Vojislav Gligorijevic, Jovan Stepanovic, Vasilije Petrovic, Petar Stojanovic

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Vojislav Gligorijevic
, Jovan Stepanovic
, Vasilije Petrovic
, Petar Stojanovic
University of Nais
Faculty of Technology, Leskovac, Serbia
Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", renjanin, Serbia
!unav "! #rocka, #rocka, Serbia
"n account of taffeta fabrics hauling force, i$$e%iately %uring haulage of knit fro$ nee%les an%
bet&een tensioning roller an% %irecting knitte% cloth bea$, is given' The results obtaine% have
sho&n that the hauling forces of knit bet&een nee%les an% tensioning roller are t&o to four ti$es
as great as knit hauling forces bet&een %irecting an% cloth roll of the $achine' The $easure$ent
of knits hauling force has been perfor$e% at $achine spee%s of (') $in
an% )(, $in
%ifferent knitting %ensities'
The forces in ele$ents of half*loop an% loop ele$ents &ere calculate% an% co$pare%
&ith forces obtaine% e-peri$entally, using sensors an% other acco$panying e.uip$ent'
" special attention has been pai% to the behavior of the yarn on the $achine itself, fro$
tensioning $echanis$ to knitting nee%les at both lo& /(')$in
0 an% high / )(,$in
spee%s of knitting at %ifferent %ensities of knitting' 1n the basis of average forces in the
cycle of loop for$ation, properties as elongation an% linear %ensity of yarn in the
$o$ent of e-tension, cross section surface, elasticity $o%ulus, self*ra%ial fre.uency,
con%itional perio% of cycle, %a$ping coefficient an% logarith$ic %ecre$ent, in other
&or%s, natural logarith$ of the ratios of se.uential $a-i$a of solutions -/t0, have been
2ey &or%s3 hauling force of knit, half*loop, loop, %ensity of knitting, spee% of knitting
1. Experimental
Material and Methods
Using sensor an% acco$panying e.uip$ent /Fig'40 5+, 67 the hauling force of taffeta knit /Fig'60
on 8achel "Super #rant" 89*: knitting $achine /of' 2arl Mayer0 has been $easure% %irectly
%uring its haulage fro$ nee%les, respectively bet&een nee%les an% tensioning roller /Fig'+0,
/further in the te-t ";one +"0, an% bet&een tensioning roller* %irecting roller an% knitte% cloth
roller /further in the te-t ";one 6"0'
2. Reslts an! "iscssion
2.1 #orces in elements o$ %al$&loops an! loops
The results of $easure$ents are given in Tab'+'
Fro$ e-peri$ental results it is obvious that hauling force in the ;one + is t&o to four ti$es as
great as the hauling force in the ;one 6, &hich can be e-plaine% by the forces acting in the
knitting ;one itself, respectively in the nee%le in the single phases of loops for$ing process. The
%iagra$s of knit hauling force for the ;one + at $achine spee%s (') $in
an% )(, $in
knitting %ensity < are presente% in the Figs' +'+' an% +'6' <n the ;one 6 the hauling force of knit at
greater spee% of knitting has been $easure% for all four %ensities of knitting' The %iagra$ of knit
hauling force for %ensity < is sho&n in the Fig'+'4, for %ensity << in the Fig'+':, for %ensity <<< in
the Fig'+') an% for %ensity <= in the Fig'+'>'
Fro$ these %iagra$s it $ay be seen that &ith an increase of the tension of the &arp an% of the
knitte% fabric, the hauling force of knit is change% as &ell as the %ensity of knit' The forces in
ele$ents of half*loops an% loops &ere also influence% in single phases of loops for$ation, as it
has been proven e-peri$entally'
Fig'+' The sche$e of 8achel $achine &ith $easuring
points an% sensor
Legen%3 +* bobbin? 6* &arp? <*@o$pensation ;one? 4*
!irecting bar? <<* @o$pensation ;one? <<<*@o$pensation
;one? :* Tensioning $echanis$? )* Laying %o&n of
&arp? >* Nee%le &ith built*in sensor? <= A 2nitte% cloth?
B* Cauling roller? (,D* !irecting rollers? =*
co$pensation ;one? +,* 2nitte% cloth roller

a0 b0
Fig'6'Photograph of taffeta knitte% fabric Fig'4'Measuring apparatus
fro$ right si%e /a0 an% reverse /b0
Tab' +' Cauling forces of Taffeta knitte% fabric in %epen%ence on spee% an% %ensity of knitting
Spee% of knitting
!ensity of knitting
Cauling force of knit
2nitting ;one
(') < +,'4> +
)(, < 66 +
)(, < 6 6
)(, << 6') 6
)(, <<< :') 6
)(, <= ) 6

Fig'+'+* !iagra$ of taffeta knit Fig'+'6* !iagra$ of taffeta knit hauling
force at knitting spee% of (')$in
force at knitting spee% of )(, $in
an% %ensity < /;one +0 an% %ensity < /;one +0

Fig'+'4* !iagra$ of taffeta knit hauling Fig'+':* !iagra$ of taffeta knit hauling force
force at knitting spee% of )(, $in
at knitting spee% of )(, $in
an% %ensity < /;one +0 an% %ensity <</;one 60

Fig'+')* !iagra$ of taffeta knit hauling Fig'+'>* !iagra$ of taffeta knit hauling
force at knitting spee% of )(, $in
force at knitting spee% of )(, $in
an% %ensity <<< /;one 60 %ensity <= /;one 60
Tab'6* Forces in ele$ents of half*loops an% loops of taffeta knitte% fabric
Forces in the
stitching phase,
Fo$a- 5cN7
Friction of yarn
@ontact angle F
Forces in half*
loopGloop leg
F 5cN7
Forces in half*
F 5cN7
' (.2)3 1.*+) *.12(,2.)- +.2*2,).1+
1'.) (.2)3 1.*+) 11.332,(.) 22.''*,1.((
3. #orce in t%e elements o$ %al$&loops an! loops
"ccor%ing to 9ulerHs for$ula
+ +

6 6

forces in ele$ents of half*loops an% loops coul% be calculate% an% co$pare% &ith forces obtaine%
e-peri$entally, using sensors an% other acco$panying e.uip$ent' <n Tab'6 values of force in
half*loop an% loop are given, i'e'

+ ,'6)4+':()
:'+6, cN F

, /+0
in one leg, or ('6:+ cN in half*loop' "ccor%ing to the e-peri$ent, the average force of knitte%
fabric hauling is e.ual to +,'4> cN' Taking into account the con%ition that
FHp I Fo'cosJ K F+ K F6 , /60

in the case J L )6
an% F+ L :'+6, L F6,
FHp I >'cos')6
K ('6:+, i'e'
FHp I++'D4 cN'
"ccor%ing to the e-pressions /+0 an% /60, FpH &ill be e.ual to
cN >: ' +,
)6 cos >
:() ' + 6)4 ' , :() ' + 6)4 ' ,



+ +

e e
Tension in the loop leg, accor%ing to the e-pression /+0 &ill be
FL ,'6)Fp L ,'6)'+,'4> L6')D cN
<n the half*loop leg this force &ill be e.ual to :'+6 cN'
The hauling force of knitte% fabric in the ;one 6, accor%ing to the %iagra$ fro$ the Fig'+'4 e.uals
to 6 cN, &hile the tension of the yarn in the loop leg is e.ual to F L ,'6)-6 L ,') cN'
Fro$ these %ata it is obvious that the force in the legs of loops in the ;one + is t&ice as great as
the force in loops legs in the ;one 6 an% in relation to half loop it is 4') ti$es greater'
<n the case of greater spee% an% the %ensity +, &hen the hauling force of knitte% fabric in the ;one
+ /fig'+'60 is e.ual to 66cN an% the in*co$ing force in the phase of stitching accor%ing to the
%iagra$ e.uals to +>') cN, the coefficient of friction is ,'6)4 an% the contact angle of yarn on
nee%les is +':() ra%, the force in the half*loop leg &ill be
+ ,'6)4+':()
+>') ++'446 cN F

or 66'>> cN'
The average hauling force, obtaine% e-peri$entally, is 66 cN'
Fro$ the e-pressions /+0 an% /60 it follo&s that the values of average hauling force are Fp I 46'(+
an% Fp L 6D'6B cN respectively'The tension of the yarn in the legs of loops accor%ing to the
e-pression /+0 is )') cN, &hile in the leg of half*loop it e.uals to ++'446 cN? in other &or%s, this
force is t&ice as great as the force in the leg of loops an% in relation to the loop in the ;one 6, it is
)') ti$es greater'
*..%e in$lence o$ t%e $orce o$ /arp tension an! 0nitting !ensit1 on t%e perio! o$
loop $orming c1cle o$ ta$$eta 0nits
*.1. 2on!itional resonance in t%e 0nitting process
Un%er con%itional resonance, the increase% a$plitu%e in the case of coinci%ence of the self* an%
%isturbance fre.uency is un%erstoo%' <f an increase of the a$plitu%e is follo&e% by correspon%ing
increase of strain, occurring in oscillating ele$ents %uring knitting process, it is clear that the
resonance is of great i$portance for projecting an% calculating of $achine construction 5D7' The
greater the rigi%ity of the yarn, the greater the fre.uency of oscillating? it %ecreases &ith an
increase of yarn length an% the $agnitu%e of oscillating of that yarn' My great spee%s, &hen the
force of resistance is proportional to the spee% of $ove$ent, it is necessary to take into account
the force of resistance in the e.uation of oscillating'
<n the &orks 5+, 6, 47, on a "kettenstuhl" $achine, the change of %ifferent yarns behavior in
single processes of loops for$ing has been assesse% by using a $easuring hea%' Co&ever, the
results obtaine% &ere not reliable because of greater faults that occurre% %uring $easure$ent' <n
or%er to obtain $ore reliable results, the inclusion of a sensor in the nee%le seg$ent itself prove%
to be necessary' The special attention has been pai% to the behavior of the yarn, in the ;one fro$
tensioning $echanis$ to knitting nee%les 5>, B, (7 at both lo& /(') $in
0 an% high /)(,$in
knitting spee% an% &ith %ifferent %ensities of knitting' Mefore knitting, the length fro$ tensioning
$echanis$ to knitting nee%les &as e.ual to ), c$' "ccor%ing to the e-tension %iagra$, the
e-tension of the initial yarn length /), c$0 for +N, re.ueste% force e.ual to 6 cN an% elongate%
yarn has been ),') c$ long' <n or%er to calculate the yarn cross section surface in the $o$ent of
e-tension, the %eter$ination of yarn linear %ensity &as necessary in the sa$e $o$ent' "s the
$ass of initial yarn &as ,,,,D6gr, the linear %ensity of the yarn e-ten%e% for +N &ill be3
te- 6+B ' +(
),) ' ,
+, ,,D6 ' ,

T '
an% the yarn cross section surface
$$ ,+46, ' ,
4( ' + +,,,
6+B ' +(

S '
For specific $ass of polyester yarn the value of +'4( $g'$$
has been use%' The elastic rigi%ity
$o%ulus, as the relation of the force an% the surface of yarn cross section, &ill be e.ual to

$$ ,+46, ' ,
4( ' + +,,,
6+B ' +(

S '
<n the case of slo& $achine &ork, the average force of +4 cN /Tab'40 in the cycle of yarn for$ing
&ill provoke an elongation of >N an% the length of the yarn &ill be )4c$' The yarn linear %ensity
in the $o$ent of e-tension &ill be +B'4)( te-, yarn cross section surface &ill be ,, ,+ 6)B $$
an% the $o%ule of elasticity &ill be +,4 :6,'( cN'c$
'The self ra%ial fre.uency /Tab':0 &ill
a$ount to +',+,:s, an% the con%itional perio% of cycle to >'6+)s' The coefficient of %a$ping is
value% at ,',,D44>s, an% the logarith$ic %ecre$ent at :'B>>'+,
' "Logarith$ic %ecre$ent",
6'O'hGP L,',44D>4B, is, as alrea%y $entione%, the natural logarith$ of the ratios of se.uential
$a-i$a of solutions - /t0'
<n this case the oscillating is %a$pe%, too' The con%itional perio% of cycle %ecreases &ith an
increase of the force in relation to the perio% of cycle obtaine% e-peri$entally' Qith an increase
of knitting %ensity the average force in the cycle a$ounts to +') cN, &hile the elongation of the
yarn e.uals to BN, &hich correspon%s to the length of the yarn of )4') c$' 9lasticity $o%ulus
e.uals to +,(44( cN'c$*
, self ra%ial fre.uency to +',6) s an% con%itional perio% of cycle to
>'+6>s' The %ecrease of the con%itional perio% of cycle is evi%ent'
Table 4 <$pact %ifferent %ensity of the knitting spee% of (') an% )(, $in
at fineness of stresse%
Spee% of
!ensity of
stress 5c$
length of
force in
the cycle
of knitting
Length of
yarn 5c$7
of stresse%
yarn 5te-7
(') < ), +D')4 +4 > )4',, +B'4)(
(') << ), +D')4 +4'), B )4'), *
(') <<< ), +D')4 +4'>4 B'B) )4'(B) *
)(, < ), +D')4 +>'(, ( ):',, +B',4B
)(, << ), +D')4 +)'>)) * * *
)(, <<< ), +D')4 +D'(4> * * *
)(, <= ), +D')4 6+'>: * * *
"t the greatest knitting %ensity allo&e%, the average force in the cycle a$ounts to +4'>4 cN an%
the elongation to B'B)N, this value correspon%ing to the yarn length of )6'(B) c$' The elasticity
$o%ulus is value% at ++,+()'D4 cN'c$
, the self ra%ial fre.uency at +',6>: s, the perio% of cycle
at >'++(s' Qith a $ini$u$ %ifference bet&een forces, the con%itional perio% of the cycle is still
%ecreasing'<n the case the $achine is &orking at the spee% of )(, $in
, at the initial %ensity <, the
average force in the cycle of loops for$ing is +>'( cN an% elongation of the yarn is (N' The yarn
linear %ensity in the $o$ent of e-tension is +B',4B te-, yarn cross section surface is ,',+64:
an% elasticity $o%ulus is +4>+:6'> cN'c$
' The self ra%ial fre.uency is e.ual, for all 6,
cycles, to 4'B46++s an% the con%itional perio% of one cycle to ,',(:+ s' The perio% of one cycle,
obtaine% e-peri$entally, is ,'+,4s' The %a$ping coefficient in this case is ,'+4:), an% the
logarith$ic %ecre$ent is ,',:B6'For the secon% %ensity the average force in the cycle is +)'>))
cN, the self ra%ial fre.uency is ,'+64) s, an% the con%itional perio% of one cycle is ,'+6s'
For the thir% %ensity the average force in the cycle is +D'(4> cN, the self ra%ial fre.uency is
,'+64) s, an% the con%itional perio% of one cycle is ,'+64 s'
For the fourth $a-i$ally allo&e% %ensity of knitting, the average force in the cycle is 6+'>: cN,
elasticity $o%ulus is +B():B N'c$
, self ra%ial fre.uency of all cycles is 6'DD6: s an% the
con%itional perio% is 6',D( s or ,'+,: s for one cycle'
Table : <$pact %ifferent %ensity of the knitting spee% of (') an% )(, $in
at coefficient
of %u$ping an% logarith$ic %ecre$ent
Spee% of
!ensity of
Surface of
yarn cross
Self ra%ial
perio% of
cycle 5s7
of %u$ping
My using sensor, built in the nee%le seg$ent, the change of yarn strain an% the hauling force in
the knitting an% co$pensation ;ones of the knitting $achine have been assesse% at %ifferent
spee%s an% knitting %ensities'
The hauling force in the ;one + is t&ice to four ti$es as great as the hauling force of the knit in
the ;one 6, this fact being attribute% to the forces acting in the knitting ;one itself in the single
phases of loops for$ing process'
1n the bases of the %iagra$s obtaine%, it is obvious that &ith an increase of tension of the &arp
an% the knit, the hauling force is also change%, as &ell as knitting %ensity' This specially
influence% forces in half*loop an% loop ele$ents in the single phases of loops for$ation'
Ti$e perio% of one cycle at (')$in
e.uals to Bs, an% at )(,$in
to ,'+,4 s' The calculate%
values of ti$e perio%s %iffer fro$ e-peri$ental values thanks to %efor$ation instantaneously
appearing in yarns %uring the &ork of the $achine an% to entangle$ent of yarn in the knitting
!uring loops for$ation process, the hauling force of knit $ust be inferior to the force in half*
loop' <n this case FpH I ++'D4 cN because, accor%ing to the e-peri$ent, FpH L +,'4> cN' <n one
$o$ent these forces &ill e.uali;e, so that FpH L +,'>: cN' "t higher spee% of the $achine the
hauling force of the knitte% fabric in ;one 6 attains 66 cN' The initial force in the stitching phase
is +>') cN an% the force in the half*loop leg is 66'>> cN' <n this case, too, the force FpH I 6D'6B cN'
Rarn tension in the loop leg is )') cN an% in the half*loop leg is ++'444 cN'
"s illustrate% by the %ata in tables, the forces change in single ;ones an% at greater spee%s these
forces are substantially greater because of increase% yarn tension obtaine% on account of an
increase of $achine spee% an% knitting %ensity'
The %ifference a$ong calculate% en% e-peri$ental ti$e constant in one cycle originates fro$ the
%efor$ation of the yarn in the knitting an% co$pensation ;ones, the total %efor$ation being
co$pose% fro$ three co$ponents3 elastic, viscoelastic an% plastic part' These %efor$ations are
acting instantaneously an% are %o$inating only at greater spee%s, in other &or%s by greater yarn
tension' "t lo&er spee%s only elastic part is %o$inating, thanks to the lo&er yarn tension' This is
confir$e% by the results obtaine% for ti$e constants of cycles at the lo&er knitting spee%, &here
the stress of yarn is la& in co$parison &ith stress of yarn at high spee%s of knitting, &hen the
%a$ping coefficient is significantly greater'
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(') << & +',6) >'+6> & &
(') <<< & +',6>: >'++( & &
)(, < ,',+64: ,'+(> ,',(:+ ,'+4:) ,',:B6
)(, << & ,'+64) ,'+64 & &
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)(, <= & ,'+:D ,'+,: & &
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