#" in, O))i#er Name Employee No. Department Position Declaration Firs Co%pan+=s /i ness 6 Co/ 0

I# a**irm that I -ill tell the truth an% the -hole truth# nothin) but the truth in this Inquiry. !i)nature:

E4a%ina ion6in6#hie) o CO/ 0 > &+ he Prose#" in, o))i#er No. 1 :;$ CP Co61 CP Co61 CP P" P" Co61 N"TE Co61# -hat is your name& Do you un%erstan% En)lish or -oul% you pre*er to use /ahasa Malaysia& I un%erstan% both the lan)ua)es. P"# you can procee% -ith your e7amination. Than0 you. Co61# -hat is your position in $/C& 4emar0


Mr. Chairman# I ha1e no *urther question.

Cross6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 0 > &+ he A##"se!' No. :;$ CP ((( CP ((( ((( N"TE Mr. (((# %o you -ant to cross e7amine the -itness& 'es Please procee%. T: 4emar0

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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2


Tuan Pen)erusi# saya tia%a soalan la)i.

Re6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 0 > &+ he Prose#" in, O))i#er No. :;$ CP P" CP P" P" CP N"TE Mr. P"# Do you -ant to re-e7amine the -itness& 'es Please procee% T: Mr. Chairman# I ha1e no *urther question. Co6 1 you can lea1e no-. 4emar0

/i ness o) Prose#" in, O))i#er Name Employee No. Department Position Declaration

Se#on! Co%pan+=s /i ness 6 Co/ 1

I# a**irm that I -ill tell the truth an% the -hole truth# nothin) but the truth in this Inquiry. !i)nature:

E4a%ina ion6in6#hie) o Co/ 1 > &+ he Prose#" in, o))i#er No. :;$ CP P" P" CP Co6 CP CoPage 6 of 13

N"TE Mr. P"# Do you -ish to present *urther -itness& 'es# Co6 I no- call upon the company.s secon% -itness# Mr. Co6 . Co6 # -hat is your name& Do you un%erstan% En)lish or -oul% you pre*er to use /ahasa Malaysia&


Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2


P". 'ou can procee%.


Mr. Chairman# I ha1e no *urther question. "5

Cross6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 1 > &+ he A##"se! No. :;$ CP ((( N"TE Mr. (((# %o you -ant to cross e7amine the -itness& No 4emar0

Re6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 1 > &+ he Prose#" in, O))i#er? No. :;$ CP P" CP N"TE Mr. P"# %o you -ant to re-e7amine the -itness& No# T: Co6 # you can lea1e no-. 4emar0

CP P" CP P" /i ness o) Prose#" in, O))i#er Name Employee No. Department Position Declaration

Mr. P"# Do you -ish to present *urther -itness& 'es# Co68 Please procee%. T:# I no- call upon the company.s thir% -itness Co-8. Thir! Co%pan+=s /i ness 6 Co/ 2

I# a**irm that I -ill tell the truth an% the -hole truth# nothin) but the truth in this Inquiry. !i)nature:
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

E4a%ina ion6in6#hie) o Co/ 2 > &+ he Prose#" in, o))i#er No. :;$ CP Co68 CP P" N"TE Co68# %o you un%erstan% En)lish or -oul% you pre*er to use /ahasa Malaysia& P"# you can procee%. Co68# <<. 4emar0


Mr. Chairman# I ha1e no *urther question.

Cross6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 2 > &+ he A##"se! No. :;$ CP ((( N"TE Mr. (((# %o you -ant to cross e7amine the -itness& No 4emar0

Re6E4a%ina ion o Co/ 2 > &+ he Prose#" in, O))i#er

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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2


:;$ CP P" CP

N"TE Mr. P"# %o you -ant to re-e7amine the -itness& No Ms. Co68# you can lea1e no-.



Mr. P"# Do you -ish to present *urther -itness& None.

Par T.o< 1. The $ccuse% presents his case an% -itnesses. 6itnesses -ill be as0e% to relate their 0no-le%)e o* the case to the panel throu)h questionin) process by the $ccuse%. The panel members may inter1ene to clari*y. . Then the Prosecution "**icer is )i1en the opportunity to cross-e7amine the -itness o* the $ccuse%. 8. 9astly the $ccuse% -ill then be )i1en the opportunity to re-e7amine his -itness. 6itness o* the $ccuse% Name De6 1
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

Employee No. Department Position Declaration

I# a**irm that I -ill tell the truth an% the -hole truth# nothin) but the truth in this Inquiry. !i)nature :

E4a%ina ion6in6#hie) o De/ 0 > &+ he A##"se! No. :;$ CP ((( N"TE Mr. (((# you may no- call your -itness to support your case. !aya tia%a sa0si. 4emar0

Cross6E4a%ina ion o De/ 0 > &+ he Prose#" ion O))i#er No. :;$ N"TE 4emar0

Re6E4a%ina ion o De/ 0 > &+ he A##"se! No. :;$ N"TE 4emar0

The Chairperson o #a$$ "pon &o h he par ies o s"%6"p he #ase &ase! on he e@i!en#e presen e! o his In-"ir+ Pane$: CP P" Mr. P"# please procee% to sum-up your case base% on the e1i%ence presente% be*ore this Inquiary Panel. /ase% on the e1i%ence presente% by the *our Company -itnesses# there is no %oubt that the $ccuse% is )uilty o* the char)e le1ele% a)ainst him. Mr. Chairman# accor%in) to the Employment $ct 1=>> +$ct ?>, !ection 18 + ,# state% that @Either party to a contract o*
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

ser1ice may terminate such contract o* ser1ice -ithout notice in the e1ent o* any -ill*ul breach by the other party o* a con%ition o* the contract o* ser1ice.A In accor%ance to !ection B o* employment contract @!urat Per2an2ian $ntara Ma2i0an Dan Pe0er2aA %ate% C=th $u)ust CC # it is e7plicitly state% that

Dn%er !ection 18+8,+b, o* the In%ustrial 4elations $ct 1=?E# the union cannot brin) up *or %iscussion the question o* trans*er o* an employee i* the trans*er %i% not entail a chan)e# -hich -as %etrimental to the employee an% is %one in )oo% *aith in the interest o* the company. $s such an employer has the ri)ht to trans*er an employee -ithin the or)aniFation o* the employer.s pro*ession# business# tra%e or -or0. The company ha% e7plaine% the %etail o* the trans*er to the $ccuse% an% ha% o**ere% him pay rise o* 4M 1BC.CC per month to ensure his income -ill not be a**ecte% or 2eopar%iFe% %ue to this trans*er. I hope the Panel -ill ta0e all these *actors into consi%eration -hen ma0in) the conclusion.

CP CP ((( CP

Mr. (((# you can no- procee% to ma0e your summation. Mr. (((# %o you -ish to say anythin) in miti)ation&

The mana)ement -ill in*orm you o* its %ecision %urin) the ne7t *e- %ays. Than0 you all o* you *or your 1aluable time.


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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2

Aeri)ie! &+ Chairperson Da e: Ti%e: Da e: Ti%e:

A##ep e! &+ he A##"se!

Aeri)ie! &+ Pane$ Me%&er 0 Da e: Ti%e: Da e: Ti%e:

Aeri)ie! &+ Pane$ Me%&er 1

IMPORTANT NOTE: 0' Ens"re ea#h an! e@er+ pa,e o) his No e O) In-"ir+ is #o"n er6si,ne! &+ he A##"se!5 he Chairperson an! a$$ he Pena$ Me%&ers 1' The Ori,ina$ #op+ o) his No e O) In-"ir+ is o &e )i$e! in he Do%es i# In-"ir+ Fi$e an! a pho o #op+ o) i in he persona$ )i$e o) he A##"se!'


/ai in, Roo% 1 +6itness o* $ccuse%,

/ai in, Roo% 0 +6itness o* Prosecutor,

En ran#e
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Panel Chairperson Accused

Panel Member 1

Penal Member 2




Chairperso n


$itness "tand



Assistant to Prosecutor

Do%es i# In-"ir+ Roo%

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