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Teachers name: Nicoleta Magala School: The National Agricultural College Carol the First, Slatina , Olt Date: the 13th of November, 2012 Time: 50 (08.00-08.50) Number of students: 20 Grade: XI th A Topic: Living in fear Skills: speaking, reading, writing Language focus: Fears and phobias; Word building Lesson aims: To talk about fears and phobias To give students practice in word building To develop students speaking competences. Anticipated problems: My students may need help in solving the tasks related to word building Aids (materials): worksheets, poster, chalk, board, sheets of paper Methods: conversation, competition, game. Interactions: lockstep, group work, T-Ss, Ss- T, Ss-Ss. Organizational moment: The student on duty tells the absentees, the teacher writes them in the register; then she checks the homework and the students correct the mistakes, if necessary.

Activity 1


General competence: to interact in spoken communication

Specific competence: to get students interest and energize them Method: dialogue Procedure: Teacher asks students some questions Do you know anyone who is very frightened of something, even though there is no logical reason for that fear? What are they frightened of?

Imagine that you are terrified of crowds. How would that affect your life? What other fears could dramatically change your life? Ss answer the Teacher questions. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T, Ss-Ss Class management: lockstep activity; Skills: Speaking, listening Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 2


General competence: to understand oral messages Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: dialogue Procedure: Ss look at the list of phobias in exercise 1/ 36. Teacher allows them a few minutes to decide which one they think would be the most difficult to live with and the reasons why, before discussing their choice with their partner. Teacher asks Ss if anyone suffers from these phobias. Interaction: T-Ss Class management: pair work activity Skills: speaking, writing, reading

Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 3 Pre- Reading activity General competence: to understand oral messages Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: discussion Procedure: Teacher tells the Ss they are going to read a text which examines the topic of fears and phobias. It discusses whether a phobia is genetic or learnt. It also describes the most common phobia: claustrophobia, and how best to treat phobias-by gradually exposing the patient to their fear, and teaching them relaxation techniques. It then goes on to talk about difference between a fear and a phobia, and finally, it describes the strangest phobia of all, in which patients have fear of long words. Teacher splits the class in pairs and tell them to read the questions 1-5, and think about the answers to them . Teacher tells Ss not to worry if they dont know the answers to some of the questions,as they will find out the answers in the reading text. Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-T Class management: pair work activity Skills: speaking, reading Timing: 10 minutes Activity 4 While- Reading activity

General competence: to understand written and oral messages Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: discussion Procedure: Teacher asks students to read the text and match the questions they looked at in exercise 1 to the paragraph A-E which contains the answers. exercise 2/36

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss- Ss. Class management: Whole class activity Skills: speaking, writing, listening Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 4

Post- Reading activity

General competence: to understand written and oral messages Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: discussion Procedure: Teacher asks students to complete the gaps in the text 1-7 with the phrases ag. They could compare their answers with a partner before they check with the whole class Interaction: T-Ss, Ss- Ss. Class management: Whole class activity Skills: speaking, writing, listening Timing: 5 minutes

Activity 5


General competence: to understand written and oral messages Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: dialogue Procedure: Teacher asks Ss to complete the table from exercise 1/37 with words from the text on page 36. Teacher points out that this includes the missing sentences in exercise 3.

Interaction: T-Ss, Ss- Ss. Class management: Whole class activity Skills: speaking, writing, listening Timing: 10 minutes

Activity 5

Giving homework

General competence: production of well-formed examples in writing Specific competence: use of structures to convey meaning in speech; Method: dialogue Procedure: Students are asked to solve an exercise2/page37 from their textbooks. In the end, teacher gives students marks for their involvement in the class Interaction: Ss-Ss Timing: 5 minutes

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