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February 3 February 10 February 17 February 24 March 2

Last Sunday after 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday
Epiphany In Lent In Lent In Lent In Lent

Thurifer Scott Bianchini Bob Turner Keaton Petro Lawney Francis II Scott Bianchini

Crucifer Deb Carpenter Shawn Bianchini Audrey Petro Kelli Singrey Deb Carpenter

Christian Wolken Starlin Hicks Will Petro Matthew Hastings Abby Gibson
Aileen Wolken Cody Studebaker Laura White Katie Haeck Chase Gibson

8:00 Eucharistic Eric Satterley Bill Newland Eric Satterley Bill Newland Eric Satterley
Ministers Deb Satterley Scott Bianchini Deb Satterley Scott Bianchini Deb Satterley

10:15 Eucharistic Butch Schapson Steve Gast Lynn Kerber Tom Maze Polly Gabbett
Ministers Sonda Schapson Lee Gast Tony Etienne Steve Gast Need

Shawn Bianchini Deb Blatz Pam Hester Sandy Knisely Sharon Dustin
First Reading
Exodus 24:12-18 Genesis 2:15-17,3:1-7 Genesis 12:1-4a Exodus 17:1-7 I Samuel 16:1-13

Second Reading
Deb Satterley Bob Lichtenwalter Bob Meyers JoElla Smyth Nanette Newland
8:00 am
Crystal Bianchini JoAnn Prout Shirley Steele Brenda Rigdon Keith Piper
10:15 am
II Peter 1:16-21 Romans 5:12-19 Romans 4:1-5,13-17 Romans 5:1-11 Ephesians 5:8-14

Tom & Amy Tom & Sara Scott & Carol Roger & Mary
Gift Presenters Doug & Deb Blatz
Lowe Family Maze Bianchini Haeck

David Ekholm David Ekholm David Ekholm David Ekholm David Ekholm
Doug Blatz Butch Schapson Scott Bianchini Gwen Carter Jim Cowan

Steve & Lee Rick & Diana Polly Gabbett Debbie Bailey Shirley Steele
Gast Creech Sharon Dustin Sara Maze Betty Lichtenwalter

Greg & Sheila Lawney & Lisa Linda Francis David & Julie
Hospitality Hosts Steve & Lee Gast
Cobb Francis Gwen Carter Ekholm
Sara Maze, Betty
Sheila Burner, Lichtenwalter, Pam Hester,
Linda Francis, Sheila Burner,
Barb Easton, Bobbie, Betsy, Sharon Dustin,
Altar Cathy Carter, Barb Easton,
Nanette Newland, Katie Shelby, Syd Ellis, Cindy
Guild Deb DeMuth Nanette Newland,
Carol Bianchini Deb Carpenter Leininger, Annette
Carol Bianchini
Bendix, Jane Smith

Gabby Gooding Kelli Singrey Shawn Bianchini Lawney Francis II Gabby Gooding
Maggie White Erica Hastings Elise White Hana Lasseter Maggie White

Ash Wednesday Lee Gast 2/13 Polly Gabbett 2/20 Marion Carpenter 2/27 Steve Gast 3/5

If you cannot serve as scheduled, please find a substitute. If you cannot find a substitute, please call the Ministry
Chairperson as soon as possible so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Please do NOT leave messages at the
parish office after 3:00pm Friday—we won’t get it in time!

Ministry Chairpersons:
Altar Servers and Wednesday Servers: Lee Gast (267-3691)
Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Acolytes Lee Gast (267-3691)
Altar Guild: Pam Hester (269-1964)
Sara Maze (594-5285)
Lectors/Gift Presenters/Greeters/ Nursery: Parish Office (267-6266)
Ushers: David Ekholm (269-1358)
Children’s Chapel: Deb Blatz (260-982-1109)

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