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Laura Geis Fourth Grade Van Buren Elementary November 14, 201 1 Rationale: This text is appropriate because

it has been commonly used throughout the elementary schools. This book is call Stone Fox and can be used for all levels of readers. Some of the vocabulary is a slight challenging, but the students will get through it with a fair amount of ease. Its also a fun story for the students so it holds their interest from chapter to chapter. Introduction: Today you will be writing two paragraphs about the essay question (that is given below). The paragraphs must be neat, organized, complete sentences, and no grammar or punctuation errors, Goals: The students will be able to understand and create an essay from the chapter they read. They will be able to formulate a two paragraph essay, using the right grammatical tools and be able to express their own thoughts about the chapter that relate to the writing prompt.

Objectives: 1. The students will be able to use context clues from the story and formulate their own thoughts about the writing prompt. 2. They will be able to discuss what they thought with a partner and help each other with any grammar issues or paragraph construction errors. Materials: Stone Fox book Pencil Paper

Activities: 1. Before activity starts, ask the students what they have read in Chapter 7. (This was read on the Monday and Tuesday before I taught my lesson.) 2. Ask the students if they know how many sentences normally go into a paragraph. (5 sentences or more) 3. Review some writing skills: a. Must have a topic sentence b. Supporting details c. Concluding sentence d. Indent the start of the paragraph e. Spelling 4. Have the students begin writing on the following prompt: (write on board)

Willy was not able to sleep the night before the big race. Many thoughts must have been going through his mind as he tossed and turned. Write what his thoughts might have been. 5. Give the students about 2O3O minutes to write their two paragraphs, and after have the students share what they thought with a partner. a. in the partner groups they should look over the students papers and see if they can find any errors before they turn it in. b. NOTE: if some students finish early either has them work on the Dictionary Skills review sheet. (This is a standard that they are working on and they should be able to do this without too much difficultly.) (See Attached) Assessment: The assessment will be how well they wrote about the prompt and how they used context clues from the story to help them answer the question. They will he graded on organization, spelling, how they expressed their knowledge of the story, and if they used the general guidelines of writing a paragraph. (Grading rubric attached) Closing Activity/Summary: The students will have an understanding of the book and use context clues to help them write a clear paragraph. The prompt makes them use their previous knowledge of the book and also use their own thoughts about what they think. In this case what the character was thinking before the big race. This also helps the students understand how the character was feeling, and put the text into a text to world or text to self situation instead of always text to text.



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