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Topic: Bills in Congress Audience:




Bill Becomes a Law

Quinn Gates 4n7t2014 RDG 507 - Esch

1th-12th grade

Webquest ID: 170410

Summary: This webquest leads students to discover the process by which a bill becomes a law. Students will discover who drafts the bills and how, how it is voted on, what is required for the bill to move through Congress, and how it is either signed into law or vetoed. Students answer relevant questions throughout the process, which culminates with a graphic organizer activity that students fill in to summarizethe process.

Activities: Students will answer various questions during the webquest, the answers of which can be found on the pages that I will provide links to. At the end, students will fill out a graphic organizer to assess their understanding ofthe process.

Websites used:
http :// gov/member


http :// asu. edu/le gisvid/leei s4.html http :// gov/fl oorsummary/fl oor. aspx

AWebquest by Danielle Crabtree April 4,2014

Topic: Nuclear Energy

Audience: Grade 10d'-l2m (in a chemistry course)


Link 123 I 63 18 I 110407 0427 381

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Time Commitment: Four to five weeks Summary: This WebQuest allows the opportunity for student to explore nuclear chemistry without nuclear radiation. It takes students through the history of nuclear chemistry the important people involved, and the unfortunate events that have occurred during past nuclear meltdowns. Students will have a chance to explore the workings of a nuclear power plant, what actually causes a nuclear meltdown, and what can be done to prevent a nuclear meltdown from occurring. In the end, student will be able to form their own opinion on the matter and be able to supply a persuasive argument in favor of their side. This WebQuest goes beyond what is normally taught during the nuclear chemistry unit. It is meant for students to go beyond the chemistry classroom, to gain real- world experience without the risk of nuclear radiation, and to have firn!
Students will take on a specific role as either a historian, a scientist, or a politician in order to conduct research and form their own opinion on nuclear energy. The historians will conduct research on the history of nuclear enerry and create a multimedia presentation that will explain how nuclear energy has impacted the past. The scientists will conduct research on how nuclear power plants work and build a model of a nuclear power plant that shows why a nuclear meltdown might occur. The politicians will conduct research on the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear energy in order to facilitate a debate with their fellow classmates. The politicians will also be in charge of writing a ballot so their fellow classmates can vote on the matter. After the vote, each group of students will create a video that presents their data, models, and results to the "President."


Cool Websites:
htto ://ouest
http ://

http ://www. enersy. gov/ http ://www. history. com/

Launa White

Symbiosis Overview
Topic: Symbiosis
Audience: 7th-8th grade WebQuest #170475

Summary My WebQuest is about the different symbiotic relationships that exist in all the
ecosystems that we have here on Earth. Students

will learn the 3 different types of will give them

symbiotic relationships; commensalism, parasitism, and mutualism. They will learn the
vocabulary needed to better understand these relationships. The websites

solid information on the different relationships and examples for each category.

The students

will start off by doing some brainstorming and then writing down of ideas
at for

of types of relationships that they think exist in different ecosystems. Then the students

will do a crosswordpuzzle for the vocabulary words. There is a site they will look

the definitions to the vocabulary words. They will go through a few pages and sites


information to then be able to do a review worksheet. The review worksheet that students

will complete requires them to write down their

answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Lastly, the students will do a creative writing assignment.

Website links


http;//launa;w-hite,rnleebly,com/scicncc-,fzrcts.hlml rnutualistic.html


e.:1 o f -c o

mm en salirm.btml

Irttp;//stemteachelsnowpdpl_qj.,e-c!.w-ikigp_4ges.con1/fi_l-elviery/"S,YMBIQSIS*WORKSI{EET ,p.dfO_!:972610i5/SYIvIB-IO_SIS*WORKSIJEET,p-df

Sara Eick

April 20i4
Toplc: Introduction to Evolution
Audlence: 1 le-12ft Grade
Webquect ll,



Summary: My webquest is about evolution and evolutionary forces. The students will learn about Charles Darwin and his voyage on the HMS Beagle that iead to forming his theories. They will also learn about the different forces that affect evolution and actually read Darwin's original work.

Actlvitles: One of the activities that the students wili perform is writing their own story about an "organism" they have discovered. I have given them links about different biomes on Earth, as well as other planet environments. They will use the forces they have learned about from the cross word and aPply/use it in their stories' Students will
also read from the actual "Origin of Species" and use the learned vocabulary and apply it to the reading.

http:/,u kldarwinldeYolve+ne. ohp

http://h u/evidencg

0 1 /lllMechani$ms-shtml

p:l/{sc ience/soace/solar-svstem




I Don't Care How

Steep !t ls!


Real World Applications of Slope

Audience: 11th-12th grade mathematics or physics

Webquest lD#: t7O4O2

Summary: My WebQuest serves


supplemental material in an introduction to the concept of slope to either math or

physics students. Students will write keep notes while going navigating the WebQuest and write a short essay detailing

what they learned about the physical connection between slope and distance, velocity, and acceleration. Students will

further answer questions about several real world situations posed in the WebQuest.

Activities: Students will begin by reviewing basic information about velocity and acceleration and completing

a short self

assessment "test" (online). Students will watch two short "lectures" online. Students will test their comprehension of vo-

cabularyterms bytaking an online definition matchingtest. Students will write a short essay based on a list of questions
posed in a supplemental handout (writing/comprehension activity). The main purpose of this activity is to motivate students; to show them a connection between the real world and mathematics and/or physics; to make what they are learning in class relevant to them.

Student Websites: (Preperation/pre-activity);"s=!
(distance vs. time)

(velocity vs. time) (testing/vocabulary)
Teacher Websites:

(great AP physics problems [skydiving problem])

http://poster.4teachers.orgl (webquest site)

http://rubistar.4teachers.orglindex.php?screen=PrintRubric&rubric_id=2432248& (rubric)



By: Mia



7th-Bth Grade


NebQtrest rD

# t7o47o

lurvrrvrarg: Students will use several different websites to explore the topic of poetry in different ways that will include everything from reading and watching
poetry to poetry games, poetry creation through online generators and entering poetry contest with a piece of their own work!

Activltle,s: Students will first explore The Poetry Foundation website and choose
poet and poem and share their favorite lines from the chosen poem. Next they will link that has poetry games that will be a fun way to build poetry reading and writing skills as well as practice vocabulary. Students will then visit Button Poetry and choose an unpublished poefs video to watch and see poetry performed verbally and write about their experience watching the poem. Next they will use a fun theme based poem generator that creates very simple poems thatthey will write down in their writing journals. Finally they will access a link to an online national poetry contest, enter a poem thatthey wrote of their ovvn choosing and share which poem they entered in their writing journal!

access a

l,rlebsltes Usedl
http :// http : // http : //buttonp o

htrp:// http //www.libraryofo oetr5r. com/contest.html


Samantha Wolfley

Topic: Thomas More's novella, Utopia

Audience: Juniors and/or Seniors Webquest lD#: 170488

Summary: My webquest centers around Thomas More's Utopio, first published in 1516. The novella is about a fictional "perfect" society. The webquest aims to help students think critically about their society, what type of society they want to live in, and the relationship between rights, responsibilities, and sacrifice. Activities: During the webquest, students will fill out a worksheet of pre-writing activities. They will design their own perfect world; learn about the word "utopia;" read the story; ask questions about what they read; '''rke cr!t!ca!lhinkine links hetween science, economics, and literature; brainstorm ideas; and, finally, write a short essay focused on a chosen set of questions provided at the end of the webquest.
Websites Used: My .+,ebquest: http://poster.4teachers.orelworksheet/view.php?id=170488

-: lr';

:l:-:1--:?:':!lh !j:=s r+r tlrelr sociely: http://www.seesharppress.

. the word "utopia:" \_The nOvella in itS entir.ety. .htt;,r:./-/rro^"1r'


rta!'!h?:f .,.r=..tfil :.,t?1?l.t?'t?a i:!?


i' ,1:r.,:.

Newton's third law of motion: httos:// n&aqs=ch rome..69i57i015.3644i0i4&sourceid=chrome&es s


Opportunity cost:

Articles about utopias: Marxism: https://mises.orsldailv/5255/Marx-as-Utopian
Socialism : http ://www. ma rxists.orelsu

ect/utopia n/

Utopian and Dystopian novels: U KVM UGCBlTR

The rubric:


Spanish Civil War


Alexander Grant

April 2014

Topic: Spanish Civil War and the lnternational Brigades

Web lD:170555
Summary and Activities: My webquest is a smal!,survey of the Spanish Civil War. lt willfirst give students an idea about how it began. Then, students will go on a vocabulary hunt to find out more about the circumstances surrounding the different combatants during the war. Students will pay particular attention to the political affiliations of both sides. ln addition Students will take a look at the lnternational Brigades. Links to testimony will give them a better idea of why men and women volunteered to flght in a foreign country. Finally, the webquest asks the students to reflect on what they have learned by bnswering one of two questions. .. Websites:

//www. e n e is h. i I i n o is. edu /m a ps/scw/p h otess av. htm : //www. h istorvlearn i u k/spa nish civil wa 11.htm ://www.s pa n ish-fiestas. com /h istorv/civi l-wa r/ :// u k/bitesize/hieh erlh istorv/roadwa r/spancivil/revision/1/ http://www.donqu iiote.orelculture/spain/history/the-spanish-civil-war.asp
http http http http

http : //wwuL. i nte rn ati

o n a I - b ri ea d es. o re. u

k/co nte nt/i nt rod u cti o n

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