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By: Crystal Galvan

In this paper, the concept of cultural hybridity is explored, showing how it has shaped into an identity crisis among many Chicano/as and Mexican-Americans in the United States today. This is seen through historical background information explaining how Chicano/as and MexicanAmericans are cultural hybrids and showing how being a cultural hybrid affects them in their every day lives.

How does being a cultural hybrid affect identity? Is there previous research about cultural hybrid? What is a cultural hybrid? What forms of discrimination have cultural hybrids gone through? Do hybrid believe they do not belong in either of there cultures?

Culturally Hybridity is important in any discussion relating to Chicano/as and Mexican-Americans because it helps identify and understand who we are; second-generations mestizos. As we look back at our history from the times of the conquista to the present, we realize we are fighters and heroes as a direct result of constant oppression and violence. Mexican-Americans and Chicano/as are a hybrid between a Mexican and United States cultures. Cultural hybridity has led to an identity crisis among many MexicanAmerican and Chicano/as. This should not to an ethnic dilemma but an ethnic pride. Just because we are both cultures in one does not mean we are inferior to others, instead we are a cosmic race; a new superior human being (Perez-Torres 180). As time progresses we will reach our full potential to reconquer Aztln.

Culture hybridity is a key component of the Chicano/a culture because it has shaped and continues to shape their identity. As a society they went from being Indigenous to Mestizos, to second- generation Mestizos. Mestizaje is not being either race but both. The Chicano identity provided Mexican Americans for the first time with a viable means of understanding their complex hybrid existence. Mexicans born in the United States would not feel entirely attached to Mexico for it was a land they never knew. Nor could they feel completely American in a society which had so marginalized them. Chicano/a mestizaje, or in other words cultural hybridity, embodies the struggle for power, place, and personhood arising from histories of violence and resistance. Author Sandra Cisneros also discussed her difficulties growing up as a Mexican-American women, always straddling two countries but not belonging to either culture.

Different perspective of cultural hybrids second generation mestizos Contributes more research to the concept of culture hybrids

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