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1he emergence of Lhe World Wlde Web has noL only glven us access Lo lnformaLlon ln much more lmmedlaLe ways Lhan we
had before, lL's also caused Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon Lo grow exponenLlally ln Lhe pasL few decades. 1hese Lwo facLors
have made lnformaLlon llLeracy skllls lmperaLlve for all dlglLal age clLlzens. 1hese skllls apply Lo sources LhaL you mlghL flnd
on Lhe web or LhaL are avallable ln prlnL because advances ln Lechnology have allowed [usL abouL anyone Lo prlnL or publlsh
[usL abouL anyLhlng, elecLronlcally or oLherwlse. WheLher you read onllne or prefer lnformaLlon ln more LradlLlonal formaLs,
you have Lo have Lhe skllls Lo evaluaLe Lhose sources of lnformaLlon. 1he C8AA 1esL can help. 1hls LesL provldes a llsL of
quesLlons you can ask yourself ln order Lo deLermlne lf Lhe sources you've found provlde Lhe besL lnformaLlon glven Lhe
quesLlon LhaL you are seeklng Lo answer.

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lf relevanL, when was Lhe lnformaLlon gaLhered?
When was lL publlshed or posLed?
When was lL lasL revlsed?
Are llnks funcLlonal and up-Lo-daLe?
ls Lhere evldence of newly added lnformaLlon or llnks?

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uoes Lhe source provlde lnformaLlon you need Lo answer your research quesLlon?
WhaL ls Lhe depLh and breadLh of Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed?
ls Lhe lnformaLlon unlque?
ls lL avallable elsewhere, ln prlnL or elecLronlc formaL?
Could you flnd Lhe same or beLLer lnformaLlon ln anoLher source?
Who ls Lhe lnLended audlence? ls Lhls easlly deLermlned?
?our overall assessmenL ls lmporLanL. Would you be comforLable uslng Lhls source for a research paper?

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Who ls Lhe auLhor/creaLor/sponsor?
ls lL a prlmary, secondary, or LerLlary source?
Are auLhor's credenLlals llsLed?
uoes Lhe auLhor have a repuLaLlon?
ls Lhere conLacL lnformaLlon, such as an e-mall address?
Pas Lhe auLhor publlshed works ln LradlLlonal formaLs?
ls Lhe auLhor afflllaLed wlLh an organlzaLlon?
uoes Lhls organlzaLlon appear Lo supporL or sponsor Lhe page?
WhaL does Lhe domaln name/u8L reveal abouL Lhe source of Lhe lnformaLlon, lf anyLhlng? Lxample: .com .edu .gov .org

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Where does Lhe lnformaLlon come from?
Are Lhe orlglnal sources of lnformaLlon llsLed?
Can you verlfy any of Lhe lnformaLlon ln lndependenL sources or from your own knowledge?
Pas Lhe lnformaLlon been revlewed or refereed?
uoes Lhe language or Lone seem blased?
Are Lhere spelllng, grammar, or oLher Lypos?

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Are posslble blases clearly sLaLed?
ls adverLlslng conLenL vs. lnformaLlonal conLenL easlly dlsLlngulshable?
Are edlLorlals clearly labeled?
ls Lhe purpose of Lhe page sLaLed? ls Lhe purpose Lo lnform? Leach? enLerLaln? enllghLen? sell? persuade?
WhaL does Lhe domaln name/u8L reveal abouL Lhe source of Lhe lnformaLlon, lf anyLhlng? Lxample: .com .edu .gov .org

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